Some people start dating when they're like, five (how does that work?). Most are somewhere in the teen years. But some are late bloomers when it comes to relationships, and never have one until they're well into adulthood. Astrology has an answer for almost everything - even this! What can show being a relationship late bloomer astrologically, and what does this mean? Let's explore! Saturn: Wait Til You're a Grownup
Saturn is often associated with being a late bloomer in anything in life, and this often is with the areas of life ruled by the house in your natal chart Saturn resides (as well as planets conjunct or in the same sign). This is because Saturn wants you to grow up first!
Saturn is the disciplinarian, the one who insists we learn lessons to grow. Saturn is serious and practical, and doesn't care for whimsy and being carefree. Saturn may be the one slowing you down with relationships if it's: - in the 5th house (of love) or 7th house (of relationships) - in Leo (ruling love) or Libra (ruling relationships) - closely aspecting your natal Venus (planet of relationships), natal 5th house ruler, or natal 7th house ruler - in the same sign as your natal Venus, 5th house ruler, or 7th house ruler With Saturn, you usually don't get whatever it is Saturn is impacting until you've had your first Saturn Return (when Saturn returns to the same exact position it was at when you were born). This happens between 28-32. So when Saturn is the one preventing you from having that relationship until you're older, it's usually going to be when you're over 30. You can get through Saturn when you learn your Saturn lessons. If you fight Saturn, this becomes a problem. Then Saturn can keep you single - forever! North Node: Your Uncomfortable Destiny
Another one that many don't think of is the North Node. The North Node is a part of the Lunar Nodes, which are the points in the Moon's orbit where the Moon crosses the ecliptic. There's a North Node and a South Node that exactly oppose one another. The South Node is what you've already learned/are comfortable with/your past or early life, while the North Node is your potential, purpose, and what you need to grow into.
Because the North Node is unfamiliar, it's uncomfortable, and we tend to shy away from it until we're older. Until then, we'll gravitate to the South Node, because this is energy we're familiar with. This means your North Node can make you a relationship late bloomer if it's: - in Leo (sign of love) or Libra (sign of relationships) - in the 5th house (of love) or 7th house (of relationships) - in the same sign as your natal Venus (planet of love), 5th house ruler, or 7th house ruler You gravitate to the South Node at first in life, so with North Node in Leo (or 5th house), your South Node is in Aquarius (or 11th house), which makes you more independent and casual; and with North Node in Libra (or 7th house), your South Node is in Aries (or 1st house), which makes you more comfortable alone than with others. Your North Node is unfamiliar and uncomfortable, so you have to get over that and start manifesting that energy in your life. You have to work on blocks that may be in the way to using the energy. This can be seen with planets that are square (3 signs away) your Lunar Nodes, and having Venus, a planet in Leo or Libra or your 5th or 7th house ruler square can also show being a relationship late bloomer. The thing about the North Node is, this is your potential and purpose, so you're definitely not meant to be alone. But, if you keep living in the South Node and avoiding any blocks, you won't manifest your North Node energy and realize that potential and purpose. With both Saturn and the North Node, you need to work on yourself! When you do work on yourself, and you do learn and grow and pursue your purpose, then you can find the relationship that's been missing. Challenged Venus, 5th house ruler, 7th house ruler, and Descendant
One other thing that can show being a relationship late bloomer is if your natal Venus, 5th or 7th house ruler, or Descendant are challenged, meaning they are:
- anaretic (at 29 degrees) - intercepted (contained within a house) - a singleton (the only planet in an element, quality, or house type) - retrograde There are some more but those are the main ones! Now, this doesn't *only* indicate being a relationship late bloomer though; this can also be present when you do have relationships at a more normal age, but those relationships are not great (okay, outright bad!). Saturn and the North Node can be stronger indicators of relationships coming later in life, but sometimes these positions show it too (depending on the rest of the chart). Suggested Reading: The Love Astrology Series Comments are closed.