A full moon occurs on December 13th at 7:06PM ET in Gemini, and full moons in Gemini are usually good times to merge together the heart and the mind. Full moons are emotional and Gemini is the sign of the mind, so we can express what we feel, think about our emotions, and bring together the logic of what we know with the instincts of our hearts. It can be a good time for all of us to say what needs to be said, and to be heartfelt in the what we say. It can be a time to finish learning new things or become more serious about what we’re learning; to finish small projects and our short-term plans or become more invested in them; to figure out which of our ideas are worth pursuing and we believe in, and which should walk away from. We can be more engaging and want to connect with one another in a lighter way. We don’t need to be too serious with this full moon, and can instead find some levity, even if we’re having a hard time. We can recognize that no matter how serious or bad things are, we have the ability to come up with a way out of it. Just gotta think of something! This full moon is sextile (positive aspect, two signs away) Uranus, who is retrograde (appearing to move backward) in fire sign Aries. This helps to keep the lightness of the full moon, and we can embrace what makes us unique, step outside of our comfort zone, and be independent yet still focus on how to improve the world as a whole. This aspect also helps with mental energy, helping us to focus more on what we need to and putting our expertise to good use. This full moon occurs at 22 degrees 25 minutes Gemini. The aspects this full moon makes are: Conjunction: 20 degrees 25 minutes - 24 degrees 25 minutes Gemini Sextile: 20 degrees 25 minutes - 24 degrees 25 minutes Aries or Leo Square: 20 degrees 25 minutes - 24 degrees 25 minutes Virgo or Pisces Trine: 20 degrees 25 minutes - 24 degrees 25 minutes Libra or Aquarius Opposition: 20 degrees 25 minutes - 24 degrees 25 minutes Sagittarius A new moon occurs on December 29th 1:53AM ET in Capricorn, just a few days before the year comes to a close (egads, we’re almost done with 2016! Actually, I look forward to it being over - you?). Capricorn is the sign that rules our goals, ambitions, and direction, so this is a fitting new moon at the right time of year. We end one year and go into a new one focused on what we want to be doing in 2017, where we want to go and how we’ll get there, and we can tweak long-term plans, set new goals, and think about opportunities to pursue them. The new moon is sextile both Venus and Neptune in water sign Pisces, which is helpful energy. We can benefit from the people in our lives (Venus) and from our imaginations (Neptune). Both of these planets are very creative, so we can look at doing things in creative ways and channel energy creatively. Both of these planets are also pretty gentle, so we may not be so rough-and-tumble in the way we approach our goals and ventures. This new moon is also conjunct (aligned with) Mercury, who is retrograde in Capricorn at the time of this new moon. This is the monkey wrench! The new moon may shine more of a light on the Mercury retrograde problems we may be dealing with at this time, BUT this can also be a bright spot in the retrograde. We can take the time to give ourselves second chances with goals we thought we wouldn’t have another shot at but have dreamed of. We can go into 2017 thinking that maybe this is the year of second chances. We’ve all got something we’d like a do-over with or we’d like to have another chance to try, and this may be just the right time, just the right energy to do it. This new moon occurs at 7 degrees 59 minutes Capricorn. The aspects this new moon makes are: Conjunction: 5 degrees 59 minutes - 9 degrees 59 minutes Capricorn Sextile: 5 degrees 59 minutes - 9 degrees 59 minutes Scorpio or Pisces Square: 5 degrees 59 minutes - 9 degrees 59 minutes Aries or Libra Trine: 5 degrees 59 minutes - 9 degrees 59 minutes Taurus or Virgo Opposition: 5 degrees 59 minutes - 9 degrees 59 minutes Cancer Suggested Reading: The New & Full Moons page for general interpretations Comments are closed.