The transit (moving) Moon is the fastest planet in astrology, and it zips through all 12 Zodiac signs in less than one month. It usually spends 2-3 days in each Zodiac sign. One phenomena associated with the Moon is the void-of-course Moon. The Moon is void of connections in its course of movement through the Zodiac, stalling and slowing energy a great deal. The slow, stalled energy of the void Moon can make it a challenging period to maneuver. So, learn about what the void Moon periods are, what to do with them, and what not to! The 3 Different Void-of-Course Moon Periods
There are actually 3 different void-of-course Moon periods in astrology. The first is the most well-known, and it begins when the transit Moon makes the last major aspect to another transit planet while in the Zodiac sign it currently is, and ends when the transit Moon enters the next sign.
Almost every void-of-course Moon calendar uses this void Moon. It's the only one I personally use as well, and the other two are more obscure and not in circulation much. The second void-of-course Moon period starts when the transit Moon makes the last major aspect to your natal planets while in the Zodiac sign it currently is, and ends when the transit Moon makes the first major aspect to your natal planets after entering a new sign. This is a period void Moon period that depends on your own natal chart. Because of this, it only impacts you and NOT the people around you or anyone else. It means you're personally in limbo, stalled, and uncertain, until the Moon enters a new sign and makes a major aspect to your natal chart. This void Moon period requires you to keep track of the transit aspects the Moon makes to your natal planets each day. If all of your natal planets are bunched together by degree, then this personal void Moon period can last quite long; if all of your natal planets are spread wide apart, then this personal void Moon period can be really short. The third void-of-course Moon is straightforward, and is when the transit Moon comes to 27 degrees of its sign, and ends when it reaches 3 degrees of the next sign. This is a traditional void Moon that used to be more popular before computers because it's so easy. With this third void-of-course Moon period, the idea is that they Moon is gearing up to enter a new sign toward the end, and then adjusting to the new sign toward the beginning, and this stalls and slows energy. What You SHOULD Do During a Void-of-Course Moon
There is a time for everything in astrology, even the void-of-course Moon! The first thing that the void Moon period is great for is tying up loose ends and finishing what you've started.
Since this isn't a great time for anything new, it can be excellent for anything you've already started and want to continue the pace with. You can get the little things done, and get it finished, and move on. The second thing the void Moon period is great for is getting rest. Since energy is slower, this is an excellent time to get needed rest and relaxation. Many of us get pretty tired during void Moon periods, so if that's what you feel called to, that can be a great thing to do. If you've been working quite a bit lately, or haven't been sleeping well, the void Moon offers a chance to slow down and rest. The third thing the void Moon period is great for is being introspective. Pretty much all of these kinds of things in astrology are excellent for introspection, and we can take the slower energy as an opportunity to reflect, to be quiet, and to understand. We're not big on anything too loud and too demanding, and we may want to retreat from work, chores, and responsibilities. A little time for reflection can fit in well. Finally, the void Moon period is also great for anything you don't want to follow through with. Yes, you read that right! If you don't want to follow through with something, either make the decision/promise/commitment during the void Moon period, or schedule it to occur during a void-of-course Moon. Do both, and it'll likely completely fall through! Remember that energy slows, we're not up for anything new, and the Moon is riding aimlessly. This makes it great for anything you don't want to follow through with, since the Moon isn't interested either. What NOT to Do During a Void-of-Course Moon
The number one thing you'll read and hear about with the void-of-course Moon period is it's a bad time for starting anything new. If it's something you really want to follow through with and accomplish, try to avoid starting it during the void-of-course Moon.
I also try to avoid major purchases during the void-of-course Moon. I take a similar approach as with the retrogrades, and feel that major purchases during the void Moon period get delayed, have extra issues, and will require more of your attention upon arrival. Exercise may be a challenge during the void-of-course Moon period since energy is on the low side anyway. We may not feel up for any kind of exercise, especially when we're craving a nap more than anything! This can especially be the case if it's physically-demanding exercise, If it's soothing, calming exercise, then you might be okay. In general, anything physically demanding may not be a great idea during the void Moon period. You may not want to go for a hike, or cook a huge meal, or move around all of your furniture. You just lack the energy for it. Suggested Reading: Void-of-Course Moon Periods in the Zodiac Signs Comments are closed.