Jupiter is gearing up to end its retrograde on October 18th, and comes to us in Aquarius. What does this Jupiter direct 2021 have in store for us? Jupiter in Astrology
In astrology, Jupiter is the planet of expansion. It expands on whatever it's touching and doing, so this can be good or bad. Generally, Jupiter wants to be positive and make good things happen, so if you work with it, it's much easier to turn around than say, Saturn or Pluto (that darn duo).
In your natal chart, Jupiter shows where you need space and are open to new experiences, where you look at the bright side, and where you can find some luck when you need it. In transit, Jupiter shows where you experience these things at the moment. What does direct mean in astrology?
Direct means that the planet is no longer retrograde. Planets and bodies are called retrograde when they appear to be moving backward through the Zodiac from our view here on Earth (don't worry, they're not *actually* moving backward, and just appear that way).
When a planet or body is no longer moving backward, this is called direct. It's now gearing up to move forward again. Before it starts moving forward, it usually hovers in the same spot for a little bit, and this is called stationing. Energy tends to be slower and more stagnant as we get ready to change course. Jupiter Direct 2021:
This Jupiter direct 2021 occurs with Jupiter in Aquarius, after Jupiter came back to Aquarius while retrograde on July 28th. In Aquarius, we may feel we want more space to be true to ourselves, to act independently yet also for the good of all, to create changes and embrace the unconventional, and to think more about the future.
This Jupiter direct 2021 comes with Jupiter trine (positive aspect, 4 signs away) both transit Sun and Mars in Libra. This is super beneficial, and we can come out of this retrograde with more energy than we'd normally have thanks to Mars pushing us to take action, and can feel like we're expressing ourselves better and going more for what we want thanks to the Sun. With the Sun and Mars also in Libra, another social sign with Aquarius, we may work better together, or at least attempt to. This goes along great with Mercury retrograde ending that same day in Libra, and after mucking things up with our communications and dealings with others for a few weeks, we'll need to nice energy to get us on the same page again! The Jupiter direct 2021 can impact you most in the areas of life ruled by the house in your natal chart it occurs in, and is strongest if it aspects any of your natal planets. The Jupiter direct occurs at 22 degrees 20 minutes Aquarius, so the aspects are: Conjunction: 19 degrees 20 minutes - 25 degrees 20 minutes Aquarius Sextile: 19 degrees 20 minutes - 25 degrees 20 minutes Aries or Sagittarius Square: 19 degrees 20 minutes - 25 degrees 20 minutes Taurus or Scorpio Trine: 19 degrees 20 minutes - 25 degrees 20 minutes Gemini or Libra Opposition: 19 degrees 20 minutes - 25 degrees 20 minutes Leo If sextile or trine any of your natal planets, this is beneficial energy that you have an easier time using, and you can work on pursuing opportunities or creating new beneficial experiences. If square or opposite any of your natal planets, this is challenging energy, so you have to be mindful of the potential to be lazy, indulgent, or prone to excess, and get that under control. If you can find proper motivation, you can make positive use of the energy. If conjunct any of your natal planets, this amplifies the energy of that planet, and you can make great use of it, but need to be careful of overdoing things, or potentially feeling so good that you do nothing! Suggested Reading: The Expansion of Jupiter Comments are closed.