General horoscopes are always meant for entertainment purposes only. For a more accurate view, read your Sun sign, Rising sign, and Moon sign. Aries 2019 Yearly Horoscope Aries 2019 Love and Relationships Horoscope The January 21st lunar eclipse occurs in your love sector, and this may be a time when you figure out if you’re serious about things, if you’re with someone and you’re uncertain. If you’re attached, you may feel a stronger connection to your partner, and if single, you may only be interested in someone if you feel you have a soul connection. Mars tours your love sector July through mid-August, and this can bring lots of energy for love. You can be more affectionate, and if single, you may want to play the field and enjoy yourself. If in a relationship, you can make sparks fly again. Mars goes through your relationship sector October to mid-November, and you can be more commitment-minded and want to have someone by your side. If in a relationship, you can be more committed to your partner and willing to take the next step. If single, you may focus on trying to be with someone you feel will take commitment seriously, and that you respect. Mercury retrogrades (appears to move backward) in your sex and intimacy sector the first half of November, and old lovers can come back into the picture, while existing intimacy issues can come front and center. You may focus on trying to grow closer with your partner, if attached; if single, you may demand more intensity and passion from anyone interested in you. Mars tours this sector immediately afterward for the rest of the year, and you can close the year out with greater passion, but also a stronger need for emotional bonds that you feel can withstand any test. Aries 2019 Career and Money Horoscope Pluto and Saturn remain in your career and life path sector for 2019, just as they did for 2018, so you can continue to focus on trying to get on the right path in life, make sure you’re going in the right direction, and on your way to achieving your goals and ambitions. You can make a lot of demands of yourself because of this, and take on more responsibilities. You can focus more on new goals at the start of the year with the January 5th solar eclipse in this sector, and you can have more enthusiasm. The July 16th lunar eclipse occurs in this sector, and you can achieve something you’ve worked hard at and been smart with and are passionate about, or can sift through your goals to focus on the ones you really connect with. The year ends with a solar eclipse in this sector December 26th, so the year bookends with good energy for your goals and ambitions. Jupiter also moves into this sector December 2nd, and you can go into 2020 with incredible energy for progress and success if you do things the right way, for the right reasons. Uranus moves into your money sector March 6th to stay for almost a decade, and you can make money in new, different ways, or through using Uranus (in tech, online, involving groups, being inventive). You can take new approaches to your finances, but there can be some erratic financial energy at times, and it may seem like sometimes you’re on a sudden unexpected upswing, and sometimes it’s a sudden downswing. Make sure you’re prepared for when there is a downswing so life doesn’t get quite so shaken up all of the time. Mars is in this sector mid-February through March, and you can take full advantage of financial opportunities to create stability and security. The opportunities may be unusual, unconventional, push you outside of your comfort zone, or are ones you wouldn’t have thought of before. Mars tours your work sector in mid-August through September, and you can get focused, productive, strive to get more done, and can be more practical with what you need to do and how to do it. Aries 2019 Home and Family Horoscope Mars tours your home and family sector mid-May through June, and you can have lots of energy for focusing on projects at home, spending time with family, and making improvements in your connections. You can be more nurturing, supportive, and work on making your home life as comfortable as possible. A solar eclipse occurs in this sector July 2nd, and you can have more energy, enthusiasm, and positive feelings with matters at home or with family. It can be great for strengthening the foundation of your life at home and personally. But Mercury will also retrograde in this sector in the second half of July, and you may need to work on issues with your family or at home. It can be a good time for reconnecting with family or going back somewhere you lived before. Mars will be in your children sector July through mid-August, so if you have kids, you may give them more of your time, and they may demand more of your attention. You can be supportive of them, and help them out with anything, especially with the Mercury retrograde in this sector the first half of July. They may be a little more rebellious, so try to be patient with them. Aries 2019 Mental State Horoscope Jupiter is in one of your sectors of the mind for most of 2019, and this can help you to focus on the bright side of situations, no matter how difficult they may be and how much responsibility you have to shoulder. You can work on opening up your mind, and it can be a great time for some higher learning, especially if there is a purpose for it. You can absorb knowledge in many ways, and may feel like a student of life. Mars tours the other sector ruling your mind April through mid-May, and this may be when your mind is most open and receptive. Take in new information, and share what you come up with. Neptune remains in the sector governing your subconscious mind all year, gently urging you to get more in tune with your subconscious self, and Mercury will retrograde in this sector in March, bringing your attention to it. You may become aware of some subconscious issues, motivations, or desires that you need to address, and there can be a bit of an awakening if you allow it. Get in tune and gain a stronger connection to that subconscious of yours. Aries 2019 General Horoscope Uranus is coming to the end of his time in your sign, Aries, and will be in your sign to start the year until March 6th when he exits for another 70+ years. Many of you may say, hallelujah! At least if things have seemed a little erratic for his tour in your sign over the last decade. Energy can slow down, and you can take a more methodical approach to change in your life. But if there is any big change you want to make, the start of the year may be the time to do it while you still have Uranus in your sign. Those of you who are at the tail end of Aries can be impacted most. Mars, your ruler, is also in your sign to start the year to mid-February, so it may seem like there’s a ton of energy available to you as 2019 kicks off. You may have lots of enthusiasm, spunk, and may be willing to take some chances on yourself. This can be a great thing if you’re smart about it, and you can set yourself up with grand opportunities that open up new windows and doors to you. But if you’re not smart about it, Saturn and Pluto make you pay - so be smart! Taurus 2019 Yearly Horoscope Taurus 2019 Love and Relationships Horoscope Mars tours your love sector mid-August through September, and you can feel more affectionate, more loving, and want to have fun with loved ones. If single, you can enjoy playing the field, while if in a relationship, you may focus on trying to bring the sparks back. Mars is in your relationship sector mid-November to the end of the year, and you can be more open to commitment and compromise in your relationships. If single, you may want to find someone who is commitment-minded and you respect; if in a relationship, you can take things to the next level. This comes after Mercury retrogrades (appears to move backward) in your relationship sector the first half of November, and you may need to address relationship issues thanks to that retrograde. It can expose problems that need to be worked on, helping you to improve your relationships and commitment, or allowing you to see which relationships you need to walk away from and aren’t good for you now. Jupiter spends most of the year in your intimacy sector, so this can be a good year for focusing on strengthening emotional bonds in your relationships and deepening the intimacy, if in a relationship. If single, you may prefer someone you feel a strong emotional and physical attraction to, and that you feel is serious, seductive, and a little mysterious. Taurus 2019 Career and Money Horoscope Mars is in your money sector April to mid-May, and this can give you extra focus on your finances and help you to pursue financial opportunities that come your way or to create some for yourself. You can take on a second job, side gig, turn a hobby profitable, or find better ways of managing your finances. You may focus on an important financial transaction, arrangement, agreement, or partnership, and this can help you to put yourself in a better position financially. Mars tours your work sector October to mid-November, and you can feel extra productive, hard-working, practical, and focused. You can make the most of your time and energy, getting as much work done as you can. The more passionate you are about what you’re doing, the more work you may take on; if you lack passion for what you do, you may feel a craving to walk away and find something else, but is that a smart move, or should you wait? Just make sure you don’t take too much on and run yourself down or add to extra stress. Taurus 2019 Home and Family Horoscope Mars is in your home and family sector July to mid-August, and and Mercury retrogrades in this sector mid-July, so there’s heavy emphasis on the home and family midyear. You can focus on reconnecting with relatives, revisiting places you’ve lived before, or making plans for family gatherings. You can make improvements at home, plan a move, or strive to make your home feel more comfortable for you. You may want a deeper connection emotionally to your home base, wherever that is for you. Mars is in the sector ruling your children mid-August through September, and if you have children, they may demand more of your attention, and you can give them a lot of it. You can make the more of a priority, and this can help you connect with your own inner child. You can focus on being more affectionate and sharing the loved you feel with loved ones. Taurus 2019 Mental State Horoscope Uranus is ending his time in the sector ruling your subconscious mind this year, exiting in March, and Mars is in this sector to kick the year off until mid-February. You can take advantage of this energy early in the year to connect to your subconscious mind and gain better understanding and flashes of insight into your subconscious issues, motivations, and desires. You can work to eliminate subconscious baggage, and move forward with greater conscious awareness. Pluto and Saturn remain in the sector ruling your higher mind as year, just as they did for 2018, so you can continue to take a serious, intense approach to expanding your mind and opening up to the world, and can share knowledge you have and gain more knowledge from others. You may focus on knowledge that will benefit your life in a major way or help you to transform, learn, or grow. A solar eclipse occurs in this sector January 5th, and you can get excited by big ideas and work on realistic plans. A lunar eclipse occurs in this sector July 16th, and you can see the culmination of all you’ve done, and make progress with your plans. The final solar eclipse of the year on December 26th is also in this sector, and you can turn toward new ideas and plans again for 2020. Mars tours the sector ruling your mind mid-May through June, and you can have lots of new ideas, keep yourself busy, and be more engaging with others. You may identify more strongly with your ideas, and focus on taking action with them. A solar eclipse occurs in this sector July 2nd, and you can focus on new ideas, get excited by them, and pursue opportunities to do something with them. There is major emphasis on the mind in every way in 2019, so this could be an excellent year for any kind of learning, teaching, writing, or speaking, and well as travel. Taurus 2019 General Horoscope Uranus moves into your sign in 2019, something that began for a brief period in 2018, but Uranus will come to your sign in March 2019 and stay for almost another decade. This puts you on the path to change in your life, and you can enact changes in any area. You can feel open to doing things differently, open to the unconventional and unusual, and open to stepping outside of your comfort zone. You can get excited by this, and can be more independent and forward-thinking. You can focus more on the future, and the hopes and dreams you have. You may be a little more idealistic than usual, but that may not be a bad thing. Since Taurus loves stability so much, make sure you’re grounded when you’re embarking on any changes so you still feel in control and on solid ground no matter what. Mars is in your sign already when Uranus enters, being in your sign mid-February through March. You can feel you have more energy and drive, enthusiasm and excitement, spunk and spirit. You can take advantage of opportunities, and take more initiative in life. This might make you get started quickly with changes that you do want to make. Gemini 2019 Yearly Horoscope Gemini 2019 Love and Relationships Horoscope Jupiter is in your relationship sector for most of 2019, and this can bring helpful energy for dealing with others, getting along with the people in your life, meeting new people, being committed, and wanting solid relationships. If in a relationship, you can work on strengthening your connection. If single, you may focus on trying to find someone who is commitment-minded, not wanting to play the field too much. There can be a strong focus on emotional bonds and intimacy in your relationships with Saturn and Pluto remaining in your intimacy sector all year. Jupiter also moves into this sector in December, expanding intimacy in your life. The January 5th solar eclipse also occurs in this sector, and you can feel more comfortable having strong emotional bonds with others. The July 16th lunar eclipse is in this sector, and you may work on intimacy issues and grow closer with some and walk away from others. The December 26th solar eclipse closes the year out in this sector, and you can focus on the strong bonds that you’ve forged. Mars is in your love sector October through mid-November, and you can be more affectionate, loving, and want to spread the love and joy you feel with others. You can be comfortable with attention, and enjoy time spent with loved ones. Gemini 2019 Career and Money Horoscope Neptune remains in your career sector all year, and you can focus on goals and ambitions that you feel spiritually drawn to, and make decisions about the path that you’re on based on your gut instincts. Mercury retrogrades (appears to move backward) in your career sector in March, and you may need to do things over again, take a second chance, or work on making better impressions on the right people. Mars is in your work sector mid-November to the end of the year, and you can be more productive, get more work done, and want to focus on work that you’re passionate about. The more passionate you are about what you do, the more work you can get done. You can focus on work opportunities, and want to keep busy. Mercury retrogrades in your work sector in the first half of November, and you may have some difficulties with your work, lack focus or energy, and may want a break. Mars allows you to come out of the Mercury retrograde with some energy and enthusiasm to get back on track. Mars is in your money sector mid-May through June, and you can be more energized and driven to make more money, improve your finances, or pursue financial opportunities. This is helped with a solar eclipse in this sector July 2nd, but Mercury retrogrades in this sector the second half of July, so you may need to be more mindful of your finances and exercise some caution. Since Mercury retrogrades in your career, work, and money sectors in 2019, this can be a good year for going back to work for a former employer, somewhere you worked before, or in a job you had before. Gemini 2019 Home and Family Horoscope Mars is in your home and family sector mid-August through September, and you can spend more time at home, make improvements to your home or living situation, spend more time with family, work on improving relationships with family, and can get and give more support. You can get in touch with your inner nurturer, and can be more encouraging to the people you think of as family. If you have children, Mars is in the sector ruling your kids October to mid-November, and you can give them more of your attention, and they may have more developments in their own lives. They may need more support from you, but you may have to find the right balance between supporting and letting them fly on their own. Gemini 2019 Mental State Horoscope Uranus moves into the sector ruling your subconscious mind in March for the next almost decade, and you can gain sudden, unexpected insights into your subconscious issues, motivations, and desires. You can work on old issues, let go and move on from past baggage, and forge a stronger connection to your subconscious mind and intuitive self. Mars is in this sector mid-February through March, and this can give you more energy and drive for connecting to your subconscious mind. A lunar eclipse occurs in the sector ruling your mind January 21st, and you can sort through ideas and plans, and work on eliminating bad mental habits and clear out some mental sludge. Mercury retrogrades in the sector ruling your mind the first half of July, and this might bring back up some old ideas that you’d like to work on again, or you might feel a little scattered and unfocused mentally and need to work on better communication and understanding with others. Mars is in this sector July through mid-August, and you can have a lot more mental energy and enthusiasm for your ideas, and can spend time learning, sharing knowledge, and being more engaging. Gemini 2019 General Horoscope Mars is in your sign, Gemini, April through mid-May, which can be a great period for energy and drive. You can focus on what you want for yourself, you can be more assertive and take initiative for what you want, and you can be enthusiastic about what you pursue. You can go after new opportunities, embark on a new journey, or take a fresh start. Mars is only in your sign every 2 years or so, and this is the start of a new 2-year cycle for you, so make the most of that energy while you have it. Mercury is your ruler, so while he is retrograde in March, July, and November, you may feel off in a subtle way throughout each retrograde. It’s a time to exercise a lot of patience, not just with others but also yourself, and to take the opportunity to take second chances, find different ways of expressing yourself, and doing a better job listening. Perform some routine maintenance, go easy on yourself, and if you need a break, try to take one. Cancer 2019 Yearly Horoscope Cancer 2019 Love and Relationships Horoscope Pluto and Saturn remain in your relationship sector all of 2019, just like in 2018, so you can continue to take your relationships more seriously, get more committed, and work to improve your relationships. You may become closer with people you feel a strong connection to, and weed out the people who don’t serve a positive purpose in your life anymore. This allows you to strengthen your commitment to the people you keep in your life, and those relationships can endure for a long time. Jupiter will move into this sector in December, and helps you to expand your relationships more, deepen your commitment, and welcome more partnerships. You can be more compromising, and work to get along better with others. Mercury will retrograde (appear to move backward) in your love sector the first half of November, and you may need to address issues in a love relationship, old relationship issues, or struggle with a loved one. Communication in love may need to be worked on. It can be a good time for reconnecting with an old flame though. Mars comes to your love sector mid-November to the end of the year, and gives you a shot of love energy. You can be more affectionate, expressive, passionate, and loving. You may want to inject some life into your relationship if you’re attached; if single, you may want someone who excites you and keeps things interesting. Cancer 2019 Career and Money Horoscope Uranus starts the year in your career sector, and this transit comes to a close in March when Uranus enters Taurus for the next decade. You’ve likely been going through lots of professional changes thanks to Uranus in the last decade, and that can start slowing down a little. If there are more changes you want to make, you can make the most of the energy you have the first two months of the year to do so, especially with Mars also in your career sector to start the year to mid-February. You can have lots of energy and drive for your goals, feel more ambitious, and want to make progress while you can. Jupiter is in your work sector for most of the year, and this can bring helpful energy for your work life. You can focus on trying to do work that you enjoy, and can pursue work opportunities if you feel that you’re not doing something you’re passionate about. You can create opportunities for yourself if you don’t find the opportunities that you’re looking for, and the more you enjoy what you do, the more you can throw yourself into it and get recognition for the work you do. The January 21st lunar eclipse occurs in your money sector, and you can settle financial issues or disputes, finalize financial arrangements or agreements, and work to set yourself up financially. Mercury partially retrogrades in your money sector in mid-July, and this can bring some financial difficulties or unexpected financial developments you need to adjust to quickly. Mars is in your money sector July through mid-August, and this can help you to deal with any challenges quickly and pursue financial opportunities, improve your finances, and make smart financial decisions. Cancer 2019 Home and Family Horoscope Mars is in your home and family sector October to mid-November, and this can be the time when you’re most focused on matters of the home and family. You can spend more time with family, make improvements to your home or living situation, plan a move or family gathering, and want more of a feeling of home somewhere. You can give yourself more emotional comfort and support, and give that to the people in your life that you care about. If you have children, Mercury will retrograde in the sector ruling your kids the first half of November, and your kids can be more rebellious, may demand more of your attention, and you may need to be extra patient with them. Mars is in this sector mid-November to the end of the year, and you can spend more time with them, give them more attention, support them in the spotlight, or improve your connection with them. Cancer 2019 Mental State Horoscope Mars is in the sector ruling your mind mid-August through September, and you can have lots of new ideas and plans, a much more active mind, and can sort through your ideas and focus on the ones you’re most excited about. You can take action with the ones that you’re enthusiastic about and interested in most. You can share what’s on your mind, what you’re planning, and can identify strongly with your ideas. Neptune remains in the sector ruling your higher mind all year, and you can pursue subjects of interest that you want to dig deeper into and gain more expertise in. You can focus more on spiritual interests as well. Mercury retrogrades in this sector in March, and you can take time to re-learn or re-teach something, and it can be a good time for going back to school or taking a course over again. You can be more open to different ways of viewing the world. Mars is in the sector ruling your subconscious mind April through mid-May, and this can be a time for you to get in tune with your subconscious self. You can gain better understanding of subconscious issues, motivations, and desires, and can work on letting go of past issues. Clearing out some subconscious sludge can be a good thing. Cancer 2019 General Horoscope Mars is in your sign mid-May through June, giving you lots of energy, enthusiasm, and making you want to pursue new beginnings, a new path, new opportunities, and new adventures. You can be more open to starting something new, and this can be something you work on for the next two years as this is the start of a new Mars cycle for you. You can make the most of excitement and enthusiasm, and go for what you want. A solar eclipse occurs in your sign July 2nd, and this can help to energize you more and inspire you to take action for what you want. You can find lots of opportunities or create opportunities for yourself, and feel good about what you’re doing. Mercury retrogrades briefly in your sign late in July though, so this may bring a block you need to overcome or make you slow down a little to take stock and be smart. It can be great energy for a second chance with something, doing something over again, so if you’d like to do that, you may have the chance to. With Saturn and Pluto remaining in Capricorn all year and Jupiter entering Capricorn in December, there’s also a lot of oppositional energy for you as Capricorn is your opposing sign.There may be times when you feel like you’re dealing with things that are out of your control, and it may feel like forces are making you learn lessons, grow, evolve, and transform. Sometimes this can be challenging, but it can turn out positive if you work with it rather than fight against it. Leo 2019 Yearly Horoscope Leo 2019 Love and Relationships Horoscope Jupiter is in your love sector for most of the year, and you can be more affectionate, loving, romantic, and want to have more fun in your love relationships. If in a relationship, you can work to make it feel more like it did when you first met, and bring some fresh life and fun times to your relationship. It can be a great year for planning on some time away for just the two of you. If single, you can be more open to playing the field, not wanting to pin yourself down quickly. You can enjoy the attention you get from others, and want to be wooed. Neptune remains in your intimacy sector all year, and this makes you continue to crave strong spiritual connections in your intimate relationships, and want sex to be more of a transcendent experience. Mercury will retrograde (appear to move backward) in March, and you can see old lovers return, and may feel you want a more solid connection in your intimate relationships. If your bonds don’t feel solid and strong, you might feel emotionally upset, so if you feel you’re going to emotional extremes, it may be that you need to work on those connections. Leo 2019 Career and Money Horoscope Pluto and Saturn remain in your work sector all of 2019, just like 2018, so you can continue to focus on trying to pursue work that you’re passionate about, believe in, and going about it the right way. You can work harder, be disciplined, and focus on things long-term. Jupiter starts to move into this sector in December, and he can bring opportunities for expansion that may be lacking until then. For now, you may need to just stay the course. You get some help with a solar eclipse in this sector January 21st and another December 26th, and you can focus on work that you enjoy. A lunar eclipse occurs in this sector July 16th, and you may clear out your ideas and focus on what is most important to you. Uranus starts to move into your career sector in March, and will be in this sector for almost a decade. This can bring energy for change in your career, and you may want new and different goals for your life and the direction that you’re going in. You may have started to feel this in the middle of 2018 as a preview of what’s the come, and can be open to going outside of your comfort zone. Mars is in this sector mid-February through March, giving lots of energy and drive to kick this off, and you can set brand new goals, different goals, and can be more independent and ambitious. Mars is in your Money sector mid-August through September, and you can focus on financial opportunities, work to improve your financial situation, and can gather financial advice or information. You can make important financial plans, and try to plan long-term. Leo 2019 Home and Family Horoscope Mars is in your home and family sector mid-November to the end of the year, and you can give more time and energy to matters at home and with family. This may come after Mercury retrogrades in your home and family sector during the first half of November, and Mercury may throw some things off and make you have to focus on things at home or with family. You may have family drama to tackle, little issues at home to deal with, and you may want to strengthen your connection to your home base. With Mars in this sector afterward, you can come out of the retrograde with more energy and enthusiasm, and can make improvements. If you have children, Jupiter is in the sector ruling your children for most of the year, and they may be presented with new opportunities, get a lot of attention, and require more support from you as they open up to new experiences. Leo 2019 Mental State Horoscope Mars is in the sector ruling your mind October to mid-November, and you can have a much more active mind, coming up with new ideas and new plans, and sorting through ideas and plans you have so you can pick the ones you want to take action with. You can focus on the ones that you’re most passionate about and can’t wait to get started with. You can also be open to learning new things, sharing information and knowledge, and be more engaging with others. Uranus is at the end of his time in the sector ruling your higher mind, leaving in March, so at the start of the year, you may focus on finishing up learning more about something, teaching something, or gaining more expertise on something. Mars is in this sector at the start of the year as well to mid-February, giving a little extra energy for it. It can be a good time for a crash course while you have the energy to use it. Mars is in the sector ruling your subconscious mind mid-May through June, and you can get in tune with subconscious issues, motivations, and desires, and work to better understand yourself. A solar eclipse occurs in this sector July 2nd, and you can gain new insight into your subconscious self, and integrate your conscious and subconscious more. Mercury retrogrades in this sector the second half of July though, and this can bring something out, something you’re not aware of, that you have to adjust to, learn from, or let go of. Leo 2019 General Horoscope A lunar eclipse occurs in your sign January 21st, the last eclipse in your sign for a few years, so this can feel like a time to wrap things up in some way, with something in particular, or a time to let go, move on, and understand. You may be more deeply in tune with your emotional self, and can tend to your own emotional needs. Mercury retrogrades in your sign mid-July, and this can be a time when you may feel like things aren’t going quite the way you want them to, or totally different from how you want them to! You may need to be more patient with others and with yourself, give yourself more time to get things done, and try doing things in a different way. It can be a great time for a second chance though, so think about something you’d like to try again. Mars will be in your sign July through mid-August, so once you get through the Mercury retrograde in your sign, you can have lots of energy and drive to hit the ground running, focusing on what you want for yourself and what you want to get started with. You can embark on a new beginning, new journey, new opportunities and ventures, and what you start during this time can be a focus for the next 2 years of your life (until Mars is in your sign again in 2021). Make the most of the energy while you have it, and get things moving that have been stalled. Virgo 2019 Yearly Horoscope Virgo 2019 Love and Relationships Horoscope Saturn and Pluto remain in your love sector all of 2019, just like for 2018, and you can get more serious about love. You can focus on being more committed to the people that you love, and take your love relationships more seriously. You can drift away from people you don’t feel a strong connection to, and grow closer to the ones you do. If single, you may only want something intense and passionate with someone who can be committed. If in a relationship, you may focus on trying to strengthen your connection and commitment. More energy can come to your love sector in December with Jupiter entering this sector, and you can be more affectionate and romantic. A solar eclipse occurs in this sector January 5th, and you can connect more with the hearts of loved ones. A lunar eclipse occurs in this sector July 16th, and you can focus on the love relationships where you feel you have a soul connection. The year closes out with a solar eclipse in your love sector December 26th, and you can end the year being romantic and making love more of a priority. Neptune remains in your relationship sector all year, and this reinforces the desire to have strong soul connections with the people in your life. You can be more compassionate and understanding, empathic and caring, and give more to the people you care about, so some boundaries may be needed. You may also have to work harder to see people realistically and not fall for a wolf in sheep’s clothing. Mercury retrogrades (appears to move backward) in this sector in March, and there may be issues that pop up that need to be addressed in your relationships, and you may see people from the past come back into your life. Uranus is at the end of his time in your intimacy sector, leaving in March, and he gets a boost of energy from Mars in this sector to start the year until mid-February. You can find new ways of strengthening your intimate connections, and share more with others. Virgo 2019 Career and Money Horoscope Mars is in your career sector April through mid-May, and this can be a period where you feel extra ambitious, disciplined, focused on what you want to achieve, and you can work harder at success. You can set new goals for yourself, work on long-term plans, and stay the course. You can take on new responsibilities, work on making good impressions on the right people, and make important connections. You may feel like you hit your stride or hit a high point in some way, especially with something you began from the ground up about a year before, and you may get recognition for something you’ve done. Mars is in your money sector October through mid-November, and this can be a good period for focusing on financial matters. You can pursue financial opportunities, create new ones for yourself, gather financial information and advice, and try to set yourself up financially. While it can be easier for you to make money, it can also be easier for you to spend it, so try to keep a lid on splurging. Virgo 2019 Home and Family Horoscope Jupiter is in your home and family sector for most of the year, and this is great for focusing on home and family matters. You can make improvements to your home, remodel or redecorate, move into a bigger place, and find more space within your living situation. You can spend more time with family, plan for more family time, or repair family relationships. You can feel more supported and comforted emotionally as a result, and this can make you more emotionally secure and stable. Pluto and Saturn remain in the sector ruling your children, so if you have any kids, they may demand more from you, seem to fight against you at times, and may experience issues that they need your help with. The January 5th solar eclipse in this sector helps bring good energy for opportunity and recognition, as well as the December 26th solar eclipse in this sector. The July 16th lunar eclipse in this sector might increase their emotions and sensitivity, and requires you to be more patient, no matter how rebellious they may be. Virgo 2019 Mental State Horoscope Mercury will retrograde in the sector ruling your mind the first half of November, and you may lack focus, feel scattered, and have restless mental energy. You may feel you have too much to focus on and are spread thin, or too little and feel bored. Try to have a positive outlet for your mental energy, something to focus on when you need a break and want to enjoy yourself. After the retrograde, Mars is in this sector mid-November to the end of the year, and this can give you more mental energy to come up with new ideas, work on new plans, and take action with the ideas and plans you’re excited about. You can gather information, get advice, be more engaging, and take time to learn or teach. Uranus moves into the sector ruling your higher mind in March for the next almost decade, and you can feel open to expanding your mind in new ways and focusing on new ways of viewing the world. Your perception can shift, and your outlook can become more positive. You can take time to go back to school, wanting to absorb more knowledge, or take time to have new experiences so you can learn through experience. You can be open to unconventional ideas and methods, and willing to push outside of your mental boundaries. A lunar eclipse occurs in the sector ruling your subconscious mind January 21st, and you can take time to reflect, to dive into your subconscious self and gain more understanding, and to focus on baggage that you need to let go of and move on from. Mercury retrogrades in this sector briefly the first half of July, and you may need to confront subconscious issues and baggage, and become aware of ways you hold yourself back. Mars is in this sector July through mid-August, and this gives you the energy and drive you need to get in tune with your subconscious mind and eliminate what holds you back. Virgo 2019 General Horoscope Mars is in your sign mid-August through September, and Mars in your sign can be a great time for energy, drive, and enthusiasm. You can get excited by new opportunities to pursue new things in your life, and to go down a new journey. You can take the initiative for what you want, and can blaze a new trail in your life. Mars is only in your sign every two years, so this is energy you want to take advantage of while you have it. Mercury is your ruler, so when he is retrograde, you tend to be thrown off, and this occurs in March (targeting your relationship sector), in July (targeting your subconscious mind and friendships), and in November (targeting your conscious mind). These may be periods when you have to be more patient with yourself and others, give yourself plenty of time to get things done, and try doing things in different ways. Libra 2019 Yearly Horoscope Libra 2019 Love and Relationships Horoscope Uranus is at the end of his time in your relationship sector, only in this sector until March 2019. Over the last almost decade, you’ve likely been experiencing lots of changes in your relationships, with the kind of people you’ve attracted into your life and been attracted to, and what you want in a relationship. Any last-minute changes you want to make in your relationships, you can do at the start of the year with Uranus still in your relationship sector and Mars also in this sector to start the year to mid-February. Mars is in your intimacy sector mid-February through March, and Uranus moves from your relationship sector to your intimacy sector in March for the next almost decade. This can be a time where how you emotionally and physically connect with the people you’re closest to undergoes some major changes, and you can find yourself connecting to people who are different from usual. How you share with others may shift, and what you want from others can change. Libra 2019 Career and Money Horoscope Neptune remains in your work sector all year, and you can focus on work projects and opportunities that you feel intuitively guided toward and can fulfill you spiritually. You likely don’t want to do anything that you don’t feel on a soul level, so you can focus on work that has a more spiritual component to it. Mercury will retrograde (appear to move backward) in your work sector in March, and this may be the time of year when you have a hard time with focus and discipline, lack productivity, or have a hard time sticking to a schedule. Give yourself lots of time to get things done, have some patience, and consider picking up old projects. Mars is in your career sector mid-May through June, so you can feel super ambitious, focused on your goals, and strive to make as much progress as you can. You can hit a high point, hit your stride, or work to make good impressions and make important connections with the right people. You can see the culmination of something you began 1 - 1 ½ years ago, and with the July 2nd solar eclipse in this sector, you can get recognition or praise, unlock new opportunities, and feel like you’re on the right path. Mercury will retrograde in this sector later in July though, and you may want to pick up an old goal or make tweaks to your long-term plans. Mercury will retrograde in your money sector the first half of November, and you may want to have a rainy day fund to cover unexpected expenses that can arise. You can gather financial information and advice, try to find different ways of managing your finances, and try to avoid splurging. Mars is in your money sector mid-November to the end of the year after the Mercury retrograde, and this gives an opportunity to set things right, pursue financial opportunities, and improve your financial situation quickly. Just avoid overspending for the holidays! Libra 2019 Home and Family Horoscope Saturn and Pluto remain in your home and family sector all year, just like for 2018, so you can continue to work on family issues, address issues with your family members, improve your relationships with your relatives, or decide if you need to put distance and walk away. You may feel more restricted and limited at times at home, and may want to downsize or make some changes. You can transform your connection to your home and family, and your definition of family or what home means to you can shift in a profound way during this period. A solar eclipse occurs in this sector January 5th and December 26th, and these can be good periods for focusing on matters at home or with family, for remodeling or renovating, moving, family gatherings, and strengthening your support system. A lunar eclipse occurs in this sector July 16th, and this can be a time where family issues come to a head, you have to make important decisions impacting your home life or family, and it can be more important for you emotionally to have a solid home base and family to connect to. Jupiter moves into this sector in December, and you can start working on bringing positive energy to matters at home or with family, expanding on the good and working harder on the difficult. Libra 2019 Mental State Horoscope Jupiter is in the sector ruling your mind for most of the year, and this can bring great mental energy. You can focus on expanding your mind, learning new things and taking courses or going to school, teaching what you know and sharing knowledge and wisdom, and you can gain new knowledge through experience. You can be more engaging and open with your ideas and plans, which you can come up with a lot of, and you can have a more positive outlook on life. You can merge the big and little picture, and can put together excellent long-term plans that stem from excellent short-term plans. You can feel like your mind is clicking, and you can see everything in front of you. Mars is in the sector ruling your higher mind April through mid-May, and this can be a great period for higher learning (college, university, gaining expertise), and you can also do well teaching, writing, and speaking. You can be more optimistic and gregarious, and your focus on the positives can open up new opportunities to you as you explore what’s possible in your life. Mars is in the sector ruling your subconscious mind mid-August through September, and this can be a good time to get in tune with your subconscious mind. You can gain better understanding of your subconscious issues and what you need to do to address them, your subconscious motivations and what drives you, and your subconscious desires and why you want what you want. You can integrate more of your conscious and subconscious minds, and try to have them work together instead of against each other. Libra 2019 General Horoscope Mars is in your sign October through mid-November, which can be a great time for focusing on new beginnings, embarking on a new journey, starting new projects, and pursuing new opportunities. You can have lots of energy and drive, feel independent and take initiative, and have a more pioneering spirit. Mars is in your sign once every two years or so, and this can be the start of a new 2 year cycle, so make the most of the energy while you have it. The 3 Mercury retrogrades in 2019 impact your money, work, and career sectors, so all of the professional sectors, which can be a time when you experience a lot of professional instability, feel unsettled professionally, or want to do something different professionally. Try not to jump into anything too impulsively, and be smart with any changes you do make. This can be good energy for going back to work for someone you used to work for, in a job you’ve worked before, or to pursue old work opportunities again. Scorpio 2019 Yearly Horoscope Scorpio 2019 Love and Relationships Horoscope Neptune remains in your love sector all year, and you can focus on having more soulful connections in your love relationships, and work on karmic love issues that you may have. You can be more compassionate and understanding in love, and do more for the people you love and make sacrifices for the people you love. If single, you may need to work on making sure you’re seeing people realistically, and if in a relationship, you may need to make sure you don’t let yourself get taken advantage of. Mercury will retrograde (appear to move backward) in your love sector in March, and this can be a time when you have to work on love issues and issues in love relationships. It can also be a good time for reconnecting with old flames and rekindling flames. Uranus moves into your relationship sector in March, to stay for almost the next decade, and you can focus on making changes in existing relationships, attract new people into your life, and work on having more independence within your relationships. What you want in a partner and in a relationship may undergo a big shift during this period. You can kick this off with big energy as Mars is in this sector mid-February through March, and you can give more time and attention to others, to relationships, to commitment, to compromise, and to negotiation. Mars is in your intimacy sector April through mid-May, and you can be more open to strengthening emotional and physical bonds you have with others, and can share more, dig deeper into loved ones, and be more intense. Scorpio 2019 Career and Money Horoscope Uranus is at the end of his time in your work sector in 2019, leaving in March, so over the last decade, you’ve likely experienced changes in your work life, needed more independence with your work, and want work that was stimulating and interesting or different in some way. Mars is in this sector to kick the year off until mid-February with Uranus, so this can be a last hurrah for changes you want to make with the work you’re doing, and you can quickly get things started and off of the ground or finished and moved on from. A lunar eclipse occurs in your career sector January 21st, and this can be a time to finish and accomplish a goal, make impressions on important people, get recognition, hit your stride, or realize your long-term plans. Mercury retrogrades in this sector the first half of July, and you may focus on old goals, tweak your long-term plans, and work on trying to make sure you’re on the right path. If you question your direction, slow things down and see what makes sense. Mars is in your career sector July through mid-August, so coming out of the retrograde you can have more energy and drive, and feel more ambitious and focused. You can get back on the right track and feel more confident in your abilities. Jupiter is in your money sector for most of the year, and this can be great energy for making more money, pursuing financial opportunities, focusing on improving your financial situation, and working to bring financial stability and security. This can make you feel more secure, confident, and grounded. Scorpio 2019 Home and Family Horoscope Neptune is in the sector ruling your children all year, so if you have children, you may want to help them with their spiritual growth, strengthen their intuition, and work on the soul connection you have with them. You may be more compassionate and understanding with them, and sense what they need from you even if they don’t say anything. Mercury retrogrades in this sector in March, and they may be more rebellious, need more attention or support, and you may have to be extra patient with them. Pluto and Saturn remain in the sector ruling your siblings all year, same as 2018, so if you have siblings, the relationship you have with them may continue to transform, and there may continue to be challenges to overcome. If you have a difficult relationship, you may need to learn some lessons, work on being more open, and try to gain more understanding. This can get easier when Jupiter enters this sector in December, coupled with a solar eclipse in this sector December 26th. A solar eclipse also occurs in this sector January 5th, helping bring beneficial energy, and a lunar eclipse occurs in this sector July 16th, and you can settle issues or decide to break ties. Scorpio 2019 Mental State Horoscope Saturn and Pluto remain in the sector ruling your mind all year, just as they did in 2018, and this gives you a more serious outlook, intense focus, and a disciplined mind. You may have a hard time focusing on the positives though, so it becomes important for you to work on seeing the good around you and not get stuck in down, pessimistic moods. This may be worst with the lunar eclipse in this sector July 16th. Jupiter enters this sector in December, and that can help you turn your mood around a little and focus more on the good. But this can be good energy for getting serious with your interests, and you can dedicate your mental energy to something productive and long-term. You may focus on new interests with the solar eclipses January 5th and December 26th. Mars is in the sector ruling your higher mind mid-May through June, and this can be a good time to expand your mind, learn new things, share knowledge you have, and gain wisdom through experience. A solar eclipse occurs in this sector July 2nd, and you can focus on a new subject, project, or experience, and Mercury retrogrades in this sector the second half of July, which can be good for learning something over again, teaching something again, going back to school, and trying to open your mind. Mars is in the sector ruling your subconscious mind October to mid-November, and you can work to get in tune with your subconscious self, and gain more understanding of your subconscious issues, motivations, and desires. Scorpio 2019 General Horoscope Jupiter is out of your sign for 2019 after spending most of 2018 in your sign, so this can slow down expansion, experience, and exploration, and you can take more time to choose opportunities to pursue and take action. You can benefit from being more grounded and taking a slow, steady, calm approach. Mercury retrogrades in your sign the first half of November, and this can make you feel like all sorts of little things are going wrong, need to be redone, and you can be more impatient, impulsive, and frustrated. Try to go easy on yourself and others, and give yourself lots of time to get things done. Try to focus on things you want a second shot at. Mars is in your sign mid-November to the end of the year, so you can come out of the retrograde with more energy and drive to pursue what you want and take initiative. You can be ready to get moving, and you can pursue opportunities, new beginnings, new projects, and can feel like you’re at the start of a new two year journey. Sagittarius 2019 Yearly Horoscope Sagittarius 2019 Love and Relationships Horoscope Uranus is at the end of his time in your love sector, leaving in March 2019. He’s been in your love sector for almost a decade, and what you’ve wanted in love, from the people you love, and what you love has likely undergone some major changes. You can focus on any additional changes you want to make in your love relationships at the start of the year with Mars also in your love sector to kick the year off to mid-February, and you can find new love in new ways. Mars is in your relationship sector April through mid-May, and this helps you to get focused on commitment, and get serious about your relationships after releasing the erratic Uranus energy. You can be open to compromise and work to keep the peace in your relationships. If in a relationship, you can strengthen the commitment you have to your partner, and may think about taking things to the next level. If single, you can focus on finding someone who will be serious about the relationship quickly. Mars is in your intimacy sector mid-May through June, and you can share more, and want to strengthen emotional bonds with the people you care about most. You can be much more serious about your relationships, and demand that in return. A solar eclipse occurs in your intimacy sector July 2nd, and you can open up even more with the people you’re closest to. But the second half of July, Mercury will retrograde (appear to move backward) in this sector, and you can struggle with a close relationship, or feel that you’re not as close with someone as you want to be. It can be a good time to work on intimacy issues, or to see the return of an old lover. Sagittarius 2019 Career and Money Horoscope Uranus moves into your work sector in March, to stay for almost a decade, and during this time, you can experience changes in your work life. You may decide you want to pursue a radically different kind of work, demand more autonomy in your work, want a change in your work environment, experience changes with the people you work with or for, and you may want work that keeps your interest, which can be difficult as your interests can become more varied. Give yourself lots of space to experiment, if you can. You can start to feel this kick in with Mars in your work sector mid-February through March, and you can be driven to pursue new work opportunities and push yourself outside of your work comfort zone. Mars is in your career sector mid-August through September, and you can feel more ambitious and driven, focused on your long-term plans, and want to make sure that you’re on the right path. You can hit your stride or hit a high point, and can see the culmination of something you began 1 - 1 ½ years ago. You can be disciplined and focused, and can take on more responsibilities. Pluto and Saturn remain in your money sector all year, just like 2018, so you can continue to focus on transforming your connection to money, your approach to your finances, and your attitude toward wealth. You may struggle at times with feeling like you don’t have enough, even if you do, and there may be lessons to be learned. You can get some good money energy with the solar eclipses in your money sector January 5th and December 26th, and this can be helpful for pursuing money opportunities. A lunar eclipse occurs in this sector July 16th, and this can be a good time to eliminate financial blocks and issues. Sagittarius 2019 Home and Family Horoscope Neptune remains in your home and family sector all year, and you can continue to focus on improving your spiritual connections with your family and your home base. You want a home base that fulfills you spiritually and allows you to tend to your soul needs, and you can be more compassionate, understanding, empathic, and sacrificing with your family. Mercury retrogrades in this sector in March, and you may experience issues at home or with family that need to be addressed, and they can be minor things like a broken pipe or something larger. Try to trust your instincts with figuring out how to deal with it. Mars is in the sector ruling your children to start the year to mid-February, and Uranus is in this sector until March, so if you have children, they may require more of your attention at the start of the year. They may get recognition for something, need your help with something, or act more rebelliously and require more patience from you. Sagittarius 2019 Mental State Horoscope A lunar eclipse occurs in the sector ruling your higher mind January 21st, and this can be a good time to focus on finishing learning something, or finishing teaching something, or finishing writing or speaking about something. You can wrap things up and feel it’s time to move on to something else. Mercury retrogrades in this sector the first half of July, and you may feel like you need to go back and go over something you may have missed, and it might be a good time to consider going back to school or re-taking a course in something. Mars is in this sector July through mid-August, and you can have more energy and drive for expanding your mind and having new experiences that you can learn from coming out of the retrograde. You can be more optimistic and focus on the bright side of life. Mercury retrogrades in the sector ruling your subconscious mind the first half of November, and this may bring out some subconscious issues, motivations, or desires that you need to address, some baggage you need to let go of, or some past issues that require more attention. Mars is in this sector mid-November to the end of the year, so you can come out of the Mercury retrograde ready to do some deep-cleaning of your subconscious, as well as your physical life and soul, and release what’s been holding you back so you can kick off 2020 with greater zeal. Sagittarius 2019 General Horoscope Jupiter, your ruler, is in your sign for most of 2019 (until December), and this gives you a great shot of beneficial Jupiter energy, something you’ll likely need to help you manage the restrictive energy of Pluto and Saturn. With Jupiter, you can be more optimistic, open to opportunities, create opportunities for yourself, and believe anything in possible. You can feel that some things work out in your favor without pushing too hard, and you can focus on trying to expand your life in new ways and explore. It can be a great year for learning, teaching, writing, speaking, travel, and a little adventure. This is the start of a new 12 year cycle, so make the most of it! Capricorn 2019 Yearly Horoscope Capricorn 2019 Love and Relationships Horoscope Uranus moves into your love sector in March 2019, and he’ll be there for almost a decade. This can bring lots of changes in your love relationships over the coming years, and what you want in love may change, the types of people you fall in love with may change, and the kinds of relationships you want may change. You may desire more independence in relationships and the ability to be true to yourself. If anyone tries to smother you, you might go running fast. Mars is in your love sector mid-February through March, so you can get this energy early in the year and start feeling more energy and drive for love. You can focus on connecting to your heart and the hearts of the people you care about most. Mars is in your relationship sector mid-May through June, and this can open you up more to commitment. You can be more compromising, fair-minded, and strive to keep the peace in your relationships. If single, you may want someone you respect and feel is an equal, and if in a relationship, you may want to take things to the next level or strengthen your commitment. A solar eclipse occurs in this sector July 2nd, and you can renew relationships and meet new people. But Mercury retrogrades (appears to move backward) in this sector the second half of July, and you may need to work on commitment issues, problems in relationships, and difficult people in your life. It can be a good time to reconnect with people from the past. A lunar eclipse occurs in your intimacy sector January 21st, and you can focus on eliminating people you lack a strong emotional bond with, and growing closer with the people you do have that bond you, and you can take intimacy and relationships more seriously. Mercury retrogrades in this sector the first half of July, and you may need to watch for being clingy or dealing with someone who is, and make sure you’re not going to extremes. Mars is in this sector July through mid-August, and you can come out of the retrograde working on sharing and giving more to others. Capricorn 2019 Career and Money Horoscope Mars is in your work sector April through mid-May, and you can be more productive, work to get more of the little things done, and feel more energy and drive to tackle smaller projects, tasks, and chores. You can focus on the work that needs to be done, and can pay closer attention to the details. You can pursue work that excites you, and the more you do, the more energy you may feel you have to do more, so try not to push yourself too hard. Mars is in your career sector October through mid-November, and you can focus on your long-term goals, work on your long-term plans, have a more practical outlook, and can more disciplined energy. You can understand what you can do on your own and want you may need help with, you can create realistic plans of action, and you can work to make good impressions on the right people. You may get recognition for something you’ve done, or hit your stride in some way. Capricorn 2019 Home and Family Horoscope Uranus is at the end of his time in your home and family sector, leaving in March, where he’s been for the last almost decade. During that time, you may have experienced lots of changes in your home life, moving a lot, making lots of changes to your home, and what home means to you likely shifted; and you may have experiences lots of changes with your family and with what family is to you. Any more changes you want to work on can be done early in the year with Mars in this sector to start to year until mid-February, and then you can start to feel things slow down. Uranus moves out of your home and family sector and into the sector ruling your children, so if you have any kids, they may become more rebellious, demand more independence, and what they focus on or how their personalities are may shift over the next decade. You can give them the space they need to be themselves and help them find their own tribe. Capricorn 2019 Mental State Horoscope Neptune remains in the sector ruling your mind all year, and you can focus on spiritual subjects, and merge your mind with your soul. You can gain more intuitive intelligence, and can trust your instincts to understand what people mean behind what they say, and to guide you to find the right ways of communicating in various situations. Mercury retrogrades in this sector in March though, and you may be scattered, lack focus or mental discipline, and can question your ideas and plans. Try to keep track of them and leave action for when you’re ready. Mars is in the sector ruling your higher mind mid-August through September, and you can pursue some higher learning, go back to school, do some teaching or writing, and can focus on having new experiences in life so you can learn from them. Your outlook can be positive, and you can open up your mind to the world, wanting to gain more understanding of the way other people live. Jupiter is in the sector ruling your subconscious mind for almost the entire year, and this can help you get in tune with your subconscious self, to develop a stronger connection to your instincts, and you can benefit from getting time alone to work on things yourself, put together plans, and quietly take time to reflect and turn inward. Spend the time you get alone wisely, and set yourself up well for when Jupiter moves into your sign. Capricorn 2019 General Horoscope Saturn and Pluto remain in your sign all year, just like they did for 2018, so you can continue to focus on transforming, evolving, using passionate energy productively, learning lessons, and being more disciplined, focused, and realistic. You can be practical and hard-working, intense and unrelenting at times, and it may feel a bit like you’re under a lot of pressure from the planets, but they’re probably whipping you into shape for something big. Believe that! A solar eclipse occurs in your sign January 5th and December 26th, and this can be great energy for focusing on the new. You can embark on new projects, pursue new opportunities and new beginnings, and give your life a shot of energy. A lunar eclipse occurs in your sign July 16th, and this can bring culminations, endings, heightened emotions, and you can work to do some clearing out in your life. Jupiter moves into your sign in December and you finally get a little expansion energy, some relief from the Saturn and Pluto energy. Jupiter can help you to focus all of the hard work that you’ve put in and make some of it start paying off in big ways. Keep doing things the right way and for the right reasons, and you can see a payoff. Have some patience and stick to plans! Aquarius 2019 Yearly Horoscope Aquarius 2019 Love and Relationships Horoscope A lunar eclipse occurs in your relationship sector January 21st, and this can mark the end of a relationship or partnership, the settling of a relationship issue, and you can be more focused on the emotions in your relationships and your emotional connections. Mercury retrogrades (appears to move backward) in this sector the first half of July, and this might bring out some residual relationship issues that need to be addressed. It can be a good time to focus on improving your relationships with others, and you may see people from the past return. Mars is in this sector July through mid-August, and this can help you come out of the retrograde open to commitment and compromise, willing to meet people in the middle, and feeling more charming and focused on others. Mars is in your love sector April through mid-May, and you can be more affectionate, romantic, and loving, and want to have fun in your relationships. If single, you can enjoy getting attention and playing the field, and may want to take your time committing to anyone. If in a relationship, you may try to bring the sparks back. Mars is in your intimacy sector mid-August through September, and this can increase passion and make you want to share more with others. If single, you can take your connections more seriously and want someone who will have the same attitude; if in a relationship, you can work on strengthening your emotional and physical bonds. Aquarius 2019 Career and Money Horoscope Mercury retrogrades in your career sector the first half of November, and you can reconsider your plans, make tweaks, experience a setback that requires you to be flexible, or focus on an old goal again. Mars is in your career sector mid-November to the end of the year, and this can make you more ambitious and driven for what you want. You can come out of the retrograde with lots of energy for your goals, and you can be more disciplined with where you direct your energy. You can take on more responsibilities, and make important connections. Mars is in your work sector mid-May through June, and you can be more productive, get more done, and focus on work that you’re excited about. You can take on more smaller projects, pursue work opportunities, and pay closer attention to the details. A solar eclipse occurs in your work sector July 2nd, and this can be a great time to start new work projects, pursue work opportunities or create new ones for yourself, and focus on exciting work. But Mercury retrogrades in your work sector the second half of July, and you may have to do work over again, do some editing and revising, or have issues with the people you work with or for, and need more patience. Neptune remains in your money sector all year, and you can continue to focus on finding spiritual connections to your finances and possessions. You can focus on trying to do more good with your money, and putting it toward good causes. Mercury retrogrades in this sector on March, and you can work on addressing financial issues. It may be a good idea to have a rainy day fund just in case something unexpected occurs and drains your coffers! Aquarius 2019 Home and Family Horoscope Uranus moves into your home and family sector in March, and will be in this sector for almost a decade. This can bring about a period where you experience a lot of changes at home and with family over the coming years, and you may move more often or make a big move, have new people coming to live with you or leaving, downsize or move on up, or experience changes with your relatives. What home is to you and what family is to you may change too, and you can be more open to lots of people as your family. Mars is in your home and family sector mid-February through March, so to kick this time off, and brings energy and drive for tackling issues at home or family matters. You can focus on strengthening your support system, and work on having a comfortable home base. Aquarius 2019 Mental State Horoscope Uranus is at the end of his time in the sector ruling your mind, leaving March 2019, and Mars is in this sector to kick the year off until mid-February. Uranus has been here for almost a decade, and you’ve likely opened up your mind in new ways, become more interested in lots of different subjects, and come up with more unconventional ideas. You may have been attracted to original thinkers, and pushed yourself outside of your mental comfort zone. You can focus on radical new ideas and plans to start the year before Uranus exits, and focus on pursuing ideas that you can take action with quickly. Mars is in the sector ruling your higher mind October through mid-November, and you can be more positive, focusing on the bright side, and want to expand your mind with new learning. You can be open to new experiences so you can learn through living life, and may want to understand the way the world works. You can go back to school or take a course, and you may be open to sharing your wisdom by teaching, writing, or speaking. Saturn and Pluto remain in the sector ruling your subconscious mind, same as 2018, so you can continue to focus on making some major changes and transformations in your life, but quietly and in the background. You may be more focused internally, and can work on gaining better understanding of yourself subconsciously, of your subconscious motivations, issues, and desires, and of the ways in which you are your own worst enemy. There are a lot of lessons that can be learned, and you can work on letting go of baggage and moving on from the past. None of this may seem all that obvious on the outside, and people may not see all that you’re actually going through when no one is looking, but you’re quietly setting yourself up for the long-term so you can have a solid, strong internal self and less baggage holding you back in life. Solar eclipses occur in this sector January 5th and December 26th, and this can give you new insights into yourself; a lunar eclipse occurs in this sector July 16th, and this might bring out more emotion and difficulties, but can help you shed even more baggage and act as a major release. Jupiter moves into this sector in December, and this can help you feel you can take charge more behind the scenes and in the background, and set yourself up for bigger moves when Jupiter and Saturn are in your sign in a few years. Aquarius 2019 General Horoscope Jupiter is in your friendship sector for most of the year, and this can help you expand your social circle, meet new people, and you can be open to people you find are original, true to themselves, quirky, or eccentric. You can get along better with others and friends, and can be more comfortable in groups, so you may join more groups as well. This sector also governs your hopes and dreams for the future, so you may also pursue opportunities to achieve your dreams or get closer to them, focus on new dreams, and think more about the future and have more hope. You may also be more comfortable pushing the envelope, going outside of the box, and being true to your unique self. The 3 Mercury retrogrades for 2019 all impact your professional sectors - money, work, and career - so 2019 may come with some professional challenges, but also a lot of opportunities for major professional changes that help you focus on what you’re passionate about. This can also be good energy for going back to work for someone you’ve worked for before, in a job you’ve done before, or reconnecting with people you’ve worked with or for before. Pisces 2019 Yearly Horoscope Pisces 2019 Love and Relationships Horoscope Mars is in your relationship sector mid-August through September, and this can give you more energy and drive to focus on the people in your life. You can be open to commitment and compromise, and want to keep the peace. You can feel better with company than alone, and can be open to partnerships. If single, you may want to find someone who will be commitment-minded, while if in a relationship, you may want to strengthen your connection. Mars is in your love sector mid-May through June, and you can be more romantic, affectionate, and playful in love. If single, you can enjoy dating, romance, and may not want to tie yourself down quickly. If in a relationship, you may want to make it feel like it did when you first met again. A solar eclipse occurs in your love sector July 2nd, and this can increase romance and make you want to connect to your heart and the hearts of the people you love, but Mercury retrogrades (appears to move backward) in the second half of July, and this might bring out some love issues that need to be resolved. You may deal with someone who acts a little dramatic and wants attention, or you may be the one acting that way. It can be a good time for reconnecting with old flames and past loves though. Mars is in your intimacy sector October through mid-November, and you can share more with the people you care about, work on improving emotional and physical bonds in relationships, and can take your relationships much more seriously. Pisces 2019 Career and Money Horoscope Jupiter is in your career sector for most of the year, and this can be great energy for focusing on your goals and ambitions, hitting your stride or hitting a high point, getting recognition and praise, being in the public eye, making good impressions on the right people, and achieving what you’ve been working hard and smart at. You can pursue opportunities for success, and you can make things happen for yourself. You can see years of hard work pay off, and if you began something from the bottom about 5-6 years ago, that can culminate now. A lunar eclipse occurs in your work sector January 21st, and you can finish up work projects, finalize work arrangements and agreements, or focus on letting go of work that you’re not emotionally invested in and pursue work that you’re passionate about. Mercury retrogrades in your work sector the first half of July, and you can do some editing, revising, revisiting, and it can be good to pick old work back up. You can reconnect with people you’ve worked with or for. But focus may be difficult and you may need to give yourself lots of time to get things done. Mars is in your work sector July through mid-August, and you can come out of the retrograde with greater energy and drive for getting things done, and feel much more productive and focused. You can take a lot on, and you can pursue work opportunities available to you. Uranus is at the end of his time in your money sector, leaving in March, and Mars is in your money sector to start the year until mid-February. Uranus has been here for almost a decade, and you’ve likely had to undergo a lot of financial instability and changes. That can finally start lifting with Uranus moving into Taurus, and any last-minute financial changes or opportunities you want to push through, you can try the first couple months of 2019. Pisces 2019 Home and Family Horoscope Mars is in your home and family sector April through mid-May, and you can spend more time at home or with family, plan family gatherings or outings, give more attention to your family and offer more support, make improvements at home, move, or make other changes to your home base so it’s more comfortable and you feel more connected to it. Having a solid home base can be more important for you, and you may need itso you feel emotionally safe and secure and stable. This may be a good time to remodeling or renovating, doing home improvements, or trying to reconnect with your family. You can be more nurturing and supportive, and may look for the same thing in return. Pisces 2019 Mental State Horoscope Uranus moves into the sector ruling your mind in March, and this can open up your mind in a big way over the next decade. You can become interested in unusual subjects come up with unconventional ideas, push yourself outside of the box mentally, and can be attracted to original thinkers. You can find new ways of communicating and expressing yourself, and you can gain new insights into yourself and the world. You can think bigger, more about the future, and may be more idealistic at times. Mars is in this sector to kick it off mid-February through March, and you can have a more active mind with lots of new ideas and plans, and can have the energy you need to take action with those plans. Mercury retrogrades in the sector ruling your higher mind the first half of November, and you can focus on learning or teaching something again, have to defend your beliefs, and it may be good energy for going back to school. Mars is in this sector mid-November to the end of the year, and you can be open to learning, teaching, writing, speaking, and want to get out into the world so you can learn through experience. You can be more optimistic, focused on the brighter side of life, and open to possibilities. Pisces 2019 General Horoscope Neptune remains at home in your sign for 2019, and you can continue to feel more at home with your spiritual self, your intuition, and work on connecting to your subconscious. You can be more compassionate, charismatic, and empathic, and continue to do more for others. Make sure you’re taking care of yourself too! Tend to your own needs, especially your soul needs, and turn inward when you need to take care of yourself spiritually. Mercury retrogrades in your sign in March, and this might be the time of year when you feel like things are going all wonky, and you have lots of little things that you need to work on. Try to give yourself lots of time to get things done, try to avoid anything too big if you can until you’re more able, and try to be more patient with others and with yourself. This can be a great time for a second chance, so if there’s something you’d like to do over again or try again, you can try to do that during this retrograde period. Comments are closed.