December’s new moon comes on the 7th at 2:21AM ET in happy Sagittarius. Sagittarius new moons are usually a time when we want to focus on the positives, can feel more optimistic, expand our lives, open up to the world, come up with big ideas, and just think bigger in general. Everything can seem a little brighter. Something we probably need! Some of this energy may be a result of Mercury retrograde ending the day before this new moon, and we’re done with the retrograde madness for 2018. Mercury retrograde began in November in Sagittarius, so the things that may have been put on hold, that may have had to get shelved, or that experienced setbacks, we can focus on picking back up again. We can open our minds, want to learn more about the world and the way people live, and there may be focus on travel, on higher learning, and on foreign lands, people, and cultures. Stay open to knowledge and wisdom. The new moon is square (hard aspect, 3 signs away) both Mars and Neptune, who are conjunct (aligned) in watery Pisces. This brings some complicated energy to the new moon, and we may be a little frustrated, a little foggy, and feel like we need to do something, take action with something, but have a hard time figuring out what that should be. We’ll need to trust our instincts more, connect more to our soul, and make sure we’re being smart with what we do and not just jump into anything impulsively. There can also be a focus on an ending of some sort, and we may need to work on being more compassionate with people we may view as “other”. We’re all human, there is no other, so remember that! This new moon occurs at 15 degrees 7 minutes Sagittarius. The aspects to this new moon are: Conjunction: 13 degrees 7 minutes - 17 degrees 7 minutes Sagittarius Sextile: 13 degrees 7 minutes - 17 degrees 7 minutes Libra or Aquarius Square: 13 degrees 7 minutes - 17 degrees 7 minutes Virgo or Pisces Trine: 13 degrees 7 minutes - 17 degrees 7 minutes Aries or Leo Opposition: 13 degrees 7 minutes - 17 degrees 7 minutes Gemini December’s full moon comes on the 22nd at 12:49PM ET early in watery Cancer. This is the sign of the home and family, so we can focus on the home, matters to do with our family, and want to come together as one big family. We can focus on our countries and homelands, and feel a stronger emotional connection. Cancer is the sign of emotions, so we can be much more in tune with what we’re feeling, and crave more emotional comfort and support. We may prefer to stick to what we know best to help achieve that. We may be more nurturing and supportive of others, and need it in return. In the Zodiac Wheel, Cancer represents to bottom of the chart, so we may get back to our roots in some way, get at the core of something, work on the foundation of something that may seem shaky, or feel like something “bottom’s out” in some way. This may be an emotional experience, but is likely something we can learn and grow from. This full moon occurs at a special degree, 0 degrees Cancer, which is a critical degree, the Aries Point in Cancer. We may feel the need to bring out our emotions and our personal perspectives into the world to make others understand what we’re feeling, but need to make sure we’re not being completely subjective. It can be easy to get wrapped up in our emotions, and we need to consider everyone’s feelings, not just our own. This full moon is sextile (positive aspect, two signs away) Uranus retrograde in Aries, but this aspect is out of sign, so it may be more subtle. It helps us to find some of the objectivity that we need, and we can be more true to ourselves and our individuality. This full moon occurs at 0 degrees 49 minutes Cancer. The aspects to this full moon are: Conjunction: 0 degrees 0 minutes - 2 degrees 49 minutes Cancer Sextile: 0 degrees 0 minutes - 2 degrees 49 minutes Taurus or Virgo Square: 0 degrees 0 minutes - 2 degrees 49 minutes Aries or Libra Trine: 0 degrees 0 minutes - 2 degrees 49 minutes Scorpio or Pisces Opposition: 0 degrees 0 minutes - 2 degrees 49 minutes Capricorn Since this full moon is so early in Cancer, you may also feel aspects made out of sign, which would be: ConjunctIon: 28 degrees 49 minutes - 29 degrees 59 minutes Gemini Sextile: 28 degrees 49 minutes - 29 degrees 59 minutes Aries or Leo Square: 28 degrees 49 minutes - 29 degrees 59 minutes Virgo or Pisces Trine: 28 degrees 49 minutes - 29 degrees 59 minutes Libra or Aquarius Opposition: 28 degrees 49 minutes - 29 degrees 59 minutes Sagittarius Suggested Reading: The New & Full Moons page for general interpretations Comments are closed.