May 2012 Full & New Moons: Full Moon in Scorpio & Solar Eclipse in Gemini May 2012 comes with a full moon in serious Scorpio, helping us get to the heart of matters, followed by a solar eclipse in heady Gemini, bringing tons of mental activity, ideas, and plans. We go from getting obsessed with getting to the heart of the matter to taking a lighter approach. A full moon occurs when the transit (moving) Sun and Moon are exactly opposing one another in the zodiac. It tends to signal a time of endings, culminations, and things coming to fruition. A new moon occurs when the transit Sun and Moon are conjunct, or in the exact same spot in the zodiac. It tends to signal a time of new opportunities, growth, and optimism. Eclipses occur with the new and full moons, and solar eclipse occur with new moons. They are enthusiastic and positive, however much stronger than new moons. New moons have an impact for up to two weeks before and after they occur, while solar eclipse can impact for up to six months before and after they occur, but we feel them when they’re triggered.
May 5th 2012 Full Moon in Scorpio
A full moon occurs at 11:35PM ET at 16 degrees 1 minutes of Scorpio. In Scorpio, this Full Moon is good to evaluate issues related to power and control. Are you feeling taken advantage of? Or have you been wielding an iron fist? People will want to release themselves from the hold of others and take control over their own lives under this moon. A Scorpio Moon is powerful, for this and for the transformations that can take place. We may figure out what needs to be rehabilitated or reborn and do what needs to be done. We may feel more researching and investigating, digging into the heart of matters, unsatisfied with superficiality. If you're a Scorpio Sun, Moon, or mid-Scorpio rising, you may feel the effects of this moon most. May 20th 2012 Solar Eclipse in Gemini A solar eclipse occurs at 7:47PM ET at 0 degree 23 minutes of Gemini. A solar eclipse is a new moon with the Sun and Moon in the same exact spot in the zodiac, and they are in the same sign as one of the lunar nodes. The effects of an eclipse can span many months. In Gemini, this Solar Eclipse is good for electronics and communications. There may seem like a lot of communicating is going on between people, companies, and governments. A new way of communicating could come to light or gain popularity. After the Scorpio Full Moon, we go from feeling heavier and denser to lighter and nonstop going-going-going. We may want to do something about cleaning up our communities and be more helpful neighbors. Young people and siblings may get some attention. If you're a Gemini Sun, Moon, or rising, you may feel the effects of this Moon most. Suggested Reading: The New & Full Moons page for general interpretations Comments are closed.