Venus is the planet of love in astrology, and when the transit (moving) planets are making a hard aspect (conjunction, square, opposition) to your natal Venus, this can have a challenging impact on your relationships in your life. Transit Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto can bring the most challenging energy with this. Hard Saturn to Venus: Lessons in Love
When Saturn is aspecting your natal Venus, you get the commitment-minded Saturn meeting with lover Venus. When Saturn is conjunct, square, or opposite your natal Venus, your relationships can come under the microscope, and issues you have in your relationships can become exposed. Any issues you have with commitment or love can become more apparent to you, and you may be challenged more by others.
Some relationships and partnerships may break apart, and this can feel unsettling. You an be afraid of getting hurt by others, so you may keep more of a distance with others. You may feel more stuck in your life, and when you become stubborn, you may encounter more problems. It can be super important to ground yourself under these hard aspects, but not keep yourself from moving forward at all. When you’re dealing with Venus, you have to face love and relationship issues with the hard aspects. The hard aspects show you the issues you still have to deal with. Saturn is the commitment planet, and wants you to be committed to the people you care about, but wants you to make sure that your relationships are healthy and add to your life, and have a solid foundation. That starts with dealing with your own. issues before you can create the kinds of relationships Saturn wants you to have. You also have to be willing to let go of people who aren’t good for you, no longer serve a positive purpose, or you’ve outgrown. Hard Uranus to Venus: Love Changes
When Uranus is conjunct, square, or opposite your natal Venus, this can bring some unstable energy into your relationships, and you may deal with a lot of erratic people, or have to address issues in existing relationships.
If the relationship feels stale, has gotten kind of boring, or you don’t have a completely solid connection, Uranus can make you want something else, something different. If you feel stifled by the other person, you may push back, wanting more independence. This is usually a time when you want more space from others, more freedom in your relationships to be yourself, and that can sometimes mean parting ways. But you don’t want to do that on a whim, because then you may regret it later. Uranus can just make us really impatient! The hard aspects can also bring some people into our lives who are radically different from the types of people you’d usually associate with, and sometimes they’re not great either. Sometimes they’re really erratic and can turn your life upside down. When you’re dealing with Venus, you should try to focus on making sure your relationships and partnerships have a solid connection, aren’t stuck in their ways, and give you enough space to be yourself. If there is a relationship or partnership you’ve been wanting to break free from but haven’t been able to, this can be a good time for it. Hard Neptune to Venus: Dissolving Relationships
When Neptune is conjunct, square, or opposite your natal Venus, this is the ultimate time of falling for the wolf in sheep’s clothing, the Devil in disguise. How often do people fall under the spell of someone horrible under a hard Neptune aspect? Oh, very very very often!
These aspects are ones where, when you see you’re under them, you absolutely have to be careful of who you trust. Your intuition about people can be on the fritz, and you may struggle with trying to figure people out. You may think you’ve met a soul mate, but it’s usually just a loser, but you don’t see that until the aspect has lifted and the fog has cleared. Then you’re all, hot diggity dog, what have I done?! These aspects can also be challenging for existing relationships, and can cause you to make some questionable decisions and actions. Affairs can be more likely, and secrets within relationships can be exposed. People may fade from your life as connections dissolve. But in that case, there usually wasn’t a very strong or healthy connection in the first place. When you’re dealing with Venus and Neptune, you have to work very hard at trying to be realistic with the people in your life with the hard aspects. It can be helpful to ground yourself - though that also can be more difficult since Venus rules grounding! But you want to try anyway, as well as set up boundaries in your relationships. The hard aspects tend to make us give way too much of ourselves away, and sacrifice too much for others, so solid boundaries are crucial. Always the case with Neptune! Hard Pluto to Venus: Transforming Relationships
When Pluto is conjunct, square, or opposite your natal Venus, this usually spells trouble for your relationships. One or more of your relationships can undergo a trial, and issues that exist in relationships can become more difficult to ignore, and relationship issues you have can come to the forefront.
Relationships can break apart if you can’t hold it together, while some may go in the opposite direction can get lost in obsession (sometimes more than stalker-like!). With the opposition, it may feel like the people in your life are the ones causing problems and you’re the victim, but you may be projecting on others and need to be more aware. With the square, issues that have festered for a while can bubble to the surface, and anything that’s been internalized leads to greater frustration. With the conjunction, incredibly intense Pluto energy can enter into relationships, and it’s important to find a way to use that energy to keep relationships together. When you’re dealing with Venus, it’s all about transforming relationships for the better. Pluto doesn’t want to settle, and with Venus, that means not settling in your relationships. The transformation that a relationship needs to undergo can be unsettling, and many relationships don’t survive them. The ones that do, can be around for the long haul (if you can get through Pluto together, you can get through anything!). For some, the issues may be of a personal nature though; your own relationship issues and your own issues in your attitude toward relationships, commitment, or deeply-held past issues impacting relationships now, and not an actual relationship you have in your life. In this case, it’s about transforming your own attitudes, beliefs, and releasing baggage and trauma. And for some, the issues may be focused more on your relationship with yourself rather than your relationships with others, especially if you’re someone who doesn’t know how to be alone and doesn’t really like yourself. Which exactly it is for you can usually be found with the houses your Venus rules, is located, or in your Venus sign. Suggested Reading: Venus in the Composite Chart Comments are closed.