February 2012 Full & New Moons: Full Moon in Leo & New Moon in Pisces February 2012 comes with a full moon in Leo, a creative and positive fire sign who wants us to get in tune with our hearts, and a new moon in Pisces, a sweet and sensitive water sign that wants us to be gentle, spiritual, and intuitive. A full moon occurs when the transit (moving) Sun and Moon are exactly opposing one another in the zodiac. It tends to signal a time of endings, culminations, and things coming to fruition. A new moon occurs when the transit Sun and Moon are in the exact same spot in the zodiac. This is called a conjunction. It tends to signal a time of new opportunities, growth, and optimism.
February 7th 2012 Full Moon in Leo
A full moon occurs at 4:54PM at 18 degrees 31 minutes of Leo. In Leo, this Full Moon is good to end a creative project, or elevate your creativity, linking it more deeply to your emotions. Focus on creative projects and opportunities you can pursue, and put your all into them. Everyone may seem a little more drama queen now, and their emotions may be busting through the surface with flair. Don't create problems out of thin air or just for the fun of being dramatic. Ask yourself if you’re letting pride get in the way now, and if so, where is it coming from and how can you work on it. This Full Moon opposes Mercury, which could bring difficulties with communications. It may seem like everyone is having a hard time understanding each other. There could be more problems with technology as well, and with neighbors, siblings, or young people. If you're a Leo Sun, Moon, or mid-Leo rising, you may feel the effects of this moon most. February 21st 2012 New Moon in Pisces A new moon occurs at 5:35PM at 2 degrees 42 minutes of Pisces. This is a good Moon to explore your subconscious, your dreams, and anything hidden below the surface. You may want to submerge yourself into something to escape the mundane of the day-to-day and enter a fantasy world. It's good to read a book or watch a movie and really get a feel for them. Water, feet, and music may be more prominent. Compassion can be very strong, as well as empathy, so we can sense what others are feeling and we likely want to help. Go out and do something good for someone else, volunteering or giving of yourself in some way. Just make sure to be mindful of boundaries to protect yourself and others. This New Moon conjuncts Neptune, the natural ruler of Pisces, a pleasing aspect making the Neptune/Pisces influence more pronounced. We’re super intuitive, spiritual, sensitive, compassionate, and imaginative. If you're a Pisces Sun, Moon, or rising, you may feel the effects of this moon most. Suggested Reading: The New & Full Moons page for general interpretations Comments are closed.