General horoscopes are always meant for entertainment purposes only. For a more accurate view, read your Sun sign, Rising sign, and Moon sign. ARIES MAY 2013 To start the month, on May 1st, Mercury is going to enter earth sign Taurus, the sign after yours. You could talk to someone about your finances or get financial advice. You may have more financial transactions online than usual. You could purchase an electronic or a new car. Your mind also slows down a little, so you’re not moving at such a quick pace mentally, and can think things through a little more. On May 9th, Venus enters air sign Gemini, and you have an easier time communicating your thoughts and ideas with others. They’re more receptive to what you have to say, and you’re more friendly and sociable. You choose your words well, and this can be a good time to write or do some public speaking. On May 15th, Mercury leaves Taurus and joins Venus in Gemini, and your mind works at a faster pace again. You can come up with new ideas and make plans more easily, and can sort through the details. The Sun joins Venus and Mercury in Gemini on May 20th, and you feel most like yourself when you’re intellectually stimulated, keeping busy, and learning new things. You may seem more curious, talkative, and scattered. Mars also enters Gemini on May 31st, and you’re driven to pursue mental projects and further the ideas that you come up with. You may be inside of your head a little more, and thinking a little too much. You identify more strongly with your ideas, and you’ll defend them against any attacks. You may be more argumentative and need to not rush into a fight. Try friendly debating instead. If you’re prone to headaches or migraines, you may get more of them with this transit. Also on May 31st, Mercury enters water sign Cancer, and you may have more communications at home, with family, or about your family. You could have an important conversation with a relative, or talk with someone about a problem one of them has. You may feel more comfortable talking with people in your own home, or in a place that’s very familiar to you. You’re slower to come up with new ideas, and are more impacted mentally by your emotions. You may get lost in old memories. On May 9th, a solar eclipse occurs in Taurus. A solar eclipse is like a new moon, but instead of impacting you for up to two weeks, it can impact you for up to six months. With this solar eclipse, you’ll likely feel more confident and secure over the coming months than you have in some time. You strengthen your sense of security, and boost your self-esteem and self-worth. You may acquire something of great value, and be more concerned with what things are worth. You could also begin a big money-making venture, and have positive financial dealings. On May 25th, a lunar eclipse occurs in fellow fire sign Sagittarius. A lunar eclipse is like a full moon, but like a solar eclipse, can impact you for up to six months. With this lunar eclipse, you could end a legal dispute, finish a course that you’ve been taking, complete a book or writing project, or come home if you’ve been living in another country. You’re more emotionally tied to your beliefs, but you need to keep an open mind. TAURUS MAY 2013 On May 1st, Mercury enters your sign, Taurus. You start the month of May seeing a surge in communications with others. You have a lot on your mind, a lot to say, and will seek people out. This is a good time to get things off of your chest that you’ve been refraining from saying. Other people have a lot to say to you too, and you could find out new information about something, collect data, or get news (good or bad), and are curious. Venus, your ruler, leaves your sign and enters air sign Gemini on May 9th. You may have an easier time dealing with your finances, and could get your hands on money at the last minute when you really need it. You could also make an important purchase, but need to watch for spending too much. You can become too indulgent, especially with food or shopping, so watch yourself. Everything in moderation! Mercury is only in your sign for two weeks before he enters Gemini on May 15th, and your mind works more like it usually does. You’re not fighting with yourself mentally, and you can create plans at your own pace and make decisions in your own time. The Sun will also enter Gemini on May 20th, and you feel most like yourself when you feel financial secure and stable, are engaging in financial transactions, and when you’re indulging. Mars is in your sign all month, but enters Gemini on May 31st. Once he does, you’ll become much more driven to have more of a cushion financially. You want to achieve security and stability through your finances. Your energy isn’t super high, but once you get going, you can keep going for a long time, so this is a good placement for doing things that require a lot of work over an extended period of time. Mercury leaves Gemini and moves quickly into water sign Cancer on May 31st, and you become more mentally active than you usually are. You can come up with new ideas quickly, take on lots of new tasks, and go from one thing to the next. Don’t go too fast or you’ll suffer mental burnout. A solar eclipse occurs in your sign, Taurus, on May 9th. A solar eclipse is just like a new moon, except it can impact your life for up to six months. With a solar eclipse in your sign, you enter a period where you can see some great new things coming into your life. You could decide to start something new on your own, going down a new path, or beginning a new project. You’re excited about life and all that it has to offer you right now. You’re positive, you’re driven, and you embrace the new in a way that you usually don’t. A lunar eclipse occurs on May 25th in fire sign Sagittarius. A lunar eclipse is just like a full moon, but it also can impact your life for up to six months. With this lunar eclipse, you feel a little heaviness over the coming months, so your enthusiasm from the solar eclipse isn’t too high. You dig deep into old issues that you hold deep inside of you, and you work on releasing them and letting them go. This can be a difficult, trying period, but it can also be extremely transformative and make your life infinitely better if you go with it. GEMINI MAY 2013 Your ruler, Mercury, enters earth sign Taurus on May 1st, and you keep things to yourself during this transit. You don’t want to share your thoughts, ideas, or plans, worried about being judged or swayed. You do your best thinking on your own, and need some time alone so you don’t become mentally exhausted by everyone. You may have a hard time focusing on things for a long time, and wander from one thought to the next. Your imagination soars though, and this is a good period for creativity. Mostly, this month is all about you, Gemini! Venus enters your sign, Gemini, on May 9th, and you seem much more charming, graceful, and display good manners in public. You’re compromising, fair, and want to keep the peace with everyone. You’re also more sensual, and want to indulge, so watch for going too far. This is a good period to improve your looks in some way. If single, you could meet someone new just by being yourself. If attached, you can bring more romance into the relationship. Mercury moves into your sign as well, on May 15th, and you don’t want to keep anything to yourself any longer. Everything you’ve been hiding comes roaring out now. You’re more mentally active and come up with new ideas and create plans quickly. The Sun also enters your sign on May 20th, and you feel more confident, have great self-esteem, and feel strong. You put yourself out there, wanting attention, and are more playful, gregarious, and warm. Mars will also enter your sign on May 31st, and your energy should increase at that point. Until then, you feel more drained, lethargic, slow, but then the volume turns up and you’re going-going-going. You have plenty of energy for whatever you want to do and then some. You’re also more driven to try new things, and could begin a big new project. You may be more argumentative, competitive, and accident-prone, and get more little cuts, scrapes, bumps, and bruises. If you’re prone to headaches or migraines, you may get more of them during this transit. Mercury moves into water sign Cancer, the sign after yours, on May 31st, and you’re slower to make decisions or come up with plans than usual. You want to take your time, and no one can rush you. You may work out a budget or get some financial advice, deal with your finances online, or work on a money-making venture that involves writing, technology, or the internet. On May 9th, a solar eclipse occurs in Taurus. A solar eclipse is like a new moon, but can impact you for six months instead of just two weeks. For you, this eclipse gives you the opportunity to let go of things that you no longer need, whether they be physical objects, subconscious issues, or karmic baggage. This is a time to let go so you can move forward in the future with less holding you back. You feel less emotional attachment to these things right now, so it’s easier for you to get rid of them. You can also increase your spirituality during this time, become interested in the metaphysical, or begin something important in secret or behind-the-scenes. On May 25th, a lunar eclipse occurs in the sign opposite yours, Sagittarius. A lunar eclipse is like a full moon, but impacts you for up to six months like a solar eclipse. For you, this eclipse could bring an end to a few relationships, or one key relationship, in your life. It may be an emotional goodbye, but it’s one that needs to happen because they’re not serving a good purpose in your life anymore. Conversely, you could take a few relationships or one in particular to the next level, furthering your commitment to someone. CANCER MAY 2013 On May 1st, the planet Mercury enters earth sign Taurus, and you may have many more communications with your friends. They have a lot to say to you, and vice versa. You could learn something important about one of them. If you belong to a group, you could have more communications with them as well. You may have to speak in front of a group of people. The new ideas that you come up with are innovative and original, and you’re inspired by futuristic ideas. Venus enters air sign Gemini, the sign before yours, on May 9th, and you have an easier time doing things in the background. You don’t feel the need to get praise for what you’re doing right now, finding pleasure in doing things without anyone knowing. You keep your affections for others behind closed doors. If single, you could begin seeing someone in secret, who’s already taken, or who works in a confined place (hospital, prison, etc.). Mercury will also enter Gemini on May 15th, and you keep your ideas to yourself, not wanting to share any of them with people. You’re more quiet and reserved, and spend your time listening instead of talking. You could become privy to a big secret. On May 20th, the Sun joins Venus and Mercury in Gemini, and you feel most like yourself when you’re not being noticed. You’re not comfortable in the spotlight right now. You may seem more compassionate, sensitive, and intuitive. Mars enters Gemini on May 31st, and your energy will likely lessen at that point. You’re more easily drained, and need to spend more time alone to recover. You may get sick more easily, or just feel rundown. You should schedule extra time for sleeping and taking naps. Anything that requires a lot of energy will likely be a struggle for you. You have more energy on your own, and feel like others just zap all of your energy away. You can also accomplish more in secret or behind-the-scenes. Mercury moves into your sign, Cancer, on May 31st, and your mind becomes more active, you come up with plenty of new ideas, you can sort through the details with ease, and you make decisions quickly. You have a childlike curiosity, you’re more friendly and want to spend time with people, and have a busier schedule than usual. On May 9th, a solar eclipse occurs in Taurus. A solar eclipse is like a new moon, except a new moon only impacts you for up to two weeks. A solar eclipse can impact you for up to six months. With this solar eclipse, you may have a great new opportunity come up for a friend, or for you through a friend. You could decide to start something new with a friend of yours, or with a group that you belong to. This can be a good time to take up a cause and do something good for the world on a larger scale. You can come up with solutions that are inventive and different from the norm, but make a big difference. You think more about your future, and could work at trying to achieve one of the dreams that you have for your future. You could also spend more time in front of a crowd or in the public eye. On May 25th, a lunar eclipse occurs in fire sign Sagittarius. A lunar eclipse is like a full moon, but also impacts you for up to six months like a solar eclipse does. With this eclipse, you could leave your job, and it could be by choice or by force. At first, it may be an emotional experience, but it could lead you to do something you really love instead. You could also deal with a health issue. LEO MAY 2013 Mercury enters earth sign Taurus on May 1st, and you could have more communications in your career or about your career. You could get career advice from someone, especially a parent, boss, or mentor. You could have an important conversation with one of them. You may utilize technology to get further in your career. If you’re a writer, speaker, teacher, or work in technology, this is a good period for you. On May 9th, Venus enters air sign Gemini, and you have an easier time dealing with your friends. You can work out problems with them more easily, make compromises with them, and make new friends with ease. You take pleasure in doing things in a group, working on a cause that you believe in, or doing things in a different way. On May 15th, Mercury moves into Gemini as well, and you can have more conversations with your friends, talk things over with them, and come up with your best ideas when you’re in a group. You’re drawn to unusual concepts and original thinkers. On May 20th, the Sun also enters Gemini, and you feel most like yourself when you’re with your friends or in a group. You’re original, embracing your individuality, and rebellious. On May 31st, Mars will enter Gemini, and you’re driven to pursue your dreams. The things that you’ve always dreamt of for your future, you now want to make real. You have the energy and drive for it, and you can make great strides. You also believe strongly in the causes that you defend, and can do some good in the world. You may spend more time with your friends, but also be more argumentative and competitive with them. Also on May 31st, Mercury moves into water sign Cancer, the sign before yours. Your mind will slow down, and you don’t want to deal with reality as much, preferring fantasy and your imagination. You have a hard time with facts and details. You keep thoughts to yourself, and don’t speak up around others. On May 9th, a solar eclipse occurs in Taurus. A solar eclipse is like a new moon, but it can impact you for up to six months. For you, this solar eclipse could signal a big change in your career. You could begin a new project that gets you much closer to where you want to be. You could decide to change direction and go down a new path. You may achieve a career goal that you’ve been working hard at, and experience a period of success. You should have an opportunity to make strides in your career, or at least get it going in the right direction. You’re more practical and believe in your abilities, but you know exactly what you’re capable of. You could find yourself being recognized for work that you’ve done, or even be in the public eye. On May 25th, a lunar eclipse occurs in fellow fire sign Sagittarius. A lunar eclipse is like a full moon, but like a solar eclipse, it can impact you for up to six months. For you, this lunar eclipse could bring some of your love relationships to an end, or one in particular. Conversely, you could take a love relationship to the next level. If single, you could meet someone that you feel a karmic link to. If you have children, something important could come to an end for them, and they seem more emotional than usual over the coming months. You’ll also likely be more inspired by life, and this is a good period for creativity and artistic ventures. VIRGO MAY 2013 Your ruler, Mercury, will enter fellow earth sign Taurus on May 1st. You start the month of May thinking about your beliefs, and engaging in debates with people over their views. You could also begin learning something new, wanting to expand your mind. You’ll likely take a lot of trips in your head, dreaming of escaping mundane life. Your mind wants to experience more than it has thus far. Venus enters Gemini on May 9th, and you have an easier time dealing with your career and making strides. You can win people over that you need to win over with your charm and grace, and can negotiate deals that work for everyone. If you work in the arts, beauty industry, or in law, this is a good period for you. Mercury joins Venus in Gemini on May 15th, and you have many more communications in your career or about your career. You could use technology to make business deals or network. You come up with new plans for how to get further ahead in your career, and these plans are practical and realistic. The Sun also enters Gemini on May 20th, and you feel most like yourself when you’re working hard toward a goal and achieving something. With career success, you feel satisfied with life right now. You could seem more hard-working, focused, and ambitious than usual. Mars also enters Gemini on May 31st to end the month, and you’re driven to succeed. You’ll do whatever it takes, and you have the energy for it. You’ll likely set your mind on one goal in particular and work your butt off to achieve it. You might sacrifice everything else in your life though, so watch for being too tragically ambitious or cold. It’ll just leave you feeling lonely eventually. On May 31st, Mercury enters water sign Cancer, and you could have more conversations with friends about their problems or yours, meet new friends online, or communicate with a group. Your mind works best when you’re working with other people, and you come up with innovative solutions to problems. A solar eclipse occurs on May 9th in Taurus. A solar eclipse is like a new moon, but a new moon impacts you for only two weeks, and a solar eclipse impacts you for up to six months. With this solar eclipse, you feel like breaking free a little bit from your life. As a Virgo, you love routine, order, structure, but you might get a hankering to drop all of that and experience something fresh, new, exciting. Bring a little risk and thrill into your world. This could be a great time to go back to school and study something different, learn something unusual, or go on a trip to some faraway land. You’re interested in other cultures, and could get the opportunity to learn more about them. Your mind is open and you crave an expansion of life. If you become inspired to write, this is a great time for it, as well as getting published. A lunar eclipse occurs on May 25th in fire sign Sagittarius. A lunar eclipse is like a full moon, but also lasts for up to six months, like a solar eclipse. This eclipse could bring the end of something for you at home. If you’ve been trying to sell your house, buy a house, or you’ve been working on a home improvement project or doing some redecorating or remodeling, that could be finished now. You could resolve a family dispute, or decide to cut ties with a relative. You’re more in touch with your emotions. LIBRA MAY 2013 On May 1st, the planet Mercury enters earth sign Taurus, and you become much more researching and investigative. If something piques your interest, you become obsessed with it. Once you get working on something, it consumes you. You’re also more serious, and you focus on serious subjects and take a serious approach to matters. On May 9th, your ruler, Venus, enters fellow air sign Gemini, and you can find it easier to deal with legal issues, writing projects, and convince people of your beliefs. If single, you could begin seeing someone from a different background. If attached, you may want to explore some more in your relationship. Mercury joins Venus in Gemini on May 15th, and you don’t feel so serious anymore. You focus on lighter subjects, have a jovial tone, and are gregarious. You want to laugh, have fun, and share stories. You also crave some mental freedom, and may fantasize about going somewhere far away. The Sun also enters Gemini on May 20th, and you’re more optimistic, happy-go-lucky, and want to expand your life in some way. You seek out new experiences that’ll allow you to learn and grow. You may seem more energized, philosophical, or expressive. Mars will enter Gemini on May 31st, and you’re driven to experience life in new ways and expand your world. You see how big the world is, and you want to explore every crevice of it. If you can travel, do so. This is also a good time for writing, and you can start or end a big writing project, or get published. You’re more defensive with your beliefs, and will fight with anyone over philosophy, but in a more friendly way. Mercury moves into water sign Cancer on May 31st, and your mental focus turns towards your goals, life path, and career. Certain goals in particular may be on your mind, and you can work on plans to achieve them. You think in more practical terms, and you know exactly what you want. If you work with technology, as a writer, speaker, or teacher, this can be a good period for you. A solar eclipse occurs in Taurus on May 9th, and a solar eclipse is like a new moon, but can impact you for a longer period of time, up to six months. This solar eclipse could signal the beginning of a big change in your life. You transform some part of your life or of yourself, and it improves your life dramatically. It’s something you’re enthusiastic about and believe in. It’s time to rise from the ashes and evolve into the next phase of your life. This could also signal good times for you dealing with joint finances, taxes, debts, loans, or inheritances, and can be good to begin a business partnership. A lunar eclipse occurs on May 25th in fire sign Sagittarius, and a lunar eclipse is like a full moon, but also can impact you for up to six months. You could end a big project that you’ve been working on, especially something to do with writing or that required a lot of mental work. You might see quite a few pieces of technology and electronics die on you over the coming months, or have car troubles. You can settle a dispute between you and a sibling or neighbor. Some part of your daily routine could end, whether by choice or by force. You’re more emotionally charged by words and what people say to you or what you read, and your own words are more filled with emotion as well. SCORPIO MAY 2013 Mercury enters the sign opposite yours, Taurus, on May 1st, and you may have many more communications and conversations with your loved ones. You’re more comfortable talking with people in one-on-one situations instead of in groups, and you come up with your best ideas when you have someone else to spar with. Venus enters air sign Gemini on May 9th, and you have an easier time with your traits and personality. You’re not apologetic about who you are, and embrace your own traits. You find pleasure in being researching, don’t accept things at face value, and crave more intimacy in your life. Mercury enters Gemini on May 15th, and you have a more obsessive personality, and have to dig deep into everything that you come across. You’re steeped in serious thought, and have a sharp focus. The Sun also enters Gemini on May 20th, and you come across as much more intense and brooding. You seem serious, probing, and deep. Mars enters Gemini on May 31st, and your passion can increase, both sexually and generally in life. Everything you do, you do with gusto. You crave deep, intimate bonds with people, and will need a physical outlet for your sexual energy, otherwise you may get really frustrated and cranky. You might deal with taxes, debts, loans, inheritances, or joint finances, and could consider beginning a business partnership. If you already have a business partner, you could get in more fights with them over little things. Mercury enters fellow water sign Cancer on May 31st, and you’re less serious than usual. You take a more positive approach to matters, and steer away from anything dark and dreary. You can come up with big ideas, and have a grasp on the big picture, though the details may escape you. On May 9th, a solar eclipse occurs in Taurus. A solar eclipse is like a new moon, except a solar eclipse can impact you for up to six months. With this solar eclipse, you can have a good period in your relationships. An opportunity could come up for a loved one, and you have to be supportive and cheer them on. An opportunity could come up for you through a loved one. You could have the opportunity to do something that requires a partner. You generally have a good period with your existing relationships and can make them better, but you can also forge a new relationship. If single, you’re more focused on commitment, and if attached, you want to strengthen your commitment to your partner. You may be committing to many new things in life. A lunar eclipse occurs on May 25th in fire sign Sagittarius, the sign after yours. A lunar eclipse is like a full moon, but also lasts for up to six months. With this eclipse, you could finish a money-making venture, deciding you don’t want to deal with it anymore or it’s just not working. You could finalize a financial agreement, budget, or plan. Over the coming months, you may be more prone to buy something when you’re upset, and splurge to make yourself feel better on clothes, shoes, food, sex, etc. so watch yourself. Your self-esteem and confidence may be a little lower than usual, and you’re more sensitive to what other people say or think about you. You have to work on boosting your confidence and your inner worth. SAGITTARIUS MAY 2013 Mercury enters earth sign Taurus on May 1st, so you start the month mentally focused on your work. You may take on many small work projects, do work for other people, be more detail-oriented, and try to get more organized. You can get a lot of work done, be productive and efficient, but may not be recognized for it. You can also come up with plans to improve your health, or get advice from professionals. Venus enters the sign that opposes yours, Gemini, on May 9th, and you have an easier time dealing with your loved ones. You can smooth over fights quickly, charm them to do whatever you want, and strike compromises with ease. You find pleasure in peace, harmony, and balance. Mercury quickly moves into Gemini on May 15th, and you need a partner if you have ideas to come up with. You work best when you have someone else with you to help, even if just to be a sounding board. You could have more one-on-one conversations with people. Your loved ones may have a lot to say to you. The Sun also enters Gemini on May 20th, and you feel most like yourself when you have your loved ones around you, and feel like you have a real partner in life. You may seem more charming, sociable, and vacillating. Mars enters Gemini on May 31st, and you’re driven to have real partnerships. If single, you become more driven to be in a committed relationship; if attached, you may get into more arguments with your partner. You want commitment in your life, to people and to projects or ideas, so you take more of it on. You’re also more defensive of the little guy, the people who can’t defend themselves, and can do well fighting for equality or justice with Mars here. Mercury enters water sign Cancer on May 31st, and you seem more serious than usual. You focus on the darker aspects of life, drawn to the taboo and mysterious, and want to solve the puzzles of life. You’re more obsessive, fanatical, or intense, and can dig deep into any subject. On May 9th, a solar eclipse occurs in Taurus. A solar eclipse is like a new moon, but it can impact you for up to six months instead of just two weeks. Over the coming months, you could get a new job, or multiple new jobs. Opportunities for new work seem all over the place, and you can choose exactly what you want to do. You could start a big new work project, get new coworkers, or move into a new office space. This is also a good period for your health, and you can make great strides to improve your health. Start a new lifestyle that’ll rejuvenate your body. On May 25th, a lunar eclipse occurs in your sign, Sagittarius. A lunar eclipse is like a full moon, but also impacts you for up to six months. With this lunar eclipse in your sign, you basically get rewarded or punished for the work you’ve been doing and decisions you’ve been making. If you’ve been working hard and smart, this is an excellent period for you, and you see everything you’ve been working for come to fruition. If you haven’t been, then problems will arise. Overall, you may seem more emotional or in tune with your emotions. Many things could come to an end, for better or for worse. CAPRICORN MAY 2013 On May 1st, Mercury moves into fellow earth sign Taurus, and you don’t want to focus on work on anything serious. Your mind wanders, and all you want to do is play. This is a good time to focus on your hobbies or to take up a new one. You may have a more gregarious approach to matters. On May 9th, Venus enters air sign Gemini, and you have an easier time dealing with work. You can smooth over conflicts with coworkers, improve your work environment, and charm your bosses. You just have to watch for laziness and indulgence that leads to an expanding waistline. If single, you could meet someone at work. If you work in the beauty industry, the arts, or in law, this is a good period for you. On May 15th, Mercury enters Gemini, and you’re focused entirely on the work that you have to get done. You can take on new projects and have an eye for the details. None of the little things escape you. On May 20th, the Sun enters Gemini, and you feel most like yourself when you’re getting work done, being productive and efficient, and accomplishing small tasks. You crave structure and order, create a routine to stick to, and seem more like a perfectionist. Mars enters Gemini on May 31st, and you’re driven to work. You could get a new job, or create work for yourself. You keep busy with many small tasks, and if you don’t have enough to do, you feel anxious, bored, and dissatisfied with yourself. This can be a good time to deal with health issues because you have the energy to do so, and is especially good for starting a new exercise routine. Just watch for accidents/injuries. Mercury enters Cancer, the sign opposite yours, on May 31st, and you do your best thinking with a partner. Loved ones may come to you for advice or to talk things over. You engage with people in one-on-one environments, and feel comfortable talking with people that way. You’re more willing to compromise with others, are better at negotiating, and are more charming. A solar eclipse occurs on May 9th in Taurus. A solar eclipse is like a new moon, except it can impact you for up to six months, a much longer period of time. For you, this eclipse could bring some much-needed fun into your life. You could take up a new hobby, take more time off from work to play, and let the kid in you come out. If you have children, an opportunity could come up for them, and they seem more enthusiastic and positive. You could begin a new creative project that leads to something big. If single, you could meet someone new; if attached, you try to bring more romance and fun into the relationship. A lunar eclipse occurs on May 25th in fire sign Sagittarius, the sign before yours. A lunar eclipse is like a full moon, but also impacts you for up to six months. For you, this eclipse could bring a lot of emotion. You have to let go of some things that you don’t want to let go of, and deal with subconscious issues that you’ve been avoiding. Skeletons could come out of the closet, secrets come into the light, and you can’t hide from it all. You have to embrace it and face it, or else you’ll make things worse for yourself. AQUARIUS MAY 2013 On May 1st, Mercury enters earth sign Taurus, and you could have more communications at home, with relatives, or about your home or family. You may come up with your best ideas when you’re at home or with a family member. They may need some advice from you. You could make a plan for a family get-together. Venus enters fellow air sign Gemini on May 9th, and you just want to have some fun. You find pleasure in engaging with your hobbies, letting your inner child come out to play, and being creative. Your creativity can soar, so this is a good time for you if you do creative work. Inspiration is everywhere. Mercury also enters Gemini on May 15th, and you have a hard time getting your mind to focus on work, duty, your responsibilities, and the things that you have to do. The more time you can take off to do whatever you want, the better. The Sun also enters Gemini on May 20th, and you feel most like yourself when you’re having fun. You crave love and affection, and try to bring that into your life. This is a good time to meet someone, if you’re single. You may seem more gregarious, warm, and proud. On May 31st, Mars enters Gemini, and you’re driven to be creative, to create something out of nothing, and are drawn to beauty. If you have children, they may be more feisty. If in a relationship, you may have more spats. If single, you have more energy to date, but it might not be very serious. You want to play the field, not put any labels on anything, and enjoy yourself. On May 31st, Mercury also changes sign, entering water sign Cancer. You become more concerned with work, focused on the tasks that you have to get done, and dealing with your responsibilities. You try to be as productive as you can and get as much done as possible. On May 9th, a solar eclipse occurs in Taurus. A solar eclipse is like a new moon, but it impacts you for up to six months instead of only two weeks like a new moon. Over the coming months, you could begin a big new home improvement project, renovate, remodel, redecorate. This can be a good period to buy or sell property. An opportunity could come for a relative, or for you through a relative, or for you to do something important with a relative. While you’re the wild one in the zodiac, you tend to do better over the coming months in familiar places with people that you’re comfortable with, and doing things the traditional, conventional way. On May 25th, a lunar eclipse occurs in fire sign Sagittarius. A lunar eclipse is like a full moon, but like a solar eclipse, it also impacts you for up to six months. Over the coming months, you could see friendships or one in particular come to an end. It hasn’t been working for a long time, and you need to end it. You could leave a group that you belong to, not seeing eye-to-eye with them anymore. You could give up a cause that you’ve taken up, not believing in it like you used to. A dream that you have could come to fruition, or you could give up on it, knowing that it’s run its course and that it’s time for you to move on. PISCES MAY 2013 Mercury moves into earth sign Taurus on May 1st, so you begin the month with an active mind. It’s going-going-going, and bouncing from one idea to the next. You come up with plenty of new ideas, but may forget them as soon as you do, so try writing them down. You have more communications, and there’s lots to talk about. You can also get information that you need or news you’ve been trying to get. Venus enters air sign Gemini on May 9th, and you have an easier time dealing with your family. You can smooth over any disputes that come up with them, and charm them into cooperating. You enjoy spending time with them and at home. You find pleasure in improving your home, and you try to bring more harmony into your home. Mercury leaves Taurus and enters Gemini on May 15th, and you come up with your best ideas when you’re in familiar surroundings and with people that you’re comfortable with. Your mind may move slower, and you’re attracted to conventional methods and ideas. On May 20th, the Sun also enters Gemini, and you feel most like yourself when you’re lounging at home or with your family. You crave comfort and familiarity, and you don’t want to push the envelope at all. You seem more nurturing, supportive, and sensitive. Mars enters Gemini on May 31st, and you’re driven to create a comfortable home and family life for yourself. You could move, or buy/sell property. You may begin new projects to improve your home, and put more focus on your family. You could have more arguments with your relatives through. You have more energy when you’re at home than anywhere else. Watch for accidents when you’re at home though. Mercury leaves Gemini and enters fellow water sign Cancer on May 31st, and you let loose more, wanting to hang out and shoot the breeze. Work gets put aside so you can play as much as you want. You’re more focused on the things that you find fun, your wants, and your desires. On May 9th, a solar eclipse occurs in Taurus. A solar eclipse is like a new moon, except it lasts for much longer, impacting you for up to six months. You could begin a big new project over the coming months that takes up a lot of your time, but you’re enthusiastic and energized over it. An opportunity could come up for a sibling or neighbor, or for you through a sibling or neighbor, or for you to do something important with a sibling or neighbor. You could embark on a community project or do community outreach. You could buy a new piece of technology or a car. You may do a lot more short travel, and stay pretty busy with your daily life. On May 25th, a lunar eclipse occurs in fire sign Sagittarius. A lunar eclipse is like a full moon, but impacts you for much longer, up to six months. This eclipse could have an impact for you with your goals, life path, and career. If you’ve been working hard at a certain goal or something in your career, you could see the rewards for that now. You could be recognized for your work, get a promotion, get a new job, or be in the public eye. If you haven’t been working hard, you can experience setbacks with your goals or in your career. Work hard! Comments are closed.