June's new moon occurs on June 13th at 3:42PM ET in Gemini. Gemini is the sign of the mind, so we can come up with lots of new ideas, new plans. and be more engaging and inquisitive. We can focus on learning new things, absorbing new information, sharing what we know, and we can be curious about the way things work. You can become interested in a variety of things, though we can lose interest pretty fast. The mind jumps from this to that! We can focus on matters to do with young people, schools, communities, neighborhoods, siblings - all ruled by Gemini. We may see more people speaking up and shining a light on ideas and plans. We can consider lots of options, and we can get started with lots of plans. Do we stick with them though? For the most part, we focus on the positives with a Gemini full moon, and our outlook is largely optimistic. We want to see the good, and we want to come up with happy ideas and plans. We can also be more engaging, keeping ourselves busy to use up the extra mental energy, and there can be plenty to work on and deal with. Always lots to do! This new moon occurs at 22 degrees 44 minutes Gemini. The major aspects to this new moon are: Conjunction: 20 degrees 44 minutes - 24 degrees 44 minutes Gemini Sextile: 20 degrees 44 minutes - 24 degrees 44 minutes Aries or Leo Square: 20 degrees 44 minutes - 24 degrees 44 minutes Virgo or Pisces Trine: 20 degrees 44 minutes - 24 degrees 44 minutes Libra or Aquarius Opposition: 20 degrees 44 minutes - 24 degrees 44 minutes Sagittarius The full moon for June occurs on the 28th at 12:53AM ET in Capricorn. Capricorn is the height of the Zodiac, so we may see the culmination of some events or decisions or actions, feeling like we're hitting a high point or hitting our stride with the things that we've done right by and been responsible with. But we can also see setbacks, delays, failures, falls from high places, and humiliations for those who haven't done things the right way. Hint: Do things the right way! Capricorn is ruler of authority figures, governments, and politics, so we may see some developments in these arenas. Some may do well, and others may falter (big!). Some may wither under the microscope, and others may thrive. This full moon is conjunct (aligned with) Saturn, ruler of Capricorn, in Capricorn. That's a lot of Capricorn energy, so the influence is amplified. With Saturn, we're also more likely to see a downfall or a sharp rise, or both. We can also feel more restricted, confined, like we have limited options and need to be very careful we make the right choices. We may need to work on finding some space within the limitations so we don't suffocate under Saturn's restrictions. This full moon occurs at 6 degrees 28 minutes Capricorn. The major aspects to this new moon are: Conjunction: 4 degrees 28 minutes - 8 degrees 28 minutes Capricorn Sextile: 4 degrees 28 minutes - 8 degrees 28 minutes Scorpio or Pisces Square: 4 degrees 28 minutes - 8 degrees 28 minutes Aries or Libra Trine: 4 degrees 28 minutes - 8 degrees 28 minutes Taurus or Virgo Opposition: 4 degrees 28 minutes - 8 degrees 28 minutes Cancer Suggested Reading: The New & Full Moons page for general interpretations Comments are closed.