Capricorn is one of the 12 Zodiac signs in astrology, and this is the tenth sign of the Zodiac. Each Zodiac sign has its own energy, and this shows how the energy is expressed for different planets, bodies, and other positions. You're likely most familiar with your Sun sign, and a Capricorn Sun is practical, focused, and ambitious. Capricorn Astrology & Your Natal Chart
Wherever Capricorn is present in your natal chart, this is an area where you're practical and responsible. If you have any natal planets in Capricorn, you can feel the Capricorn energy strongly personally with whatever that planet rules.
Capricorn is an earth sign, along with Taurus and Virgo, and the earth signs are practical and hard-working. Capricorn is also a cardinal sign, along with Aries, Cancer, and Libra, and the cardinal signs are leaders. Capricorn connects with the 10th house of goals and direction, and is ruled by disciplinarian Saturn. At-a-Glance Capricorn Keywords:
Capricorn in Astrology: Ambitious
Capricorn is the highest sign of the Zodiac, which links it to ambition. It's what we're striving for in life. This makes Capricorn a highly ambitious sign, and it wants to achieve and succeed. If it can keep perspective, it can avoid tragic ambition, and can achieve respectability.
Capricorn in Astrology: Disciplined
Capricorn is a disciplined sign, and wants to focus on what it wants to achieve in a disciplined way. It can stay focused no matter what, for the long haul, and often it does take time for Capricorn to achieve. It's the late bloomer, but that's okay, because what it builds can last.
Capricorn in Astrology: Responsible
Capricorn is the sign of responsibility, and can take on a lot. Capricorn can handle more than most signs, and can be seen as very mature and often older. But, this can lead to taking on too much, so it usually needs to learn how to have some boundaries, balance, and take care of itself.
Capricorn in Astrology: Practical
Capricorn is a practical earth sign, and doesn't get lost in fantasies and imagination, nor in its mind and emotions. Capricorn is rooted in the physical world as an earth sign, and wants to feel everything in a tangible way. Whimsy isn't usually Capricorn's thing.
Capricorn in Astrology: Focused
Capricorn is a super focused sign, and can stay on something for as long as necessary. This is similar to Scorpio, but Scorpio has a hard time knowing when to stop, while Capricorn can see that and move on to something else with just as much focus.
Capricorn in Astrology: Authority
Capricorn is one of the leaders of the Zodiac (along with Aries), and rules authority figures. Capricorn is the people in charge: bosses, politicians, governments, CEO's, corporations, institutions, captains, etc. The Capricorn leader is one who takes the responsibility seriously.
Capricorn in Astrology: Traditional
Capricorn is the sign of tradition and convention. This sign doesn't like anything too new or different. Capricorn sticks to the tried-and-true, the old ways. Capricorn has respect for those ways, and sees the wisdom they hold and how they can help.
Capricorn in Astrology: Distant
On the downside, Capricorn is known as one of the most distant signs (along with Aquarius). Capricorn can lack emotional understanding, doesn't know the right words to say, and may not be interested in developing empathy or sensitivity when not manifesting well. It can be very self-involved and tragically ambitious.
Where Your Capricorn Energy is Found
If you have any natal planets in Capricorn, the way those planets express themselves is via Capricorn, so they are disciplined, practical, and goal-oriented. The more Capricorn planets you have, the more Capricorn-like you can be.
Even if you have no natal planets in Capricorn, you will have at least one natal house with Capricorn. The house that falls in Capricorn (has Capricorn on the house cusp) can show areas of life where you take a disciplined, practical approach. If you have no Capricorn house cusps, Capricorn is intercepted (contained) in the house that falls in Sagittarius, and your Capricorn energy can manifest subconsciously with whatever that house rules. Transit Planets in Capricorn
When the transit (moving) planets are in Capricorn, this can give all of us some Capricorn energy to play with. The transit Sun is in Capricorn roughly every year from mid December to mid January, and this is Capricorn Season, which brings greater emphasis on goals and direction for us all.
Transit Mercury in Capricorn brings focus on long-term plans in a practical way; transit Venus in Capricorn can make us more responsible in love, transit Mars in Capricorn can make is more ambitious and disciplined; transit Ceres in Capricorn can make is more practical and responsible with resources; and transit Jupiter in Capricorn brings opportunities for achievement, leadership, and progress. Transit Saturn in Capricorn can bring out issues with have with Capricorn, so issues around our responsibilities, being disciplined, feeling restricted, and taking on too much. Any issues around that, we can struggle with, and Saturn can prompt us to work it out. This can be strong since Saturn is the natural ruler of Capricorn. Saturn was last in Capricorn 2017-2020. Transit Uranus won't be in Capricorn until 2072 (and was last in Capricorn 1988-1996), but we'll experience many changes with our goals and responsibilities. Transit Neptune won't be in Capricorn until 2148 (and was last in Capricorn 1984-1998), but at that point, we'll be more traditional spiritually. Transit Chiron is in Capricorn starting in 2052 (and was last in Capricorn 2001-2005), and we can tackle issues around responsibilities and overwhelm. Transit Pluto is currently leaving Capricorn (started 2008, until November 2024), and this has brought massive transformations of our goals, direction, and among authority figures. Strong Capricorn Energy in Astrology
When multiple planets are in Capricorn in your natal chart, this can give you strong Capricorn energy in your life and personality. You can be ambitious, responsible, and disciplined. This can be the case if you have a Capricorn stellium (3+ planets in one Zodiac sign), or if you have 2 of your primary triad (Sun, Moon, Rising) in Capricorn.
You can also feel that you have strong Capricorn energy if your natal Saturn is strong, which is the planet that rules Capricorn. This can be the case if your natal Saturn is conjunct your natal Sun, Moon or Ascendant, or your 1st house ruler, or if your natal Saturn is a singleton (only planet in an element, modality, or house type). When multiple transit planets are in Capricorn, this gives all of us a strong dose of Capricorn energy all at once. We can focus on goals and responsibilities. How we end up feeling this personally is usually focused on the house in your natal chart the Capricorn energy occurs in. Suggested Reading: The Capricorn Sun sign page Comments are closed.