November’s new moon comes on the 7th at 11:01AM ET in watery Scorpio. Scorpio is the sign of intensity, and our energy can be intense, passionate, and unrelenting when we focus it on something. We can dive into whatever is of interest, get to the heart of matters, and want to get below the surface to understand and find solutions. Scorpio doesn’t settle for what’s on the surface - there’s always more than meets the eye! We can use this energy positively if we channel it productively, and we can make progress, take control, and feel more powerful as a result. This can be a big help with Venus no longer retrograde (appearing to move backward) in Scorpio (she moves into Libra October 31st). Some of the wonkiness that may have come about with Venus retrograde in Scorpio, we can work on turning around and doing better with. We can gain more insight, more clarity, and take action. Scorpio is also the sign of transformation, so we can embark on new transformations for the better, hopefully with some knowledge gained from our experiences, so we can move forward. And Scorpio rules other people’s money, so we may see some developments financially, particularly with countries or in ways that impacts a lot of people. The new moon is trine (positive aspect, 4 signs away) Neptune in Pisces. This can help us be more compassionate, understanding, sensitive, and sweet, which is energy we can use with Scorpio. We can be artistic and creative, imaginative and spiritual, and in tune with the subtle energies around us. This new moon occurs at 15 degrees 11 minutes Scorpio. The aspects to this new moon are: Conjunction: 13 degrees 11 minutes - 17 degrees 11 minutes Scorpio Sextile: 13 degrees 11 minutes - 17 degrees 11 minutes Virgo or Capricorn Square: 13 degrees 11 minutes - 17 degrees 11 minutes Leo or Aquarius Trine: 13 degrees 11 minutes - 17 degrees 11 minutes Cancer or Pisces Opposition: 13 degrees 11 minutes - 17 degrees 11 minutes Taurus November’s full moon comes on the 23rd at 12:39AM ET early in air sign Gemini. Gemini is the sign of the mind and full moons are all about emotion, so this full moon connects our hearts and minds. We can be more open with what’s on our minds and in our hearts, and find ways of expressing what we feel. We can identify more strongly with words, ours and others, and can sense the emotions of situations. We need to be mindful of the words we use as they seem to have more power. Mental energy can be strong, but it may be batted around by our feelings a little bit, so we do have to work on trying to get some control over our minds. Mental outlets can help us avoid getting into needless fights and misunderstandings. Keep busy too - you know what they say about idle hands! The ruler of Gemini, Mercury, is retrograde for this full moon, so this can increase communication issues and emotions tied into our words and expression. You can overly identify with our ideas, opinions, and plans, and need to listen a lot more than we think we do. We need to keep our minds open, and not insist on being right so much. Mercury opposes the point of this full moon on November 30th, so whatever planet or point in your chart getting hit by this full moon is also being impacted by the Mercury retrograde and may feel strong as the month of November ends. This full moon is a little wide opposing Jupiter, fresh in Sagittarius, which amplifies some of the communication and expression issues and the lack of listening and being overly defensive of our beliefs. Jupiter is expansive energy at his core, and with an opposition, that’s even more the case. We need to make sure we’re reining ourselves in a little bit so we don’t overinflate! But there’s probably going to be a lot of bravado, braggadociousness, and empty promises. Side note: Also watch for perhaps some legal news or a big travel problem (ruled by Jupiter/Sagittarius). This full moon occurs at 0 degrees 52 minutes Gemini. The aspects to this full moon are: Conjunction: 0 degrees 0 minutes - 2 degrees 52 minutes Gemini Sextile: 0 degrees 0 minutes - 2 degrees 52 minutes Aries or Leo Square: 0 degrees 0 minutes - 2 degrees 52 minutes Virgo or Pisces Trine: 0 degrees 0 minutes - 2 degrees 52 minutes Libra or Aquarius Opposition: 0 degrees 0 minutes - 2 degrees 52 minutes Sagittarius Since this full moon is so early in Gemini, you may also feel aspects made out of sign, which would be: ConjunctIon: 28 degrees 52 minutes - 29 degrees 59 minutes Taurus Sextile: 28 degrees 52 minutes - 29 degrees 59 minutes Cancer or Pisces Square: 28 degrees 52 minutes - 29 degrees 59 minutes Leo or Aquarius Trine: 28 degrees 52 minutes - 29 degrees 59 minutes Virgo or Capricorn Opposition: 28 degrees 52 minutes - 29 degrees 59 minutes Scorpio Suggested Reading: The New & Full Moons page for general interpretations Comments are closed.