General horoscopes are always meant for entertainment purposes only. For a more accurate view, read your Sun sign, Rising sign, and Moon sign. ARIES FEBRUARY 2013 On February 1st, Venus enters air sign Aquarius, and you have an easier time dealing with your friends, and get along with them better than usual. You feel at ease with them and in groups, and may work better in a group. If single, you could meet someone through a friend, or try to be friends with someone first before getting serious. You take a more analytical and distant approach to love. Venus moves into water sign Pisces on February 25th, and you become much more reserved in love. You don’t want to share your feelings or give affection, at least not in front of other people. You could become involved with someone who works in a confined institution (prisons, hospitals), or date someone secretly. Mars, your ruler, enters Pisces on February 1st, and your energy is lower than usual. Normally, you have plenty of it with more to spare, but that doesn’t seem to be the case with your ruler here. You’re less competitive and want to do things on your own, feeling like you have better energy by yourself, and that other people drain you. The Sun also enters Pisces in February, on the 18th, and you seem more shy, quiet even, and keep things to yourself. You’re not up for sharing, and you spend a lot of time in your own little world, away from everyone else. You may seem more sensitive as well. Mercury enters Pisces on February 5th, and for the following two weeks, you keep your thoughts to yourself, don’t want to share your ideas, and are more focused on your imagination. In February, we begin another Mercury retrograde, when a planet appears to be moving backwards from our view here n Earth. Mercury will retrograde in the sign of Pisces, and we begin to feel it around February 19th. For the rest of the month, you may see things unravel, secrets come out, old issues come back, and things that you thought were dead and gone suddenly alive and kicking your butt. It could feel overwhelming at times, and you want to keep it all to yourself, but that’ll just lead to an explosion eventually, so try to find outlets. Saturn turns retrograde in water sign Scorpio on February 18th, and changes that you want to make may seem harder to do, or you lack the drive to do them. You’re lazier when it comes to serious matters, and you don’t want to deal with the restrictions of your life. It may not be a good period over the next few months to deal with your joint finances, taxes, inheritances, debts, or loans. On February 10th, a new moon occurs in Aquarius, and you may make a new friend or join a new group. You could focus on a new dream that you have for your future, and be more hopeful about your future than your present. A new idea could come to you, something you’d never normally come up with but now think would work out well. On February 25th, a full moon occurs in earth sign Virgo, and you may finish a work project, walk away from your job, resolve a health issue, or change a daily habit. It’s a good moon to give up a bad habit, like eating too much sugar or smoking. If things aren’t in perfect order, you may be prone to feeling anxious, so you’re more particular with this moon. TAURUS FEBRUARY 2013 Venus, your ruler, enters air sign Aquarius on February 1st, and you have an easier time dealing with your long-term goals and career. You may be lazier with your responsibilities though, not wanting to be bothered with them. You can make a good impression in public, with your bosses, or with your parents/mentors. This is a good period if you work in the arts, beauty, or do something creative. Venus enters Pisces on February 25th, and you want to spend more time with your friends and with groups of people. You have an easier time dealing with your friends, joining new groups, and socializing with people. Mars enters Pisces on February 1st, and you become much more driven and focused on your dreams for your future. You spend time thinking more about your future and exactly what you want out of it, and how you can get it. The present may be something you have a hard time dealing with. You could also decide to devote yourself to a cause and do something good for people or the planet. The Sun also enters Pisces of February 18th, and you feel most like yourself when you’re surrounded by people, are with your friends, and are coming up with big dreams for your future. You may seem more sharp, aloof, and be drawn to unconventional ideas and people. Mercury enters Pisces on February 5th, and you have many more communications with your friends, about causes you believe in, and make plans for your future. This lasts for about two weeks, until the next Mercury retrograde kicks in, starting on the 19th. A planet is said to be retrograde when it appears to be moving backwards from our viewpoint here on Earth. With Mercury retrograding in Pisces, you may question the dreams that you have, wondering if you’re dreaming of the right things, or if they’re just too far for you to reach and unrealistic. You could encounter opposition to your dreams that halts you. Your friends may need too much from you or cause problems. You could stick your foot in your mouth with them or in a group. Watch what you say regarding causes you believe in, because you’re more sensitive about them. This lasts through March. Saturn turns retrograde on February 18th in Scorpio, the sign opposite yours, and you may feel unease in your committed relationships, not wanting to do as much for them, or feeling like you need to walk away from someone. The responsibilities that you have in your relationships stifle you now. Enemies could also become a problem over the next few months. On February 10th, a new moon occurs in Aquarius, and you could begin a new career goal or project, or be recognized for work that you’ve done. You could receive a promotion or get a new job that’s a higher position. You feel optimistic about attaining your goals, and you’re more hard-working and dedicated. On February 25th, a full moon occurs in fellow earth sign Virgo, and you could end a creative project that you’ve been working on. If you have children, something could come to an end for them. If you’re dating someone, you could decide to call it quits or to take it to another level. If you’re single and meet someone, you may feel a karmic connection to them. The arts have an emotional impact on you, and you feel more inspired by life. GEMINI FEBRUARY 2013 Venus enters fellow air sign Aquarius on February 1st, and you have an easier time dealing with any travel that you have to do, especially if it’s somewhere far. You find you’re more attracted to foreign cultures, cuisines, and people, and want to expand your world a little bit. If single, you could meet someone from a foreign country or different background from yourself. Venus enters Pisces on February 25th, and you may find that career dealings go smoother than usual. If you have any creative projects to work on, you do them well. If you have to deal with your boss or a parent, you can win them over. You also come across well publicly. If single, you could meet someone through your career, a parent, or who is much older than you. Mars enters water sign Pisces on February 1st, and you become more driven to succeed and achieve something in your life, especially professionally. You feel like whatever you’ve done thus far isn’t good enough, and there’s so much more for you to do. You have the energy to work hard towards a goal, and you want to accomplish as many goals as you can. The Sun also enters Pisces on February 18th, and you’re more hard-working, disciplined, and willing to sacrifice whatever you need to in order to achieve. You may seem more cold and distant because of that. Mercury enters Pisces on February 5th, and you have more communications within and about your career and the path that your life is taking. You make plans about the direction you want to go in and how to accomplish certain goals. We begin another Mercury retrograde in February, with the impact starting on February 19th. A planet is retrograde when it appears to be moving backwards from our vantage point here on Earth, and this Mercury retrograde occurs in Pisces and lasts through March. For you, you may find that you question your goals and reconsider your life path, wanting to change directions and do something else entirely. You may have arguments or misunderstandings with your boss, parent, or mentor. Mercury is your ruler, and when a retrograde occurs of your ruler, you have a general feeling being off. It’s subtle but always there. Saturn turns retrograde on February 18th in water sign Scorpio, and you may not feel as disciplined with your work as usual. You don’t care to take on any work responsibilities, and feel stifled by your everyday life. You’re not as responsible as you normally are, and you don’t want to put in as much work as you have, wanting some time off from the grind. A new moon occurs in Aquarius on February 10th, and you may take a trip somewhere far away. You could start a new course of learning, spend time learning a new language, or begin a new writing project. You feel like expanding your world in some way, and experiencing something you never have before. You seem more optimistic and positive about life around this new moon. A full moon occurs in earth sign Virgo on February 25th, and you may end a home improvement project or settle a dispute with a family member. Something could come to a conclusion for one of your relatives. If you’re buying, selling, or moving, contracts could be finalized now. You may seem more emotional on a deep level, where everything impacts you at your core, but you retreat when you feel emotional instead of dealing with it. CANCER FEBRUARY 2013 On February 1st, Venus enters air sign Aquarius, and you have an easier time dealing with the more serious aspects of your life. You can research into things without much trouble, and you can confront deeply held issues with less anxiety and fear. This is also a good time for dealing with your joint finances, debts, loans, taxes, or inheritances. Venus moves into fellow water sign Pisces on February 25th, and you find it easier to broaden your life, expose yourself to new people, and have varied experiences. You’re not as closed off in your own world, scared of the new and different. Mars enters Pisces on February 1st, and you become driven to have more experiences in your life that challenge your conventional views. You want to learn more about the world, different cultures and ways of living, and different beliefs from yourself. You may also decide to do some traveling, especially to somewhere far away, or to take a class or study something new. The Sun enters Pisces on February 18th, and you feel more daring and bold, optimistic and positive, and feel best when you’re being adventurous. You seem more gregarious and outspoken than usual, and less like the shy and reserved person you normally are. Mercury enters Pisces on February 5th, and your mind is more positive about the way things are going. You don’t want to dwell on the negative, preferring to look on the brighter side of situations, and you want to study new subjects, learn about foreign cultures, and take up a new language. This lasts for about two weeks, until February 19th, which is when we begin to feel the impact of the next Mercury retrograde. A planet is said to be retrograde when it appears to be moving backwards from our vantage point here on Earth. The retrograde officially begins on February 23rd, but the impact lasts through March, and it occurs entirely in Pisces. You may feel like your life is more restrictive than usual, and you’re stifled by that. You want to explore and live without fences, but you can’t. You may have a hard time learning anything new, have problems with travel or writing, and have issues with the law. If anyone questions your beliefs, you’re more prone to fight them too hard, acting too defensive. This isn’t a good time for writing projects, unless you’re editing/revising. Saturn turns retrograde on February 18th in fellow water sign Scorpio, and you may feel like you’ve taken on too many responsibilities with your love relationships, or have difficulty with children. If you’ve begun seeing someone, you may call it quits soon. You may have a hard time being creative or inspired. You may feel alone, no matter how much you’re not. A new moon occurs on February 10th in Aquarius, and you could settle a debt, loan, or tax issue. You could form a new business or financial partnership, or create a new budget for your joint finances. You could decide to make a new change in your life, transform something in your life, or feel as though you’re a phoenix rising from the ashes, finally coming back from a trial. A full moon occurs on February 25th in earth sign Virgo, and you could finish a project you’ve been working on, especially something mental or writing related. You may have an electronic die on you, or finalize the purchase of a car. You could resolve an issue with a neighbor or sibling. Words have more of an emotional impact on you. LEO FEBRUARY 2013 On February 1st, Venus enters air sign Aquarius, the sign that opposes yours, and you have an easier time dealing with your loved ones and smoothing things over in your relationships. You’re charming and compromising, and you are more affectionate with your loved ones in one-on-one settings. Venus moves into water sign Pisces on February 25th, and you crave more intimacy in your relationships, wanting to feel close to people well below the surface. You may be more intense or passionate with your loved ones, and have an easier time dealing with serious issues. Mars enters Pisces on February 1st, and you want to make a major change in your life. You’re not satisfied with the way things are, and know you can do better and improve your life and yourself. You can make changes on not only yourself or life, but with other people, or with physical items, like old furniture that gets a facelift, or an old house that gets remodeled. You can also deal with your joint finances right now, though you may fight about them too. The Sun enters Pisces on February 18th, and you seem more intense, brooding, and serious. Your moods may swing from one extreme to the other, and you get stuck in foul moods. You come across as more magnetic, mysterious, and seductive. Mercury enters Pisces on February 5th, and your mind wants to dive into every subject and idea you come across. You’re not satisfied with accepting things at face value, and want to find out more. You’re more serious and don’t want to spend time on anything trivial, and really hate small talk right now. Mercury turns retrograde in Pisces in February, on the 23d to be exact, but the impact of it begins on the 19th and lasts though March. A planet is said to be retrograde when it appears to be moving backwards from our view here on Earth. For you, this retrograde could bring issues that you hold deep inside of you out to the surface, and you find it overwhelming and don’t know how to deal with it. Serious matters come up that you don’t want to face or aren’t ready for. You want to feel as close to the people you love as possible but feel more distant than ever. Whenever you’re looking for more information on something, you have a hard time finding it. An old lover could come back into your life. Just try to breathe, and don’t let the black moods take you over. Saturn turns retrograde in water sign Scorpio on February 18th, and you may feel stifled at home or with your family obligations. It becomes overwhelming and restrictive, and you just want to get out from underneath it all. You feel as though you have to sacrifice everything for these responsibilities, and you don’t want to sacrifice anymore. You have to force yourself to stay committed. On February 10th, a new moon occurs in Aquarius, and you may make a new commitment to someone or something. A new opportunity could come up for a partner, or for you through a partner. On February 25th, a full moon occurs in earth sign Virgo, the sign after yours, and you could end a financial dispute. You’re more emotionally tied to your possessions, and you may shop for something just to make yourself feel better. If anyone says anything bad about you, it wounds you deeper. You closely identify with your values, and you want other people to have the same values as you do. You prefer to spend time around people who come from the same background or have the same beliefs as yourself. VIRGO FEBRUARY 2013 Venus enters Aquarius on February 1st, and you have an easier time dealing with work. You work well with coworkers, and you can make improvements to your work environment. Conversely, you could be lazier with your work, and need to force yourself to actually make time for work. If you do, you’ll get more done than usual. If you work in the beauty industry, an artistic/creative field, or in law, this could be a good period for you. If single, you could begin dating a coworker, or meet someone through your work. This is also a good time for dealing with health issues and making healthier choices. Venus enters Pisces, the sign opposite yours, on February 25th, and you like spending time with people alone, want to be with your loved ones, and want to be in a relationship. If attached, you’ll be more romantic with your partner; if single, you’ll want to have someone even more. You could form a partnership with someone that’s mutually beneficial. You have an easier time negotiating, mediating, and playing fair. Mars enters Pisces on February 1st, and you become even more driven to be in a relationship. You have a harder time doing things alone, and want to have a partner with everything. You’re more concerned with equality, and you’ll fight for someone if you think they’re being mistreated. The Sun enters Pisces on February 18th, and you seem more charming, graceful, and fair. You’re more comfortable when you’re with someone else, and you want to focus more on them than yourself. A loved one could be in the spotlight or recognized for something they’ve done. Mercury enters Pisces on February 5th, and you do your best thinking when you have someone to bounce ideas off of. Your mind is a little quicker, and you seem more intellectually detached. You try to say the right thing, and are more concerned with not offending anyone. Mercury begins a retrograde period this month, turning retrograde on the 25th, with the impact starting on the 19th and lasting through March. A planet is called retrograde when it appears to be moving backwards from our view here on Earth. For you, this retrograde may bring problems in your close relationships with loved ones. You have many misunderstandings and disagreements, not seeing things the same way. No matter how much you try to get them to understand you, they don’t, and vice versa. Someone from the past could come back, especially someone you were close to or who openly opposed you. This retrograde is more significant for you since Mercury is your ruler, and when your ruler retrogrades, you tend to feel as though everything is off in general. It’s not overt and id subtle in its impact, but it’s always there. Saturn turns retrograde on the 18th in Scorpio. You could have issues with a sibling, neighbor, or in your neighborhood, and issues could suddenly arise with travel or electronics/technology. You may want to make changes to your daily life, but feel like you can’t, and it makes you feel restricted. Your mind doesn’t feel as open, like it’s being blocked. On February 10th, a new moon occurs in Aquarius. You could begin a new work project, get a new job or be offered a new job, or move to a new work environment. You may start a new healthy habit or get a new pet. On February 25th, a full moon occurs in your sign, Virgo. You could see the culmination of something you’ve been working on for a long time, and finally be rewarded. If you’ve been behaving badly, you could see things fall apart with this moon. You’re more emotional and sensitive. LIBRA FEBRUARY 2013 Your ruler, Venus, enters fellow air sign Aquarius on February 1st, and you feel more romantic, want to pursue whatever whims you have, and aren’t much up for work. It’s all about play for you. You feel more creative and inspired, drawn to the arts, and if you have any creative projects to work on, this can be a good time for them. Venus moves into water sign Pisces on February 25th, and you find it easier to deal with work, coworkers, and your work environment. It’s also a good time for dealing with health issues, though you can also become lazier and stop exercising and eat too much junk food. Mars enters Pisces on February 1st, and you become more driven with your work. You want to get a lot done, and you have the energy for it. You can take on many projects and finish them at a much faster pace than usual. You don’t mind working, doing small tasks and chores that might normally annoy you, all of that “grunt” work. You do your work to the best of your ability, not settling for less, taking shortcuts, or doing things halfway. You want to do work you can be proud of. The Sun also enters Pisces on February 18th, and you’re more of a perfectionist, critical, and analytical. You’re not as imaginative as usual, and feel best when you’re being realistic, getting tasks done, and tackling your to-do list. Mercury enters Pisces on February 5th, and you have more communications at work or about your work. You could take on a new work project, especially if it involves writing or communicating in some way. You can outline how you want to progress with your work to be efficient and productive. Mercury begins a retrograde period in February, turning retrograde on February 23rd, but the impact is felt starting February 19th and lasting through March. A planet is said to be retrograde when it appears to be moving backwards from our vantage point here on Earth. For you, this retrograde could bring issues at work. You could have a problem with a coworker, you may not be satisfied with the work you produce, there could be an issue in your work environment, or you could reconsider working there and leave or lose your job. This is a good time for reviewing your work, doing projects over again, editing, and taking a second look. A health issue could return that you thought was over with. You could try a health regiment that you’ve tried before, or see an old doctor. Saturn turns retrograde in water sign Scorpio on February 18th, and you may feel more worried about your financial situation and pinch pennies more. Your self-esteem may not be great, and you feel bogged down by your values. You want security, but you don’t feel as though it’s possible for you right now because of all of your responsibilities or issues that need to be addressed. On February 10th, a new moon occurs in Aquarius, and you could begin a new creative project, start a new hobby, or begin dating someone new. If you have children, an opportunity could come up for them, or for you through them. You may seem more gregarious, warm, and friendly, and a little theatrical. On February 25th, a full moon occurs in earth sign Virgo, the sign before yours, and this may feel like a serious moon. A skeleton could come out of the closet that you don’t feel ready to deal with. Secrets come out, or keeping them in adds to your stress. You need to let go of something, and it’s emotional, but necessary. You could have a karmic experience. Overall, you feel more sensitive under this moon, and may be intuitive. SCORPIO FEBRUARY 2013 Venus enters air sign Aquarius on February 1st, and you feel like making improvements to your home to make it more beautiful. You could buy new furniture, paint a room, or completely redecorate. You may have an easier time dealing with your family, and be more compromising with them. Venus moves into fellow water sign Pisces on February 25th, and you want to play instead of work. You feel like letting loose and having fun in a way you don’t normally. Engaging in your hobbies is good, and you may feel more inspired, creative, and artistic, as well as flirty and romantic. You could meet many potential suitors, if single. Mars enters Pisces on February 1st, and you’re driven to express yourself. If you don’t feel like you’re properly expressing yourself, you’re more argumentative and easily irked. You need to have an outlet for how you feel, and it’ll likely be something creative or artistic. You also want love in your life, and if you’re single, you may date more, or at least want to. If attached, you may try to bring more romance into the relationship, though you could also fight more with your loved ones. If you have children, they may seem to butt heads with you more. The Sun enters Pisces on February 18th, and you come across as more friendly, outgoing, and sociable. You may be a little dramatic at times, and you feel your best when you’re expressing yourself and being heard. Mercury enters Pisces on February 5th, and you may have more communications with/about your children. If single, you could meet someone online or through a sibling or neighbor. You could begin or plan a creative project. In February, Mercury begins a retrograde in Pisces, starting February 23rd, with the impact starting on the 19th and lasting through March. A planet is retrograde when it appears to be moving backwards from our viewpoint here on Earth. For you, this retrograde could bring issues with your love relationships. If single, you want to date but can’t for some reason. If you’ve just begun dating someone, you could break up. If attached, you may have more misunderstandings. An old love could come back into your life. You may not have time for your hobbies, or you decide to take up a hobby from the past. You can edit/revise a creative project. Saturn turns retrograde in your sign, Scorpio, on February 18th, and you feel like you’re being stifled by your responsibilities. You can’t do all of the things you want to do because you have to deal with the things that you have to do, and it keeps you feeling trapped for the time being. You’re probably taking on too much and need to let other people help you or take the reins entirely. On February 10th, a new moon occurs in Aquarius, and you could start a new home improvement project, buy or sell a home, or move. A new opportunity could come up for a relative, or for you through a relative. You could plan a family get-together, and you’re more positive with them. You have an easier time dealing with your emotions, as well as with women, and you can think more long-term. On February 25th, a full moon occurs in earth sign Virgo, and you could leave a group that you belong to or end a friendship. Something could come to an end for a friend, or you finish something related to a cause you believe in, or abandon the cause entirely. You could give up on a dream, have a setback if you haven’t been doing things right, or reach a dream if you’ve been working hard and smart. You’re more sensitive about the future and your hopes and wishes. SAGITTARIUS FEBRUARY 2013 On February 1st, Venus enters air sign Aquarius, and you have an easier time dealing with your daily life and small tasks. Normally, you’re all about the big picture and can’t be bothered with the small stuff, but not during this time. You can work on projects and get them done easily, as long as you’re not lazy with them. If you’re a writer or work in communications or technology, this can be a good time for you. On February 25th, Venus moves into water sign Pisces, and you want to spend more time at home, feeling more at ease there. You could do something to make your home more beautiful. Dealing with your family can be easier for you, as well as getting in touch with your emotions. Mars enters Pisces on February 1st, and you become more driven to have a real home. That may not be something you normally care much for being the wanderer of the zodiac, but you want the comfort of a place to call home. You could move, buy or sell a home, or make changes to your home. You also want to feel as though you have a real family around you, and you may spend more time with your relatives, though you may also fight with them more. The Sun enters Pisces on February 18th, and you want to feel comfortable. You’re not up for trying anything new or daring, and just want to stick to the things you know and are familiar. You feel best when you’re at home or with your family, or people you consider family. You come across as more sensitive, nurturing, and encouraging. Mercury enters Pisces on February 5th, and you have more communications in or about your home/family. You’re more prone to keep things to yourself though, not wanting to be criticized for what you think or your ideas. Mercury will turn retrograde in February, starting February 23rd with the impact beginning on February 19th and lasting through March. A planet is considered retrograde when it appears to be moving backwards from our view here on Earth, and this retrograde occurs entirely in Pisces. For you, you may have issues with your home. If buying or selling, there could be a snag. If moving, it may get delayed. A pipe could burst or a outlet could short out in your home. You could move to a place where you’ve lived before. You could have more arguments/misunderstandings with your relatives. Issues could come up for your family members that you have to help with. You want comfort in your life, but you feel more uncomfortable than anything. Saturn turns retrograde in Scorpio, the sign before yours, on February 18th, and old issues feel like they’re weighing down on you. You want to let go of certain things, but can’t for some reason, and that makes you feel bound. You could feel overwhelmed or insecure about all that you’ve been clearing out of your life, worried that you’ve been making the wrong decisions. A new moon occurs in Aquarius on February 10th, and you could start a new writing project, take a short trip, or buy a new electronic or car. An opportunity could come up for a sibling or neighbor, or for you through a sibling or neighbor. A full moon occurs in earth sign Virgo on February 25th, and you could realize a goal or give up on one. If you’ve been working hard for something with your career, you could finally get there. Conversely, if you’ve been doing things wrong, you could have setbacks, delays, or other problems. You could find yourself in the public eye for some reason. Something could end for a parent, boss, or mentor. You may be more upfront with your emotions, and put them on display. CAPRICORN FEBRUARY 2013 On February 1st, Venus enters air sign Aquarius, the sign after yours, and you have an easier time getting your hands on the money you need, but also have an easier time spending it on splurges. Your self-esteem may be higher, and you’re more confident and secure. You could acquire something of value. You may want to indulge more, and have a greater sweet tooth. If you feel upset, you’ll reach for the comfort food. Venus moves into water sign Pisces on February 25th, and you have an easier time dealing with mental projects, daily life, smaller tasks, and the details. You’re usually all about looking at things long-term, but can handle the short-term better now, and get through the smaller tasks that you usually consider unworthy of your time. Mars enters Pisces on February 1st, and you want to communicate everything on your mind, getting things off of your chest, and share your ideas. You want to connect with people intellectually, and require much more mental stimulation than usual. Your mind speeds up to a pace you’re not used to, and without enough mental outlets, you could feel constantly restless, bored, or anxious. You may become driven to do something in your community, take many short trips, buy a new car or electronic, or have a misunderstanding with a sibling or neighbor. The Sun enters Pisces on February 18th, and you can come up with new ideas easily, make plans, and get through small tasks quickly. You come across as more sociable, scatterbrained, and intellectual. Mercury enters Pisces on February 5th, and you’re more curious about the world, can pick up new things easily, want to learn, and are full of information. You have no problem communicating with people, and you have many people to talk to. This lasts until February 19th, when the next Mercury retrograde period starts. Occurring entirely in Pisces, the retrograde officially begins on February 23rd, but the impact lasts from the 19th through March. For you, you could have all sorts of misunderstandings and arguments with others. You think you’re saying things the way you want to, but it’s not coming out right or other people aren’t getting it, and vice versa. Your ideas aren’t received as well as you hope, and you have problems with your siblings, neighbors, or community. An electronic could die on you or your car breaks down. This is good for revising projects, especially with writing, or trying to learn something that you’ve attempted before. Saturn turns retrograde in water sign Scorpio on February 18th, and you feel like the dreams you have aren’t working, or that giving up on them was a mistake, and you’re not as positive about your future. You could feel restricted by the responsibilities tied to the dreams that you’ve dedicated yourself to or to the causes that you’ve tied yourself to. On February 10th, a new moon occurs in Aquarius, and you could be presented with a new money-making opportunity, take on a side gig for extra cash, begin a second job, or somehow find money coming your way. You could create a new budget or get financial advice. You could buy something of value. You feel more confident, secure, and grounded, and your emotions are more even and calm. On February 25th, a full moon occurs in fellow earth sign Virgo, and if you’re somewhere far away, you could finally come home. You may end a course of study. If you’re dealing with a legal issue, that could be resolved. You could finish a writing project. If anyone questions your beliefs, you’ll defend them steadfastly, and take it to heart. You may try to persuade people to your side, but not for the right reasons, perhaps out of insecurity. Accept that not everyone has to believe the same things you do. AQUARIUS FEBRUARY 2013 On February 1st, Venus enters your sign, Aquarius, and you feel more romantic and flirty. If attached, you bring more romance into the relationship, and if single, you may want to date more. You come across as more charming and beautiful, and people are attracted to you. You may do something to improve your appearance with new clothes, a new haircut, or some sort of cosmetic surgery. You seem more fair and willing to make compromises with people, and you can get people to meet you halfway. You may have a harder time making decisions though, and be even more aloof. Venus moves into water sign Pisces on February 25th, and you could find it easier to make money or manage your finances, though you may also spend on something you don’t really need. You feel more confident and secure. Mars enters Pisces on February 1st, and you become driven to have more financial security in your life. Having a financial cushion and a financial plan is important for you, and you assess the situation to make sure you have enough for everything you need with more to spare for emergencies. You may try to make more money through another job or side business. You’re more defensive of your values, and you want to be around people who have the same values as you do. The Sun enters Pisces on February 18th, and you seem more grounded and calm. You don’t get riled up about anything, and you want to indulge in your senses. You may come across as stubborn, sensual, and even. Mercury enters Pisces on February 5th, and you can come up with a financial plan, get financial advice, or make money through writing, communications, or technology. This lasts until February 19th, which is when the next Mercury retrograde period begins. A planet is said to be retrograde when it appears to be moving backwards from our view here on Earth. This retrograde officially begins on February 23rd, with the impact lasting from the 19th through March, and is entirely in the sign of Pisces. You could experience problems with your finances, having to deal with an unexpected expense, or with something you missed when you were planning your budget. You may feel insecure and unsteady, worried about your security. This can be a good time to make money in a way that you have before, like going back to an old job. Saturn turns retrograde in water sign Scorpio on February 18th, and you could feel restricted by the responsibilities you have in your career or with the goals that you have. You’re unsure of the path your life is going in, and you worry that it’s not going right. If you’re responsible for a parent, you could feel more smothered by it. On February 10th, a new moon occurs in your sign, Aquarius, and you could begin a big new project or start a whole new chapter in your life. You feel like beginning something new, feeling more adventurous and pioneering, and you have the energy you need to embark on a new journey. You’re positive about your chances, and you forge ahead. A new opportunity could come your way. You’re energetic and enthusiastic. On February 25th, a full moon occurs in earth sign Virgo, and you may have to deal with a serious issue. You could end a transformation of yourself or something in your life. You may need to let go of a deeply-held issue. Your moods may sway from one extreme to the next, and you feel much more emotional and dark than usual. PISCES FEBRUARY 2013 It’s all about you this month, Pisces! On February 1st, Venus moves into air sign Aquarius, the sign before yours, and you have an easier time letting go of the things you need to let go of. You can have a hard time doing that, clinging to things that you shouldn’t, so try to take advantage of the energy. It’s also easier for you to deal with secrets, issues from the past, and karma. If single, you could meet someone that you feel you have a karmic link to, or you keep the romance a secret. Venus moves into your sign, Pisces, on February 25th, and you want to put your love on display. You’re more affectionate with others, and you feel more romantic and flirtatious. You come across as fair, wanting to be compromising, a good mediator, and concerned with striking a balance in your life. Mars enters your sign on February 1st, and your energy surges, especially after how low it’s likely been lately. You should have the energy for all of the things that you want to get to and then some, so make sure you have plenty of physical outlets to let out some of this energy. You may seem more competitive, assertive, and argumentative. The Sun also enters your sign on February 18th, and you feel most like yourself when you’re putting yourself out there, getting attention and recognition, and being in the spotlight. You want to be seen, and you seem far less shy than usual. You may come across as more light-hearted, dramatic, and fun. Mercury enters your sign on February 5th, and you have many more communications with everyone about anything. You get and give advice, you learn about lots of new things, you get lots of new information, and your mind is going fast. This lasts until February 19th, which is when the next Mercury retrograde period begins. A planet is said to be retrograde when it appears to be moving backwards from our vantage point here on Earth. This retrograde officially begins on February 23rd, but the impact lasts from the 19th through March, and unfortunately, it’s entirely in your sign, Pisces. You may feel as though nothing is going right, and you have to keep doing things over and over again. All sorts of things and people come back into your life, whether you want them to or not. You can experience all manner of setbacks and delays in any area of your life. You’ll have to do your best to be patient and breathe during this time! It can be good for doing things over again, giving things a second look, revising, editing, and taking things back up again. Saturn turns retrograde in fellow water sign Scorpio, and you may feel restricted with the lack of opportunities you have to expand your life. You’ve taken on responsibilities that keep you from being able to explore like you want to, and it’s stifling you. On February 10th, a new moon occurs in Aquarius. You may decide that it’s time to let go of something big, making room for the new things that will come into your life. You could out a secret and it’s freeing. Something may come into the light, and you’re glad it does. A full moon occurs on February 25th in the sign that opposes yours, earth sign Virgo. You may end a relationship or partnership, or take one to the next level. Something could end for a partner or loved one. You may seem more emotional in one-on-one settings, and need to have a heartfelt talk with someone. Comments are closed.