Mars is gearing up to enter watery Pisces, and joins Neptune in Pisces and Jupiter at the end of Pisces. What does Mars do for us in Pisces? Mars in astrology
Mars is the planet of energy and drive. Whichever sign it's touring, we get lots of energy and feel driven to pursue matters ruled by the Zodiac sign it's in.
On a personal level, you tend to see this in the areas of life ruled by the house transit Mars is touring, and whatever the natal planet or body rules that Mars aspects. Mars in Pisces 2022 Dates:
Mars in Pisces 2022 General Impact:
Mars in Pisces can spur us on to pursue spiritual projects and ventures. We can be more inspired to do something that we're spiritually connected to, and if you're unsure about your spirituality, you may experiment and make it more of a priority to figure it out.
Pisces rules endings, so we may bring more matters to the finish line, wanting to make room for when Mars is in Aries, ruler of new beginnings. Pisces rules intuition, so we can sharpen our intuitive connections, and those who already have done that can have killer instincts now. You can let your inner guide show you what you've been missing. Pisces also rules imagination, so this can be a highly creative period, and we can make use of creative and artistic talents. We pursue creative projects, and quietly work to make progress. Pisces rules compassion and empathy too, so we can strive to be more understanding, and do more to help others. We can make sacrifices if needed. Neptune is also in Pisces, conjuncting (aligning with) Mars on May 18th 2022 at 25 degrees. This increases the Pisces energy tenfold since Neptune rules Pisces, and we're super spiritual, imaginative, intuitive, and compassionate. Jupiter is in Pisces with the two until May 10th (but doesn't conjunct Mars in Pisces). This can help open up new opportunities for spiritual and creative ventures, developing intuition, and doing more for others. Mars is in Pisces until May 24th, and is anaretic in Pisces May 23rd and 24th. This means Mars is at 29 degrees, which is called the anaretic degree, and is the last degree of any sign. In transit, this can be a point of crisis energy, so we may see someone in great need that we have to figure out a way to help, something hidden may come to light, something big may come to an end, or we may have to push through foggy energy (ruled by Pisces). Aside of the conjunction to Neptune, Mars in Pisces will also sextile (positive aspect, two signs away) Uranus in Taurus on May 4th at 14 degrees. This can help push us outside of our comfort zones to try out new, unconventional methods, and we can work independently. Mars in Pisces will also sextile Pluto in Capricorn on May 22nd at 28 degrees, and this can help us transform, find personal power, and find what we need to find. Mars in Pisces is also in play with the eclipses during this time as it's sextile the April 30th Taurus solar eclipse and trine the May 16th Scorpio lunar eclipse. This gives good energy and drive for whatever we're doing or dealing with when it comes to these eclipses, and we don't need to worry too much about Mars getting in the way. Suggested Reading: The Transit Mars page for general interpretations Comments are closed.