Sometimes astrological occurrences happen at the anaretic degree, and this can be powerful when it does. This can include new moons, full moons, and eclipses at the anaretic degree, which can occur about once per year, and act as major triggers for events. What is the anaretic degree?
Anaretic means it's at 29 degrees. There are 30 degrees in every Zodiac sign, and the 29th degree is the very last degree. This is crisis energy when in transit, so that's why it tends to trigger major developments and events when it occurs with transits.
What are new and full moons and eclipses?
New moons occur when the transit (moving) Sun and Moon are in the exact same spot in the Zodiac, and correspond to beginnings and enthusiastic energy. Full moons occur when the transit Sun and Moon exactly oppose one another, and correspond to endings and emotions.
Eclipses occur when a new or full moon is within 18 1/2 degrees of the Lunar Nodes (the points in the Moon's orbit where the Moon crosses the ecliptic). Solar eclipses occur with new moons and lunar eclipses occur with full moons. New and full moons have a short duration of about 2 weeks before and after, while eclipses last for up to 6 months before and after. When a new moon, full moon, or eclipse is anaretic:
When a new moon, full moon, or eclipse is at 29 degrees of any Zodiac sign, this is often huge for us. It can trigger massive developments and events in the world, and we can see all sorts of changes happening around the world when this occurs.
Anaretic new moons and solar eclipses are amazing times for a new beginning, to start something big and bold. But, you have to watch for being overly aggressive or impatient or self-serving. Anaretic full moon and lunar eclipses can bring great progress and success, and you can reach new heights. But, emotions can run extremely high, and if you haven't been doing ti=hings the right way, there may be a long fall. Personally, the energy of anaretic new/full moons/eclipses can be big for you in the areas of life ruled by the house the new/full moon/eclipse occurs in your natal chart. Those areas get some extra energy, and you may feel like you need to take a chance and do something NOW, before you lose your shot. Because the anaretic degree is the last degree, there is a feeling of needing to act before you lose your chance, meaning before the energy has moved on. In the case of new and full moons, before the next new or full moon occurs, and in the case of eclipses, before the next eclipse occurs. This is going to be biggest for you if you have any anaretic planets or bodies in your natal chart, so anything at 29 degrees. The new/full moon/eclipse at 29 degrees sets that planets or body off in your natal chart, and the energy gets amped up to 11. I find that it doesn't matter what the aspect is. The anaretic degree doesn't seem to care! It's set off big no matter what, and it can be challenging or beneficial no matter what. When you have an anaretic planet or body, and you see an anaretic new/full moon/eclipse coming, you know you need to give lots of attention to whatever that planet of body rules. Work to use the extra energy that will be available to you during this time for your benefit. This helps mitigate potential challenges by you taking some control and not just letting it push you around. You can also look to your progressed chart and see if you have any progressed planets or bodies at 29 degrees. This can also set off that energy, so even if you don't have anything at 29 degrees in your natal chart, you might still feel it with your progressed chart. One last note about the consecutive energy:
When a new moon, full moon, or eclipse occurs at 29 degrees, that usually means the previous new or full moon was in the sign Zodiac sign (previous new moon for a solar eclipse, previous full moon for a lunar eclipse).
When that happens, what comes to pass or what is focused on usually ties into that previous new/full moon. It may have started at the previous new/full moon, and you see results and culminations with the next. You can get an idea of what to expect with that previous new/full moon, so pay attention to it! Suggested Reading: Anaretic Progressed Moon in Astrology Comments are closed.