​Some placements have more energy than others, and this can be challenging until you learn how to manage the energy. One of those placements is anything located at the anaretic degree. What is the anaretic degree?
In astrology, there are 30 degrees per Zodiac sign, 360 degrees total. 29 degrees in the last degree of a sign, and is called the anaretic degree.
The anaretic degree is so supercharged, that this can be critical, crisis energy when not manifesting well. People tend to either completely ignore the position (usually out of fear), or they play it up way too much (usually out of insecurity), and middle ground is needed. Anaretic placements in your natal chart can be areas where you struggle, especially early in life, however once you learn how to utilize the energy well, it becomes a point of power and a great asset for you. The houses in astrology
There are 12 houses in astrology, and each rules a different part of your life. At a glance, they are:
1st house - the self 2nd house - money and values 3rd house - communication and immediate environment \4th house - home and family 5th house - love and creativity 6th house - work and health 7th house - relationships 8th house - shared resources and depths 9th house - higher learning and travel 10th house - goals and direction 11th house - friends and dreams 12th house - the hidden There is a series of blog articles covering each house more fully if you want to explore more about the 12 houses HERE. The cusp of a house is the very beginning of that house, where exactly it starts in the Zodiac. Some house systems (methods for calculating house positions) don't have different house cusps though (if you use Placidus or Koch, they do). Houses are in pairs, and each house has one that exactly opposes it. This means if one of your natal house cusps is anaretic, the exact opposite house is as well, so we interpret them in tandem. The house pairs are: 1st and 7th houses 2nd and 8th houses 3rd and 9th houses 4th and 10th houses 5th and 11th houses 6th and 12th houses Natal Houses At the Anaretic Degree:
So, what does it mean if any of your natal house cusps are located at 29 degrees? Read on:
Anaretic 1st House Cusp & 7th House Cusp
This is most often the Ascendant (1st house) and Descendant (7th house), so your Ascendant and Descendant are anaretic. With the Ascendant being the self and the way you come across, you can either struggle with your identity and have uncertainty about yourself when out and about, or you may present yourself in too strong of a way that is off-putting. With the Descendant being your relationships and people in your life, this can impact your ability to connect with others, as well as mean you end up attracting some unstable people into your life.
You need to work on having a solid sense of self without being desperate for validation for that, and without being so formed by others that you don't have your own mind, while also recognizing that the way you behave has an impact on others, and you need to be considerate. You also need to make sure others are being considerate of you, and you're not letting yourself get walked all over. A good dose of confidence is good for you. If you can manage this well, you can be an incredibly dynamic person with a strong personality that others admire, and can build strong connections that last Anaretic 2nd House Cusp & 8th House Cusp
The 2nd and 8th houses relate to money and resources (your own with the 2nd, others with the 8th), so an anaretic 2nd and 8th house axis can show issues with resources and money. You may feel you lack the resources you want/need, don't utilize resources well, give too much away, or keep too much to yourself.
With the 2nd house connecting to your career/work since it's how you make money, you likely have to work on finding something that provides financial stability and security for you, but this may be a challenge for a while until you learn to ground yourself. With the 8th house ruling your legacy and inheritances, you likely inherit something important (but this may not be money or a physical item), and this might actually get in the way of your personal growth somehow. Grounding is extra important for you. This helps you achieve moderation, which you need. Once you do that, you can achieve great abundance in your life in any and all ways. Anaretic 3rd House Cusp & 9th House Cusp
The 3rd and 9th houses are communication and travel houses, so an anaretic 3rd and 9th house axis can show issues with your mind, how you express yourself, how you relate to your environment, and how you relate to the world. You may suffer terrible insecurity with your mental skills and abilities, and might be diagnosed with something like a learning disability, ADD/ADHD, or be on the spectrum.
Confidence in your skills and expression is super important for you to help with insecurity, while also making sure to find a way to ground your mind. You may get lost in ideas and plans and thoughts easily, so grounding helps. From there, you can push through fear of exploring your mental abilities, and allow yourself to take on knowledge in your own way (which may be different from the norm). This is similar to having Mercury retrograde in your natal chart. Once you can do this, you can have incredible insights, and be kind of brilliant. Again, this may not be in a "normal" way - accept that. Anaretic 4th House Cusp & 10th House Cusp
This is most often the Imum Coeli (4th house) and Midheaven (10th house), so your Imum Coeli and Midheaven are anaretic. With the 4th house ruling the home and family, there can be issues, usually stemming from childhood traumas, that need to be addressed. Connecting with your family in a healthy way can be a supreme challenge, and they can be incredibly distant, or incredibly overpowering. With the 10th house ruling your goals and direction, this lack of a proper home base impacts your achievement, and you may lack a clear path and never get moving, or get too wrapped up in it and are almost tragically ambitious.
The 4th and 10th houses are the houses of foundation, internally (4th) and externally (10th). When the foundation of your life feels shaky, you're completely off and can't do much of anything right, so this is where you need to focus. Strengthen your internal foundation by addressing emotional issues and tending to emotional needs. Strengthen your external foundation by setting goals and learning discipline with them. You can be impressive once you achieve this, someone that others look to as a grounding force. You can build a great life for yourself both personally and professionally that gets you a lot of respect and admiration. This may come later in life though, so don't be discouraged if you're still young and have a lot left to do. Anaretic 5th House Cusp & 11th House Cusp
The 5th and 11th houses are connections, with those we love personally (5th) and our friends and casual acquaintances (11th). Having this axis anaretic can show difficulty with connecting, and you may give way too much of your heart, give way too many chances, and take risks on people who don't deserve or earn it, ever; or you may be completely distant, unable to form heartfelt bonds, cut off and almost cold.
When you're the former, this is usually out of insecurity, and you give too much because you feel you don't deserve love without giving away everything you have. You may have been taught when young that love is incredibly conditional and you were never able to meet the demands. When you're the latter, this is usually out of fear, and you're distant because you're terrified of being vulnerable. You were likely taught when young that love equals pain, abuse, grief, etc. and try very hard to avoid replicating that. So, you need to either address the insecurity if you give too much, and get to the root of what made you feel unworthy; or you need to address the fear if you withhold, and get to the root of what made you close your heart. Once you do, you can form incredible connections with others, strong love bonds with friends, family, and lovers, and can be seen as kind of a love god/dess. You can become the epitome of what healthy love is and means. Anaretic 6th House Cusp & 12th House Cusp
The 6th and 12th houses are the houses of service, in a practical mundane way with the 6th (often your work and daily tasks), or in a sacrificial and spiritual way with the 12th. An anaretic 6th house cusp can show you either do way too much, make too many demands of yourself, work yourself ragged, and never meet your perfectionist demands; or you do too little, and can't focus, can't stick to a schedule, and can't get things done. An anaretic 12th house cusp can show you either completely ignore your spiritual self, your creative self, and your soul needs; or you get lost in them, caught up in imagination and intuition, totally detached from the physical world, leaving you vulnerable to deceptive others.
If you work too much, you likely need to address issues around perfectionism and where that came from. If you work too little, you likely need to address issues around feeling like a failure that keeps you from even trying at all. If you completely ignore your spiritual and creative self, you likely need to address issues around forcing yourself to be realistic, perhaps out of needing to grow up too fast. And if you get too wrapped up in creativity and soul needs, you likely need to address issues around trauma in the physical world that led to detachment to what's real. Another thing to point out: there may be karmic issues at play as well, so you could benefit from doing some karmic releasing. Once you work through all of that, you can find a balance between the mundane and the magical, the physical and the spiritual, the present and the beyond. This can elevate your creative abilities, and you can almost seem like a savant. Suggested Reading: When You Have Multiple Anaretic Natal Planets Comments are closed.