Astrology can help in many areas of life, including professionally. One way you can use it is to see when you're going to have beneficial energy coming so you can make the most of the potential energy available to you. On the way to success! What is an aspect?
There are 30 degrees in every Zodiac sign, so with 12 Zodiac signs, there are 360 degrees total. When two planets or other bodies are at specific distances from one another by degree, these are aspects. There are major aspects and minor aspects, and they're often classified as positive/beneficial or negative/challenging.
The beneficial major aspects are sextiles (60 degrees, or two signs apart) and trines (120 degrees, or four signs apart; signs of the same element trine), so positive periods for you professionally will usually come under sextiles and trines to your 6th or 10th house cusps or rulers, or to your natal Saturn or Mercury, by transit Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, or Pluto. The 6th house and Mercury rule your work life, and the 10th house and Saturn rule your career. Transit Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, & Pluto to the 6th and 10th houses, Mercury, and Saturn
Jupiter aspects are more fleeting, so their impact doesn’t last as long as the others (usually 1-2 weeks). But you can get a great opportunity right around the date of an exact sextile or trine by Jupiter to the 6th or 10th house cusp or ruler, or to your natal Saturn or Mercury. It’s up to you to actually take the opportunity; the down size with Jupiter is you can feel so good that you don’t take action. Take action! Then you may be able to expand on it (base energy of Jupiter is to expand).
Positive Saturn aspects are stabilizing. Saturn aspects lasts a bit longer (a few weeks to a few months). Now, Saturn does have a reputation for making its beneficial aspect much, much quieter than it’s hard aspects, which can make them come and go without you even noticing anything. For this reason, I usually don’t put a *ton* of stock into a sextile or trine by Saturn unless it’s accompanied by another positive aspect. When it is, it helps ground the energy more and allows you to really get down to business (pun intended!). Saturn is the inverse of Jupiter, Uranus, and Neptune, so it’s especially helpful for managing their energy; when coupled with Pluto, this is generally when you have the greatest discipline and self-control for progress. Uranus is the planet of change, so positive Uranus aspects bring your focus in a new direction in some way. It may be that the work or goals you want to work on or have opportunities to pursue change, or that the way you go about them becomes different in some way. You usually can’t go the traditional route when Uranus is involved. You have to look at things in new ways, from different perspectives, and with an eye toward the future. Neptune is the planetary ruler of intuition, so positive Neptune aspects can strengthen your instincts. This can allow you to get a feel for the subtle energies, the subconscious messages, and just know what’s the right choices and actions to take. And, more importantly, you can actually *trust* them! (often, we don’t trust our instincts - how many times has that bitten you?) Neptune is also super creative as ruler of the arts and imagination, so if your job or career goals are artistic/creative in nature, Neptune can bring an extra dose of inspiration. Pluto is the planet of transformation, however this tends to be on display under the challenging aspects. Sometimes it’s also required under the beneficial aspects, but it’s usually waaaaaay less problematic and more of an easy undertaking with you as a willing participant or initiator. I find more often though that the positive Pluto aspects serve to reaffirm your passion and purpose (also ruled by Pluto) for what you’re already dedicated to instead of pushing you to transform your track (which is what the hard aspects can do). Suggested Reading: Jupiter-Pluto & Wealth Comments are closed.