Whether it’s a holiday, birthday, or anniversary, finding the right gift can be mind boggling at times, especially for someone you don’t know very well yet. The planet Venus shows what gifts we would like and appreciate, so check out their Venus sign and house to get some ideas for what they’d love to get from you. Gift Options by Natal Venus in the Signs & Houses:
Aries Venus
This Venus sign would love anything that allows them to be active, so a gym membership, bicycle, or sporting equipment could work. Sports is often something this position loves, so get them something of their favorite team. Aries rules the head, so you can think about things for the head: hats, hair accessories, luxurious facial products, earrings. This sign is ruled by the color red, so you can try clothing, an accessory, or office product in a vibrant red. Taurus Venus This Venus sign loves comfort and indulgence, so you pretty much can’t go wrong with food. Find out what their favorite is and hunt down something special, gourmet, a true delicacy. If you’re not sure what, some specialty chocolate from a chocolatier or a bottle of fine vintage wine should do the trick. This Venus sign can also love spa gifts, musical gifts, perfume/cologne, or anything that engages their senses in a fabulous way. Gemini Venus This Venus sign is the sign of the mind, so anything that can engage their mind is usually a winner. Find out their favorite author or genre and get them some books or a gift card to a bookstore, or give them a beautiful pen and journal so they can do some writing of their own. They also appreciate gadgetry, so you can opt for the latest piece of tech that will keep them occupied. They also love learning, so give them a way to learn something new. Cancer Venus This Venus sign loves the home, so give them something that they can use to spruce up their home, like a painting, old photograph, vase, or clock. They’re also sentimental, so anything that conjures up an old memory would be great for them as well. They tend to be more traditional, so try to avoid anything really different or modern. Cookbooks can go over well with them, as well as something with a story. Leo Venus This Venus sign loves luxury and drama, so give them something expensive, even gaudy, and they’ll eat it up. Tickets to a play or musical, a night out at the most expensive restaurant in town, or even their favorite movie can do. Leo is the sign of the inner child, so find out what was their favorite toy as a kid and give it to them - they’ll adore you for that. Leo also rules your hobbies, so you can find out what their hobbies are and give them something appropriate for them. Virgo Venus This Venus sign is super organized and loves to be productive, so give them something to help with that. Something for the office, for their desk, for their computer, or exceptionally practical can work. Don’t go for anything too extravagant with this Venus sign - they might just give it back to you! They appreciate gifts that will serve a purpose in their life, so even something like a kitchen appliance or bathroom accessory would do. Libra Venus This Venus sign has great taste, so whatever you get them should be classy and stylish. They love looking good, so some designer clothes or accessories or jewelry could work. They also love music, so get them concert tickets or take them to the symphony. They enjoy being in beautiful surroundings, so you can give them something gorgeous for their home or office, especially something artistic or a piece of art. Scorpio Venus This Venus sign loves a good mystery, so try giving them something that will allow them to solve a puzzle - maybe even an actual puzzle! They’re attracted to the darker side of life and can find taboo items and subjects thrilling, so feel free to go for something a little strange and morbid. If this is your romantic partner, you know they love sex and sexuality, so feel free to get something for the bedroom. Sagittarius Venus This Venus sign loves adventure, so give them an experience. Trips in particular are something they’ll enjoy, even if it’s just to the town next door, as long as they have some sort of new, fun experience. They appreciate the outdoors and being physically active, so sporting or outdoor equipment can work. They love travel, so anything travel related can do - a globe or atlas, suitcases, a backpack, a compass, maps, travel guides. Capricorn Venus This Venus sign appreciates things that are classic, not necessarily trendy, so try to avoid the latest crazes with them. They adore antiques, something with history, so go vintage. It could be an old vinyl record or a vintage car. They also like things that will help them pay attention to their goals, so try something like a briefcase or clock. And they can have a surprising sense of humor too, so something funny could work. Aquarius Venus This Venus sign loves to learn, so give them the ability to pick up something new - a course on a foreign language, a knitting kit, piano lessons. They also love electronics, so get them the latest and most futuristic tech toy on the market. If they haven’t seen it yet, even better! Aquarius is fascinated by the New Age and the future, so they might love getting a reading, whether it’s astrology, numerology, tarot, runes, cartomancy, crystals, etc. Pisces Venus This Venus sign has an artistic side and active imagination, so get them a fantasy novel, book of poetry, a painting, or musical instrument. They love the water, so a water feature, aquarium, or something they can use in the water (like bath salts) can work. They’re in touch with the Universe, so something that stirs their spiritual side can be good too. If this is your romantic partner, feel free to be as sappy-romantic as you can be. 1st House Venus They absolutely love getting gifts, almost no matter what it is, though they may respond better to something luxurious and expensive. This house position is like an Aries and Taurus Venus combined. Any Venus sign in this house will be more indulgent. 2nd House Venus They’re extremely sensual, so focus on what you can get them that will stir their senses. They also have good taste and don’t want anything cheap. This house position is like a Taurus Venus. Any Venus sign in this house will be more sensual. 3rd House Venus They love to use their mind, so give them something that allows them to use up some of the mental energy that they have. This house position is like a Gemini Venus. Any Venus sign in this house will be more mentally focused. 4th House Venus They love anything from the heart, so give them something that has some feeling attached to it. This house position is like a Cancer Venus. Any Venus sign in this house will be more sentimental and emotionally attached to what they get. 5th House Venus They appreciate big gifts, grand gestures, and luxury, so don’t skimp on your gift for them, and make sure it’s something they’ll fully enjoy. This house position is like a Leo Venus. Any Venus sign in this house will be more luxurious. 6th House Venus They focus on their work, so give them something that will help them work to the best of their abilities, whether it’s their work for their job or their work for daily life. This house position is like a Virgo Venus. Any Venus sign in this house will be more practical. 7th House Venus They prefer doing things with a partner as opposed to by themselves or with a group, so try giving them something that they can do with another person. This house positions is like a Libra Venus. Any Venus sign in this house will be classier. 8th House Venus They want to get lost in something deep with lots of layers, so a book, movie, or game that allows them to bring out their inner detective works. This house position is like a Scorpio Venus. Any Venus sign in this house will be more serious. 9th House Venus They want to have fun, so give them something they can have fun with, whether it’s out in the big wide world or just in their heads. This house position is like a Sagittarius Venus. Any Venus sign in this house will be travel oriented. 10th House Venus They love old things, feeling a connection to them, so go for something with history to it. This house position is like a Capricorn Venus. Any Venus sign in this house will have a more mature taste in gifts. 11th House Venus They like things to be a little different and a little quirky, so try something that isn’t quite the norm. This house position is like an Aquarius Venus. Any Venus sign in this house will have a more eclectic taste in gifts. 12th House Venus They don’t want a fuss to be made over them publicly, so give them the gift in private, and go for something that will use their imagination. This house position is like a Pisces Venus. Any Venus sign in this house can be more difficult to figure out, so focus more on the sign of their Venus. Suggested Reading: Zodiac Signs Holiday Gift Guide Comments are closed.