The last month of 2020 is coming! December brings the last eclipse, a solar eclipse in Sagittarius, and closes out with a full moon in Cancer. What is a solar eclipse?
A new moon occurs when the transit (moving) Sun and Moon are in the exact same position in the Zodiac (called a conjunction). New moons are related to beginnings, have high energy, and are enthusiastic. Solar eclipses occur with new moons.
What is a full moon?
A full moon occurs when the transit (moving) Sun and Moon are in the exact opposite positions in the Zodiac (called an opposition). Full moons are related to endings, culminations, and are emotional energy.
Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius: December 14th 2020 (11:17AM ET/ 8:17AM PT)
Our final eclipse, finally! 2020 came with 6 eclipses, which is an unusually high amount. 4 were lunar eclipses though, so they just added on to the intense energy of this year. We cap the year eclipse-wise with a solar eclipse in Sagittarius, and this is a much more optimistic, positive, forward-thinking eclipse. We can look at things with a brighter view, and believe in what's possible.
There may be more opportunities to pursue, bigger ideas to work on, and we want to expand, explore, and have new experiences. We can focus on being free to do what we want, when we want, and break out from something that has boxed us in for too long. We can get excited and focus on what we really believe in. This eclipse comes just a few days before both Jupiter and Saturn move into changeable Aquarius, so this is big energy for mid-December! It's all about the future, what's possible, and what new ventures we can embark on. There may be a big hurdle to jump just beforehand thanks to Jupiter and Saturn being anaretic first (oy for that), but we're moving forward with greater enthusiasm and optimism. The solar eclipse is conjunct (aligned with) Mercury in Sagittarius, trine (positive aspect, four signs away) Mars in Aries, and widely square (hard aspect, three signs away) Neptune in Pisces. Mercury brings out lots of ideas, and we can chat about all of the things we want to do. We can work on plans, and try to get things started quickly in the short-term. Mars gives us extra energy and drive, and after being stalled out thanks to Mars retrograde, we can pick back up and get moving. Neptune might bring out some rose-colored glasses though, so we do need to make sure we're being realistic about everything. Don't want to ruin the new opportunities by being totally out of touch! The solar eclipse occurs at 23 degrees 8 minutes Sagittarius. Aspects to the solar eclipse are: Conjunction: 18 degrees 8 minutes - 28 degrees 8 minutes Sagittarius Semisextile: 21 degrees 8 minutes - 25 degrees 8 minutes Scorpio or Capricorn Sextile: 18 degrees 8 minutes - 28 degrees 8 minutes Libra or Aquarius Square: 18 degrees 8 minutes - 28 degrees 8 minutes Virgo or Pisces Trine: 18 degrees 8 minutes - 28 degrees 8 minutes Aries or Leo Quincunx: 21 degrees 8 minutes - 25 degrees 8 minutes Taurus or Cancer Opposition: 18 degrees 8 minutes - 28 degrees 8 minutes Gemini Full Moon in Cancer: December 29th 2020 (10:29PM ET/7:29PM PT)
We close out 2020 with a full moon in Cancer, the sign of emotions. We may be more in tune with what we're feeling, and want to soothe ourselves. We may stick to what we know best, and give ourselves comfort and support. We can be more supportive of others, and sensitive to emotional needs.
Cancer rules the home and family, so we may be focused on matters at home or with family. We can work to settle issues with our relatives, grow closer emotionally to those we think of as family, or cut off those who aren't supportive and positive for us. We can work to make our home lives more supportive, and a place to get away from the wonky world. Cancer is the bottom of the Zodiac, so we may have to get to the core of something, work to strengthen the foundation of something, or see something important hit bottom. This full moon is just sextile (positive aspect, two signs away) Uranus in Taurus. Uranus is change, so our emotions may motivate us to make changes in our lives and think about the future. This is perfect as we end a year and start a new one. I think most of us are looking toward 2021 with hope that it *must* be better than 2020! The full moon occurs at 8 degrees 53 minutes Cancer. Aspects to the full moon are: Conjunction: 6 degrees 53 minutes - 10 degrees 53 minutes Cancer Sextile: 6 degrees 53 minutes - 10 degrees 53 minutes Taurus or Virgo Square: 6 degrees 53 minutes - 10 degrees 53 minutes Aries or Libra Trine: 6 degrees 53 minutes - 10 degrees 53 minutes Scorpio or Pisces Opposition: 6 degrees 53 minutes - 10 degrees 53 minutes Capricorn Suggested Reading: The New & Full Moons page for general interpretations by house & aspect Comments are closed.