General Horoscopes are always meant for entertainment purposes only. For a more accurate view, read your Sun sign, Moon sign, and Rising sign. Aries 2013 Horoscope Aries 2013 Love Horoscope: With Saturn in Scorpio all year, you desire relationships that go beyond the superficial, and are emotionally deep and intense, but you have problems finding that. The Mercury retrograde October 21st through November 10th in Scorpio is the time of year where you’ll likely be most frustrated. A solar eclipse in Scorpio on November 3rd occurs in the middle of it, so there may be opportunity, but because of the retrograde, you can’t do anything about it. Mars is in your love sector late August through mid-October, which could be when you meet someone or connect deeper with your partner. After the frustrating November retrograde, you’re able to give and get more out of your relationships in December, finding the serious commitment that you want. This is a year for you to be serious about love, sex, and dating, and if you’re not, you’ll continue to encounter problems. You’ll fall for people who want nothing to do with you or are all wrong for you, people you want nothing to do with become obsessed with you, or you can suffer terrible consequences from sexual irresponsibility. I know you don’t like to think before you act, Aries, but you need to if you don’t want to suffer. If you take it seriously, this could be the year where you have that kind of connection with someone that you dream about, and that will last for years to come. Venus is in your sign March 21st through April 15th, signaling the time when you’ll feel most romantic. Aries 2013 Career Horoscope: Pluto is sitting in your career sector all year. He’s been there for some time and will continue to be for a while. He’s making you obsessed with your career, your goals, your ambitions, the direction that you’re going in, and with accomplishing something important in your life. You have a much harder time playing second fiddle, remaining in the background, or letting someone else get the glory. You want credit for everything, and you want more power and control with your career. For 2013, this could pay off, literally. Mars is in your money sector late April through May, and during that time, a solar eclipse occurs May 9th in your money sector as well. This part of the year is fantastic for your finances, and you could see an increase in income, get a better paying job or promotion, start a side business for more money, or have some other positive financial development. If you work in a science-related field, one dealing with death (like a mortician or taxidermist), transformations (like remodeling homes or selling vintage pieces you’ve spruced up), or other people’s money (like an accountant or working for the IRS), this is a good year for you, and if you’re not in those fields, you could go into one of them or aspire to. You end 2013 having to work more than usual the last few months, and you could see issues begin to creep up when Venus begins her retrograde in your career sector on December 21st. You feel lazier with your work, goals, and lack ambitions, focus, and determination. Aries 2013 General Horoscope: Uranus remains in your sign, making you a little more erratic, unstable, and even more impulsive than usual. You’re bored more easily and you need constant change in your life. You can’t really stick with anything for very long, so committing yourself to anything is just setting yourself up for failure. Mars is in your sign March 12th through April 20th, and this is the time of year where you’ll be most impulsive and energetic. You’ll probably start a bunch of new projects but not see any of them through. On April 10th, a new moon occurs in your sign, so you’ll likely begin a new project, path, or idea then. Aries born April 8th through 12th will be impacted most by the new moon, and will be more enthusiastic and pioneering. On October 18th, a lunar eclipse occurs in your sign, which could show a time when you have something end in your life, something comes to fruition, you're rewarded for smart work or punished for bad decisions, and you’re more emotional. Aries born April 13th through 17th will be impacted most by the lunar eclipse. With Jupiter in Gemini, your mind is more active, so between Jupiter and Uranus, they’re making it difficult for you to keep boredom at bay. Mental outlets are crucial for you right now, and you should be trying to learn new things as much as you can. Just make sure that they’re things you can learn and move on from quickly, and don’t require too much intense focus. On June 25th, Jupiter enters Cancer, and you’ll be able to work on expanding your home and making it a better environment, improving your relationships with relatives, and feeling more comfortable with your emotions. Taurus 2013 Horoscope Taurus 2013 Love Horoscope: With Saturn in your relationships sector, you take your relationships more seriously this year, and it causes you to feel like you’re not as close to people as you wish that you were. You may be feeling more isolated and alone, despite how much you try not to be. The lunar eclipse April 25th and solar eclipse November 3rd in your relationship sector help you out. The lunar eclipse could help you bring closure to something leftover from a past relationship, or from a past trauma that gave you relationship issues. Mercury retrogrades in your relationship sector late October through early November, and that is basically the end of it. If you’re single, you could have the chance to get back together with someone from your past. If you’re attached, you could recommit to your partner and finally achieve the closeness that you’ve been fighting to have all year long. No matter what, the second half of November gives you what you want, and brings you the love and commitment that you want in your life. You could feel more in love than you have in a while. Venus is in your sign April 15th through May 9th, signaling the time when you’ll feel most romantic. Taurus 2013 Career Horoscope: Your finances have been easier for you to handle, thanks to Jupiter in your money sector. If you make any attempt to make money and put in an actual effort to make money, you get what you want and then some. The trick has been actually putting in that effort, because you feel so good that you don’t want to get up and do anything. Jupiter will still give you some benefits even if you do nothing, but those benefits pale in comparison to what he’ll give you when you try. He stays in this sector until June 25th when he enters Cancer, but just before that, you get an extra surge by Mars, who moves into your money sector May 31st, and stays there until July 13th. June could be an excellent time for your finances, and any work you put towards making money is rewarded tenfold. With Mars, you’ll likely have the drive for it, so you shouldn’t be as lazy, probably wanting to take advantage of the good placements before they go away. To start 2013, Mars is in your career sector until February 1st, so as the year begins, you have big goals and aspirations for the way that you want your life to go. January is a good month to make plans, reach goals, and accomplish something. You’re more ambitious than usual, so do something with it. You could be rewarded financially. You end the year with Mars in your work sector, beginning December 7th. December is when you’ll be most hard-working and dedicated, although you may not see the rewards for it like earlier in the year. Taurus 2013 General Horoscope: When Jupiter enters Cancer on June 25th, he moves into one of your two learning sectors. Pluto has already been in the other, which gives you the chance to bring more power into your life through your mind and learning, as well as making you more researching and thorough. With Jupiter, he makes it easier for you to learn, and makes you feel good about it, wanting to learn more. Mars then joins Jupiter on July 13th, lasting through August, bringing a drive and passion for learning with him, and Mercury will retrograde in the same sector at the same time, from June 26th through July 20th. With a Mercury retrograde, you can do things over again as a way to positively manifest it, and with all of the other aspects at the same time, that makes this an excellent period to go back to school. If you’ve entertained the idea, you could be propelled to go through with it. If you think it’s out of the question and not something you’d consider, you may suddenly find it’s on your brain in the middle of the year. The end of June through the end of August is the best time for it, so seriously consider it. It could be just what you and your life needs. Added to that is Neptune, who is in Pisces. He’s in the sector that makes you want to learn about things you never have before, and he could be pushing you to study something with technology, the metaphysical, dealing with water, feet, or the arts, or do something innovative and original. You should be drawn to more unusual subjects, even if you don’t go back to school. No matter what, give your mind room to explore and learn. Gemini 2013 Horoscope Gemini 2013 Love Horoscope: With Pluto in Capricorn, when you get involved with someone, it’s not a light-hearted affair. You’re used to keeping things casual, but Pluto is forcing you to change, and continuing to keep things casual with your lovers isn’t an option anymore. You want a serious connection, something that goes beyond what you’ve ever experienced before, something intense and passionate, something that makes you want to change your entire life. It prevents you from being as fun with dating as you used to be, and a part of you is frustrated by it, but you’ll have to learn to live with it because it’s not going away for a long time. For 2013, you don’t have much action going on until the very end of the year, in the month of December. Mars enters your love sector on December 7th, making you try harder to find someone special. You go on more dates, are flirtier, and feel more romantic, making it a good time to start a new relationship. Venus is in the same sector as Pluto in December, and on December 21st, she turns retrograde in that sector. With a retrograde, you can do things over again, and this particular retrograde could bring back an old lover, not someone who you only casually dated, pined for from afar, or didn’t have a connection with. This was someone that left you smoldering in good and bad ways. You might be happy about this, and you might not be. You’ll just have to see. Venus is in your sign May 9th thought June 2nd, signaling the time when you’ll feel most romantic. Gemini 2013 Career Horoscope: Saturn is in your work sector all year long, forcing you to do more grunt work than you’ve ever done in your life, and not get rewarded much for it. It may not seem like things are going well, but if you keep at it, and you make good decisions, it is and will work out. You just may not be aware of it right now. Neptune is in your career sector, and has made you feel wishy-washy with your career goals. You have trouble distinguishing exactly what you want in your career and the direction that you want it to go in, and have difficulty making firm decisions in your career. If you work in an artistic/creative field, especially with music or poetry, in a healing profession, with feet or water, or do your work in the background, this is actually a good year for you. Jupiter helps out for the second half of the year because on June 25th, he enters your money sector. It should become easier for you to get your hands on the money that you need, and you’re financially rewarded for your work. This is especially the case in the second half of July through August, when Mars joins Jupiter in your money sector. Mars joins Neptune in your career sector in February through mid-March, and that could be when you put things in motion that pay off later. The only real problem in 2013 are the Mercury retrogrades, your ruler, and a time when you general feel off. The first retrograde is the end of February through mid-March in your career sector, causing doubt with your career; the second is the end of June through mid-July in your money sector, causing a financial setback; and the third is the end of October through mid-November in your work sector, causing you to have to redo projects. Gemini 2013 General Horoscope: Jupiter remains in your sign until June 25th, bringing you plenty of opportunities to expand your life. If you think that isn’t the case, you’re not paying attention. June of 2013 is the month to look towards, with Mars also in your sign, and a new moon on June 8th in your sign. Great for you, Gemini! June brings opportunities for advancement, energy for change, enthusiasm that leads to opportunities, and a positive outlook. Make the most of June, because you won’t see another month like that for a long time. Come up with a big idea, pursue a big goal, embark on a new life journey, and if you don’t see opportunities coming to you, then you can make them for yourself. The sky is the limit! Geminis born between June 6th and June 10th may feel the effects of the new moon most. A full moon occurs in your sign on December 17th, and it could be a time where you feel more emotional, intuitive, and you see goals met, a dream realized, hard work paying off, or the end of a project. Geminis born June 14th through 18th may feel the effects of this full moon most. Cancer 2013 Horoscope Cancer 2013 Love Horoscope: As he tours through Scorpio, Saturn remains in your love sector for all of 2013. He’s made you even more serious about love than you already are, and has made it difficult for you to fall in love because you’re at more of a distance emotionally. You tend to hide in your shell anyway, Cancer, and Saturn is making you hide in your shell and then hide your shell. You’re hyper-aware of getting your heart broken. Maybe you just went through it, or maybe it was a long time ago, but with your long memory, it feels like it was yesterday whether it actually was yesterday or a thousand yesterdays ago. In time, you become more used to Saturn being in your love sector, and eventually, when you can open up your heart again, you’ll find a relationship that won’t end the same way as the other one did. Pluto is touring through Capricorn, the sign opposite yours, and is in your relationships and commitment sector, adding to the serious undertones. You’re attracted to powerful people, people who are doing well in their lives, are connected, successful, and have achieved some status. You can be prone to falling for people who just want to control you, which isn’t good, or who are unscrupulous types. What you should go for are people who are strong and have a solid sense of self, and help you get to that same place without trying to control you. Control issues may come up in your relationships at the start of the year in January. In April, a lunar eclipse in your love sector could bring an end to an old issue holding your heart back. At the end of the year, from mid-October and on, two retrogrades of Mercury and Venus in your love and relationship sectors, respectively, could give you the opportunity to get back together with an old love, the one that got away, or to come to terms with the one who broke your heart. Venus is in your sign June 2nd through the 27th, signaling the time when you’ll feel most romantic. Cancer 2013 Career Horoscope: Uranus is in Aries, and he’s currently in your career sector. If you’ve been all over the place with what you want out of your career, this is the reason why. Uranus makes you want one thing and then another and then another, so you keep making career goals, but you can’t stick with any of them, yet you keep making more, and they’re all over the place and completely random. One day you want to be a chemist, and the next day you want to be a cowboy. You need to have a career that gives you some freedom and has constant change. Without change, you’ll get bored and move on to something else. This is a good placement if you work in technology though. Some of you could find, at some point, that you’re suddenly thrust into the spotlight with your career, maybe even getting some fame, but as quickly as it comes, it can go, so don’t let it get to your head. Mars joins Uranus in your career sector March 12th through April 20th, and this is the time of 2013 where you’ll be most driven and ambitious. You could see some developments with your career come then. Mars goes into your money sector August 27th through October 15th, and you could start a new money-making scheme, get a second job, or find some other way to make money. Cancer 2013 General Horoscope: For the first half of 2013, you’re spending more time alone, dealing with things by yourself, not wanting attention, and preferring to be alone. On June 25th, Jupiter enters your sign, and that changes. You want to put yourself out there more, taking chances, pursuing new opportunities, and feeling more energetic. You should see more opportunities to expand your life presented to you, and you feel more optimistic, social, and engaging. The middle of the year is fantastic for you, with not only Jupiter entering your sign, but Mars also entering your sign July 13th, staying there until August 27th, which increases your energy and stamina, drive and passion, and adventurous spirit. You’re not the most adventurous sign out there, Cancer, but you’re more daring and take more risks in the middle of 2013. A new moon occurs in your sign on July 8th, adding to this energy, and fueling you to embark on new projects and paths, especially for Cancers born July 6th through 10th. In the middle of all of this, Mercury will retrograde in your sign June 26th through July 20th, which can normally throw you off, but with all of this good energy, you could potentially use it to your advantage instead of letting it be the monkey wrench thrown into your plans. It could be best for you to try to pursue something that you’ve thought of doing before or had the chance to before but missed out on. You could get the second chance that you never thought you would. Leo 2013 Horoscope Leo 2013 Love Horoscope: Neptune is in Pisces and touring through the sector that rules sex and deep emotional bonds. With Neptune there, sex can be transcendent, like it’s always a religious experience, which can make it more difficult to discern between love and sex. This is amplified by Mars, who begins the year in your relationships and commitment sector, so you’ll be more likely to commit to someone quickly. Mars joins Neptune in February through mid-March, and you want to solidify the bond, but Mercury has to bring difficulties with a retrograde in the same sector. You want to have an intense bond with someone, but have difficulty finding that, and it makes you aggressive, irritable, and cranky. As much as you try to connect with someone, problems ensue. You need to be careful about getting involved with someone who is married of otherwise taken. They’ll only be using you, and as much as you think they’re the one, you’re just being delusional. It could be a good period to get back together with an ex lover though, and one or more could come back into your life, looking to reconnect, and it’ll be up to you to decide whether or not you want to try again or move on. Venus is in your sign June 27th through July 22nd, signaling the time when you’ll feel most romantic. Leo 2013 Career Horoscope: With Pluto in your work sector, you may be experiencing power struggles at work, like an overly demanding boss or competitive coworkers. They want to have the upper hand, and you want to have the upper hand, and there’s a clashing going on. This is a good time to try having more control over your work, and you could consider working for yourself. This placement is good if you work in a science-related field, deal with finances, or with transformations. Mars goes through your career sector April 20th through May 31st, and you make more career goals for yourself, feeling ambitious and driven. You want to achieve something, so it’s good for short-term goals that can be accomplished during this time. At the same time, a solar eclipse occurs in your career sector as well, so it’s likely you’ll focus on one new goal, idea, or project in particular. Mars goes through your money sector October 15th through December 7th, and you become more interested in making money. You could get another job, or try to do some other work that would make you more money. During this time, a full moon occurs in your career sector, so you could finish a project or achieve a career goal that leads to an increase in income or positive financial development. It’s possible that whatever you started around the May solar eclipse is what comes to conclusion or to pass now, and that leads to good things financially, increases your confidence, and makes you feel more secure personally and professionally. Leo 2013 General Horoscope: For the first half of 2013, Jupiter is in your friendship sector, and you have an easier time meeting new people and making new friends. You’re spending more time with your friends, and joining groups to expand your social circles. You want to be around people who are pretty different from you, and will expose you to new ways of thinking and living. You find people who are original personalities and live unconventional lives to be fascinating. After all of this time spent around other people, you spend most of the second half of the year by yourself. You want to recharge, feeling drained and exhausted. You have more energy and feel better alone than with others. You’re more reflective, thinking about your past and the things that you need to let go of. It’s easier for you to move on from things and let go of baggage during the second half of 2013. If prepares you for the new things coming in 2014. This could be a good time for working in the background or behind the scenes. Saturn is in Scorpio all year in your home and family sector, and he’s making you feel restricted or confined in your home. You may be downsizing for one reason or another. You could be seeing issues with relatives coming to a head. This could especially be true when Mercury retrogrades in this sector October 21st through November 10th, or with the lunar eclipse in this sector April 25th. Mars is in your sign August 27th through October 15th, signaling the time of year you’ll have the most energy, drive, and want to try new things. A new moon occurs in your sign just before that, on August 6th, and you could begin a new project, come up with a new idea, or go down a new path. This is especially true for Leos born August 4th through 8th. A full moon occurs in your sign January 26th, and you could end a project, realize a goal, or be more emotional, especially Leos born July 28th through August 1st. Virgo 2013 Horoscope Virgo 2013 Love Horoscope: With Pluto in your love sector, you want a love that’s powerful and transformative. If it’s not intense and passionate, you don’t have any interest in it, which is odd for your sign. You’re more attracted to people in positions of power, and need to watch for playing out power and control issues in love. With Neptune in your relationships and commitment sector, you want someone that you feel connected to in a spiritual way, like a soul mate. You feel a karmic link to most people you get involved with, and that you’re destined to be together, that it’s fate that brought you together. That may be true, or it may be delusion. You have to watch out for not seeing the reality of your relationships because you’re prone to viewing them through rose-colored glasses now. With Uranus in the sector ruling sex and deep emotional bonds, you’re more likely to make relationships physical quickly, or at least quick for you. You make things intense fast and feel a deep bond with people quickly, sometimes before you really know them. You have to work on not rushing into things right now. Mars is in your relationships and commitment sector February 1st through March 12th, and during that span, Mercury retrogrades in the same sector from February 23rd through March 17th. You’re more driven to be in a relationship and willing to commit, but you may not be able to find someone, or get into many arguments with the ones you do find. It can be good for getting back together with an ex, and it’s likely that one will show up wanting you back, or you seek one of your exes out yourself. Venus is in your sign July 22nd through August 16th, signaling the time when you’ll feel most romantic. Virgo 2013 Career Horoscope: Jupiter is in Gemini to start 2013 through June, and he’s touring through your career sector. It’s easier for you to make new career goals and try to accomplish them. You can be more ambitious, but can also be more lazy, feeling like you don’t need to put in any effort. Don’t give in to that! If you do put in effort, you’ll make great things happen with your career. This is a good period if you work in law, education, or publishing, and are a lawyer, teacher, or writer. In January, to begin the year, Mars is in your work sector, so you want to do more work, are willing to take on more projects, and are more assertive with your work. This is helpful with Jupiter in your career sector because you’ll make headway with your career as a result of the work that you do. The other good month of the year is June, when Mars joins Jupiter in your career sector, and you’re more driven, ambitious, hard-working, focused, and goal-oriented. You can make goals for your career and work towards them easily. You could be recognized for your work during this time, or get a better job or promotion. You end the year in December with Mars in your money sector, and you could get a raise, a second job, start a side business, or find some other way to increase your income. Virgo 2013 General Horoscope: With Jupiter in Cancer June 25th and on, you want to have more varied experiences in your life, and do things you never have before and be with people you normally wouldn’t associate with. You’re more open to things that are different, innovative, unconventional, and original, and you might try to step outside of your comfort zone in many ways, shedding some of that Virgo rigidity. With Saturn in Scorpio, he’s touring through one of your learning sectors, and Mars will be in the other April 20th through May 31st. Keeping in mind that with some eclipses in 2013 falling in your learning sectors and a Mercury retrograde from October 21st through November 10th is also in one of them, this could be an excellent year for going back to school, specifically the months of May and November. Even if you’re not in school this year, you’ll want to expand your mind and try to learn more through hobbies and life experience. You’ll need mental outlets to feed your mind. With Jupiter making you want different things, you could pick up odd hobbies or take various classes in a range of subjects. If you go back to school, you’ll likely study something that is daring for you. Mars is in your sign October 15th through December 7th, adding to the November energy, and showing when you’ll have the most energy and drive for pursuing new ideas, projects, and paths. A full moon occurs in your sign February 25th, felt most by Virgos born August 28th through September 1st, and you could end a project, feel more emotional, or finalize something. A new moon occurs in your sign September 5th, felt most by Virgos born September 3rd through 7th, and you could begin a new project, come up with a new idea, and feel more enthusiastic. Libra 2013 Horoscope Libra 2013 Love Horoscope: With Uranus in the sign opposing yours, Aries, he’s touring through your relationships and commitment sector. Uranus is the planet of the unexpected, is erratic and unstable, loves to mix things up and makes wild changes, so all of that is happening for you with your relationships. You’re easily bored with people, go from one person to the next quickly, commit yourself quickly but de-commit just as fast, and are attracted to people who you wouldn’t normally have thought you’d like, people who are different in some way, and want a relationship that isn’t conventional. It’s probably been difficult for you to find that and have the type of commitment that you ultimately want. A certain level of independence is required for you in a relationship with someone now, and you could kill someone who is clingy. You want them to be their own person, and to allow you to be yourself and live your life as you want to live it. To begin the year, Mars is in your love sector in January, and you start 2013 wanting to fall in love, and perhaps falling in love fast, but falling out just as quickly. Mars joins Uranus in Aries on March 12th, staying there through April 20th, and you crave independence even more in your relationships, yet you want a relationship almost desperately. In May, you can try to forge a deeper bond with someone with Mars and a solar eclipse in your house of sex and deep emotional intimacy, and that could be the right time for being okay with closeness. Venus is in your sign August 16th through September 11th, signaling the time when you’ll feel most romantic. Libra 2013 Career Horoscope: Saturn in Scorpio is going through your money sector, making you more worried about your finances. You want to get them under control, and even if they are, you don’t feel that they are. You always think you don’t have enough money, and you keep hoarding it like a miser. You need to do a reality check with yourself when it comes to money so you’re not so scared. On the upside, it does mean you have plenty of money and are less prone to spending yourself broke, though if that’s the way you used to be, you’re probably paying for it now. If you’re responsible with your money and make smart decisions, you can actually benefit from this transit. This is good for you when Jupiter enters Cancer on June 25th and enters your career sector. You can have an easier time making things happen in your career, making career advancements, and are more ambitious and goal-oriented. You want to accomplish and achieve, you want success and status, and Jupiter can help you with that. As long as you don’t get lazy and refuse to do any work, insisting it’ll all magically come to you, then you’ll be able to make headway with your career. Neptune is in your work sector, which is good if you work in an artistic/creative field, a healing profession, dealing with water of feet, or in a confined setting. Neptune can make you have a harder time concentrating on work though, and you have difficulty with small projects and the details. Mars is in your work sector in February through mid-March, and you can get more work done then. Mars is in your career sector the second half of July through August, and that will likely be the period when you have the most activity with your career, goals, and ambitions. Early March, the first half of July, and late October through early November are periods where you could see setbacks, delays, unexpected issues, and other difficulties. Libra 2013 General Horoscope: For the first half of 2013, Jupiter is in Gemini, and with him in your fellow air sign, you’re more interested in learning things because your mind is more active. You have an interest in other cultures, beliefs, and ways of living, and you could choose to study something, or do some travel to have firsthand experience. It’s also a good period if you’re a writer or in the publishing industry, work in law, or are a teacher. Pluto in Capricorn is touring through your home and family sector, and you feel more in control of your home and family matters. You’re the one that they all turn to when the going gets rough, and you’re the one who manages all of their affairs. You’re also making more changes with your home, doing major remodeling or renovations. Mars is in your sign starting December 7th, and you should see a surge in energy and enthusiasm for the month of December and going into 2014. A full moon occurs in your sign on March 27th, and you could see something you’ve been working on for a long time come to fruition, and feel more emotional. Libras born September 27th through October 1st may be impacted most by this full moon. A new moon occurs October 4th in your sign, and you could start a big new project, be presented with a great opportunity, and feel more strong and vital. Libras born October 2nd through 6th could feel the impact of this moon most. Scorpio 2013 Horoscope Scorpio 2013 Love Horoscope: Neptune is touring through your love sector, and he’s making you wish for a love that has a karmic feeling to it. You’re not looking for any Joe-schmoe, you’re looking for your soul mate. You want to feel like you’ve known them for lifetimes, and you’ll continue to be with them again and again in future lives. It’s a little much, you know? You may need to take it down a notch. You’re more romantic, dreamy, and fantasize about your ideal mate, but it’s not reality. You have to fight through your imagination to get something real, and you may not be seeing who your loves really are. You’re more prone now to falling for people that will take advantage of you, or who need you to save/fix them, especially addicts. Run away! You need a partner, not a basketcase. For the first half of 2013, Jupiter is in the sector ruling sex and deep emotional bonds, so it’s easier for you to believe that great sex equals great love (it doesn’t) or that if you could just change them, they’d love you forever (they won’t). Manifested positively, it could all mean that you meet your true love and it’s great. More than likely, that’s not happening right away though. Mars enters your love sector for February through mid-March, and that’s when you’re most apt to think you’re in love, date a lot, feel romantic, and want love in your life. During that time, Mercury retrogrades in the same sector, giving you the chance to give someone else a second chance. Do they really deserve it? Mid-April through mid-July is the time when you’d be most likely to actually commit to them. Just make sure they don’t need to BE committed. Venus is in your sign September 11th through October 7th, signaling the time when you’ll feel most romantic. Scorpio 2013 Career Horoscope: Uranus is in your work sector, and Uranus doesn’t like for things to stay the same for very long, so you’re likely seeing a lot of instability with your work. You keep going from one place to the next, maybe you keep switching offices or buildings, maybe there’s a higher turnover rate with coworkers. If you don’t see much change happening, you feel restless, bored, and in desperate need of some change. This is a good transit for you if you work in technology, and you could go into that if you don’t do it now. It’s also good for working on your own, doing freelance work, or having some sort of unusual work environment. A simple 9-to-5 office job won’t cut it. Mars enters your career sector at the end of August through mid-October, and you feel more driven, ambitious, and focused during this time. You want to have more career success, and you’re willing to work harder to have it. You set goals for yourself and work towards them, but if they’re long-term goals, you likely won’t see them through. Short goals that you can accomplish in a month are the ones that you’ll attain. Scorpio 2013 General Horoscope: On June 26th, Jupiter enters fellow water sign Cancer, and he goes into one of your learning sectors. Pluto is already in the other one, so between the two of them, you could be far more driven to go back to school. Going back could present you with good opportunities in your life, and for you right now, knowledge is power. You have control over your mind in a way that you never have before, and could do quite well. Mars joins Jupiter July 13th through August 27th, and this could be the driving force to get you to go back. At the very least, it’ll be something you think a lot about in July and August, and you could decide to go on a whim. Saturn in your sign makes you invest more in yourself, and show more of a commitment to yourself, and going back to school would certainly do that. Saturn is also making you take on more responsibilities, think more long-term with your ideas and plans, and start a new life for yourself. Two eclipses this year fall in your sign, a lunar eclipse April 25th and a solar eclipse November 3rd. If you’ve been working at something for a long time, it could finally pay off with the lunar eclipse. With the solar eclipse, you begin a new, long-term project. With the lunar eclipse, Scorpios born October 26th through 30th could feel it most, and with the solar eclipse, Scorpios born November 1st through 5th could feel it most. October 21st through November 10th brings a Mercury retrograde in your sign, and that could be the most difficult time of the year for you. You have to redo everything, things break down on you, and you generally feel off. But if you go back to school, the energy could be good for that! Sagittarius 2013 Horoscope Sagittarius 2013 Love Horoscope: Uranus is in your love sector, and he’s been making it difficult for you to be satisfied in love. You fall in love fast, and fall out of it even faster. It’s hard for you to stick with one person, and you need a certain amount of freedom and independence in a relationship normally, let alone now. Sagittarians look for any excuse to get out of a relationship, and you barely wait two seconds to find one now. So, how does 2013 look with this? You’ll actually be getting some help this year from both Jupiter and Mars. To start, Jupiter is in your relationships and commitment sector for the first half of the year. This makes it easier for you to handle commitment and being in a relationship with just one person. On June 25th, he enters Cancer, and moves into the sector that rules sex and deep emotional bonds, making it easier for you to grow closer with people, far beyond the superficial and casual relationships you normally have. Mars joins Uranus in your love sector mid-March through late April, giving you energy for dating and a drive to fall in love. With both Mars and Uranus there, you could fall in love hard and fast. In June through mid-July, Mars is in your relationships and commitment sector, making you want to have more commitment in your life and make a commitment to someone. Mid-July through August finds Mars in your sex and deep emotional bonds sector, joining Jupiter there. At the same time, from late June through mid-July, Mercury will retrograde in that same sector, which could bring back an old lover. An interesting period for you, Sagittarius! Venus is in your sign October 7th through November 5th, signaling the time when you’ll feel most romantic. Sagittarius 2013 Career Horoscope: Money is likely one of those things that you’re having a hard time with, and if so, Pluto is to blame, touring through your money sector. Often, when he’s in this sector, he wipes the slate clean, forcing you to start over and build a new life for yourself. This can be a good placement to make money through politics, being a doctor, in a science-related field, or by being the one in power somehow. Mars goes through your work sector late April through May, and you do more work, though it might not be towards anything in particular. Mars goes through your career sector mid-October through early December, and you feel more ambitious, driven, and goal-oriented. You make more career plans for yourself, and want to accomplish something. Two eclipses fall in your work sector, the May 9th solar eclipse and the November 17th lunar eclipse. With the solar eclipse, Mars is also in that sector at the same time, so this could be a good period to begin a big new work project or start a new job. If you’re looking for one, that’s a good time to get one. With the lunar eclipse, this is at the same time Mars is in your career sector, so you could finish a work project or conclude some sort of work that furthers your career goals or inspires you to push for more in your career. Sagittarius 2013 General Horoscope: With Saturn in Scorpio, he’s making you eliminate a lot of baggage from your life. You have to do a big old spring cleaning with him here, but all year long and in every facet of your life. Combining Saturn’s placement with Pluto’s, and this could be a heavier year for you, Sagittarius, not the light-hearted kind you prefer, but one where you really have to get into the nitty-gritty. It’s not pleasant, but if you want the future to be pleasant, you have to make some sacrifices right now. Chances are, even if you don’t want to, you’ll have to anyway because of circumstances and life events. Mercury retrogrades in Scorpio mid-October through early November, and this could be a time where you experience more difficulties with clearing things out and letting go, and old issues could haunt you. Neptune is in Pisces, and going through your home and family sector. You could part ways with some of the relatives that aren’t good people, and have to watch for issues with water in the home (burst pipes, flooded basement, mold problems, etc.). You may not have as much of a tie to your family as you did in the past, and are able to let go of issues with them more easily because of the emotional detachment. Issues are more prominent late February through mid-March when Mercury retrogrades in this sector. On May 25th, a lunar eclipse occurs in your sign, and you could see something you’ve been working hard towards come to bear fruit, or see things fall apart if you haven't been smart about things. Sagittarians born November 24th through 28th could feel the impact most. On December 2nd, a new moon occurs in your sign, and you could begin a new project, come up with a new idea, feel more enthusiastic, or be presented with a new opportunity. Sagittarians born November 30th through December 4th could be impacted most. Capricorn 2013 Horoscope Capricorn 2013 Love Horoscope: On June 25th, Jupiter enters Cancer, the sign opposite yours, and goes into your relationships and commitment sector. This makes it easier for you to handle being in a committed relationship. While commitment itself doesn’t scare you, it is difficult for you to be in a relationship because you don’t want to tear yourself away from your work, responsibilities, or goals. The second half of 2013, it’s easier for you to do that. Mars is in your love sector late April through May, and during that time, a solar eclipse occurs May 9th in the same sector. This could be an excellent time to begin dating a new love interest. Mars joins Jupiter in your commitment sector mid-July through August, and you have the drive to be in a relationship. This comes after Mercury retrogrades in the same sector from late June through mid-July, causing you to question your decisions/judgment with relationships, bringing back someone you used to be in a relationship with, or bringing up old relationship issues that need to be addressed before you can be committed to someone. Those issues likely do get addressed, and you go into August through October wanting a strong commitment to someone, and forming a real bond with someone. On November 17th, a full moon occurs in your love sector, which could bring a relationship to new heights, and make you feel more karmically connected. The only hiccup? Venus, the planet of love, will retrograde in your sign beginning December 21st, and could bring all sorts of issues with your loved ones. Venus is in your sign January 8th through February 1st, and November 5th through the end of the year, signaling the time when you’ll feel most romantic. Capricorn 2013 Career Horoscope: For the first half of 2013, Jupiter is in Gemini, and in this sign, he’s touring through your work sector. This makes is easier for you to deal with work projects, though you may be tempted to be lazy too. You could also be presented with new jobs easily, and find new work with little effort. In the month of June, Mars will be in this sector as well, and that is the best period for work you’ll have. You’ll be more productive than usual, sail through projects quickly, and if you’re looking for work then, should find some easily. To start the year, Mars is in your money sector until February 1st, and you’re driven to make more money. Perhaps finances have been tight and you feel that you want this year to be different from the way things have been, so you work harder at making more money. It’s a good month to get a second job or start a side business. To end the year, Mars is in your career sector for the month of December, and you’ll be more driven, hard-working, and focused than usual. Perhaps the impending new year makes you think about what more you want from your life, and set new goals for yourself to achieve to keep improving upon each new year. Capricorn 2013 General Horoscope: Pluto has been in your sign for a few years now, and he’s making you feel more powerful and in control, or want more power and control. Your personality is more dominant, and you assume the position of authority in most situations. You have no problem imposing your will, and you expect everyone to fall in line. Most will because they’ll be terrified of you. You need to watch for coming across too demanding, intense, or scolding. Saturn is in Scorpio, and you’re becoming more practical with your dreams, throwing out the ones that you don’t feel you can realistically achieve. You want more concrete plans for your future, and aren’t much of a daydreamer this year, especially when Mercury retrogrades in Scorpio October 21st through November 10th. Uranus is in Aries, touring through your home and family sector, which can bring many changes with your family and residence. Your relatives spring news on you out of the blue, you decide to renovate your home on a whim, and you tend to change residences often, easily becoming restless if you stay in one place for too long. This is especially true whenever Mars is touring through this sector at the same time, which will occur March 12th through April 20th. A new moon also occurs in this sector on April 10th, so it’s a good time to move. A new moon occurs in your sign January 11th, and you can start a new project, improve yourself, and have more energy, especially for Capricorns born January 9th through 13th. A full moon occurs in your sign June 23rd, and can be a time where you’re more emotional, when you end a project you’ve been working on, or see a goal realized. This is especially true for those born December 22nd through 26th. Aquarius 2013 Horoscope Aquarius 2013 Love Horoscope: Until June 25th, Jupiter will be in your love sector, making it easier for you to fall in love, express your love, and give love. You feel more romantic, flirty, and have an easier time finding new people to date. In June, Mars will also be in this sector, signaling the best time for love. If you’re not with someone yet, you’ll want to be, and you’ll do more dating and searching than usual. You usually like to keep your relationships light and casual, but you really want love now, and June of 2013 is the perfect month for falling in love. Mars continues to help you by going into your relationships and commitment sector September through mid-October, making you want to have something real with someone. You don’t want the same casual affair you’ve always had. You want to feel as though they’re committed to you, and you can count on them. Mars then goes into your sector ruling sex and deep emotional bonds, staying there until early December, and making you strengthen the bonds and achieve more intimacy. You’re more intense and passionate during this time as well. Venus is in your sign February 1st through 25th, signaling the time when you’ll feel most romantic. Aquarius 2013 Career Horoscope: From June 25th and on, Jupiter will be in your work sector, making it easier for you to deal with work projects, manage the details, improve your work environment, and get a new job, if you need/want to. This is especially true when Mars is also in this sector July 13th through August 27th, and if you need a new job, this is the best period for it. Even if you don’t need a new job, you could be presented with one or more opportunities. Mars is in your money sector earlier in the year, February through mid-March, making you want more money, but you’d have to go about it in creative ways. Saturn in Scorpio is in your career sector all year, making you more serious about your career path and ambitions. You’re focused, determined, and hard-working, and when you set your mind to something, you won’t stop until you achieve it. You may feel like you’re doing a lot of work and not seeing anything come from it, but you mind that less with Jupiter in your work sector. The rewards will come in another year or two. Neptune is going through your money sector, and you have a hard time keeping your hands on money. Whenever you seem to get it, it somehow disappears. You’re just not paying close enough attention to your finances, and it could get you into trouble if you’re not careful. The most likely period for that would be the first half of March, when Mercury retrogrades in this sector. Mars is there at the same time, so you could inadvertently spend too much on something that leads to problems down the road. Watch your budget! Work issues could come up during the first half of July with Mercury retrograding in you work sector; since Mars is there as well, it could be that any jobs you’re offered or try to get are ones you’ve done before or for employers you’ve worked for before. Mercury retrogrades in your career sector late October through early November, which could bring setbacks with your goals, or a questioning of your ambitions. A solar eclipse in your career sector occurs during this time, on November 3rd, so you could begin something new for your career, perhaps a new career project or goal, but it’s something that you tried before and didn’t succeed with, or that you wanted to try before and didn’t get the chance to. Aquarius 2013 General Horoscope: To start 2013, Mars is in your sign, Aquarius, until February 1st. You begin the year with energy, enthusiasm, drive, and wanting to do something new. Your ruler, Uranus, is in Aries, and when Mars is in Aries March 12th through April 20th, you could decide to take a class, go on a trip, buy new electronics, or a new car. Your mind will be more active, and you’ll need more of an outlet. You’ll also speak without thinking more often, be more argumentative on a whim, and need to watch for an accident or increase in headaches. A new moon occurs in your sign on February 10th, and you could begin something new here, formulate a new goal, feel more optimistic and enthusiastic, and be more daring. Aquarians born February 8th through 12th could be impacted by this new moon most. A full moon occurs on July 22nd in your sign, and you could end a project, realize a goal, or feel more emotional. Aquarians born January 20th through 22nd could feel this full moon most. A second full moon occurs in your sign in 2013, on August 20th, and Aquarians born February 14th through 18th could feel this one most. Pisces 2013 Horoscope Pisces 2013 Love Horoscope: Jupiter enters your love sector on June 25th when he moves into fellow water sign Cancer. At that point, you’ll feel more romantic, whimsical, and in the mood for love. It makes it easier for you to fall in love. Mars will be in this sector July 13th through August 27th, entering just after Jupiter does, making you more aggressive with finding love. If you’re normally the type who doesn’t take charge and go after what you want, you could be then. Add to this a Mercury retrograde in this sector from June 26th through July 20th, and you could see the return of an old love who wants to get back together with you, or you have an old love on the brain and want to reconnect with them. Make sure that you’re remembering them correctly and not with rose-colored glasses on. Sometimes time can make you forget about all of the things you hated about them. Mars goes into your relationships and commitment sector October 15th through December 7th, and then the sector ruling sex and deep emotional bonds after that to the end of the year. This makes you want to be in a relationship, feel committed to someone, and develop a bond with them that’s intense and powerful. Your passion increases and you can’t get enough of them. Venus is in your sign February 25th through March 21st, signaling the time when you’ll feel most romantic. Pisces 2013 Career Horoscope: Uranus in Aries has been touring through your money sector and will continue to through 2013. This can make money something that comes and goes for you quickly. You could win the lottery or go bankrupt in a blink. Whenever you get your hands on money, it seems to be spent immediately. It’s hard for you to save up with this placement. It can signify working a job where you don’t get a steady paycheck, like working on commission or freelancing. It’s also good for making money in technology, an innovative field, or inventing something. Mars enters your money sector March 12th through April 20th, and this could be the time where you have the most opportunities to make money and the drive for it, but also are the most likely to blow it. Do what you can to keep it under wraps for as long as you can. Mars enters your work sector August 27th through October 15th, and you could look for new work during this time, are more aggressive with work projects or begin a new one, work better on your own, and take charge at work. If you want a new job, this would be the period to find one. Pisces 2013 General Horoscope: Jupiter is in Gemini for the first half of 2013, and he’s touring through your home and family sector. Dealings with your family go smoother, and you can patch things up with them easier. Opportunities could come to you through your relatives, and you could see good things happening for them as well. Mars is in this same sector May 31st through July 13th, and you could decide you want to spend more time with your family, do some renovations, or move (and if you do move, it would likely be into a bigger or more open-planned space). Neptune, your ruler, remains in your sign all year, bringing a sense of ease with yourself that’s subtle but always there. Mars is in your sign February 1st through March 12th, and you’ll have the most energy, drive, stamina, and passion during this period. At the same time, Mercury is retrograde from February 23rd through March 17th, and you could be going back over things, redoing old projects, making revisions, and rethinking your strategy. A new moon occurs in your sign during this period on March 11th, which is usually a time where you begin a new project or come up with a new idea, but since Mercury is retrograde at the same time, it could be that you revisit an old idea or project that you didn’t finish or couldn’t pursue and decide to do something with it now. Pisceans born March 9th through 13th could feel the impact of this new moon most. Whatever you do pursue, it could be something that has a powerful impact on your dreams for your life with Pluto in your future dreams sector. A full moon occurs in your sign on September 19th, and you could end a project, be more sensitive and in touch with your emotions, and reach a goal. Pisceans born March 14th through 18th could feel the impact of the full moon most. Comments are closed.