Astrology can show anything, including whether or not you're super into food! There are certain points that govern food astrologically. Let's explore! What rules food in astrology?
Food in astrology is linked to a few different points:
- the 4th house, Cancer, and the Moon (comfort food) - the 2nd house, Taurus, and Venus (indulgence) - dwarf planet Ceres, who who rules food in general What can show working with food in astrology?
If you’re someone who works with food, you’ll often have:
- a strong 2nd/4th house emphasis - multiple planets in Taurus or Cancer - a prominent Moon or Venus - a super important Ceres (conjunct a personal planet, angle, or in the 1st house, or making many aspects to the planets in your chart). You can also see Venus, the Moon, or Ceres in the 2nd house (of money), 6th house (of work), or 10th house (of career), or positively aspecting the ruler(s) of those houses. These are the professional houses, so when you're working with food in some capacity, there is usually going to be an indicator with these houses. What about loving food or cooking but not professionally?
Venus or Jupiter in the 2nd or 4th houses can help you love food or cooking, as can having Ceres conjunct, sextile or trine Venus, Jupiter, or conjunct the 1st, 4th, or 10th house cusps, or having Venus or the Moon in the 5th house. The 5th house rules your hobbies, so having Venus or the Moon there can make cooking something you view as a hobby (often seen with bakers). The 5th house emphasis can also be seen with foodies.
Venus, Jupiter, and the 5th house often don't take things seriously, so this would be more of an indication of loving food or cooking, but not wanting to do it professionally, unless you have the indicators with the professional houses. If you’re someone who loves to try international cuisine, this can be seen with Jupiter, the 9th house, and Sagittarius, so you can have a personal planet or Jupiter or Ceres in Sagittarius or in the 9th house, or Jupiter conjunct, sextile or trine your natal Sun, Moon, Venus, or Ceres. What about not liking to cook?
You may not like the cook at all if you have:
- a challenged natal Moon or Venus - no planets in Taurus or Cancer or in the 2nd or 4th houses - a challenged natal Ceres You may have conjunctions, squares, or oppositions to the Moon, Venus, or Ceres by Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, or Pluto. Saturn or Pluto in the 2nd or 4th house can also make cooking something you don’t care as much for, though it can also be something that you grow to love over time (Saturn) or that you can use as a way to transform yourself (Pluto). And you may not like cooking or be much of a foodie at first, but you can become one if you see these aspects develop in your progressed chart, or with transit Venus, Jupiter, or Ceres in your 1st, 2nd, or 4th houses or conjunct, sextile, or trine your natal Sun, Moon, Venus, or Ceres. Transits and progressions are part of predictive astrology, and they can show when something comes for you over time or temporarily. Suggested Reading: Astrology of Indulgence Comments are closed.