Fame can be something many people want but few actually get. While there is the potential in almost any chart for fame (check out the free mini e-course, Five Minutes of Fame, and you can see where fame in your chart can be located), it doesn’t happen for everyone. About 10 years ago, I got curious about what could indicate fame predictively, so I studied charts of celebrities (about 100) and what aspects they had occurring around the time they first became famous. There’s no silver bullet for it, but I did find that pretty much across the board, almost every person had a major outer planet transit by Uranus, Neptune, or to a lesser extent, Pluto, occurring at the time they became famous. Astrological Indicators of Fame
The aspect and the planet involved tend to show the nature of how the person became famous or how they were perceived. Conjunctions, squares, and oppositions by Uranus or Pluto seem more common when the fame is thrust upon you, or you’re not comfortable with it, at least initially. Sextiles and trines made the transition easier.
Neptune aspects seemed to play a role in the perception, their image, and in particular, the hard aspects (conjunct, square, opposite) often showed someone who has an image projected on to them, and they aren’t very happy about it as people see them how they want to see them and not as they actually are. Fame example:
Oddly, I remember Neptune playing a big role in the massive fame that Kristin Stewart, Robert Pattinson, and Taylor Lautner attained with the Twilight series. Charts below:
In 2008 (the first film), Neptune was square (hard aspect) Robert’s Taurus Sun (and he seemed the most uncomfortable with it all), sextile (easy aspect) Kristin’s Sun and conjunct (aligned with) her Mars (and she was the initial driver - Mars - plus Mars rules her Aries Sun), and conjunct Taylor’s Sun and Mercury (taking him from unknown to heartthrob, though in a more natural way than Robert). While Neptune rules music, it’s also beneficial for actors because they have to take on a role, pretending to be something they aren’t, so the filmmakers lucked out with the main actors having major Neptune transits to their Suns at the same time. Uranus is the natural ruler of fame, and at that same time, Kristin had Uranus trine her Pluto (ruler of her 6th house of work), Taylor had Uranus sextile his Neptune (more Neptune), and Robert had Uranus conjunct his Jupiter and sextile his Mars. Pluto, at the end of Sagittarius, was sextile Taylor’s 6th house cusp and trine Robert’s North Node, but had far less impact than Uranus and Neptune. In all of the charts I looked at, Pluto did seem to be the least indicative of fame predictively; Neptune and Uranus seem to be stronger. This makes sense considering Uranus rules the masses (bringing you before the public) and Neptune rules the arts (the usual way of fame; this may be different for say, social media influencers and reality TV stars who attain fame through a way that isn't artistic at all, but that didn't exist as a thing yet when I did this research!). So, if you’re an aspiring musician or actor looking to make it big, pay close attention to the outer planets in transit, particularly Uranus and Neptune. Suggested Reading: Astrology of BTS Comments are closed.