Jupiter is already on the move, heading for water sign Pisces on May 13th. Jupiter will be in and out of Pisces a few times, so it's a very fluid transit. Fitting for watery Pisces! Jupiter in Pisces Dates:
How Jupiter in Pisces 2021-2022 Impacts You
Jupiter is the expansive planet, so it expands on whatever sign it's in. With Pisces, one of the things it expands on is our compassion. We can be suuuper compassionate, wanting to help others as much as we can, and willing to make sacrifices in order to help others. This can be great, but it does mean we have to work on better boundaries, because there's always someone there to take advantage of you when you've got a big heart. So, if boundaries are an issue for you, this would be a good time to take stock and work on improving them.
Pisces is a highly intuitive sign, so this transit is likely to increase intuition, spirituality, and interest in the metaphysical even more. It's not just about the physical world anymore, or the brain and what we're thinking, or even just emotion and what we're feeling. It's beyond all of that. Having a solid intuitive connection can be helpful in so many ways in life, and this transit is excellent for forging that strong connection and making positive use of it. Pisces is also the sign ruling the arts and music, and is highly imaginative, so creative energy can also surge. If you're the creative type, there can be inspiration all around, and recognition for creativity may be plentiful. We can appreciate the beauty in creative expression, and use creativity to quietly say what we may not actually be saying. Pisces is the very last Zodiac sign, so it's also connected to endings, and it may feel like something big is coming to an end in some way. We can take time to be more introspective, to turn inward and reflect, and to look at the past and try to understand all that has come to pass. We can tap into our subconscious minds and figure out subconscious motivations, and tackle subconscious issues. This can be a great time for deep letting go, for moving on, and for releasing unhealthy baggage. Pisces also connects to the 12th house, which rules the hidden, so we may become more aware of things that have been under the radar and out of our view. Some of this may be good, and we get information and data points to use to make better decisions. But some of this may be things coming out that would be better gotten rid of, and maybe it's time to do just that. Also want to note that Jupiter used to be the ruler of Pisces (before Neptune came along), so Jupiter does feel at ease here, and that makes all of this energy a bit easier. On a personal level, you can experience any or all of this in the areas of life ruled by the house(s) Jupiter in Pisces tours in your natal chart. How Jupiter in Pisces Differs From Jupiter in Aquarius
Jupiter in Aquarius is more focused on the external, bringing new people into your life, new experiences, and opening us up to the unconventional. We want to be more independent and individuals. With Jupiter in Pisces, we're far more concerned about others, and want to do as much as we can to be of help.
Aquarius is also an air sign, focused on the mind, while Pisces is a fluid water and mutable sign. Not only is emotion more important, but intuition. Aquarius likes to think things through thoroughly (being one of the signs of the expert), while Pisces can go purely by intuition. Sometimes this does get Pisces in trouble, but it's trying to get us to have strong connections to our own inner guides. Special Periods During Jupiter in Pisces
You can tell right off of the bat that Jupiter in Pisces comes with ruler Neptune in Pisces, and they officially conjunct (align) once on April 12th 2022 (at 23 degrees). This amplifies the impact of Pisces big time, especially since both rulers (the traditional ruler in Jupiter and modern ruler in Neptune) being in Pisces. It's great for Pisces! And all those Pisces things. So be intuitive, creative, imaginative, compassionate, release, and understand.
Jupiter is also sextile (positive aspect, 2 signs away) both Uranus in Taurus and Pluto in Capricorn, so it's playing nice with the outer planets. It hits Uranus first (February 17th 2022 @ 11 degrees), and this can help us with making changes, doing things differently, embracing the unconventional, being individuals, and working for the collective. With Pluto, this comes May 3rd 2022 (28 degrees), with Pluto turning retrograde April 29th 2022 sextile, so this one is in effect for several weeks. It helps with transforming, growing personal power, being productive, and creating positive changes on a large scale. Mars is in Pisces with Jupiter starting April 14th 2022; Mars is in Pisces until May 24th 2022, but Jupiter exits Pisces May 10th, so they're only together in Pisces for about a month and they don't conjunct at any point. Still, Mars is the planet of energy and drive, so this can amplify the Pisces energy even more, and we can strive to do more to help others, to finish or get rid of something, or to make use of creativity. A new moon occurs on March 2nd 2022 in Pisces that is conjunct Jupiter in Pisces, so this can be an excellent time for new beginnings related to Pisces. We may start new creative and artistic projects, new ventures that help others, or focus on new spiritual pursuits. When Jupiter re-enters Pisces on October 28th 2022 for its last few months in this sign, Mars will turn retrograde (appear to move backward) 2 days later on October 30th in Gemini square (hard aspect, 3 signs away) Jupiter in Pisces. This doesn't go exact, but it does amplify the aggressive energy of Mars retrograde at the start. There's also a solar eclipse in Scorpio October 25th, a few days before Jupiter re-enters Pisces, and a lunar eclipse November 8th in Taurus triggered by Uranus. So, most of the tour for Jupiter in Pisces is quite nice, but the end might be a big mess! Super aggressive energy with Mars retrograde, highly emotional with the eclipses, and some unexpected developments and irrational behavior with Uranus. We will definitely need to be cautious and careful at that point in 2022! Jupiter in Pisces Conjunct the Outer Planets in Your Natal Chart
No one alive now (unless you're a vampire, anyway) has Pluto in Pisces; Neptune is currently in Pisces, so those babies born now and in the last few years since Neptune has been in Pisces have Jupiter connecting with their Neptune. Since they're babies and really young children, this may not seem super obvious externally, but they're likely going to be more sensitive in all ways (and probably sweeter), benefit from creative projects (break out the paint brushes!), and they'll need their parents to be more mindful of protecting their boundaries (since kids can't really protect their own).
Most of the group of teenagers now have Uranus in Pisces (born between 2003 and 2011), so if you've got a pre-teen or teenager (or you are one - do your parents know you're reading this???), this means Jupiter will align with their Uranus. Uranus is the planet of rebellion, so watch for more of that! haha They're going to want more freedom to be themselves and experiment, so give them some space to dye their hair green (or something). At the same time, make sure they know they have their place at home/with the family so they can feel safe enough as they venture outside of their comfort zones. Final Thought -
Overall, this is a very pleasant transit for most of it, and we just need to be more thoughtful and deliberate coming out of it to end 2022. In the meantime, make the most of the sweet energy - be creative and intuitive and understanding!
Suggested Reading: The Transit Jupiter page for general interpretations of Jupiter in the houses and aspecting the natal planets Comments are closed.