Strength can be defined in many ways. You can be strong emotionally, mentally, spiritually, or physically. Astrologically, strength in general is usually seen with Pluto, Scorpio, and the 8th house. Emotional Strength
Emotions are ruled by the Moon, 4th house, and Cancer, so having your Moon in Scorpio or the 8th house, Pluto in Cancer or the 4th house, your 4th house cusp in Scorpio or 8th house cusp in Cancer, or your natal Moon in aspect to your natal Pluto can show a natural emotional strength.
All of us can find the way we can be emotionally strong through the Moon-Pluto midpoint, the exact middle of your Moon and Pluto, which is where their energies merge. This position can show you the best way for you to cultivate emotional strength. Focus on the sign and house position, and any planets conjunct, square, or opposite. You can work on developing emotional strength under transits which help you focus on the energy. You can do this when transit Pluto is in your 4th house, transit Moon is in your 8th house, with transit Pluto sextile or trine your natal Moon, or with transit Jupiter, Saturn, or Pluto conjunct, square, or opposite your Moon-Pluto midpoint. Mental Strength
The mind is ruled by Mercury, Gemini, and the 3rd house, so having your Mercury in Scorpio or the 8th house, Pluto in Gemini or the 3rd house, your 3rd house cusp in Scorpio or your 8th house cusp in Gemini, or your natal Mercury in aspect to your natal Pluto can show a natural mental strength.
Your Mercury-Pluto midpoint can show how you can cultivate mental strength as well. You can work on developing mental strength when transit Pluto is in your 3rd house, transit Mercury is in your 8th house, with transit Pluto conjunct, sextile or trine your natal Mercury, or with transit Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, or Pluto conjunct, square, or opposite your Mercury-Pluto midpoint. Spiritual Strength
Your spiritual self is ruled by Neptune, Pisces, and the 12th house, so having your Neptune in Scorpio or the 8th house, Pluto in Pisces or the 12th house, your 8th house cusp in Pisces or 12th house cusp in Scorpio, or with natal Neptune in aspect to your natal Pluto can show spiritual strength, and your Neptune-Pluto midpoint can show you the best way to cultivate spiritual strength.
You can work on developing spiritual strength when transit Neptune is in your 8th house, transit Pluto is in your 12th house, transit Pluto is conjunct, sextile, or trine your natal Neptune or transit Neptune is conjunct, sextile, or trine your natal Pluto, or when transit Jupiter or Saturn are conjunct, square, or opposite your Neptune-Pluto midpoint. Physical Strength
Physical strength can be seen with Mars, Aries, and the 1st house, having Mars in Scorpio or the 8th house, Pluto in Aries or the 1st house, the 1st house cusp in Scorpio or the 8th house cusp in Aries, or natal Mars in aspect to natal Pluto, and your Mars-Pluto midpoint can show you the way to develop physical strength.
You can work on it when transit Pluto is in your 1st house, transit Mars is in your 8th house, transit Pluto is sextile or trine your natal Mars, transit Mars is conjunct, sextile, or trine your natal Pluto, or transit Jupiter or Saturn are conjunct, square, or opposite your Mars-Pluto midpoint. Strength in general:
For strength in general, you can look at your Sun, which rules you overall, and if you have your natal Sun in aspect to your natal Pluto, this can give you more general strength.
Your Sun-Pluto midpoint can show how to cultivate general strength, and you can work on it with any positive transit aspect to your natal Sun, or transit Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, or Pluto conjunct, square, or opposite your Sun-Pluto midpoint. It can also be helpful to focus on your Black Moon Lilith, who governs a hidden, inner power and strength that we all have access to. Suggested Reading: The Black Moon Lilith series Comments are closed.