In astrology, asteroid Talent is literally the asteroid of talent. There are tens of thousands of asteroids out there, and this is one of the ones that links to something positive. In your natal chart,talent can show your literal talents in life, and in transit, Talent can spotlight certain talents and abilities, and impact how we use our talents. You can find the location of your natal asteroid Talent for free using; in Extended Chart Selection, click on 'Additional objects', and add the number '33154' to the 'Manual entry' box, and generate your chart. For now, asteroid Talent is moving to Scorpio, where it'll be for 2 1/2 months before exiting for a stint in Sagittarius and briefly coming back to Scorpio thanks to Talent retrograde.. What does this do for us? Asteroid Talent in Scorpio 2023 - 2024 Dates:
Asteroid Talent in Scorpio 2023 - 2024 General Impact:
Asteroid Talent in Scorpio puts Talent in the sign of passion and intensity. This means we can be much more passionate and intense about our talents and abilities, and take them quite seriously. We can throw ourselves into our abilities, wanting to improve them, make them stronger, deepen them, and get to know everything we can about them. Scorpio is researching and wants to get to the core, and we can do that with our abilities.
We can also be more talented for research and investigation, and those who have this talent may get singled out. We may become aware of some super investigation being done that has been hidden to us before. Scorpio rules the taboo, so more taboo talents and abilities may be appreciated with Talent in Scorpio. We may see their merits, and find new appreciation for them. Scorpio is a science ruler, so scientific talents can also get more attention, and the scientifically-inclined among us can be more passionate about the work. This can lead to discoveries and insights. Scorpio also rules transformations, so we may find that we discover our abilities or hone in our talents after we undergo a major transformation of some sort. Transforming can unlock abilities and let talents shine. We can also be more talented when it comes to transforming itself, and can bring new life to areas that have been stale. When Talent in retrograde in Scorpio, we may struggle with all of this, and get too stuck and obsessed with our talents, and need to pull back. Talent direct is opposite Mars and Uranus in Taurus and trine (beneficial aspect) Neptune in Pisces, so we can be compassionate and creative at the end, but may be impulsive, irrational, and impatient. We need to keep our talents under control, and find new ways to showcase them. We need to avoid giving in to the darker side of Talent in Scorpio as Talent is exiting this sign. Asteroid Talent in Scorpio 2023 - 2024 Conjunctions:
Asteroid Talent only makes one conjunction in Scorpio, and that's to Venus on December 15th 2023 with both at 13 degrees Scorpio. Venus is the planet of love, relationships, and connections, so with Talent conjunct Venus, we can see more talented duos and partnerships in the spotlight, and we may feel we can utilize our talents best when we have a partner. We can also craft impressive compromises, and can be more talented with negotiations and mediation. We can make use of diplomacy that empowers and strengthens.
Outside of that conjunction, asteroid Talent in Scorpio will also oppose Jupiter in Taurus on December 21st 2023 (at 17 degrees) and Uranus in Taurus on December 30th 2023 (at 19 degrees). Oppositions are out of control, and Jupiter expands while Uranus is the unexpected, so combine all of that and we may have some unexpected challenges with our talents and abilities that expand quickly. If we don't jump right to work on it as soon as it becomes a problem, it can grow so fast that we have a hard time putting that genie back in the bottle. We need to be quick on our feet and flexible enough to find a solution on the fly so we don't get stuck. On the upside, these oppositions can show a suddenly rising in the public eye, bursting on the scene, so we may see some people suddenly getting recognition for their abilities. If that ends up being you, congrats, but make sure you can handle it well! Suggested Reading: Transit Abundantia Aspects Comments are closed.