Ceres moves from sweet, quiet Pisces to fiery and loud Aries on February 21st, and stays in this fire sign for a few months. Nurturing Ceres goes from a super sensitive sign in Pisces to a more independent sign of Aries. That's pretty different! What is Ceres in astrology?
Ceres is technically a dwarf planet (like Pluto) but in astrology, we call it an asteroid (as it was before the dwarf planet designation). Ceres is super nurturing, supportive, caring, and there for you. I describe it as a supercharged Moon. You can find Ceres in your own chart on astro.com (in Extended Chart Selection, click on Additional Objects, and select Ceres from the menu).
Ceres in Aries Dates:
General Impact of Ceres in Aries:
Ceres is in Pisces at the moment, and this is a sweet, sensitive, gentle position for Ceres to be in. Ceres in Aries isn't exactly like that! With Ceres in Aries, we're more likely to nurture ourselves, and feel emotionally comfortable with being louder, assertive, and active.
Activity is something we're much more likely to need in order to balance ourselves and feel more secure. Without being active, this may be a challenging period. On a personal level, you may find this to be most focused on the areas of life ruled by the natl house(s) Ceres in Aries will tour for you. We may want to do more of the things that we enjoy for ourselves, or that allow us to showcase more of who we are. We're less likely to hide our identities, and want to have the freedom to be ourselves. Ceres in Aries can make us more comfortable with being independent, and we can help others to find their own way and learn how to rely on themselves. Ceres in Aries Aspects:
Final Notes:
Ceres will be at 0 degrees Aries February 21st - 23rd, which is a special position called the 0 degrees Aries Point. This is the very first degree in the Zodiac (which is made up of 360 degrees, 30 for each of the 12 signs). 0 degrees Aries wants us to show our true selves, to be who we really are outwardly. If that's been a problem, it can be front-and-center!
At the end, Ceres will be at 29 degrees Aries May 5th - 8th, which is called the anaretic degree (which is 29 degrees of any sign, the last degree). The anaretic degree is a point of crisis energy in transit, and we may feel we have to make a big push for expression around this time. We have to be mindful of being overly aggressive or selfish to do it though. Suggested Reading: Transit Ceres in the Houses Comments are closed.