General horoscopes are always meant for entertainment purposes only. For a more accurate view, read your Sun sign, Rising sign, and Moon sign. ARIES SEPTEMBER 2013 On September 9th, Mercury moves into Libra, the sign opposite yours, Aries, and you seem to come up with your best ideas when you’re with a partner. You need someone to bounce ideas off of. You’re good at negotiating right now, making deals, and coming up with compromises to situations. The Sun joins Mercury in Libra on September 22nd, and you feel most like yourself when you’re with your loved ones. You prefer spending time with them in a one-on-one setting, and can be more charming. You’re open to committing yourself to another person, project, or idea. You also crave more balance and peace in your life, and can feel off when you don’t have that. You may come across as fair, vacillating, and mediating. On September 11th, Venus enters water sign Scorpio, and you want more intimacy in your life. You find it easier to be closer to people, and can dig deep into people and subjects. You enjoy researching and finding out if there’s more out there. You can also find pleasure in transforming some aspect of your life for the better. Mercury joins Venus in Scorpio on September 29th, and you may be more intense and obsessive. When something gets your attention, you devote yourself to it. You’re excellent at researching and getting to the root of situations, people, and problems. Pluto ends its retrograde (when a planet appears to be moving backward) on September 20th in earth sign Capricorn, and you have been trying to come to terms with the transformations being made in your career and life path, and struggle to exert power and control over your life. Now, you can try to get some power back, and continue to transform. A new moon occurs on September 5th in earth sign Virgo, and you could begin a new work project, move to a new office, be offered a new work opportunity, or start a new job. You could be in the spotlight for your work. You can do something to improve your health or lifestyle, and strive to be a healthier person. You do well in service of others. A full moon occurs on September 19th in water sign Pisces, and you might feel more emotional with this full moon. Something from the past could come back and get to you. You may need to face an issue in your life and let it go. You can be more spiritual and connected to the universe, and have a strong intuition that you should listen to under this full moon. TAURUS SEPTEMBER 2013 Mercury enters air sign Libra on September 9th, Taurus, and you might find yourself working on a lot of little projects and doing all sorts of small tasks and chores at work and at home. You try to keep busy, wanting to feel productive and be efficient, and staying busy helps calm your mind down. The Sun also enters Libra in September, on the 22nd, and you feel most like yourself when you’re working and getting things done. You want to tackle as much of your to-do list as you can. You can keep lists with you at all times, always adding to them. You may come across as more analytical, discriminating, and demand perfection from yourself. Venus, your ruler, enters the sign opposite yours, Scorpio, on September 11th, and you have an easier time getting along with people. You’re charming and know how to act around others, and people are more attracted to you. You’re concerned with fairness and equality, and enjoy helping people find middle ground. If single, you can meet someone new, and if attached, you can bring more romance into the relationship, and get along better with your partner. Mercury also enters Scorpio on September 29th, and your mind is a little sharper, though you can take a while to come to a decision. You have an easier time seeing all sides of a situation, and understanding where people are coming from. On September 20th, Pluto ends his retrograde (when a planet appears to be moving backward) in fellow earth sign Capricorn. Over the last few months, you’ve likely been trying to deal with transformations that have been forcing you to try opening up more, expand your mind and life, and have struggled with. Now, you can move forward with the changes made. On September 5th, a new moon occurs in fellow earth sign Virgo, and you can begin a creative project, start a new hobby, or take some time off from work and your responsibilities to just have some fun. You’ll want to have fun more than anything, and let out your inner child. You’re warmer, more gregarious, and want to spread love. On September 19th, a full moon occurs in water sign Pisces, and you could end a friendship or see a casual one get stronger. You may cut ties with a group, or commit yourself to it more fully. You can give up on a dream, or see one realized. You may be more concerned about your future, and worry about what could come to pass. GEMINI SEPTEMBER 2013 On September 9th, Mercury enters fellow air sign Libra, and you have a hard time focusing on your work and responsibilities, Gemini. You want to have fun, focus on lighter subjects, joke around and laugh. When you have to do work, your mind wanders. This is a good time for a creative project though, and very good if you’re a creative writer. The Sun joins Mercury in Libra on September 22nd, and you feel most like yourself when you’re not being serious, having a good time, and enjoying yourself. You want to do what you want, focusing more on your own ego needs. You can come across as warmer, more gregarious, and proud. On September 11th, Venus enters water sign Scorpio, and you enjoy getting things done, but you can also be lazy and feel so good that you don’t do anything. If you do work, you’ll get more done in a faster amount of time. You might just want to lounge though, and not have the discipline you need to work. If you work in the arts or beauty industry, this is a good period for you. Mercury joins Venus in Scorpio on September 29th, and your focus shifts to work. You want to finish projects, are good with the details, have an editing eye, and can sift through data. You may have more communications at work, or use technology more. On September 20th, Pluto ends its retrograde (when a planet appears to be moving backward) in earth sign Capricorn. Over the last few months, you’ve likely been struggling to come to grips with the massive transformations that are being made in your life, and you could be experiencing power struggles. Now, you can go forward and assimilate these transformations into your life, and make more. On September 5th, a new moon occurs in earth sign Virgo, and you could begin a new home improvement project, move to a new home, or buy something for your home. A family member could be presented with a new opportunity, or you could be presented with one through them. You may be more nurturing, letting out your mothering side. On September 29th, a full moon occurs in water sign Pisces, and you could finish a goal or scrap one completely. You can make strides with your career and get ahead, or experience setbacks if you’ve been making bad choices. Something could end for a parent, mentor, or boss. You can find yourself in the spotlight, getting attention for something that you’ve done, for good or for bad. CANCER SEPTEMBER 2013 Mercury enters air sign Libra on September 9th, and you may be focused on your home and family, Cancer. You want to talk things out with your family members, have frank discussions, and they can help you come up with new ideas. You think about the past and bring up old memories. Your mind may move and operate like it normally does, and you’re not fighting it. The Sun joins Mercury in Libra on September 22nd, and you feel most like yourself when you’re at home, in places that are familiar to you, with family or with people you think of as family. You want to be comfortable, and don’t desire trying anything new. You may feel like you’re more your authentic self and aren’t trying to be anything else. Venus enters fellow water sign Scorpio on September 11th, and you want to enjoy yourself. If you spend too much time focusing on serious things, you won’t have much fun. You want to go to the beach, go shopping, go clubbing, go to parties, and go on dates. You also want to engage in your hobbies, especially if you haven’t had much time for them lately. Mercury joins Venus in Scorpio on September 29th, and you have a hard time focusing and having mental discipline. You’re louder and more attention-getting with your communications, and people listen to you more. Pluto ends his retrograde (when a planet appears to be moving backward) in earth sign Capricorn, the sign opposite yours, on September 20th. Over the last few months, you’ve been trying to deal with the changes made in your relationships, and not struggle over power with other people so much. Now, you can move forward in your relationships more at ease with the changes, and open to new ones. A new moon occurs in earth sign Virgo on September 5th, and you could start a bunch of new projects, go on a short day trip, get a new piece of technology or new car, or do something in your community. An opportunity could be presented to a neighbor or sibling, or for you through them. You can come up with a new idea, or make a change to your daily regimen. You could get some good news, find some information you need, or start writing. A full moon occurs in fellow water sign Pisces on September 19th, and you could come home if you’ve been living far away, end a long trip, finish a course of study, settle a legal issue, or finalize a contract. LEO SEPTEMBER 2013 On September 9th, Mercury enters air sign Libra, and you can see a surge in communications in your life. Everyone wants to talk to you, share information, advice, and gossip, and come to you with their ideas. You want to communicate with others as well. Your mind is more active and you come up with more ideas. You can communicate more easily, but you can also be more scattered and unfocused mentally. The Sun joins Mercury in Libra on September 22nd, and you feel most like yourself when you’re connecting with others mentally and coming up with new ideas. You use more logic and reason. A sibling, neighbor, or your neighborhood could be in the spotlight. You may come across as outgoing, chatty, and social. On September 11th, Venus enters water sign Scorpio, and you enjoy spending time at home, with your family, or with those you think of as family. You want to be around people who make you feel comfortable, and in surroundings that are most familiar to you. You want to be supported and encouraged, and do your best when you are. Mercury also enters Scorpio on September 29th, and you can have more communications at home, about your home, with family, or about your family. You can have an important conversation with a relative. You think more about the past, the good and the bad. Your mind slows down a little, and you remember what impacts you emotionally. On September 20th, Pluto ends his retrograde (when a planet appears to be moving backward) in earth sign Capricorn. Over the last few months, you’ve been adjusting to the changes made in your work life, work environment, or work itself, as well as your health and habits. As time goes on, you can make more changes and transform these areas of your life for the better. On September 5th, a new moon occurs in earth sign Virgo, the sign after yours. You could be presented with a new opportunity to increase your income, start a second job, or make money off of a hobby. You feel more confident and secure, and could make a big purchase. You also feel more calm and relaxed with this new moon. On September 19th, a full moon occurs in water sign Pisces, and you might feel a heaviness set in with this full moon. You might have to focus on a serious issue, some deeply held problem, or make a significant transformation of something in your life. You may feel moody, and swing between extreme emotions. VIRGO SEPTEMBER 2013 Mercury enters air sign Libra, the sign after yours, on September 9th. You could come up with some new ideas to increase your income, create a new budget, seek a financial planner, or get financial advice. You might splurge on something, especially an electronic or something for your car. It takes time for you to think things through, but once you make a decision, you stick to it no matter what, and can be a little stubborn. The Sun enters Libra on September 22nd, joining Mercury, and you feel calmer. You want to kick back and relax. Your senses are heightened, and you want to engage them more through food, music, art. Just don’t binge on anything. You can come across as more sensual, stubborn, and confident. Venus enters water sign Scorpio on September 11th, and you enjoy using your mind. You can engage in games that stimulate your mind, and have an easier time communicating with others. You can smooth things over with a sibling or neighbor, or do something good in your community. This is a good period for you if you’re a writer or work in technology. Mercury enters Scorpio on September 29th, and your mind works at a faster pace. You can come up with new ideas quickly, but forget them just as quickly and move on to something else. You might take up a bunch of new projects but not see them through, so stick to stuff that’s small and can be completed quickly. Pluto ends his retrograde (when a planet appears to be moving backward) on September 20th in fellow earth sign Capricorn. Over the last few months, you’ve been getting used to the changes that have come in your love life, your relationship with your children, and how you have fun. More changes are to come, and you can make them yourself or see them made for you. A new moon occurs in your sign, Virgo, on September 5th, and you’re positive about your life and what you’re doing. You’re more outgoing and energetic, and you want to start something new. This can be a good time to go down a new path. You’re less afraid of doing something new, and are more confident in yourself and your abilities. A full moon occurs in water sign Pisces, the sign opposite yours, on September 19th, and you could see a relationship end, or one go to the next level. You can evaluate your relationships, take stock of them, and see which are good and which are bad for you. LIBRA SEPTEMBER 2013 On September 9th, Mercury enters your sign, Libra, and your mind moves at a faster pace. You come up with new ideas quickly, and you move from one idea to the next at a rapid pace. If you don’t write things down, you’ll forget what you’ve thought of quickly. You want to share your thoughts and opinions with others, and can see more communications in your life. You can take a mental approach to situations. The Sun joins Mercury in Libra on September 22nd, and you feel more comfortable in your own skin. You’ve been hiding in the background lately, and now, you want to come out into the spotlight and get attention. New opportunities can be presented to you. You can come across as more dramatic, stronger, and gregarious. On September 11th, Venus enters water sign Scorpio, the sign after yours, and you can have an easier time getting your hands on the money that you need, but you can also spend money much more easily. You might splurge on a lot of things that you don’t need, and even if they’re not expensive, it adds up. You want to indulge, relax, and enjoy yourself, and get some time off to lounge. Mercury joins Venus in Scorpio on September 29th, and your mind slows down. You take your time making decisions and coming up with plans, which may frustrate some people. Once you make up your mind, nothing can change it. Pluto ends his retrograde (when a planet appears to move backward) in earth sign Capricorn on September 20th. Over the last few months, you’ve been adjusting to the changes that have been made in your home life and with your family. You may be struggling over power and control with them. You try to regain more control and transform your relationships with them as time goes on. On September 5th, a new moon occurs in earth sign Virgo, the sign before yours. You could finish something that you’ve been putting off for some time and want to be done with. You can eliminate something from your life, whether it’s a physical object, relationship or person, attitude or subconscious issue. You may be more interested in spirituality and the metaphysical. On September 19th, a full moon occurs in water sign Pisces, and you can finish a work project, move to another building, or see someone you work with leave. You could quit or lose your job, be more emotional at work or with your work, and channel your emotions into your work. You may demand perfection, and shouldn’t be so hard on yourself. SCORPIO SEPTEMBER 2013 Mercury enters air sign Libra, the sign before yours, on September 9th, and you can keep your thoughts and opinions to yourself. You don’t want to share your ideas with others, and may be quieter than usual. You don’t feel like chatting it up with anyone, and come up with your best ideas on your own. You have a more active imagination, and can daydream the day away. The Sun joins Mercury in Libra on September 22nd, and you feel most like yourself when you’re by yourself and away from others. You want to spend time alone with your thoughts. Other people may be draining, and you feel you’re strongest alone. You can come across as shy, emotional, and sensitive. Venus enters your sign, Scorpio, on September 11th, and you can improve your physical appearance. Buy new clothes, get a new haircut, whiten your teeth, or just start taking better care of yourself. You’re more indulgent and romantic, sensual and calm. If single, this is a good time to meet someone as you seem more attractive to others. If attached, you can bring new life into the relationship. Mercury joins Venus in your sign, Scorpio, on September 29th, and your mind becomes more active. You want to share your thoughts and opinions with others, and may blurt things out without even thinking. You act on your ideas quickly, but may not follow through. On September 20th, Pluto ends his retrograde (when a planet appears to be moving backward) in earth sign Capricorn. Over the last few months, you’ve been trying to get used to the changes you’ve been making mentally. You’ve been transforming the way you think, communicate, the ideas you come up with, and the way you connect with others. Going forward, you can continue to make more changes. A new moon occurs in earth sign Virgo on September 5th, and you can join a new group, take up a new cause, or make a new friend. An opportunity could be presented to a friend, or to you through a friend. You can come up with a new dream for your future, and be more innovative with the solutions you come up with. You embrace the extraordinary. A full moon occurs in fellow water sign Pisces on September 19th, and you can finish a creative project, end a love relationship, or bring one to the next level. You can feel more inspired, especially by the arts and anything beautiful. If attached, you’re more emotional with your partner, and if single, you can meet someone you feel a karmic tie to. SAGITTARIUS SEPTEMBER 2013 On September 9th, Mercury enters air sign Libra. You do your best thinking when you’re in a group. You need other people around you to feed your mind and help you figure out the best solution to problems. You can see the future more clearly, and envision your future, hoping for the ideal. You can come up with ideas that are innovative and unusual. The Sun joins Mercury in Libra on September 22nd. You’re attracted to what’s different, people that are original, and want to push the envelope. You don’t want to do what everyone else is doing, preferring to go against the norm and do something wild. It might not be all that wild, but is for you. You can come across as more futuristic, inventive, and accepting. On September 11th, the planet Venus enters water sign Scorpio, and you hide your affections. You prefer to show the way you feel for someone behind closed doors, when no one else is around. If attached, you can be more sentimental and romantic. If single, you could begin a relationship in secret, with someone who’s married, or with someone who works in a confined institution (hospital, prison). Mercury joins Venus in Scorpio on September 29th. You keep your thoughts and opinions to yourself. You seem quieter than usual, and find other people to be mentally draining. You can have a harder time focusing on something for very long, and get lost in daydreams and fantasy. On September 20th, Pluto ends his retrograde (when a planet appears to be moving backward) in earth sign Capricorn. Over the last few months, you’ve been trying to adjust to the transformations being made in your life regarding what you need to feel safe, stable, confident, and secure, and what you value. Now, you can experience and create more changes in your life in these areas. On September 5th, a new moon occurs in earth sign Virgo. You can begin a new project or plan that will get you further in your career, see an opportunity presented to a parent, boss or mentor, or have an opportunity presented to you through them. You can get a raise, be promoted, or get a new job that’s more prestigious than the one you have. You can move up with social ladder, find yourself in the public eye, and feel more stable and practical. On September 19th, a full moon occurs in water sign Pisces. You can settle a dispute with a relative, sever ties with a relative, finish a home improvement project, or finalize a real estate transaction. You may be more emotional from something impacting you at your core. CAPRICORN SEPTEMBER 2013 Mercury enters air sign Libra on September 9th. Your mind is focused on your career and the direction your life is going in. You can start a new career project, get news or information you need for your career, or make plans for how you want the next steps in your career to proceed. This is a good time to make plans to achieve a goal. If you work in technology, communications, or writing, this is a good period for you. On September 22nd, the Sun joins Mercury in Libra, and you feel most like yourself when you’re dedicating yourself to a goal and accomplishing something. You may feel more like yourself, who you really are. You can get recognition for work you’ve done or find yourself in the spotlight in some way. Venus enters water sign Scorpio on September 11th. You enjoy spending time in groups, with your friends, and with people who you feel are of the same mind as you. You can make a new friend, though it will likely be casual, and can make a good impression on people, especially when you’re in a group. You can find pleasure in working toward a cause and doing something good for the Earth or humanity. If attached, you want to connect more intellectually. If single, you can begin dating a friend, or try to be friends with someone first. Mercury enters Scorpio on September 29th, and you come up with ideas when you’re with friends or in a group, are innovative and original, and want to try solutions that are different or unusual. Pluto ends his retrograde (when a planet appears to be moving backward) in your sign, Capricorn, on September 20th. Over the last few months, you’ve been trying to get used to the major transformations that have been occurring in your life, or of yourself. Now, more transformations are to come as you evolve into the person you should be. A new moon occurs on September 5th in fellow earth sign Virgo. You feel like expanding your world, life, or mind. You can take a trip to somewhere you’ve never been, sample foods you’ve never tried, take up a new language, start a new course of study, or just dream of faraway places. Let yourself have space to roam free and explore. You’re more gregarious and optimistic with this new moon, so use the energy to be adventurous. A full moon occurs on September 19th in water sign Pisces. You could finish a project, end a dispute with a neighbor or sibling, or get rid of an electronic or car. What you say is directly tied to how you feel with this full moon. AQUARIUS SEPTEMBER 2013 On September 9th, Mercury enters fellow air sign Libra, and you want to explore the world more and see what new experiences you can have. This is a good time to learn something new, take a class, pick up a language, or do some travel. You’re optimistic and gregarious, and you engage people with your story-telling. The Sun joins Mercury in Libra on September 22nd, and you want to break out of your life, tear down the walls closing you in, and roam as freely as possible. The more restricted you feel, the more you want to break out. Let yourself have some space to do whatever you want. You may come across as more positive, adventurous, and focused on big ideas. On September 11th, Venus enters water sign Scorpio, and you can make a good impression on the right people. You’re charming and carry yourself with more grace in public. You try to get along well with those in your career, and make compromises along the way. If single, you could meet someone through your career. This is a good period for you if you work in the arts or beauty industry. On September 29th, Mercury joins Venus in Scorpio, and you focus more on your career and make plans for achieving your goals. You can gather the information that you need to achieve the goals you have. You can have an important conversation with a parent, boss, or mentor. Pluto ends his retrograde (when a planet appears to be moving backward) in earth sign Capricorn, the sign before yours. Over the last few months, you’ve been trying to deal with the changes that have come regarding your spirituality, your subconscious, and the past. More change is to come, and more transformations will occur. On September 5th, a new moon occurs in earth sign Virgo, and you can decide to begin a business partnership, create a financial agreement with someone, or get money that’s owed to you or pay off money that you owe. You may try to take something old and make it new again. You can begin a transformation of something in your life, or of yourself. On September 19th, a full moon occurs in water sign Pisces, the sign after yours, and you may settle a financial dispute or finalize a financial transaction. Something could impact your sense of safety and security. Your confidence may take a hit because you’re listening to what other people say about you too much. You have to shut them out and listen to yourself. PISCES SEPTEMBER 2013 Mercury enters air sign Libra on September 9th, and you become more focused on serious subjects, and take a more serious approach to situations. You take time to think things through, wanting to get all of the information possible, and will search as much as you need to so you can get to the heart of the matter. You’re not satisfied with superficiality, and you need find the meaning in everything. The Sun joins Mercury in Libra on September 22nd, and you come across as more mysterious, intense, and secretive. You might need to lighten up a little at times. Your emotions can sway from one extreme to the next more easily, and you’ll need to exercise some emotional restraint. Venus enters fellow water sign Scorpio on September 11th, and you enjoy exploring the world and expanding your life in some way. You feel satisfied when you feel free to do whatever you want, and to roam the Earth as you please. Try learning something new, taking a class, trying out exotic cuisine, or exposing yourself to a culture foreign to your own. Travel can go quite well under this influence. If single, you may meet someone from a foreign country or culture. If attached, you want to spice things up with something you’ve never tried before. Mercury joins Venus in Scorpio on September 29th, and your mood lightens. You’d rather focus on lighter subjects now. You’re gregarious, friendly, and outspoken, and very truthful. On September 20th, Pluto ends his retrograde (when a planet appears to be moving backward) in earth sign Capricorn. Over the last few months, you’ve been trying to adjust to the transformations being made in regards to your dreams, your future, your causes, and your friendships. More transformations will come, and you can make the changes that you want to make, but they’ll be slow yet powerful. A new moon occurs in earth sign Virgo, the sign opposite yours, on September 5th. A partner or loved one could be presented with an opportunity, or you’re presented with one through them. You can pursue a project with a partner, or begin a new partnership. You feel good with a partner, and having someone by your side can bring you the most opportunities. Look to others to help you, and help others as well. A full moon occurs on September 19th in your sign, Pisces. This is the time to pay the piper, to reap what you’ve sown. You’re rewarded for hard work and smart decisions, and punished for laziness and recklessness. Comments are closed.