The April full moon comes to us in Libra, while the April new moon comes in Taurus. A little air, and a little earth! What is a new moon?
A new moon occurs when the transit (moving) Sun and Moon are in the exact same position in the Zodiac (called a conjunction). New moons are related to beginnings, have high energy, and are enthusiastic.
What is a full moon?
A full moon occurs when the transit (moving) Sun and Moon are in the exact opposite positions in the Zodiac (called an opposition). Full moons are related to endings, culminations, and are emotional energy.
Full Moon in Libra: April 7th 2020 (10:36PM ET)
The Libra full moon is a time when we want to focus on keeping the peace and surrounding ourselves with harmony. When everything is chaotic, we become unraveled, lack confidence, and are indecisive. Some peace and harmony helps keep us centered and grounded with a Libra full moon, so we can work on compromising, finding middle ground, and getting everyone on the same page. We just need to make sure we're not sacrificing who we are in order to keep the peace.
Libra is a diplomatic sign, and knows how to turn up the charm and talk people into that middle ground. This may be a time when we very much need that diplomacy, and for everyone to get on the same page. No need to fight, no need to jump to conclusions, no need to start drama. Libra desires balance, so we can focus on areas that we've neglected lately, and work on trying to restore balance that may be lacking. The more out of balance we can feel, the more emotional we can be and the harder it can be to manage challenges. Libra likes the middle! Libra is the sign of relationships, ruling the people in our lives, so some may grow closer and become more committed to their relationships, while others may feel strained and tested. It can be a good time to work on relationship issues to make improvements (especially ahead of the upcoming Venus retrograde!). Make your connections and healthy and positive for both of you as possible. The full moon occurs at 18 degrees 44 minutes Libra. The aspects this full moon makes are: Conjunction: 16 degrees 44 minutes - 20 degrees 44 minutes Libra Sextile: 16 degrees 44 minutes - 20 degrees 44 minutes Leo or Sagittarius Square: 16 degrees 44 minutes - 20 degrees 44 minutes Cancer or Capricorn Trine: 16 degrees 44 minutes - 20 degrees 44 minutes Gemini or Aquarius Opposition: 16 degrees 44 minutes - 20 degrees 44 minutes Aries New Moon in Taurus: April 22nd 2020 (10:26PM ET)
A Taurus new moon is an excellent time to work on being better grounded, and not getting too caught up in the rush and fuss. Slow things down, and ground yourself to the Earth, to reality, to the here and now. We can be more present, more in the moment, and this can help us find appreciation for what we already have and are capable of.
Taurus governs our finances and money, so this may be a good new moon for improving your financial situation, and working to make more in other ways. We may feel like the more we have, the more confident we are, but we should be careful not to tie money and things to our confidence. That just sets us up to feel bad. Confidence can be higher with this new moon, especially after the Libra full moon (where confidence can be a little dicey). The more you let things roll in their own time and way, the more confident you can feel. Don't push, just let it be! Taurus governs our values, so we can work on trying to live according to the values we have. This helps us feel more authentic, and if our values don't jive with who we are anymore, we can focus on new ones that do. This new moon is square (hard aspect, 3 signs away) Saturn freshly in Aquarius and widely conjunct (aligned with) Uranus in Taurus (about 3 degrees). Uranus is change, the unconventional and different, while Saturn is the traditional and norms. This new moon may come with some challenging energy to making those two opposing energies work with one another, and we may feel like responsibilities and the practical holds us back from the changes we want and makes us more impulsive and rebellious, which just puts us in an even worse position. Be smarter with changes, and stay in control so you don't give in to impulse. The new moon occurs at 3 degrees 24 minutes Taurus. The aspects this new moon makes are: Conjunction: 1 degree 24 minutes - 5 degrees 24 minutes Taurus Sextile: 1 degree 24 minutes - 5 degrees 24 minutes Cancer or Pisces Square: 1 degree 24 minutes - 5 degrees 24 minutes Leo or Aquarius Trine: 1 degree 24 minutes - 5 degrees 24 minutes Virgo or Capricorn Opposition: 1 degree 24 minutes - 5 degrees 24 minutes Scorpio Suggested Reading: The New & Full Moons page for general interpretations Comments are closed.