​Aquarius is one of the 12 Zodiac signs in astrology, and this is the eleventh sign of the Zodiac. Each Zodiac sign has its own energy, and this shows how the energy is expressed for different planets, bodies, and other positions. You're likely most familiar with your Sun sign, and an Aquarius Sun is unconventional, unique, and independent. Aquarius Astrology & Your Natal Chart
Wherever Aquarius is present in your natal chart, this is an area where you're different and innovative. If you have any natal planets in Aquarius, you can feel the Aquarius energy strongly personally with whatever that planet rules.
Aquarius is an air sign, along with Gemini and Libra, and the air signs are intellectual and sociable. Aquarius is also a fixed sign, along with Taurus, Leo, and Scorpio, and the fixed signs are stable. Aquarius connects with the 11th house of dreams and friends, and is ruled by changemaker Uranus. At-a-Glance Aquarius Keywords:
Aquarius in Astrology: Unconventional
Aquarius is the most unconventional Zodiac sign, mostly thanks to being ruled by Uranus, the planet of change and what's different. Aquarius is totally okay with stepping outside of comfort zones, and can push for things to be different. Aquarius understands why this is important, and feels this helps stay true to itself.
Aquarius in Astrology: Independent
Aquarius is a highly independent sign, one of the most independent (along with Aries and Sagittarius). Aquarius wants to do things in its own time and in its own way, and trying to box in Aquarius is quite the challenge. This can make Aquarius rebellious at times, and it can push buttons.
Aquarius in Astrology: Inventive
Aquarius is an inventive Zodiac sign, partly because it's so open to change, so unconventional, and so willing to carve its own path. Aquarius is open to experimentation, and has quite the intellect, so this assists in its innovative mind. Aquarius is one of the science rules (along with Scorpio).
Aquarius in Astrology: Future-focused
Aquarius rules the future, and is constantly focused on the future. This isn't just standard long-term; Aquarius can look forward many generations, hundreds and thousands of years into the future, and decades into its own life. This helps make Aquarius a humanitarian since it sees how it can impact the world at large, and this sign governs charity.
Aquarius in Astrology: Friendly
Aquarius is a sociable air sign, and is the ruler of friends and social circles, so Aquarius is comfortable with lots of different people of various backgrounds. Aquarius can interact well with others in many ways, both in person and online. Aquarius likes having a variety of friends and acquaintances.
Aquarius in Astrology: Dreams
Aquarius rules dreams for the future, and because it's so future-focused, it can set big dreams. Aquarius understands that those dreams don't have to happen tomorrow, and it can work on them for many years and decades to come.
Aquarius in Astrology: Hope
Aquarius is the sign of hope, and since this sign can look so far into the future and dreams of what it wants, it can be quite hopeful. Aquarius can be at its best when it has hope, and is instilling hope in others.
Aquarius in Astrology: Cold
When not manifesting well, Aquarius can be the coldest of the Zodiac signs. Aquarius can live in its head and in the future, and while it loves lots of friends, they can be superficial connections. Aquarius has to learn to form strong emotional connections, and can be quite loyal once it does thanks to being a fixed sign.
Where Your Aquarius Energy is Found
If you have any natal planets in Aquarius, the way those planets express themselves is via Aquarius, so they are unconventional, inventive, and hopeful. The more Aquarius planets you have, the more Aquarius-like you can be.
Even if you have no natal planets in Aquarius, you will have at least one natal house with Aquarius. The house that falls in Aquarius (has Aquarius on the house cusp) can show areas of life where you take an unconventional, hopeful approach. If you have no Aquarius house cusps, Aquarius is intercepted (contained) in the house that falls in Capricorn, and your Aquarius energy can manifest subconsciously with whatever that house rules. Transit Planets in Aquarius
When the transit (moving) planets are in Aquarius, this can give all of us some Aquarius energy to play with. The transit Sun is in Aquarius roughly every year from mid January to mid February, and this is Aquarius Season, which brings greater emphasis on change and independence for us all.
Transit Mercury in Aquarius helps us to think outside the box and bounce ideas off of groups; transit Venus in Aquarius can help us connect with friends and make changes in love; transit Mars in Aquarius can make us more independent and willing to make changes; transit Ceres in Aquarius can help us take an unconventional approach with resources and make changes with them; and transit Jupiter in Aquarius brings opportunities to change, be different, and push norms. Transit Saturn in Aquarius brings out issues we have with Aquarius, so usually issues around independence, our dreams, and change. Any issues around that, we can struggle with, and Saturn can prompt us to work it out. Saturn was just in Aquarius 2020-2023 (and won't be again until 2050). Transit Uranus won't be in Aquarius until 2079 (and was last in Aquarius 1995-2003), but we'll experience many changes in general since Uranus rules Aquarius. Transit Neptune won't be in Aquarius until 2161 (and was last in Aquarius 1998-2012), but at that point, we'll experiment spiritually. Transit Chiron moves to Aquarius in 2055 (and was last in Aquarius 2005-2010), and we can tackle issues of independence and individuality. Transit Pluto is moving to Aquarius now, and this will demand we transform our dreams, the future, and make changes that transform. Strong Aquarius Energy in Astrology
When multiple planets are in Aquarius in your natal chart, this can give you strong Aquarius energy in your life and personality. You can be unconventional, independent, and eccentric. This can be the case if you have an Aquarius stellium (3+ planets in one Zodiac sign), or if you have 2 of your primary triad (Sun, Moon, Rising) in Aquarius.
You can also feel that you have strong Aquarius energy if your natal Uranus is strong, which is the planet that rules Aquarius. This can be the case if your natal Uranus is conjunct your natal Sun, Moon or Ascendant, or your 1st house ruler, or if your natal Uranus is a singleton (only planet in an element, modality, or house type). When multiple transit planets are in Aquarius, this gives all of us a strong dose of Aquarius energy all at once. We can make changes and embrace the unconventional. How we end up feeling this personally is usually focused on the house in your natal chart the Aquarius energy occurs in. Suggested Reading: The Aquarius Sun sign page Comments are closed.