Today, Saturn moves backward into Capricorn once again, retrograding out of air sign Aquarius. Saturn remains in Capricorn until mid-December 2020, and joins back up with Jupiter and Pluto in Capricorn for the Capricorn stellium for the next 5 1/2 months. Once Saturn is back in Capricorn, Saturn will be anaretic. This is intense energy that we have to deal with - again! What does anaretic mean in astrology?
In astrology, there is something called the anaretic degree. Every Zodiac sign is made up of 30 degrees, and the very last degree of any sign, 29 degrees, is called the anaretic degree. Because it's the very last degree of a sign, it's a point of crisis energy, containing way more energy in it than any other degree position.
Anretic Degree: Transit, Natal, Progressions
If you were born with a planet at the anaretic degree, you're very familiar with this energy. That planet is likely a source of challenges for you in your life, because it's either got way too much energy to control, or nowhere near enough to do something with. There is often some sort of block or trauma associated with it, and that has to be worked through. Once it is, this position becomes a huge asset, one of the biggest you'll have.
When a progressed planet comes to the anaretic degree, it means that progressed planet is nearing the end of its time in the sign it's in, and is gearing up to move into a different sign. In progressions, there is often a feeling that you have to get things done while you still have the chance to do so, meaning before the progressed planet leaves the sign and completely shifts your focus. In the progressed chart, the anaretic degree isn't really negative, just a lot of extra energy that's pushing you to take action. The transit planets at the anaretic degree are where it gets dicey. This is probably the hardest to control because it impacts all of us all at once. It's virtually impossible to get all the billions of people to make one group effort to use the energy of something astrological positively. So, we tend to see big problems! Saturn at the Anaretic Degree
Saturn at the anaretic degree is problematic because Saturn is the teacher, the disciplinarian, the one who wants us to learn lessons and squeezes us until we do. So, when Saturn is at the anaretic degree, we tend to struggle with those lessons, and feel like we're being punished endlessly. We have to stop being stubborn and do things the right way, and for the right reasons. This is always the way out with Saturn, otherwise we suffocate under the pressure.
Anaretic Saturn 2020
Saturn has been at the anaretic degree once already this year, March 9th - 21st. COVID-19 was really kicking our butts at that point! Will that be the case again? Hard to say, but it does put Saturn conjunct (aligned with) the USA's progressed Pluto yet again, so if you're in America, watch for the big surge in what we saw in March: FEAR.
Saturn is anaretic again starting today (July 1st) until July 16th. This time, it's while Saturn is retrograde, so Saturn left Aquarius and moved into Capricorn and became anaretic. This time, we may be focued again on something we were focused on before, and the energy around it is super critical. There's a huge feeling we have to do something, and we have to do it now, and why didn't we do it before, and why didn't things work out before? (yes, this could be COVID related, but we have to consider all possibilities, not just the obvious ones - Saturn won't like it if we do that!) Saturn is anaretic again in December, December 7th - 17th, before officially moving into Aquarius. At that point, we may be closing the books on something important, and feel like we're starting a whole new chapter in some way. We may feel ready to move on, and want to get that last chapter finished. It's been weighing us down and holding us back, and it's time to release. But we can't just let it go without making sure we've learned the important lessons first, otherwise it creeps back up as a problem at some point again in the future. On a personal level, if you have any planets or points at 29 degrees of any sign - doesn't matter which sign - that gets jazzed up. It elevates in importance in your life, and you have to give it extra attention. This can be great if you learn lessons, get focused, stay disciplined, and go about things the right way and for the right reasons. Always! If you have nothing at 29 degrees, then look to where 29 degrees Capricorn falls in your natal houses. The areas of life ruled by that house get the attention. Take action, take charge, be smart, be considerate, do it right. Suggested Reading: Zodiac Signs at the Anaretic Degree Comments are closed.