ββIt's impossible to be 100% healthy 100% of the time (otherwise we'd all be living forever - unless you're a vampire, of course!). So what in a natal chart can show health issues you're predisposed to having? Let's see! Critical Degrees & Health
There are a few different things you can look at, but one this article will cover is a natal planet at a critical degree. Critical degrees are certain degrees in the Zodiac that have critical energy. Every planet rules different parts of the body, so if you have a natal planet at a critical degree, you can be predisposed to health issues ruled by that planet.
You can experience these issues at any point of your life, or your entire life when it's a natal planet. You can also experience them temporarily when a progressed planet comes to a critical degree, and you can become predisposed to health issues with that planet for as long as it's critical in the progressed chart. In case you aren't familiar, the critical degrees are: 0, 13, 26 degrees of Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn 8-9, 21-22 degrees of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius 4, 17 degrees of Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces They may pop up at times usually as a result of a transit (moving) planet aspecting the natal planet. Body Parts, the Planets, and Potential Health Impact
Here's a list of what each planet rules with the body:
The Sun: The Sun actually rules your entire body as a whole, so having the Sun at a critical degree can show general health issues overall. Specifically, the Sun rules your heart, so you may have to deal with blood pressure issues, irregular heartbeat, heart disease, etc. With a critical Sun, take special care of your heart. β The Moon: The Moon rules your stomach and pancreas, as well as your chest, so having the Moon at a critical degree can show issues with your stomach, digestion, or pancreas-related issues (like diabetes since the pancreas creates insulin). When it comes to the chest, the Moon rules your chest cavity and breasts, but not your lungs (Mercury) or heart (The Sun). Mercury: Mercury rules your lungs, shoulders, arms, wrists, hands, and digestion, so having Mercury at a critical degree may bring about issues with things like carpel tunnel or trigger finger (hands and wrists), or issues with breathing (like asthma, allergies). You may deal with digestive issues as well. Mercury also rules stress, so a critical Mercury can show being predisposed to issues brought on by stress. Also, while Mercury doesn't rule your vocal cords (Venus does), Mercury does rule communication, so health issues that can impact your ability to communicate can also pop up. Venus: Venus rules your neck, throat, thyroid, and kidneys, so having Venus at a critical degree can show issues with speaking (constant laryngitis or strep throat) or vocal cords, thyroid problems, or kidney issues. Venus rules diabetes in general, but it can be shown with both the Moon and Venus. Also adding in that Ceres is argued to be the ruler of Taurus, which would make Ceres ruler of the throat and bring potential throat issues if critical. Mars: Mars rules your head, so having Mars at a critical degree may bring about issues with headaches/migraines or dizziness (or anything with the brain), bad eyesight or eye issues, issues with your mouth (though teeth are ruled by Saturn), or with your scalp. Mars also rules your skin along with Saturn, but Mars governs oily skin issues like acne, while Saturn rules dry skin issues like psoriasis. Mars is also ruler of accidents and injuries, so you may be predisposed to them as well. And Mars also governs testosterone, which can be an issue (especially for males, but females as well). Jupiter: Jupiter rules your hips, liver, and upper legs, so having Jupiter at a critical degree may bring about issues with your hips (like dislocation), with your liver, or with your thighs. Jupiter can also tie in to issues with overconsumption since this is the planet of excess (so careful with food, drugs, alcohol, medicine). Saturn: Saturn rules your skin (dry), bones, joints, teeth, and gall bladder, so having Saturn at a critical degree can show issues with dry skin (psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis), bones (get your calcium!), joints (creaky), teeth (get regular checkups), and gall bladder (watch for stones). Saturn can also show health issues that arise as a result of not taking proper care of your body or not properly addressing existing health problems. Uranus: Uranus rules your lower legs, so having Uranus at a critical degree can show issues with leg cramps, circulation, spider or varicose veins, or with your calves or ankles. Uranus also rules the sudden and unexpected, so you may experience health issues that come from out of nowhere. Neptune: Neptune rules your feet and lymphatic system, so having Neptune at a critical degree can show issues with bunions, corns, arches (feet), and since Neptune rules your lymphatic system, you can be prone to toxicity, reactions to medications, and hypersensitivity to environmental toxins and chemicals. You generally need to be more cautious with what you both put in your body and expose your body to, and it's a good idea to avoid unnecessary drugs or chemicals. Neptune also obscures and makes it difficult to figure things out, so you may be prone to health issues that go undiagnosed or misdiagnosed, or that modern medicine doesn't have treatment for. Pluto: Pluto rules your reproductive system, rectum, colon, and bladder, so having Pluto at a critical degree may bring about issues with your reproductive system (infertility, problems with reproductive hormones), and PMS or PMDD. You can also experience digestive issues that impact your system of elimination, and need to take care with your colon. Suggested Reading: How to Predict Accidents & Injuries Comments are closed.