It’s eclipse time! March brings with it the first set of eclipses in 2016. The first is a solar eclipse on March 8th at 8:54PM ET in Pisces, and this eclipse wants us to embrace compassion, empathy, intuition, and a gentle approach. We have more energy and enthusiasm and drive, but we want to make sure we’re being considerate with whatever we do. It’s not the time to stomp all over someone to get what you want. It’s better to lend helping hands wherever you can instead, and work to help others anywhere you can. This eclipse is square (hard aspect, 3 signs away) Saturn in Sagittarius, so we can struggle at times with responsibility, and with balancing duty and freedom. We can be a little unsure of our goals or lack a clear direction, but we know we’re going somewhere. We just need to trust our gut - the Pisces way of doing things! This eclipse is also opposite Jupiter in Virgo, which is exact on March 3rd (and on July 13th), acting as a trigger for the eclipse energy. This is just 5 days before the eclipse, so we have some strong energy as this eclipse is occurring, and it’s front and center in our minds. Jupiter is the planet of expansion and growth, so we can see a lot of things (or people) blowing up (hopefully figuratively!) with the opposition to Jupiter. Some good things become great, and some bad things become terrible. Try to go for the good. Let your intuition guide you . . . This solar eclipse occurs at 18 degrees 55 minutes Pisces. The aspects for this eclipse are: Conjunction: 13 degrees 55 minutes - 23 degrees 55 minutes Pisces Semisextile: 16 degrees 55 minutes - 20 degrees 55 minutes Aquarius or Aries Sextile: 13 degrees 55 minutes - 23 degrees 55 minutes Taurus or Capricorn Square: 13 degrees 55 minutes - 23 degrees 55 minutes Gemini or Sagittarius Trine: 13 degrees 55 minutes - 23 degrees 55 minutes Cancer or Scorpio Quincunx: 16 degrees 55 minutes - 20 degrees 55 minutes Leo or Libra Opposition: 13 degrees 55 minutes - 23 degrees 55 minutes Virgo Then we have a lunar eclipse on March 23rd at 7:01AM ET in Libra. This is the third lunar eclipse in three years in Libra, and the last for some years to come. Finally, a break for the Libras! You’ve undergone a major shift over the last 3 years, and all of us have undergone major shifts in our relationships, the way we relate and connect, our views of commitment, approaches to compromise, how we balance our lives, and how we can become fairer. No surprise that during these 3 years we’ve seen same-sex marriage legalized, the Black Lives Matter movement spotlighting discrimination, even something like the Iran deal (though who knows if that will stick!). All very Libra! And while emotions have been charged with Libra-ruled situations, we will have Jupiter enter Libra later this year and bring in some nice energy for them. Nice! Here’s the funny thing about this eclipse - it won’t be triggered by Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, or Pluto in 2016. In fact, the only major trigger was by Mars on November 18th 2015! So we might feel like this eclipse has less energy, especially since the solar eclipse will have big energy. It can just come and go, passing with the wind . . . The lunar eclipse is opposite Mercury in Aries though, so we do need to watch our words and swallow down hurtful, angry speech. Remember Thumper’s mom: If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all! This lunar eclipse occurs at 3 degrees 17 minutes Libra. The aspects for this lunar eclipse are: Conjunction: 0 degrees 17 minutes - 8 degrees 17 minutes Libra Semisextile: 1 degree 17 minutes - 5 degrees 17 minutes Leo or Sagittarius Sextile: 0 degrees 17 minutes - 8 degrees 17 minutes Virgo or Scorpio Square: 0 degrees 17 minutes - 8 degrees 17 minutes Cancer or Capricorn Trine: 0 degrees 17 minutes - 8 degrees 17 minutes Gemini or Aquarius Quincunx: 1 degree 17 minutes - 5 degrees 17 minutes Taurus or Pisces Opposition: 0 degrees 17 minutes - 8 degrees 17 minutes Aries Note: A solar eclipse is a new moon and a lunar eclipse is a full moon that occurs within 18 1/2 degrees of the lunar nodes. Suggested Reading: The New & Full Moons page for general interpretations Comments are closed.