General horoscopes are always meant for entertainment purposes only. For a more accurate view, read your Sun sign, Rising sign, and Moon sign. ARIES APRIL 2014 Venus enters water sign Pisces on April 5th, and you don’t want to express affection in public. You’re more comfortable doing so behind closed doors, away from prying eyes, and when it’s just you and the other person. Even then, you may keep your true feelings to yourself. If single, you can start seeing someone in secret, begin an affair, or meet someone in a confined place like a hospital or prison. If in a relationship, you try to make your love transcendent. Mercury enters your sign, Aries, on April 7th, and your mind becomes much more active. You come up with lots of new ideas, thoughts, opinions, and you want to share all of it with the entire world. You can’t keep anything to yourself, and may over-share just a tad. You want mental stimulation, and need to constantly be engaged with something to do or you’ll drive yourself bonkers. This is a good time for any sort of writing or dealing with technology. The Sun enters earth sign Taurus, the sign after yours, on April 19th, and you feel most like yourself when you feel stable and secure. The more you do, the freer you are to be yourself. If you’re insecure or feel your life is unstable in any way, you don’t feel you can be yourself and have to be on alert. For the most part, you stay even and calm, even if you don’t feel that way on the inside. You may come across as more practical, stubborn, and sensual. Mercury leaves your sign and joins the Sun in Taurus on April 23rd, and your mind slows down. You take your time when coming up with new ideas and making decisions. You don’t see the point in rushing with something so important. You can take in new information using your senses, and have greater sense memory. This can be a good time if you make money using technology, the internet, writing, or speaking. On April 13th, Pluto turns retrograde (appears to move backward) in earth sign Capricorn, and over the next few months, you can try to adjust to the transformations that have been made in your career, with your goals, and regarding the direction your life is taking. The changes are big, and you need some time. Our first set of eclipses for 2014 occur in April. A lunar eclipse occurs on April 15th in air sign Libra, the sign opposite yours, and you can see some big changes occur in your relationships. You can end an important relationship, someone can end one with you, or you can see several people leave your life. You look at your relationships with a more critical eye, and have a better understanding of what needs to change to make the relationship work. If you don’t feel the change needed can happen, you cut ties. You may do the same thing with all of your commitments in life. Having balance and harmony in your life is much more important than usual now. A solar eclipse occurs on April 29th in Taurus, and you can see improvements in your finances. You can be presented with new financial opportunities that help you gain extra income and make you feel more financially secure. You can do extra work for extra money, rework your budget so you have more wiggle room, and the more financially secure you feel, the more confidence you have. You’re more sensual and indulgent, and you want to enjoy the moment whenever you can. Remember that the impact of an eclipse can last for up to six months, so the effects of these eclipses can be felt for some time. Best Days of April for Love: 8th, 9th, 10th Best Days of April for Money: 1st, 2nd, 28th, 29th, 30th TAURUS APRIL 2014 On April 5th, Venus, your ruler, enters water sign Pisces, and you enjoy most the company of your friends and people who are of a similar mind to yourself. You can spend more time with your friends, make new friends, and spend time in the groups that you belong to, or join new groups. You can work on a cause that you believe in, or take up a new cause. You can focus on your dreams, and feel good about your chances to achieve them. You enjoy things that seem futuristic or innovative, and want to be around people who are original thinkers and a little rebellious. If you’re in a relationship, you can try to connect more with your partner as friends. If you’re single, you can try to be friends with someone first, or begin dating a friend or someone you meet through a friend. On April 7th, Mercury enters fire sign Aries, the sign before yours, and you do your best thinking when you’re by yourself, away from everyone else. When no one else is looking or paying attention to you, you thrive mentally. If you have to spend a lot of time with other people, you can find that they drain you mentally, and you need time alone so you can mentally rest and recover. Your imagination is more active, and you have a harder time focusing on the facts and figures. You just want to get lost in a daydream and your fantasies. On April 19th, the Sun enters your sign, Taurus, and you feel most like yourself when you’re in the spotlight, getting praise and attention. You can take more risks, and put yourself out there when you’d normally shy away. You may come across as more enthusiastic, pioneering, and impulsive. Mercury joins the Sun in your sign on April 23rd, and your mind quickens. You no longer want to keep everything to yourself, and instead want to share what you think with the world. You may not think much before you speak, and can step on some toes if you’re not careful. You can come up with an idea that’s trailblazing, and you feel enthusiastic about the ideas that you come up with. Pluto turns retrograde (appears to move backward) in fellow earth sign Capricorn on April 13th, and over the next few months, you can slow down with the changes that have come regarding your beliefs, and get used to the new beliefs that you’ve taken on. You can also see the dust settle with legal issues. Our first set of eclipses for 2014 occur in April. On April 15th, a lunar eclipse occurs in air sign Libra, and you can see changes being made with your work. You can finish a big, important work project that’s been taking up a lot of your time. You may see many coworkers leaving, or your office is moved to another building or town. You may decide you’ve had enough of your job and that it’s time for you to leave, or you could lose your job. You can also see a health issue worsen if you’re not responsible with it, or see one get better if you do the right thing. On April 29th, a solar eclipse occurs in your sign, Taurus, and this is a great time for you to really turn your life around and do something new. Go on a new journey for your life, start a big new project, go down a brand new path. Opportunities are everywhere, and this is the time for you to grab one and run with it. Your life is in your hands, and what you want is waiting for you to come get it. Remember that the impact of an eclipse can last for up to six months, so the effects of these eclipses can be felt for some time. Best Days of April for Love: 11th, 12th Best Days of April for Money: 3rd, 4th, 5th GEMINI APRIL 2014 On April 5th, Venus enters water sign Pisces, and you enjoy dedicating yourself to a goal and accomplishing it. You take your goals seriously, and you want to have success in life. You may not get much done if you don’t push yourself though, and can let laziness get the best of you. You can get along better with bosses, parents, and mentors. If you’re in a relationship, you can more fully commit yourself to your partner. If you’re single, you can meet someone through your or their career, who is much older than you, or through a parent, boss, or mentor. Mostly, your career is your main love though. This is a good time for you if you work in the arts or beauty industry. On April 7th, Mercury enters fire sign Aries, and you do your best thinking when you’re in a group or with your friends. They help relax you by making you see that you’re surrounded by people who are of a similar mind, and they can give you many different perspectives to help you focus on your ideas more clearly. Your ideas are more innovative, unusual, and unconventional, and when you focus on something, you can get stuck on it for some time, gathering as much information as you can get your hands on. On April 19th, the Sun enters earth sign Taurus, and you feel most like yourself when you’re by yourself and not getting any attention from anyone. You don’t want to be bothered, and prefer to just have time alone so you can rest. Spending time with others drains you physically, and you need time to recover. You can shine in the background, and do good work behind the scenes. You may come across as more sensitive, compassionate, and intuitive. Mercury joins the Sun in Taurus on April 23rd, and you do your best thinking when you’re alone. The more people bother you, the less you can focus on what you need to. You’re more easily drained mentally, and don’t want to focus on anything for too long. You can struggle with the facts, and prefer fantasy or logic. Pluto turns retrograde (appears to move backward) in earth sign Capricorn on April 13th. Over the next few months, you can adjust to the major transformations that have been made in your life, especially with any deeply-held issues you’ve had to face, or any changes with other people’s money (taxes, debts, loans, inheritances, joint finances). Our first set of eclipses for 2014 occur in April. On April 15th, a lunar eclipse occurs in fellow air sign Libra, and you can see some changes with your loved ones and your relationships with them. If you’re in a relationship, you can take it to the next level, and more fully commit yourself to them. Conversely, if you feel the fit isn’t right, you can break up with them. If you’re single, you can meet someone you feel you have a karmic link to. If you have children, something important could come to an end for them. An important creative project you’ve been working on could be completed, and you can feel more inspired. Generally, you’re more dramatic with your emotions. On April 29th, a solar eclipse occurs in earth sign Taurus, the sign before yours, and you can be presented with an important opportunity to do something behind the scenes. You thrive in the background, and can create good things for yourself there. You can let go of a lot with this eclipse, and you look forward to the experience. You don’t want to lug this baggage around any longer. You can also focus on your spirituality, and hone in on your intuition. Don’t be afraid to strengthen it. Remember that the impact of an eclipse can last for up to six months, so the effects of these eclipses can be felt for some time. Best Days of April for Love: 13th, 14th, 15th Best Days of April for Money: 6th, 7th CANCER APRIL 2014 Venus enters fellow water sign Pisces on April 5th, and you enjoy trying to expand your life in some way. You want to have new experiences, and open yourself up to other ways of living. You can spend time with people from other countries and cultures, and try learning a new language, taking a class, going back to school, or giving exotic cuisines a try. If you’re in a relationship, you may want to experiment and spice things up. If you’re single, you can meet someone from an entirely different background from you. This can be a good time for travel, and a good time for you if you’re a writer. Mercury enters fire sign Aries on April 7th, and you can have more communications at work, about your career, or in your career. You can get important news, information, or facts that help you with your goals and ambitions. You can create new plans for achieving your goals, and they’re practical and realistically achievable. This is a good time for you if you work in technology, using the internet, writing, or speaking. You can have an important conversation with a parent, boss, or mentor. The Sun enters earth sign Taurus on April 19th, and you feel most like yourself when you’re with your friends or in a group. You can spend more time with your friends, in a group that you belong to, make new friends, or join new groups, and you’re always the one who shines and gets the attention now. You can take up a new cause, show an interest in something innovative, and be more inventive. You may come across as more rebellious, original, and intelligent. Mercury leaves Aries and joins the Sun in Taurus on April 23rd, and you do your best thinking when you’re with your friends or in a group. They help show you what you’re missing, point out other ways of approaching the situation, and encourage you when you need it. Your ideas are more innovative and unusual, and you listen to people who seem to be original thinkers. On April 13th, Pluto turns retrograde (appears to move backward) in earth sign Capricorn, the sign opposite yours, and over the next few months, you can slow down with the changes being made in your relationships, and see struggles over power and control lessen as you accept how your relationships have transformed with loved ones. Our first set of eclipses for 2014 occur in April. A lunar eclipse occurs on April 15th in air sign Libra, and you can see important changes made with your home or family. You can finish a big home improvement project or renovation, make a big move, or finalize a large real estate transaction. You can finally face an issue with a relative, try to resolve it, or decide it’s time to end your relationship with them if it’s not healthy. It’s an emotional experience, but necessary. You may need to strengthen your inner foundation at this time, and make sure it’s unshakeable so nothing cuts you down in the future. A solar eclipse occurs on April 29th in Taurus, and you can make new friends, join new groups, or be presented with new opportunities through friends or the groups you belong to. You may do something important as part of a group. You can take this opportunity to step outside of your comfort zone a little, with the help of your friends. You can focus on your dreams, come up with a new dream or work hard to make one of them a reality. You’re enthusiastic and optimistic about your chances, you believe in yourself and are confident, and you’re ready to take the reins and make this happen for yourself. Remember that the impact of an eclipse can last for up to six months, so the effects of these eclipses can be felt for some time. Best Days of April for Love: 15th, 16th, 17th Best Days of April for Money: 8th, 9th, 10th LEO APRIL 2014 Venus enters water sign Pisces on April 5th, and you enjoy exploring the darker side of life. You’re willing to go where you normally wouldn’t dare, and see what there is to find. You’re investigating and researching, and can get to the heart of any matter. You crave more intimacy in your life, and can try to grow closer to someone. If in a relationship, you may spend more time with your partner, and be more clingy and possessive. If single, you want a deep bond with someone, aren’t up for anything casual, and desire a passionate experience. This can be a good time to do something that’s mutually beneficial to you and someone else, or to deal with other people’s money (taxes, loans, debts, inheritances, joint finances). Mercury enters fellow fire sign Aries on April 7th, and you’re more optimistic and gregarious. You tell wild stories, you have a lot to say, and you don’t think much before you say it, making you honest but perhaps to a fault. You can come up with lofty ideas, but may not see any of them through. You’re up for rousing debates and are good at convincing people of your side, or at least trying to anyway. You can dream of traveling to some exotic place, but likely do so only in your head. The Sun enters earth sign Taurus on April 19th, and you feel most like yourself when you’re accomplishing your goals. You set goals for yourself, and work hard at attaining them. The more success you have, the more confident you feel. A parent, boss, or mentor could be in the spotlight, or you are for something you’ve done. You like getting praise now for the work you do, and want people to take notice of it. You may come across as more practical, ambitious, and cold. Mercury joins the Sun in Taurus on April 23rd, and you’re much more practical and hard-working. Your focus is excellent, and you have greater mental discipline. You can create long-term plans for achieving your goals, and you know you can realistically achieve them. When you communicate with others, you may say less than usual, not wanting to waste your words on anything unnecessary. On April 13th, Pluto turns retrograde (appears to move backward) in earth sign Capricorn, and over the next few months, you can adjust to the transformations that have been made with your work, work environment, routine, and health. You haven’t given yourself any time to take it all in, and get the chance to now. Our first set of eclipses for 2014 occur in April. A lunar eclipse occurs on April 15th in air sign Libra, and you can finish lots of small projects, end a dispute with a sibling or neighbor, or cut ties with them. You’re better able to communicate how you feel, and you can express your emotions even when you’re not trying to. Everything you say has meaning and purpose, and people can sense what you’re really trying to say underneath your words. This is a good time to have some important conversations with people to get to the heart of the matter. A solar eclipse occurs on April 29th in Taurus, and you can make great strides with your goals. You can accomplish a big, important goal, or a bunch of smaller ones. You can set new goals for yourself, and work hard to achieve them. You’re much more ambitious than usual, and you can focus solely on what you need to do, and nothing gets you off of what you’re doing. You can make progress in your career, get a promotion, or be in the spotlight. An opportunity could come up for a parent, boss, or mentor, or for you through them. Remember that the impact of an eclipse can last for up to six months, so the effects of these eclipses can be felt for some time. Best Days of April for Love: 18th, 19th Best Days of April for Money: 11th, 12th VIRGO APRIL 2014 On April 5th, Venus enters water sign Pisces, the sign opposite yours, and you enjoy spending time with those you’re close to. You want to be with someone at all times, in one-on-one settings. You enjoy the company of other people, and want to give attention to your loved ones. If single, you crave a committed relationship more. If in a relationship, you can be more romantic with your partner. It’s easier for you to commit to something or someone now, but you can also be lackadaisical with your commitments and not follow through. You only want to see justice, fairness, and equality, and when you don’t have that, it bugs you. On April 7th, Mercury enters fire sign Aries, and you’re more serious. You focus on the more serious matters in your life, and you try to research as much as you can and find out everything there is to find out. You don’t accept anything at face value, and want to keep digging until you feel you’ve found everything you can. You may be a little intimidating when you converse with others, dominating conversations, and seem too intense. You can be a realist, but you may focus too much on the negative of what’s happening and not the positive, making you more pessimistic. There is good just as much as there is bad, and you need to remember that. On April 19th, the Sun enters fellow earth sign Taurus, and you feel most like yourself when you’re exploring and expanding your life. You want to let out your inner adventurer and have some fun. There’s so much in life for you to see and do, and you haven’t let yourself experience anywhere near as much as you should. You’re more optimistic and have a good attitude about everything. You may come across as more gregarious, honest, and wandering. Mercury joins the Sun in Taurus on April 23rd, and you’re less serious and more fun-loving. You want to focus on the lighter matter, the fun subjects, and see where in your life you can enjoy yourself more. Your mind moves a little faster, and you come up with big ideas, but don’t do anything with them except talk about them. Pluto turns retrograde (appears to move backward) in fellow earth sign Capricorn on April 13th, and over the next few months, you can slow down the changes that have been made in your love relationships, your hobbies, or how you have fun. You’ve transformed yourself through your hobbies, and need some time to settle in. Our first set of eclipses for 2014 occur in April. On April 15th, a lunar eclipse occurs in air sign Libra, the sign after yours, and you can see changes made with your finances. You can end an important financial agreement or arrangement, leave a second job, or stop doing something you’ve been working on for extra income. You can see your finances improve if you’ve been making good decisions with them, and feel more at ease. Conversely, you can see your finances worsen if you haven’t been responsible with them. Your confidence can be shaken more easily, especially by what other people think of you, and you need to listen more to what you think of yourself. On April 29th, a solar eclipse occurs in Taurus, and you can go on an important trip, take a class, or go back to school. This is a good time to deal with the law, and a legal issue can go your way. If you’re a writer, you can be more inspired to write, and get recognized for your writing. You’re more gregarious and open to other cultures and beliefs, and can spend time with people from another country, or try learning about other cultures. Remember that the impact of an eclipse can last for up to six months, so the effects of these eclipses can be felt for some time. Best Days of April for Love: 20th, 21st Best Days of April for Money: 13th, 14th, 15th LIBRA APRIL 2014 On April 5th, your ruler, Venus, enters water sign Pisces, and you enjoy doing you work, being efficient and productive, and working hard. You want to get everything done that you have on your list, and it’s a long list, but you can manage. Conversely, you can be lazier with your work and get less done, but if you force yourself to get going, you can get more work done than usual. You may get along better with coworkers, and spruce up your work environment. This is a good period for you if you work in the arts or beauty industry. If single, you can meet someone through your or their work. If in a relationship, you can be more practical with romance. On April 7th, Mercury enters fire sign Aries, the sign opposite yours, and you do your best thinking when you have a partner. With someone by your side, you feel free enough to explore your mind as much as you can, and come up with great ideas and plans. They can point out what you’re missing, and encourage you when you need to take the next step. You’re more charming, fair-minded, and want harmony with everyone, can make compromises easily, and are good at negotiating. On April 19th, the Sun enters earth sign Taurus, and you feel most like yourself when you’re making changes in your life. You want to transform some part of yourself or your life, and you can give new life to it. You can focus on other people’s money (debts, loans, taxes, inheritances, joint finances), and gain more confidence through this. This can be a good time to form a business or financial partnership. You may come across as more controlling, seductive, and mysterious. Mercury joins the Sun in Taurus on April 23rd, and you can focus on serious matters, and have a serious approach to everything. You don’t take anything lightly, and make be a little too intense at times. Life is serious, but you need to laugh at the ridiculousness of it sometimes. You’re excellent at research and investigation now. Pluto turns retrograde (appears to move backward) in earth sign Capricorn on April 13th. Over the next few months, you can adjust to the transformations that have been made in your family and with your home life. It’s been a lot to deal with, and you need time to let it sink in. Our first set of eclipses for 2014 occur in April. On April 15th, a lunar eclipse occurs in your sign, Libra, and this is the ultimate time of reaping what you sow. Since this is an eclipse, you can experience this with several or all areas of your life. Whatever you’ve been doing well, been responsible with, and making good choices with can improve with this eclipse, and you make the kind of progress you’ve been looking for. Whatever you’ve been making poor choices with, have been irresponsible with, or have been lazy with, you’ll now see roadblocks, delays, or a total collapse. You can get big rewards or big punishments now. If you’re punished, figure out what you’ve been doing wrong and change it. You can be more open with your emotions, and in touch with how you’re feeling. On April 29th, a solar eclipse occurs in Taurus, and you can make a major transformation of something in your life or of yourself. You go into it with enthusiasm and a positive attitude, looking forward to the change. You can deal with other people’s money positively, or take on a business partner. You make have the opportunity to do something that’s mutually beneficial to you and other people. You can forge stronger bonds with those you’re close too, and grow closer to new people. Remember that the impact of an eclipse can last for up to six months, so the effects of these eclipses can be felt for some time. Best Days of April for Love: 11th, 22nd, 23rd Best Days of April for Money: 15th, 16th, 17th SCORPIO APRIL 2014 Venus enters fellow water sign Pisces on April 5th, and you want to spend time doing the things you enjoy most in life. You need to take some time off from work, and give yourself plenty of time to play. Engage in your hobbies, or take up new ones. Let out your inner child and be playful. Let your creative self have an outlet. If you have children, you can get along with them better. If you’re in a relationship, you can be more romantic with your partner. If you’re single, you can attract more people to you, but you keep it light and casual. Mercury enters fire sign Aries on April 7th, and you focus on what you have to do. You can get work done quickly and efficiently, and you’re more productive. You can make lists of everything you need to get done, and you get through the list as fast as you can, but try to do the best you can as well. You’re more logical and analytical, and you keep much to yourself. You have a harder time speaking up for yourself, and seem more shy. You can be overly critical of others, and need to tone down your judgmental attitude. The Sun enters earth sign Taurus, the sign opposite yours, on April 19th, and you feel most like yourself when you’re with someone else. You want someone with you all of the time, and when you do, you feel free to express yourself and be who you truly are because they make you feel safe. If you’re alone, you feel a little on edge, a little uncomfortable, and a little too reserved. This can be a good time for you to commit to someone or something. You may come across as more charming, fair, and vacillating. Mercury joins the Sun in Taurus on April 23rd, and you do your best thinking when you have a partner to bounce ideas off of. Groups may be too intimidating for you, and alone you have difficulty seeing all of the angles, but with a partner, they can fill in the gaps and support your ideas. You’re more fair-minded, seek justice and equality, and are excellent at negotiating truces and compromises. On April 13th, Pluto turns retrograde (appears to move backward) in earth sign Capricorn, and over the next few months, you can slow down with the mental changes you’ve been making, and let your mind have some time to settle. You may also feel off in general since Pluto is your ruler, and it’s a subtle feeling, but one that's always present during this retrograde. Our first set of eclipses for 2014 occur in April. A lunar eclipse occurs on April 15th in air sign Libra, the sign before yours, and you enter a period where you need to let go. It’s an emotional experience, and not an easy one, but you have some baggage that’s become too much for you to carry, and you need to work on getting rid of it. You can be more emotional during this time, and your intuition is heightened, but your emotions may get in the way of understanding your gut well, so you’ll need to calm yourself down when you want to listen to what your intuition has to say to you. A solar eclipse occurs on April 29th in Taurus, and you can begin an important partnership, personally or in business. You can make an important commitment, and it’s one you’re excited about. A partner or loved one could be presented with an important opportunity, and you have to be supportive and encouraging. You can be presented with an important opportunity, but it’s something you have to do with a partner. You try to strike a balance in life, and get along better with others. Remember that the impact of an eclipse can last for up to six months, so the effects of these eclipses can be felt for some time. Best Days of April for Love: 18th, 24th, 25th Best Days of April for Money: 18th, 19th SAGITTARIUS APRIL 2014 On April 5th, Venus enters water sign Pisces, and you enjoy spending time at home, with family, in places that are most familiar to you, and with people you know well. You feel you can really relax then, and enjoy the pleasure of their company. If you’re in a relationship, you may be more encouraging of your partner, and try to share your emotions with them. If you’re single, you can meet someone through a relative. This can be a good time to spruce up your home through redecorating, painting, or new furniture. You want your home to be a place of refuge. You also want complete peace and harmony at home, and without that, you feel unbalanced. On April 7th, Mercury enters fellow fire sign Aries, and you do your best thinking when you’re letting yourself have fun and not forcing yourself to focus too hard on anything. You want to laugh and have fun and enjoy yourself. This is a good time for focusing on creative ideas and letting your creative side come out. Without a creative outlet, your mind can become stagnant. In conversation, you overpower people with your theatrics. If single, you can meet someone through technology or the internet. If in a relationship, you can communicate how you feel with your partner. If you have children, they could tell you something important. On April 19th, the Sun enters earth sign Taurus, and you feel most like yourself when you’re getting work done and being productive. You have a long list of things to do, and you want to get through all of them in a timely manner. You’re realistic and practical, and you know what needs to get done. You may come across as more hard-working, focused, and critical. Mercury joins the Sun in Taurus on April 23rd, and you can focus on what needs to be done, and put work above anything else. You know that you have responsibilities, and you’re willing to tend to them. You’re more logical and analytical, and you have an easier time focusing on the facts and the smaller details. On April 13th, Pluto turns retrograde (appears to move backward) in earth sign Capricorn, the sign after yours, and over the next few months, you can adjust to the transformations that have been made in your life with what you need to feel safe and secure, and try to let everything settle down and relax. Our first set of eclipses for 2014 occur in April. On April 15th, a lunar eclipse occurs in air sign Libra. You can end an important friendship, leave a group you belong to, or give up on a dream for your future. Conversely, you can grow closer with a casual friend, take on an important role in a group you belong to, or get closer to achieving your dreams. It all depends on whether or not you’ve been responsible, made good choices, and are doing the right thing. On April 29th, a solar eclipse occurs in Taurus. This is a great time for work. You can get a better job, are presented with several new job opportunities, or can create new job opportunities for yourself. You’re more enthusiastic about your work, and want to start something new. You can begin a new work project, move to a new office or building, and get along better with your coworkers. This is also a good time for your health, and you can work on improving it through diet, exercise, and regular checkups. If you have a health issue, this can be a great time for working on it and seeing progress. Remember that the impact of an eclipse can last for up to six months, so the effects of these eclipses can be felt for some time. Best Days of April for Love: 17th, 26th, 27th Best Days of April for Money: 20th, 21st CAPRICORN APRIL 2014 Venus enters water sign Pisces on April 5th, and you enjoy anything intellectually stimulating. You want to engage in conversation with others, and you’re charming and easier to talk to. You can get good news from someone, or give good news. You know just what to say, and you know how to be tactful. You don’t want to ruffle any feathers. You can enjoy being busy, and constantly on the go. You may get along better with siblings and neighbors. If single, you can meet someone through a sibling or neighbor, or who lives in your neighborhood, or who is younger than you. If attached, you can convey your affection through words. Mercury enters fire sign Aries on April 7th, and you do your best thinking when you’re comfortable. If you push yourself outside of your comfort zone, you have a hard time coming up with ideas. You want to be in the places you know best and with the people that are most familiar. When that’s the case, you can come up with great ideas. You can feel out the emotions in any situation with greater ease, and you remember the way you felt in any memory, but have a hard time recalling the facts. The Sun enters fellow earth sign Taurus on April 19th, and you feel most like yourself when you’re letting loose and having fun. Engage in your hobbies, take time off from work, let out your inner child, and be playful. You can work hard another day. Now is time for fun, to be carefree and light-hearted, and to embrace the fun aspects of life. You may come across as warmer, prouder, and friendlier. Mercury joins the Sun in Taurus on April 23rd, and you do your best thinking when you’re not being too serious, and not focusing on anything for too long. The more you force yourself to focus, the harder it gets for you. When you’re having fun, you can come up with great ideas. Let out your creative side, and try to see the bright side of situations. Pluto turns retrograde (appears to move backward) in your sign, Capricorn, on April 13th. Over the next few months, you can slow down the changes that you’ve made in your life. You’re slowly changing the person that you are and life that you have, and need to get used to what has come to pass. Our first set of eclipses for 2014 occur in April. A lunar eclipse occurs on April 15th in air sign Libra, and if you’ve been working hard and smart toward your goals and ambitions, you can be rewarded now, and attain goals you’ve been trying to achieve, or make headway professionally. If you’ve been lazy, irresponsible, and not taking it seriously, then you can be punished. You can be in the spotlight for what you’ve done, for better or for worse. Something could come to an end for a parent, boss, or mentor. You can be more open with your emotions publicly, and need to be careful you don’t break down in public. A solar eclipse occurs on April 29th in Taurus, and you can take up a new hobby, start an important creative project, or take a hiatus from work. You want to have fun, laugh, and enjoy yourself more in life. If you have children, an important opportunity could come up for them, or for you through them. If you’re in a relationship, you can be more romantic and plan for some fun time together, like going on a trip together. If you’re single, you can meet one special person, or several new people who spark an interest, but you keep it casual at first. Remember that the impact of an eclipse can last for up to six months, so the effects of these eclipses can be felt for some time. Best Days of April for Love: 1st, 2nd, 28th, 29th, 30th Best Days of April for Money: 22nd, 23rd AQUARIUS APRIL 2014 Venus enters water sign Pisces, the sign after yours, on April 5th, and you enjoy indulging in your senses. You can eat more rich foods, drink more fine wine, wear expensive perfume, listen to music, go to a concert or play or symphony, and spend time outdoors with nature. You may spend money on something frivolous. Generally, it’s easier for you to have the money you need, and you can improve your finances during this time, but you have to put in some effort. This is a good time for you if you work in the arts or beauty industry. If you’re in a relationship, you want to increase passion but aren’t in any rush. If you’re single, you’re attracted to people who seem stable, secure, and sensual. Mercury enters fire sign Aries on April 7th, and your mind quickens. You come up with lots of new ideas, you share your thoughts and opinions with others, you gossip and tell jokes, and you want constant mental stimulation. You want to stay busy so you don’t drive yourself bonkers. You may have more communications than usual, especially utilizing technology and the internet. You can have an important conversation with a sibling or neighbor. The Sun enters earth sign Taurus on April 19th, and you feel most like yourself when you’re in places that are familiar to you and with people who make you feel at home. When you’re comfortable, you’re free to be who you really are. You may spend more time at home or with family as a result. You don’t feel comfortable going outside of your comfort zone, and you want to stick to what you know well. You may come across as more traditional, emotional, and nurturing. Mercury joins the Sun in Taurus on April 23rd, and you do your best thinking when you’re analyzing the emotions of a situation. Looking at the facts is difficult for you now, but you understand emotions pretty well. When you’re in a comfortable environment and with encouraging people, you can let your mind go and come up with great new ideas. You don’t go for any ideas that are unconventional or futuristic though. Pluto turns retrograde (appears to move backward) in earth sign Capricorn, the sign before yours, on April 13th, and over the next few months, you can adjust to the changes that have been made to your subconscious mind, your spiritual self, your past and past issues, and your karma. You need some rest and relaxation. Our first set of eclipses for 2014 occur in April. A lunar eclipse occurs on April 15th in fellow air sign Libra, and you can come home if you’re abroad, settle a major legal issue, or finish a course of study. If you’re a writer, you can be recognized for your writing, or you can have setbacks if you haven’t been responsible. You’re more defensive of your beliefs, and you may need to analyze what you believe and see if it really fits who you are now. The answer may surprise you. A solar eclipse occurs on April 29th in Taurus, and you can start a big new home improvement project or renovation, buy or sell property, or move. An important opportunity could come up for a family member, or for you through them. You may find that you have more opportunities to do things that are more traditional instead of unconventional like you may be used to. Sticking to your comfort zone may be the best thing for you right now, and you find more opportunities there than when you step out of it. Remember that the impact of an eclipse can last for up to six months, so the effects of these eclipses can be felt for some time. Best Days of April for Love: 3rd, 4th, 5th Best Days of April for Money: 2nd, 24th, 25th PISCES APRIL 2014 On April 5th, Venus enters your sign, Pisces, and you’re much more charming, graceful, and attractive to others. You carry yourself well in public, know the right thing to say, and look better than ever. This can be a good time to improve yourself physically with a new haircut, new clothes, or cosmetic surgery. If you’re in a relationship, your partner may want to spend more time with you, and you’re in the mood for romance. If you’re single, you can attract people to you with greater ease. You may feel luckier in general, but you can also be lazy and indulgent. On April 7th, Mercury enters fire sign Aries, and you do your best thinking when you’re taking your time and not rushing into anything. You need plenty of time to make decisions, and while it may annoy some people, you know that you shouldn’t rush. Once you make a decision, you stick with it no matter what, and can be a little stubborn. You may focus on your finances, come up with a new budget, get financial advice from someone, or buy a new piece of technology. On April 19th, the Sun enters earth sign Taurus, and you feel most like yourself when you’re engaging with others and getting the mental stimulation that you need. You want to spend time with people so you can communicate with them and keep your mind busy. You want to stay as busy as possible, and can keep a packed schedule. You may be on the go, always doing something, and share everything you learn with people. You can come across as more scattered, friendly, and spacey. Mercury joins the Sun in Taurus on April 23rd, and you can have many more communications with others, get or share news, and stay busy. You have a lot on your mind, come up with lots of new ideas, and go from one idea to the next, but don’t stick with anything for very long. You can have an important conversation with or about a sibling or neighbor, get some news you’ve been waiting on, or find information that you need. On April 13th, Pluto turns retrograde (appears to move backward) in earth sign Capricorn. Over the next few months, you can slow down the transformations you’ve made regarding your friendships, the causes you take up, and your dreams for your future. You can take some time to get a clearer picture of what you want. Our first set of eclipses for 2014 occur in April. On April 15th, a lunar eclipse occurs in air sign Libra, and this can be a serious time for you. Things that you hold deep inside of yourself, that you don’t want anyone to know about or see, may have to brought out and dealt with. It’s an emotional experience, and a serious one, but it’s one you need to have so you can transform yourself and your life for the better. Keeping this hidden inside of you only holds you back and keeps you from becoming the person you should be and keeps you from having the life you could have. Your will is stronger now, and you have the strength you need to face this. On April 29th, a solar eclipse occurs in Taurus, and you can take on lots of small projects, start an important writing project, and seem more enthusiastic and positive in general. You can get an important opportunity using technology or the internet. A sibling or neighbor could be presented with an important opportunity, or you are through them. You can come up with an idea that turns out to be very important, and can lead to big opportunities for you down the road. Remember that the impact of an eclipse can last for up to six months, so the effects of these eclipses can be felt for some time. Best Days of April for Love: 6th, 7th, 11th Best Days of April for Money: 26th, 27th Comments are closed.