General horoscopes are always meant for entertainment purposes only. For a more accurate view, read your Sun sign, Rising sign, and Moon sign. Aries March 2015 Mercury enters water sign Pisces on March 12th, and you keep much of what you’re thinking to yourself. You’re quieter than you usually are, a rare thing for an Aries, and you don’t want to let anyone know what you’re working on or what plans you’re coming up with just yet. In fact, you come up with your best ideas and plans when people aren’t bothering you. You can find others to be mentally exhausting, and you prefer to think in solitude. You may become privy to a secret or two, and you put it in the vault (for now). Your imagination is active, and you get lost in daydreams and fantasy, wanting to dive into other worlds and realms. The Sun enters your sign, Aries, on March 20th, and you start to put yourself out there, being comfortable with who you are, and wanting to show the world what you’re capable of. You have greater energy, and you feel confident. You can pursue new opportunities with zeal, and your enthusiasm works in your favor. The world comes to you, and you love the attention that you get. You may come across as friendlier, prouder, and warmer. Mercury leaves Pisces and joins the Sun in Aries on March 30th, and you’re open with your thoughts and ideas as well. You’ve done all of your homework and prepped, and now you’re ready to show the world what you’ve got up your sleeve. You don’t keep much to yourself, find new mental projects to be thrilling, and have a positive tone. You’re extra fiery, extra spicy, just the way you like it. Venus enters earth sign Taurus, the sign before yours, on March 17th, and you enjoy indulging, engaging in your senses, feeling more sensual and wanting to get in touch with your body. You can savor good foods, fine wines, enjoy great music, and feel one with nature, marveling at the beauty. This is also a good time for you financially, and you tend to have the money you need when you need it, but also like to spend more and splurge. It’s an excellent time if you’re in the arts or beauty industry. In love, you want to connect with your partner physically, if attached, and are more passionate with them. If single, you’re attracted to stability, security, and sensuality. Mars joins Venus in Taurus on March 31st to end the month, so he spends most of the month in your sign, keeping your energy high. In Taurus, your energy slows down to more of a slow burn instead of explosiveness. You take your time with anything you begin, not feeling any rush at all, but once you get started, you keep going until you reach the end. It can be a good time financially as you put more focus on improving your finances, wanting to increase your income through a second job, side gig, or monetizing a hobby. Financial opportunities can be everywhere, and you have the energy and drive to pursue them. Saturn turns retrograde (appears to move backward) on March 14th in fellow fire sign Sagittarius, and over the coming months, you can become lazy with your beliefs, with opportunities for expansion, or with learning anything new. You can be overly optimistic or pessimistic and it gets in the way. Keep yourself from getting too high or too low. A full moon occurs on March 5th in earth sign Virgo, and you can finish a work project, reach a new level with your work, or feel like you should stop the work you’re doing and move on. You can focus on the details too much when emotional, and put too much pressure on yourself. You’re only human, you know. This is a good full moon to give up a bad habit, like smoking or sugar. You can see a health issue worsen if you’ve been irresponsible with it, or see one improve if you’ve been doing the right thing. In general, if you’re stressed out, it’ll impact you physically, so try to manage your stress better. The first solar eclipse of 2015 occurs on March 20th at the very end of Pisces. A solar eclipse is just like a new moon, except it can impact you for up to six months before and after. This eclipse begins to impact in February. With this solar eclipse, you can focus on the things that you need to let go of, and clear out the clutter from your life quite effectively. You may feel an intense need to eliminate what you don’t need anymore, becoming very aware of how much it holds you back, and you don’t feel attached to these things emotionally anymore. You can also focus on your spiritual self, and pursue spiritual or metaphysical ventures. You can be presented with a wonderful opportunity to do something in the background, and it leads to bigger and better things for you later on if you use it right. Best days for Love in March for Aries: 2nd, 3rd, 29th, 30th Best days for Money in March for Aries: 22nd, 23rd Taurus March 2015 On March 12th, Mercury enters water sign Pisces, and you do your best thinking when you’re in a group, having other people around the bounce ideas off of and give you a different perspective. You appreciate the different ways that they view the world, and it allows you to come up with ideas that are different from usual, maybe even innovative and inventive. You don’t shy away from unusual ideas, finding something fascinating about them, and are more attracted to original thinkers. This can be a good time to connect with others through technology, and you can spend more time online and using social networking. On March 17th, Venus, your ruler, enters your sign, Taurus, and you enjoy being yourself. You indulge more, you’re more charming and attractive, and you feel good about yourself and in your body. You’re sensual, earthy, and want to be around other people. In love, you’re more romantic, and want to spend more time with your partner, if attached. If single, you can find other people are attracted to you without you putting in much effort, and they come to you, so you have your pick of the litter. You want someone who will put you first and splurge on you like you deserve. You take your time getting to know them, not feeling rushed to pick just one. On March 31st, Mars also enters your sign, but spends most of March in Aries, keeping your energy low. In Taurus, your energy begins to surge, and you feel driven, energized, enthusiastic, and pioneering. You want to jump into new projects, get things off of the ground, and have a positive attitude about it all. You see opportunities all around you, and you want to pursue all of them. You can be a little scattered, starting some and then dropping them quickly, so make sure you stay committed. If you can do that, you can make the most of this energy and do something big. Mars is only in your sign once every two years - use it! On March 20th, the Sun enters fire sign Aries, the sign before yours, and you prefer to stay in the background, out of sight. You don’t want to be bothered by anyone or be a bother to anyone, so you’d rather do things on your own for yourself. You feel most comfortable out of the spotlight and behind closed doors, away from strangers and prying eyes. You can find other people drain you physically, and you need more time to yourself to recover. You may come across as quieter, more compassionate, and more sensitive. On March 30th, Mercury leaves Pisces and joins the Sun in Aries, and you keep your ideas to yourself, not wanting to share your thoughts with anyone until you’ve thought everything through thoroughly and done all of your homework. You’re a little shy about sharing, and don’t feel ready yet. You do have a more active imagination, and can connect with the metaphysical. On March 14th, Saturn turns retrograde (appears to move backward) in fire sign Sagittarius, and over the coming months, you can be lazy with transformations, not wanting to deal with the work involved, or avoid financial responsibilities. Don’t put anything off for too long though. On March 5th, a full moon occurs in fellow earth sign Virgo, and you can take a love relationship to the next level, or feel that one needs to come to an end. You can be more creative, feeling inspired by everything around you. You’re a little more dramatic with your emotional displays, especially the more emotional you are, and you need praise and attention from loved ones to make you feel at ease. If you have children, something can come to an end for them. On March 20th, we have our first eclipse for the year, a solar eclipse late in Pisces. A solar eclipse is just like a new moon, except it can impact for up to six months before and after. This eclipse begins to impact in February. With this solar eclipse, you can find renewed vigor and drive for your dreams for your future. An opportunity could be presented to you that helps you get closer to achieving a dream, or you actually do achieve one. You feel that you have a good plan for your future, and that it’s closer than you’d realized. This is also a great time to make new friends, join new groups, or take up causes, doing your part to help the world. Don’t be afraid to break out of your usual routine and way of doing things because that could be your golden ticket. Best days for Love in March for Taurus: 4th, 5th, 6th, 31st Best days for Money in March for Taurus: 24th, 25th, 26th Gemini March 2015 Mercury enters water sign Pisces on March 12th, and your mind is focused on your goals, the things you hope to achieve, and the plans you have for them. You have a practical view of everything, and this allows you to come up with plans that are realistic. You know what you’re capable of, and you know exactly what has to be done. You don’t care too much for the unconventional or imagination right now, but you’ll have other times for that. Now, you need to see everything as it is. You can have an important conversation with a boss or mentor, or about your career and life path. You think about the direction your life is going in, and want to be sure you’re on the right path. The Sun enters fire sign Aries on March 20th, and you feel most like yourself when you’re with friends, in groups, and surrounded by other people. You enjoy being with people you feel are your equal, especially intellectually, and who push the envelope. You like people who seem different and true to who they are. It makes you want to be true to who you are. You can meet new people, join new groups, or take up new causes. You may come across as more inventive, independent, or rebellious. Mercury joins the Sun in Aries on March 30th, and you think best when you’re with friends or in a group. The more people there are around to give you input and point out what you’re missing, the better. You come up with ideas that are different, unusual, or innovative, and you enjoy going outside of your intellectual comfort zone. Venus enters earth sign Taurus, the sign before yours, on March 17th, and you enjoy spending time by yourself, needing to take some time for yourself. You can focus on subconscious issues, your spiritual side, the metaphysical, or your dreams. You’re more compassionate and sensitive with others. In love, you’re romantic and dreamy, and view your partner ideally, if attached. If single, you want someone who will be sweet and kind to your heart, and who you feel a karmic link to. Mars joins Venus in Taurus on March 31st, so he spends most of March in Aries, driving you to pursue your dreams and expand your social circle. In Taurus, your energy slows down, and you find you need more time to yourself to recover from being around other people. You do your best work in the background, and can come up with a big plan or project that you keep to yourself, working on it secretly until you feel the time is right to let everyone else know. You can also pursue spiritual matters and subjects, wanting to explore your spiritual side. Saturn turns retrograde (appears to move backward) in fire sign Sagittarius, the sign opposite yours, on March 14th, and over the coming months, you can be lazy with your loved ones, in your relationships, and with your commitments. Don’t slouch too much or you’ll make things worse. A full moon occurs in earth sign Virgo on March 5th, and you can finish a home improvement project, finalize the buying or selling of property, or finish up a move. You can strengthen your relationship with a relative, or end one. Emotionally, you feel things more deeply, and have a hard time being objective when you’re hurt. You need comfort and to be nurtured and supported by loved ones to make you feel better when you’re stung at your core. A solar eclipse occurs at the very end of Pisces on March 20th, the first eclipse of 2015. A solar eclipse is like a new moon, except it can impact you for up to six month before and after. This eclipse begins to impact in February. With this solar eclipse, you get impacted at the highest point astrologically, so this can be a high point for you in your life. You have opportunities presented to you to achieve your goals, to reach high places in your career, or to get further along your life path. You feel you’re going in the right direction, and things can start falling into place. Hard work pays off, and you see your goals begin to materialize. Make the most of everything that’s presented to you, put in hard, smart work, and you can create even bigger rewards. This might feel like a make-or-break, now-or-never period where you have to make your goals reality now or it might not happen. That might not actually be true, but the energy is ripe for you right now, so why wait? Best days for Love in March for Gemini: 7th, 8th Best days for Money in March for Gemini: 27th, 28th Cancer March 2015 On March 12th, Mercury enters fellow water sign Pisces, and you want to expand your mind. This likely involves learning something new, and you can be voracious with your learning appetite. It’s a great time to take a class or go to school, pick up a new language, and expose yourself to other beliefs and ways of living. It’s also good for travel, but you’ll likely just do that in your mind for now, fantasizing about a faraway land you can visit in the distant future. Your mood is gregarious, friendly, and optimistic, and you try to look at the bright side of everything, not wanting to be serious or bogged down by life. You can tell excellent stories, so it’s a great time if you’re a writer or speaker. On March 17th, Venus enters earth sign Taurus, and you enjoy spending time with your friends, in groups you belong to, or pursuing causes you believe in. You want to engage with others, and connect with them intellectually. It’s easy for you to make new friends, join new groups, and become passionate about new causes. In love, you have a more intellectual approach, and want to renew your foundation of friendship, if attached. If single, you can try to be friends with someone first, or meet someone through your friends. On March 31st, Mars joins Venus in Taurus, though he spends most of March in Aries, keeping you ambitious and focused. In Taurus, you have a wider view of life, focused on your future and what you hope it will be like. You can come up with new dreams, and work hard toward achieving the dreams you already have. You can make new friends, feeling energized when you’re with your friends, and feed off of the energy of a crowd or group, perhaps even finding yourself in front of a crowd or group. You’re driven to be an individual, true to who you are, as quirky or zany or weird as that may be, embracing your unique self and trying to get others to do the same. On March 20th, the Sun enters fire sign Aries, and you feel most like yourself when you’re pursuing your goals, having success, and focusing on your life path and career. You can work harder, put in more hours, come up with plans of action, and have a practical view of everything. You’re more ambitious than usual, wanting to succeed, and feeling like you’re worth more when you have success, so don’t hinge your self-esteem on that too much. You’re worth a lot no matter what your success. You may come across as more hard-working, dedicated, and responsible. Mercury joins the Sun in Aries on March 30th, leaving Pisces, and you’re focused on your goals, create practical plans, and know what it takes for you to get what you want. It’s a good time to get professional advice, especially from a trusted elder, and to assess if you’re on the right path. On March 14th, Saturn turns retrograde (appears to move backward) in fire sign Sagittarius, and over the coming months, you can become lazier with your work, your daily life, and your health, not wanting to deal with any of it. Try to give yourself some time off, but don’t go too far. On March 5th, a full moon occurs in earth sign Virgo, and you can finish several small projects, a project in your community, or a writing project. Your words carry more weight as you say what you mean and mean what you say. You can express your feelings with words more easily, and use that to hash things out with someone, getting things off of your chest you’ve been holding in for too long. You can also see an electronic die on you, or have issues with your car. On March 20th, we have our first eclipse for the year, a solar eclipse on Pisces. A solar eclipse is like a new moon, except it can impact for up to six months before and after. This eclipse begins to impact in February. With this solar eclipse, you’re in a much better mood than you may have felt like in a long time. You’re optimistic about life, seeing all of the good that’s around you, and this positive attitude leads to opportunities for you to expand your life in new ways and have new experiences that give you a different perspective. You’re more open to the world, and want to see what’s out there. Opportunities for travel or learning should be seriously considered. You might feel like you need to jump at anything that comes your way, so try to make sure you do any homework (or at least a little homework) first. But the experiences you do have lead to very positive things for you, the kind of things that stay with you for a while. You can also focus on your beliefs, figuring out what your beliefs really are and which are true to you. Best days for Love in March for Cancer: 9th, 10th, 11th Best days for Money in March for Cancer: 2nd, 3rd, 29th, 30th Leo March 2015 Mercury enters water sign Pisces on March 12th, and you’re able to focus on something so intensely that you get to the heart of the matter when everyone else gives up. You have a strong mind, determined focus, and won’t settle for what you see on the surface. You know there’s more to it, and you keep going until you find all there is to find. This is an excellent time for research and investigative work, dealing with serious matters, or anything a little dark or taboo. You’re not as talkative as usual, having less patience for small talk, but when you do speak, your words carry more weight, and people pay attention to what you say. The Sun enters fellow fire sign Aries on March 20th, and you want to expand your life and mind. You crave new experiences, being around new people, exposing yourself to other ways of living, and freeing yourself from the chains around your life. The more you feel fenced in, the more you want to run away from life, so give yourself plenty of freedom in your relationships and professional life. It’s a good time to do some traveling, especially somewhere you’ve never been to before, or to learn something new, opening up your mind. You may come across as more gregarious, independent, or optimistic. Mercury leaves Pisces and joins the Sun in Aries on March 30th, and you don’t feel like focusing on anything serious now. You focus on the brighter side of every situation, believing that you can turn anything around, and want to open your mind to all there is out there, dreaming of exotic lands and interesting people. Venus enters earth sign Taurus on March 17th, and you enjoy working on your goals, having success, and making progress in your life. You can make a good impression on the right person, get along better with parents, bosses, and mentors, and take pleasure in creating new goals for yourself and working at them, though you may be better at delegating the work instead of doing it yourself. In love, you’re practical and a little distant emotionally, but will be responsible for your partner, if in a relationship. If single, you can spend more time dedicated to your goals, and if you find anyone, it’s through your career, or they’re older, more successful, and stable. Mars joins Venus in Taurus on March 31st to end the month, so he spends most of the month of March in Aries, stimulating your need for freedom and helping you expand your life. In Taurus, your focus turns toward your career and professional life and goals, and you feel much more ambitious than usual. You want to achieve, succeed, accomplish, and the more you do, the better you feel about yourself and your life. If you have setbacks or experience failure, you can be too hard on yourself for it, so give yourself a break. You can focus on the direction your life is taking, and consider if you’re on the right path, and make any adjustments necessary. Saturn turns retrograde (appears to move backward) on March 14th in fellow fire sign Sagittarius, and over the coming months, you can be lazier in love, not want to be responsible with loved ones, avoid love issues, or feel uninspired. Don’t give in to the urge to be frumpy and dumpy. A full moon occurs in earth sign Virgo on March 5th, the sign after yours, and you can finalize a financial arrangement, agreement, transaction, or budget. You may be prone to impulse-shopping when upset, so try to avoid that if you can’t afford to. You do want to indulge to make yourself feel better, so you can grab for chocolate and cake more than usual. You’re also more sensitive to what other people say and think about you, so ignore anything negative. A solar eclipse occurs on March 20th at the very end of Pisces, the first eclipse in 2015. A solar eclipse is just like a new moon, except it can impact for up to six months before and after. This eclipse begins to be felt in February. This eclipse can bring a big opportunity for you to transform something in your life for the better. It might feel like you get the sudden urge to do it, like you have to do it right now, feeling that now is the right time for it. It’s not a daunting task, it’s not something that scares you - it’s something that excites you! You can also see developments regarding other people’s money - taxes, debts, loans, inheritances, joint finances. Maybe you settle a debt, join forces with someone to help your business, or finally get a loan you’ve been trying for. Best days for Love in March for Leo: 12th, 13th Best days for Money in March for Leo: 4th, 5th, 6th, 31st Virgo March 2015 On March 12th, Mercury enters water sign Pisces, the sign opposite yours, and you come up with your best ideas and have your easiest time thinking when you have a partner, someone to help you along and be supportive of your ideas. You can bounce ideas off of them, and they give you helpful feedback. You’re also more compromising, wanting to meet people in the middle to avoid any fights. When you’re around disharmony now, you feel out of balance, and have difficulty focusing on anything. You’re a little more charming than usual, and can choose your words well, knowing just what to say to get people over to your side. On March 17th, Venus enters fellow earth sign Taurus, and you enjoy having new experiences, opening yourself up to the world, and seeing the way other people live. You’re open to doing things you haven’t done before, and enjoy yourself when you do. It can be a great time for learning or travel, writing, and teaching, In love, you want to keep it casual and have fun. If in a relationship, be a little adventurous with your partner. If single, you want someone passionate but who gives you space. Mars joins Venus in Taurus on March 31st, so he spends most of the month in Aries, giving you excellent focus, strength, determination, and will. In Taurus, your mood lightens, you want to explore, and are up for an adventure. You feel like seeing what the world has to offer you, and you look at the bright side of situations. You can also focus on your beliefs, go to school, or take a well-deserved trip. On March 20th, the Sun enters fire sign Aries, and you can focus on serious subjects and issues, trying to figure out the best ways to approach them and find a solution. You may want to transform your life in some way, or some part of yourself, and improve yourself or your life going forward. The idea of change doesn’t scare you as much, and you’re open to evolving. You also want more intimacy in your life, and try to grow closer to your loved ones or to someone you’re interested in, forming strong bonds that can’t be broken. You may come across as seductive, magnetic, or mysterious. Mercury leaves Pisces and joins the Sun in Aries on March 30th, and you can investigate matters thoroughly, do research into anything that interests you, and while you say less, your words carry more weight than usual. You keep digging below the surface until you find what you’re looking for, and you have a dominating way of speaking that makes people listen to you. On March 14th, Saturn turns retrograde (appears to move backward) in fire sign Sagittarius, and over the coming months, you may be lazier when dealing with your family or your home life. You don’t feel like dealing with all of the responsibilities you have, but you have them whether you want to or not, so make the best of it. On March 5th, a full moon occurs in your sign, Virgo, which is the time of year when you reap what you sow. You see all of your hard, smart work rewarded, or the bad deeds punished. You make major progress with your life and who you are, or you experience setbacks and blocks. Even when things don’t work out, there’s often still opportunity for you to turn things around for the better if you power through it. In general, you’re also more emotional, sensitive, and intuitive during this time. On March 20th, a solar eclipse occurs late in Pisces, the first eclipse of 2015. A solar eclipse is just like a new moon, except it can impact for up to six months before and after. This eclipse begins to impact in February. This eclipse occurs in your relationship sector, making this year an important one for your relationships. You can enter into an important new relationship that brings great new things into your life, start a new partnership that’s beneficial to both of you, become more committed in your existing relationships, or take a relationship to the next level. If dating, you can move in together, get engaged, or get married. If already married, you can do a recommitment ceremony or something else that reaffirms your commitment to one another. If single, you can put more energy and focus on having a relationship, feeling that now is the time, and you want someone who treats you with respect. You can find that you make the most progress or are presented with new opportunities when you compromise, try to strike a balance, or keep the peace. Best days for Love in March for Virgo: 14th, 15th Best days for Money in March for Virgo: 7th, 8th Libra March 2015 Mercury enters water sign Pisces on March 12th, and you become more focused on your work life, the projects you need to get done, and that growing to-do list you’ve been putting off. You want to get organized, make plans, and create a daily routine so you get everything in order and don’t miss a beat. You have a more practical way of viewing things, and are analytical and logical. It’s great for projects that require that kind of thinking. You can have an important conversation at or about your work, and this is a good time for you if you work as a writer, speaker, or dealing with tech. Venus, your ruler, enters earth sign Taurus on March 17th, and you enjoy having intimate relationships, feeling as close to your loved ones as possible, and letting out your passionate side. In love, you’re serious and intense, and if in a relationship, you want to be around your partner more, digging into their psyche. If single, you don’t settle for anyone who doesn’t have depth to them, and don’t want anything superficial. This is also a good time to do something that’s beneficial for both you and another person, and taking on a business partner can be helpful. Mars joins Venus in Taurus in March 31st, so he spends most of the month in fire sign Aries, the sign opposite yours, giving you plenty of energy for dealing with loved ones and your relationships. In Taurus, your energy becomes unrelenting, and you have a strong will and determined spirit. You can do anything you set your mind to, and you can accomplish more than usual. This is also a good time for making a transformation of some sort in your life. The Sun enters Aries on March 20th, and you feel most like yourself when you’re with loved ones, have a partner by your side, and are getting one-on-one attention. You want to strengthen your relationships, feeling better when you feel your relationships are going well, and can give more attention, affection, and support to loved ones. If in a relationship, your partner could be in the spotlight. You may come across as more charming, attractive, or compromising. Mercury leaves Pisces and joins the Sun in Aries on March 30th, and you benefit from having a partner to help you with your ideas and projects. With someone by your side, you can get more done, see what you’re missing, and make greater progress. You’re more compromising, mediating, and want to keep the peace. You need more balance as well, and if you’re surrounded by disharmony, you feel out of balance. Saturn turns retrograde (appears to move backward) on March 14th in fire sign Sagittarius, and over the coming months, you can be more mentally lazy, not wanting to focus much or deal with anything mentally taxing. You’ll have to work on having greater mental discipline and control. A full moon occurs in earth sign Virgo, the sign before yours, on March 5th, giving you an emotional full moon where you’re sensitive and vulnerable. You pick up on every little thing, physically, emotionally, and spiritually, and your intuition is high. You can sense far more than you realize, so try to make the most of your intuition. This is a good time for letting something go, but it may seem like an emotional experience. It is a good thing in the end though. A solar eclipse occurs at the end of Pisces on March 20th, the first eclipse of 2015. A solar eclipse is just like a new moon, except it can impact for up to six months before and after. This eclipse begins to impact in February. Pisces is your work sector, so you can experience an excellent period for work. You take on an important project that gets you recognition and praise, you’re offered a new work opportunity or job that’s better than where you’re at, or you decide it’s time to take control of your work and be a leader. You might feel like this has to be the time, you have to do something right now to improve your work life, and you make it happen on your own. This can also be a time where you focus on your daily life and habits, and try to implement a better routine or have a healthier lifestyle. It’s a good time for you health, so try to use the energy to make yourself as healthy as possible in every way. Best days for Love in March for Libra: 16th, 17th Best days for Money in March for Libra: 9th, 10th, 11th Scorpio March 2015 On March 12th, Mercury enters fellow water sign Pisces, and you prefer focusing on fun and happy things instead of anything serious or practical. You want to enjoy yourself, spend time on hobbies, and be creative. Let yourself have more time off so you can let your mind wander and goof off. It’s an excellent time for creative writing, and for speaking as well because you speak with flair that people are drawn to. If in a relationship, you want to have more conversations with your partner, feeling a mental connection. If single, you flirt and take things casually. It’s a good time to meet someone online. On March 17th, Venus enters earth sign Taurus, the sign opposite yours, and you enjoy the time you spend with loved ones. You give them support and affection, are charming and pleasant to be around, and prefer being with others instead of being alone. If in a relationship, you can be romantic and giving with your partner. If single, you want someone who is charming and respectful, and wants commitment as much as you do. Mars joins Venus in Taurus on March 31st, so he spends most of the month in fire sign Aries, giving you plenty of energy for work, making you efficient and productive, and keeping you busy. In Taurus, you have energy for your relationships, and want to focus on your loved ones. You’re willing to meet them in the middle, make compromises, and arrange truces. If in a relationship, you devote more time to your partner. If single, you devote more time to finding a relationship. You try to strike a balance in your life, not giving too much to any one thing. You need peace and beauty around you to help you feel balanced and secure. On March 20th, the Sun enters Aries, and you feel most like yourself when you’re working hard, being organized, and taking care off all of the small stuff. You keep a list of everything that has to be done, and you get as much taken care of as you can. You work harder, are more productive, and can do more with less. You can get attention or praise for the work you do. This is also a good time to focus on your health, and make a change for a healthier lifestyle. Mercury leaves Pisces and joins the Sun in Aries on March 30th, and you have great focus, are able to get to lots of smaller projects, and can maintain a routine. You keep everything organized, and are willing to sacrifice time for play so you can get more work done. On March 14th, Saturn turns retrograde (appears to move backward) in fire sign Sagittarius, the sign after yours, and you can be lazier when it comes to dealing with your finances, your values, and your security. Try not to put things off for too long, and manage as best as you can. On March 5th, a full moon occurs in earth sign Virgo, and you can settle a dispute with a friend or group, take on more responsibility within a friendship or group, or end a friendship or involvement with a group. You can be more emotional with your dreams, and either feel that you need to walk away from a dream that you have, or see developments that get you closer to achieving it. You also want to be yourself more with this full moon, and embrace your originality. On March 20th, a solar eclipse occurs in Pisces, the first eclipse of 2015. A solar eclipse is like a new moon, except it can impact for up to six months before and after. This eclipse begins to impact in February. You can improve your love relationships with this eclipse, and forge new ones. If in a relationship, you can grow closer with your partner, and make it feel like it did when you first got together, rekindling the flame. If single, you can attract lots of potential partners, play the field, and have fun. Fun is something you feel you’ve been missing lately, and you want that more than anything now. Take time for hobbies, take up new hobbies, take time off from work, go on vacation. Your creativity can blossom with this eclipse, so it’s a good time to start a creative venture. If you have children, they can be presented with a great new opportunity. Let your own inner child come out to play. Best days for Love in March for Scorpio: 18th, 19th Best days for Money in March for Scorpio: 12th, 13th Sagittarius March 2015 Mercury enters water sign Pisces on March 12th, and you think with your feelings. Your emotions are strong, and they dictate what you think about people, situations, and life. You have a long memory, especially with anything that impacts you emotionally, and you understand the emotions of situations, helping you to understand other people better. You can get in touch with your feelings, and express them with others openly. You could have an important conversation with a family member or about your home, and you do your best thinking when you’re in comfortable surroundings and with people who put you at ease. The Sun enters fellow fire sign Aries on March 20th, and you feel most like yourself when you’re with loved ones, having a good time, and not being serious. You feel life is meant to be lived with a smile, and you want to take time away from work to focus on hobbies and play. You can be more affectionate and loving, and if in a relationship, more romantic and theatrical. If single, you flirt but keep things casual. You may come across as more creative, prouder, or warmer. Mercury leaves Pisces and joins the Sun in Aries on March 30th, and your mood lightens as you focus on fun. You don’t want to get stuck in bad moods or focus on serious subjects. You want to laugh, goof off, have a good time, and enjoy your life and loved ones. You can be more creative, making this a good time for creative writing, speaking, or teaching. You want to shine in your love relationships, and have a mental connection with loved ones. Venus enters earth sign Taurus on March 17th, and you enjoy your work more, but can also be lazier with it, so you have to force yourself to work when you have to. When you do work, you can get more work done than usual. You make good impressions on co-workers and the people you work with and for. It’s a good time for creative work, or if you work in the arts. In love, you can be more practical, and if in a relationship, you pay more attention to the little things with your partner. If single, you want someone who will do that for you. Mars joins Venus in Taurus on March 31st, so he spends most of the month in Aries, giving you plenty of creative energy, making you focus on your love relationships, and helping you be in a light mood. In Taurus, you have renewed energy for your work, and you can get plenty of work done. The more work you do, the more energy you seem to have, and you can get through many small projects, start new ones, make progress at work, look for new work, and have more work opportunities. You have so much energy for work that you might run yourself ragged, so try to give yourself time off in April, or you’ll burn out and get stressed. Saturn turns retrograde (appears to move backward) in your sign, Sagittarius, on March 14th, and over the coming months, you can be a little lazier, not want to deal with your responsibilities, or feel overwhelmed by them. Give yourself some time away from it all so you don’t lose it. A full moon occurs in earth sign Virgo on March 5th, and this can be a high point for you this year. You can see all of the hard, smart work you’ve put in toward achieving a goal pay off, and you make progress, achieve the goal, or have new opportunities presented to you. If you’ve been lazy or haven’t make good decisions, you can see difficulties arise with your goals, and you fall behind. Even if you experience the latter, you still have the chance to turn things around if you put in the effort and make smart choices. A solar eclipse occurs late in Pisces on March 20th, the first eclipse of 2015. A solar eclipse is just like a new moon, except it can impact for up to six months before and after. This eclipse begins to impact in February. You can improve your relationships with your family, forging better connections, having a better understanding with them, or creating new relationships with people that feel like family. This is a great time for you to forge the kind of family unit that you want in your life, and you might feel like this is the time to do it, and have a sense of urgency about it. You can also focus on your home, and try to create the type of home you’ve always wanted, so this could mean moving, buying or selling property, renovations, remodeling, redecorating, or rehabilitating. You can be in touch with your emotions at this time, and you find that your feelings are more helpful than you realize. You’re not known for being the most emotional sign in the Zodiac, preferring to put on a happy face, but you get in touch with your feelings now in a different way, and find it opens up new opportunities and paths for you that wouldn’t open up to you otherwise. Best days for Love in March for Sagittarius: 20th, 21st Best days for Money in March for Sagittarius: 14th 15th Capricorn March 2015 On March 12th, Mercury enters water sign Pisces, and your mind moves at a faster pace than usual. You have lots of new ideas and things that you want to share with others, and you gather information for whatever you need. You might be a little forgetful, so write things down that you don’t want to forget. You can have more communications, conversations, come up with more ideas, have more to say, and want to share everything you know. You’re in a positive mood, and want to engage with others, needing more mental stimulation to use up your mental energy. On March 17th, Venus enters fellow earth sign Taurus, and you enjoy love more, being in love, being loving, being affectionate, and getting attention from your loved ones. If in a relationship, you’re romantic and charming, and want more time with your partner. If single, you’re flirtier and attractive, and draw people to you with your charm. You can be more creative, inspired, and up for a good time, so work is a little difficult, unless it’s creative. On March 31st, Mars joins Venus in Taurus, spending most of the month in Aries, giving you energy and drive for dealing with your home or family matters. In Taurus, you’re driven to have more love in your life, and share the love you feel. You want to be close with your loved ones, and be affectionate and generous. If in a relationship, you want to add some sparks, spice things up, and inject some fun into your relationship. If single, you can date around but aren’t in the mood for anything serious just yet, preferring light fun. You have less patience for work and want to focus on having fun, goofing off, and spending time on your hobbies, so try not to demand too much from yourself. On March 20th, the Sun enters fire sign Aries, and you feel most like yourself when you’re in familiar surroundings with comfortable people. You may want to spend more time at home, lounging around in pajamas, or baking some cookies. You want to be with family or the people who feel like family and put you at ease. You want to stay squarely in your comfort zone, and feel that doing something different or wild is best left for another time. You may come across as more nurturing, supportive, or emotional. On March 30th, Mercury leaves Pisces and joins the Sun in Aries, and you focus on the past and old memories that you hadn’t thought about in years. You can deal with emotional situations more easily, and understand how people feel in them. When something impacts you emotionally, it stays with you, and you remember the way situations and people impacted you emotionally in the past. On March 14th, Saturn, your ruler, turns retrograde (appears to move backward) in fire sign Sagittarius, the sign before yours, and over the coming months, you don’t feel like dealing with the past, letting go, or subconscious issues, lacking motivation and drive. You can also feel slightly off in a subtle way since Saturn is your ruler, so give yourself more time to deal with things. On March 5th, a full moon occurs in fellow earth sign Virgo, and you can settle a legal dispute, come home if you’re abroad, or finish a course of study. You more strongly identify with your beliefs, and will defend them no matter what. In general, you’re more optimistic and less sensitive with this full moon. On March 20th, a solar eclipse occurs late in Pisces. This is the first eclipse of 2015. A solar eclipse is like a new moon, except it can impact for up to six months before and after. This eclipse begins to impact in February. You can come up with some exciting ideas over the coming months, and they come on fast. You come up with so much that you can forget them easily, so keep track of them because there could be some diamonds in there. Your mind is sharp, quick, and working at a good pace, and you can sort through small projects with ease. You’re generally more positive from this eclipse, wanting to look at the bright side, and are easier to get along with. You’re engaging, a better conversationalist, and know the right words to say. This can be an excellent period for writing, speaking, or teaching, and you can spread the word - your word. Best days for Love in March for Capricorn: 22nd, 23rd Best days for Money in March for Capricorn: 16th, 17th Aquarius March 2015 Mercury enters water sign Pisces, the sign after yours, on March 12th, and with Mercury exiting your sign, your mind slows down from the rapid pace it’s been at, giving you’re a mental break. You take your time with any projects you work on, ideas you come up with, decisions you make, and don’t feel like there’s any point in rushing right now. The more other people push you, the more you resist, wanting to do things on your own time. You might be more stubborn than usual, so make sure you remain open. This is a good time for making plans with your finances, so try putting together a budget or financial arrangement. If you work with technology, as a writer or speaker, in your community, or with young people, this is a good period for you. Venus enters earth sign Taurus on March 17th, and you find pleasure in being in the places that are more familiar and feel like home, being with people you see as your family, and putting yourself in comfortable surroundings and familiar situations. You don’t enjoy going outside of your comfort zone as much right now, which may seem a bit unlike you, but you can go the conventional route occasionally too. In love, you want an emotional connection, and if in a relationship, you work on having that connection with your partner. If single, you look for someone who can be nurturing, supportive, and sensitive to your emotional needs. Mars enters Taurus, joining Venus, on March 31st, spending most of the month in fire sign Aries, keeping you focused on lots of different projects and wanting to engage with others. In Taurus, you’ll want to slow down and focus more on your family, your home, and the people and places you care most about. Some of you may be inspired to plan or go on a family vacation, renovate your home, or make a move. It can be a good time for real estate transactions. You seem to be fueled or drained by your feelings, so when you’re angry, you’re driven, and when you’re sad, you’re lethargic. You can channel your feelings into something productive if you don’t let yourself become consumed by them or shove them away. The Sun enters Aries on March 20th, and you feel most like yourself when you’re keeping yourself busy, having a packed schedule, and engaging with others. You have more to say, want to share with others, and are in a general good mood. You can come up with new ideas, and put an idea of yours in the spotlight. You can spend time working on a project in your community, dealing with young people, or helping out a sibling or neighbor. You may come across as more talkative, curious, or logical. Mercury leaves Pisces and enters Aries on March 30th, and the pace of your mind ramps right back up to where it was, making your break short-lived. You have lots of ideas swirling around in your head, come up with plenty of ideas, have a lot you want to say and share with others, and don’t keep much to yourself. It’s a good time for any writing or speaking. Saturn turns retrograde (appears to be moving backward) in fire sign Sagittarius on March 14th, and over the coming months, you can be lazy with your friendships, the groups you belong to, and the dreams you have for your future, not wanting to be bothered by any responsibilities. Don’t let yourself give up anything you really want. A full moon occurs in earth sign Virgo on March 5th, and this is a serious full moon for you. You’re focused on a serious issue or situation, and it brings up some emotional stuff that you keep hidden deep inside of yourself. This is brought to the surface so you can deal with it instead of keeping it hidden, and it won’t come back up again. You can resolve any issues that come up now with a strong will and determination, but you also need to make sure you give yourself a break and let yourself crack a smile so you don’t become taken over by the seriousness. A solar eclipse occurs late in Pisces on March 20th, and this is the first eclipse of 2015. A solar eclipse is just like a new moon, except it can impact for up to six months before and after. This eclipse begins to impact in February. You can see some great financial opportunities come up for you with this eclipse, and you feel like this is the time for you to make your financial life much better. You have a clear idea of what needs to be done, can take advantage of any financial opportunities that come your way, but don’t need to wait for any to, and maybe don’t want to. You have the ability to make things happen for yourself, so if you feel motivated to, take the reins. In addition to being positive for your finances, this eclipse can also impact your beliefs, values, and sense of security, and you create a stronger value system, sense of security, and bond to your beliefs. And this eclipse can impact your self-confidence, giving you ample opportunities to have greater belief in yourself. If you’ve had shaky self-confidence lately, now is the time to work on it. Even if you experience something that makes you question yourself, you should see it as a chance to focus on the insecurities that lead you to that automatic reaction in the first place, and emerge a stronger you. Best days for Love in March for Aquarius: 24th, 25th, 26th Best days for Money in March for Aquarius: 18th, 19th Pisces March 2015 On March 12th, Mercury enters your sign, Pisces, and your mind becomes sharper and more active. You have lots of ideas and you want to share all of them with those around you. You can have a lot to say, and don’t keep much to yourself, wanting to engage with others and enjoy their company. You’re friendlier, more sociable, and want to keep a busy schedule, getting through lots of little tasks and chores, and committing to many projects or events. You can create short-term plans for what you need to work on, and you can deal with the small stuff with ease. On March 17th, Venus enters earth sign Taurus, and you enjoy engaging your mind, learning, and spending time around others for the mental stimulation. You enjoy pursuits that are mentally challenging, and want to know more about the world. In love, you want a mental connection, and if in a relationship, you try to talk more with your partner, and share everything with them. If single, you want someone who piques your curiosity, stimulates your mind, and keeps your interest. This is an excellent time for any writing, speaking, or dealing with technology, and you can be a charmer. On March 31st, Mars joins Venus in Taurus, spending most of the most in Aries, which makes you driven to improve your financial life, pursue financial opportunities, and take your time with work. In Taurus, you have more mental energy, and want to pursue projects that will stimulate your mind and keep you constantly engaged. You want to stay busy so you use up your mental energy and can get some sleep at night. It’s an excellent time for learning new things, or going to school. You have a greater appetite for learning, and want to dip your toes in many different things that interest you. On March 20th, the Sun leaves your sign and enters Aries, and you want to pull back out of the spotlight so you can relax a little. You’d like to kick back and take some time away from everything to chill and indulge. You can get in touch with your body, and feel good when you’re engaging your senses. This is also a time where you can focus on your finances, and work on making more money, improving your budget, creating financial opportunities, or taking on a second job. You may come across as more confident, secure, or sensual. Mercury leaves your sign, joining the Sun in Aries on March 30th, and your mind slows down a little. You take your time with mental activities, making decisions, coming up with new ideas, and creating plans. You don’t want to think too far ahead, preferring to enjoy the moment. You’re not in a rush to get anything started, but once you do, you stick with it. On March 14th, Saturn turns retrograde (appears to be moving backward) in fire sign Sagittarius, and over the coming months, you can be a little lazier with your career, goals, direction, and your responsibilities in general. Don’t demand too much of yourself, but don’t completely avoid everything you need to do either. On March 5th, a full moon occurs in earth sign Virgo, the sign opposite yours, and you can look closely at your relationships right now, deciding which are in a good place, which need some work, and which need to go. You don’t make the decision easily to let any relationship go, but you feel that anyone that isn’t making a positive contribution to your life just isn’t worth your time. You understand that a good relationship needs to go both ways. You also crave more balance with this full moon, and try to focus on the areas you’ve been neglecting lately. On March 20th, a solar eclipse occurs late in your sign, Pisces, the first eclipse of 2015. A solar eclipse is just like a new moon, except it can impact for up to six months before and after. This eclipse begins to impact in February. You’re the lucky recipient of the lovely solar eclipse energy right now, and you can feel like this is a big moment in your life for you to do something major. Opportunities surround you, you have what it takes to make things happen, you’re excited, enthusiastic, and ready to embark on a new journey in your life. The timid Pisces finds some courage and strength, and you can’t wait to get things going. What would you love to do with your life? What changes do you want to make? What new chapter do you want to write? It’s in your hands, and you can do anything you want. It’s scary, but it’s thrilling, and it’s all up to you. So what are you going to do about it? Best days for Love in March for Pisces: 27th, 28th Best days for Money in March for Pisces: 20th, 21st Comments are closed.