The asteroid of abundance, asteroid Abundantia, moves from earth sign Virgo to air sign Libra very soon. Abunandtia spent an unusually long amount of time in Virgo (over 9 months) thanks to retrograding (appearing to move backward) entirely in Virgo. This movement into Libra will be a relief! Abundantia can impact abundance. How will Abundantia in Libra impact us? Asteroid Abundantia in Libra 2023 Dates:
Asteroid Abundantia in Libra 2023 General Impact:
Asteroid Abundantia has been in Virgo for way too long! Virgo is the sign of work, the details and stress and super focused and hard-working. In moderation, this is great, but for too long? Ouch! And this has likely limited our abundant energy, especially when Abundantia was retrograde in Virgo.
Now that Abundantia moves to Libra, this brings some relief. We can focus on abundant energy in our relationships and connections with others, and we may find that we're open to meeting lots of new people, entering into new partnerships, agreements, and alliances, and we can make new compromises. This can lead to new openings and opportunities. We can also be more open to commitment, in our relationships, projects, ideas, and to ourselves, and we may enter into many commitments during this period. This can feel more comfortable, and instead of feeling stifled or overwhelmed, we can feel a surprising sense of space. We can also find abundance when we're balanced and surrounded by peace and harmony. If we're surrounded by chaos, this may throw off abundant energy until we get it sorted out and calmed down. There can be more opportunities to create balance in our lives as well. The natural ruler of Libra, Venus, is retrograde (appearing to move backward) at the start of Abundantia in Libra, until September 3 2023. This may mean we take a different approach to abundance than usual, and can find unconventional pursuits pave the way. Abundance may look different, or we may use abundant energy in a different way than usual. Mars, the planet of energy and drive, will be in Libra August 27 to October 12, so much of the same time that Abundantia is in Libra, though the two won't connect until they move to Scorpio. Still, we may feel the energy and drive associated with Mars, and Mars can help push us to pursue new connections with others, make use of abundant energy in our partnerships and alliances, and find new ways to come together that are beneficial for all involved. It's a very diplomatic and mediating time! Asteroid Abundantia in Libra 2023 Aspects:
Abundantia only makes 2 major aspects to the other transit (moving) planets while in Libra, and they're both near the end. Abundantia will sextile (beneficial aspect) Venus in Leo on October 7 2023 with both at 28 degrees, and this helps us finalize the changes with abundance that may have passed with the Venus retrograde, and we can make the most of our connections in a super positive way before Abundantia exits Libra.
Abundantia will square (challenging aspect) Pluto in Capricorn on October 5 2023 with both at 27 degrees. Pluto is going to end its retrograde on the same day Abundantia exits Libra, October 10 2023, so Pluto is slowed down to a crawl and this can be a strong aspect. This is a bit challenging with the square, and Pluto may bring out power struggles and control issues that we need to address in order to access the abundant energy we're looking for and need. There may be a compromise that has to be made, and we may need to work better at communication and listening. Since Pluto is ending its retrograde and stalled, we may feel stuck in some way, and we may be stubborn about it, but with Libra, we need to keep an open mind and be open to compromise. Somewhere in the middle lies the answer, and we can get out of the chaotic energy if we embrace that. The sextile the Venus around this time brings some help. Abundantia is also going to oppose transit Chiron in Aries on September 15 2023 at 18 degrees. Chiron is the wounded healer in astrology, and can link to our greatest wounds and how we can heal. Abundantia opposing Chiron can show we struggle with our wounds in a way that feels out of our control, and old wounds may get picked open. Again, we need some flexibility to deal with this, and to keep an open mind. Balance is important here as well, and to avoid chaotic energy. If we can keep control of ourselves, then we can find ways through, and actually find an opportunity to heal and grow that is exponential, much bigger and much more than we've previously thought, and we can make great strides quickly. Suggested Reading: Transit Asteroid Abundantia Aspects Comments are closed.