And here come to first new and full moons for 2021! January comes with a new moon in earthy Capricorn and a full moon in fiery Leo. What is a new moon?
A new moon occurs when the transit (moving) Sun and Moon are in the exact same position in the Zodiac (called a conjunction). New moons are related to beginnings, have high energy, and are enthusiastic.
What is a full moon?
A full moon occurs when the transit (moving) Sun and Moon are in the exact opposite positions in the Zodiac (called an opposition). Full moons are related to endings, culminations, and are emotional energy.
New Moon in Capricorn: January 13th 2021 (12:01AM ET/ January 12th @ 9:01PM PT)
January's new moon occurs in Capricorn, but thankfully, we have no Capricorn stellium for it to trigger! So we just get some good old fashioned Capricorn energy. We can set new goals, work on long-term plans, and make sure we're going in the right direction for this new year. We can be practical about what we can achieve, and know what our abilities are.
Capricorn helps us to get more disciplined, responsible, cautious, and considerate. We can try to do things the right way and for the right reasons, and we can work to build something that will last for a long time. Our focus in realistic, and we can stick to our plans faithfully. There may be focus on governments, institutions, corporations, the establishment, or politics with this new moon (hopefully not in a terrible way!). This new moon is conjunct (aligned with) Pluto in Capricorn, and this increases passion and intensity for the new moon. Whatever we work on, we can throw ourselves into fully, and channel our passionate energy productively. We can start new transformations for the better, and we can revamp the status quo to something that makes more sense moving forward. The new moon occurs at 23 degrees 13 minutes Capricorn. The aspects to this new moon are: Conjunction: 21 degrees 13 minutes - 25 degrees 13 minutes Capricorn Sextile: 21 degrees 13 minutes - 25 degrees 13 minutes Scorpio or Pisces Square: 21 degrees 13 minutes - 25 degrees 13 minutes Aries or Libra Trine: 21 degrees 13 minutes - 25 degrees 13 minutes Taurus or Virgo Opposition: 21 degrees 13 minutes - 25 degrees 13 minutes Cancer Full Moon in Leo: January 28th 2021 (2:16PM ET/11:16AM PT)
The full moon for January 2021 comes to us in Leo, and this is the sign of creativity, love, and fun. We can work to connect better with our hearts, and feel more inspired creatively. We can finalize creative plans, finish up creative projects, and eliminate love blocks. We may have less focus for anything that is too much like "work", and instead want to make more time for play, fun, and romance.
We may want more attention with a Leo full moon, and this can make us a little needy. This is more of an issue if one lacks proper self-esteem, so work on that. We may grow closer with those we love, and feel more of a spiritual connection with them. Any we don't, we may pull away from. This full moon is square (hard aspect, 3 signs away) Mars in Taurus and opposite Jupiter in Aquarius, so there is some challenging energy with this full moon. Mars might bring out some fighting energy, and we can be more frustrated and easily irritated. We may need a healthy outlet for frustrations. Jupiter can make us lazier, excessive, or self-centered. We may need to give ourselves some space without pushing everything away, and make sure we're not over-inflating the ego. The full moon occurs at 9 degrees 6 minutes Leo. The aspects to this full moon are: Conjunction: 7 degrees 6 minutes - 11 degrees 6 minutes Leo Sextile: 7 degrees 6 minutes - 11 degrees 6 minutes Gemini or Libra Square: 7 degrees 6 minutes - 11 degrees 6 minutes Taurus or Scorpio Trine: 7 degrees 6 minutes - 11 degrees 6 minutes Aries or Sagittarius Opposition: 7 degrees 6 minutes - 11 degrees 6 minutes Aquarius Suggested Reading: The New & Full Moons page for general interpretations Comments are closed.