Tomorrow we'll experience Chiron direct, with Chiron ending its retrograde in Aries. Retrograde means that a planet or point appears to be moving backward through the Zodiac; it isn't actually moving backward, it just looks that way. Chiron has been retrograde since early July, so it's a period of about 5 months retrograde. What does Chiron mean?
First of all, Chiron is called an asteroid in astrology. It's actually completely and totally up for debate what exactly Chiron is (asteroid, comet, minor planet - and astronomers think astrologers are tipsy!). But as far as astrology goes, it's considered an asteroid.
Chiron is dubbed the "wounded healer", and is associated with our greatest wounds and how we can heal from them. The sign and house placement of your natal Chiron can show how this works for you. Your greatest wounds in life will likely be tied to Chiron is some way, and the way to heal from them can also be understood through Chiron. Chiron can bring a lot of maturity and wisdom, and a quiet strength and power within once you've healed and grown; I also find Chiron is often tied to mysticism and spirituality (many highly spiritual types have a strong natal Chiron), and to your health (the ones you're susceptible to in the natal chart, and ones that can come about in transit). Is Chiron important in astrology?
Of course! Though Chiron may be more important for you personally if conjunct (aligned with) one of your natal planets (particularly the personal planets - Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars) or one of your angles (Ascendant, Imum Coeli, Descendant, Midheaven). Then you're going to feel Chiron suuuper strong in your life, and healing is even more important for you.
But for all of us, Chiron can be important. Understanding what your greatest wounds are, how they've impacted you, how best to heal from them, and how to protect yourself from future wounding - that sounds pretty important! And Chiron transits are absolutely important for all of us, even if your natal Chiron isn't prominent. Transit Chiron can aspect any part of your chart, and make the energy of Chiron super important for the time it's active for you. You may want to check out this article about transit Chiron aspects if you've got some transit Chiron aspects going on. Chiron Astrology 2019
So, let's get to the technical stuff. Chiron direct occurs tomorrow with Chiron at 1 degree 26 minutes in the sign of Aries. Chiron retrograde started in July at 5 degrees 56 minutes Aries, so Chiron has moved about 4 1/2 degrees during this retrograde period early in the sign of Aries.
If you have planets or points between 1 and 5 degrees of Aries, Cancer, Libra, or Capricorn, Chiron has made a hard aspect to that planet/point (so if you've been extra sensitive, extra tired, or extra reflective, this may be way); if your planet is in Gemini, Leo, Sagittarius, or Aquarius, Chiron has made an easy aspect to that planet/point (increasing your intuition and healing abilities). Chiron direct occurs with Chiron square (hard aspect, 3 signs away) Jupiter in Capricorn and trine (positive aspect, 4 signs away) Mercury in Sagittarius. The square to Jupiter means we may lack motivation to deal with wounds and healing, and have to force ourselves to get moving with anything that is causing problems, otherwise they may expand and get worse. The trine to Mercury means we can come up with plans for healing, and can focus on healing of the mind. Chiron is currently stationing, which means its hovering in the same position. This occurs whenever anything turns retrograde or direct since it has to slow down to change its motion. Chiron started stationing 2 days ago on December 9th, and will remain stationing until December 17th. While stationing, we may feel like we're going very slowly with healing, like we're not moving in any real direction for a little while. We may have difficulty figuring out what we should do about wounds and problems, and can get a little stuck before energy starts picking up again. Be considerate of others and take care of yourself! Suggested Reading: Prominent Natal Chiron Comments are closed.