If Mercury retrograde conjuncts a house cusp, this can be an important trigger for an event or development in your life during the retrograde, so it's a period for you to pay close attention to. Mercury Retrograde Conjunct the House Cusps:
If Mercury retrograde conjuncts your 1st house cusp, this can bring about a major setback or delay, something important needing to be redone, a big miscommunication or fight, or almost anything else since the 1st house rules you. Try to focus the energy of something you want a second shot at to mitigate it.
If Mercury retrograde conjuncts your 2nd house cusp, this can bring about a major financial development, and you have a financial issue to work out, a major transaction to perform, or a loss of money in some way. Work on your budgeting and stick to it to try to avoid difficulties. You can also be extra lazy, extra stubborn, and may lack confidence. If Mercury retrograde conjuncts your 3rd house cusp, this is one of the houses Mercury naturally rules and governs communications, so there’s usually going to be a fight or misunderstanding, lacking attention and focus, or difficulties over your ideas and plans. You may need to make adjustments with your plans and be more open to new ideas. If Mercury retrograde conjuncts your 4th house cusp, the house of home and family, you may experience a development at home (those leaking faucets and broken appliances!), or with family (some sort of setback or issue with them, or a fight or misunderstanding). Emotionally, you can be quite spent as well. Work on trying to give yourself more support and comfort. You may also experience a bottoming out of something or hitting a low point, requiring adjustments. If Mercury retrograde conjuncts your 5th house cusp, you may end up in a situation where you get attention you don’t want, make a bad impression in the spotlight, or lack attention you’re looking for. You can get into fights or misunderstandings with loved ones, especially anyone you’re dating (if you’re dating someone at the time), or your children (if you have any), and a development can come about with them. Make sure you have creative outlets. If Mercury retrograde conjuncts your 6th house cusp, you can experience a development with your work, needing to do a project over, missing a deadline, or getting into it with employers/employees. There can be an issue in your daily life, or you can experience a health issue, or feel sudden extra stress. If Mercury retrograde conjuncts your 7th house cusp, you can experience a development in your relationships, with someone in your life, or see the re-emergence of an old enemy. You may feel unbalanced (sometimes literally) and indecisive. Work on maintaining some peace and harmony to manage it. If Mercury retrograde conjuncts your 8th house cusp, this can trigger a development that stirs up something deep inside of you, some deeply held issue that you’d rather avoid, and you can be suddenly rageful. Work on small transformations and take baby steps. There can also be financial developments that impact others. If Mercury retrograde conjuncts your 9th house cusp, you may experience sudden space you don’t want/need, or experience sudden restriction. There can be an issue with learning, speaking, or writing, and you can experience travel issues, though this is good for traveling somewhere you’ve been before. If Mercury retrograde conjuncts your 10th house cusp, you can experience developments with your career, goals, and ambitions, and experience setbacks or delays, make a bad impression, or are in the public eye, but not in a way you’re comfortable with. You may be kicked down from a high place and experience a long fall (sometimes literally, so maybe avoid a ladder). If Mercury retrograde conjuncts your 11th house cusp, you can experience developments in your friendships, in a group you belong to, or with your dreams. You may give up on a dream or friendship, or leave a group. Most often, this aspect triggers some sort of sudden, unexpected development or change you need to adjust to. If Mercury retrograde conjuncts your 12th house cusp, this can trigger an ending of some sort, or you may need to let go of something or get rid of something. You can also become privy to a secret, expose a secret of your own, or something from the past can come back into your life. You can also experience an event or situation that feels a little like karma catching up to you. Suggested Reading: Mercury, Venus, and Mars Retrogrades page Comments are closed.