Manifestation can be done in many ways, and one way is to follow to new moons and manifest based on the sign the Moon is in.
With a new moon in Cancer, you can focus on manifesting a better connection to your feelings. Cancer rules emotions, and you can work on any emotional issues. You can work on manifesting a stronger internal foundation for your feelings, and for who you are as a person. Cancer rules passive-aggressive behavior, being subjective, and memory/memories, so you can work on manifesting being more open with your feelings, walking in other people's shoes, having improved memory, or focusing on happier memories. Cancer also rules the home and family, so you can work on any manifestation related to that. For health manifestation, Cancer rules the chest, lungs, breasts, stomach, and pancreas. Here are two specific manifestations you can try for Cancer new moons: Manifesting an Improved Home:
Home is where the heart is, but it’s also a physical place that can be a wreck at times. Maybe you want a nicer place, maybe you want to move, maybe you just want to have a better environment. Home is ruled by Cancer.
At the new moon, take time alone to focus your intention. Light a white candle for purity. If you want to improve your environment, you may also use a clear quartz crystal to remove all of the bad energy and hold it in your non-dominant hand as you write down the perfect home that you want. Feel free to make drawings of it, how it looks on the outside and the location it is, how every room looks, what kind of decor you’d like, you can even create a blueprint of the exact layout. You can also cut out pictures from home magazines. Write down how you want your home to feel. If using the crystal, visualize all of the negative energy being sucked into the crystal and out of your home. If you’d like, burn sage all around your home to clear out the negativity even more, and sprinkle salt at every door and window. Take the quartz and bury it outside when you’re done to fully remove the negative energy. If you create blueprints, drawings, or cut out pictures, hang them up somewhere you’ll see them daily when you wake to keep it fresh in your mind and heart. Recite this mantra daily: I love my home. I live in my perfect home. My home is exactly where I want to live. Manifesting a Strong Family:
We don’t all have strong family ties, so maybe you’re looking to improve the bonds you have with your relatives (or at least refrain from bopping them upside the head). Family is ruled by Cancer.
At the new moon, take time alone to focus your intention. Light a white candle for purity and peace. If you can, try to light one candle for each relative you want to have a better relationship with, and use the color that corresponds to their Zodiac sign (if you can’t get a bunch of colors, you can use white). Light frankincense incense and/or anoint the candles or your third eye with frankincense essential oil to promote peace. Write down how exactly you want your relationship with them to be. What would you like to happen when you call them? When you see them? At parties? On vacation? Write how you want them to act toward you, and how you want to act toward them. Visualize all of this as you write. For this manifestation, allow the candle(s) to burn down completely. Recite this mantra daily: I have a happy family that I love. I have positive relationships with my family members. I enjoy my time spent with my family. Suggested Reading: Manifestation for a New Moon in Scorpio Comments are closed.