Another addition to the asteroid diary! Today, we’ll cover asteroid Hermes, the clever little asteroid. About Asteroid Hermes in Astrology
Hermes was first discovered in 1937 by Karl Reinmuth in Germany, but then was lost for a while and rediscovered in 2003. The Greek god Hermes is the Roman god Mercury, so asteroid Hermes is very similar to Mercury (pretty funny it was lost for a while then!).
Hermes was the god of thieves, commerce, shepherds, liars, and travelers (some of those seem worse than others, eh?). Astrologically, according to Mark Andrew Holmes, Hermes seems to have something to do with cleverness, intelligence, divisiveness, division, and occultism. The sign and house location of your natal Hermes can show where you’re clever and smart, but also where you can sow division or have difficulty with division. Aspects by natal Hermes to the other natal planets can bring beneficial or challenging energy for cleverness and division. Natal Hermes conjunct (aligned with) any natal planets can bring strong Hermes energy to that planet. You might be extremely smart with whatever that planet governs, but maybe a little too smart for your own good, you know? If you have a strong natal asteroid Hermes (conjunct the Sun, Moon, a personal planet, or an angle; is anaretic, unaspected, or makes a ton of aspects), you may be someone who is super smart, quick on your feet, but also drawn to division and controversy. You can also be drawn to the occult, and may dedicate yourself to it. In transit, Hermes can show where you'll need to have some of that quick wit and sharp intelligence. This can focus on the areas of life ruled by the house in your natal chart transit Hermes is currently touring. Transit aspects by transit Hermes to your natal planets can impact your ability to be sharp and clever, or division and controversial. Sextiles and trines (beneficial aspects) can bring out your intelligence with whatever the planet rules, and you can make smart decisions. Squares and oppositions (challenging aspects) can bring challenges, and you may have a hard time thinking fast, step all over yourself, and have to wade through controversy. Conjunctions can bring chances for either, but can be beneficial if you’re cautious and don’t give in to impulse. Transit aspects by the transit planets to your natal Hermes can also impact your ability to be sharp and clever, to get through controversy, and to use your inner occultist. How to Find Hermes in the Natal Chart & in Transit
On, Hermes is number 69230. In ‘Extended Chart Selection’, click on ‘Additional objects’ and type in number 69230 in the ‘Manual entry’ box, and then generate your natal chart to find what Hermes is doing for you natally.
To find where Hermes currently is located you can use to create an ephemeris (go to Extended Chart Selection, then click on Ephemeris, then Additional objects, and type in 69230 in the Manual entry box, then generate the ephemeris). Suggested Reading: The Asteroid Series: Asteroid Diary: Achilles Asteroid Diary: Apollo Asteroid Diary: Deucalion Asteroid Diary: Hermes Asteroid Diary: Desiderata Asteroid Diary: Your Name Asteroid Diary: 1992 QB1 Asteroid Veritas in Astrology Asteroid Diary: Niobe Asteroid Diary: Santa Asteroid Juno in the Signs Asteroid Amor in the Zodiac Signs Asteroid Cupido in the Zodiac Signs Asteroid Bacchus in Astrology Comments are closed.