Today's article comes from Kelsie of Cosmic Occult! She shares how she thinks 2021 will play out for all of us astrologically (very interesting!).
Without a doubt, 2020 was certainly a period for the books. Astrologers knew something was up with the Saturn-Pluto conjunction and Jupiter as well, but nobody saw what was coming for the most part. It was completely unpredictable because it was unexpected.
With that being said, we can look to 2021 for more obvious clues on what’s to come. Will 2020 be behind us or are we going to keep experiencing this roller-coaster of unexpected surprises? I can say, without a doubt, 2021 will be easier, but don’t get too comfortable. Major Transit of 2021
The Great Conjunction on December 21, 2020 brought on a major theme for 2021.Jupiter and Saturn in the sign of Aquarius. We are in a new life cycle that will affect us for the next 200 years!
For the year 2021, think Aquarian. This means advancements in technology, coming together as a community, new medicines (hint: the COVID-19 vaccine), and exciting things to come with improvements to space crafts (did you hear there’s a mission to the moon scheduled for 2024?!). In 2020, it was Saturn, Jupiter, and Pluto highlighting major change for the year. Now, it will be Saturn-Jupiter and Uranus to take the reins and lead us through 2021. The influence from Uranus to Jupiter-Saturn will bring change in a new, unexpected way. This also means that the virus weakens now that Pluto isn’t a part of the show anymore. Pluto rules all things hidden and was one of the biggest indicators of COVID-19. Uranus has been in Taurus since 2018 and has done a couple retrogrades and direct motions since. With that said, Uranus has been retrograde since August 2020 and turns direct motion on January 14, 2021. Anytime a major transit happens to a slow-moving planet, the effects are going to impact all of us for a long time. Taurus is the sign of economy, business, and money. On a personal level, it is concerned with our values and what makes us feel good. The day before Uranus goes direct, we are also having a new moon in Capricorn. Another sign of business. This is the year for business. Uranus and Saturn square each other three times in 2021. Yep, three times! If that doesn’t excite you, it should. This transit only happens once every 14 years. It’s a pretty big deal. Uranus likes to bring unexpected changes to the economy while Saturn likes to enforce rules and restrict. For us, this could make small businesses rise and people fighting for equality (Uranus) with those in higher positions (Saturn). This also looks like businesses (Saturn) converting to fully online (Uranus). Maybe through 2021, big-chained businesses will be challenged as more people understand the importance of local businesses. This influence will probably happen over social media (Aquarius rules social media!). We may even become a cashless society in 2021 as everything goes digital! Dates for Saturn-Uranus Square: - February 17, 2021 - June 14, 2021 - December 24, 2021 2021 Forecast:
Saturn isn’t the only one challenging Uranus though. Jupiter, who is sitting with Saturn in Aquarius for most of the year, will form a square aspect to Uranus on January 17, 2021.
With the energy of Saturn-Jupiter in Aquarius giving us a bigger picture on changing the world, Uranus gives us this desperate urge to try new things and take risks. We can be challenged to really sit and think about how we’re going to improve Earth. Since commuting back and forth to work in vehicles has a big impact on the environment, perhaps this save the Earth movement (Uranus in Taurus values) will turn us all into working from home in the future. No more commuting 9-5pm like Capricorn wants. We’re going online, says Aquarius! In 2020 we had to sit back and watch everything fall apart (for the greater good), and in 2021 we are now being presented the opportunity to change and reshape society and help our environment. January 2021: The Busiest Month
The first couple of months, particularly January of 2021 are going to be the most eventful of the year. Mercury goes retrograde in Aquarius from January 30-February 20, 2021 and this gives us that extra push to think, reflect, and challenge ourselves, to the ideas and goals that Saturn and Jupiter are presenting to us.
Our first full moon of the year is happening January 28th in Leo which can make us bold and help us stand out. The planet of communication (Mercury, but in retrograde) conjuncts with Jupiter on February 14th as Mercury moves backwards through Aquarius. This will give us a unique outlook on life, and we can let our quirkiness and brilliant ideas flow with this aspect. Money has been one of the biggest focuses of 2020 and will continue to affect us through 2021. Thankfully, Uranus going direct in Taurus on January 14th, finances can become more predictable (we’re already on the way to a second stimulus check in the United States). Mars entering Taurus on January 6th will help us become more responsible with our approach to money. Therefore, savings accounts may be beneficial. Investments are highlighted in 2021. Quite honestly, I can see people becoming infuriated with what’s to come though. Mars (planet of action and demand) conjuncts Uranus in Taurus on January 19th. This conjunction will form a square to Saturn and Jupiter. The public will not sit quietly and will demand something to change that helps with security and provides financial stability. They want a plan, they need a change, and it will be heard. Protesting and rioting can be highlighted with this influence. Since Jupiter takes part in this transit, we may ask for “more”. Things Slow Down
Saturn turns retrograde in Aquarius on May 23rd. Matters of social justice and structure are brought to the surface as we reflect on how we can change the system to make it better. Our economy is failing and there is a major influence of money in politics In the U.S. We won’t sit back and allow it any longer. A few days after Saturn turns retrograde, we have our first lunar eclipse of the year in Sagittarius. Jupiter in Pisces will square the lunar eclipse and will amplify our mood and feelings. Our intuition is heightened during this period.
With Saturn still squared to Uranus, problems with authority can show itself under this transit. I can see people getting frustrated with these “new world orders” and go against the rules. We can be impulsive with Sagittarian energy, but we can also think of a grander plan that may be more beneficial for us all. Since Saturn rules business, Sagittarius is the entrepreneur, and Uranus ruling technology, I really can see us becoming an online world for the entire 2021. This is where small businesses can step in and shine now. Jupiter in Pisces
After the first couple months of 2021, things will start to calm down in May when Jupiter moves into the healing, intuitive sign of Pisces on May 13, 2021. Jupiter is quite comfortable in Pisces. This is a home for Jupiter.
Now is the time we begin to heal. We can use our intuition and the world becomes a bit more compassionate under this influence. This gives us a fresh breath of air as we heal all that we’ve lost in the last year. Staying compassionate and open-minded will be the focus here. Aquarius is accepting of all differences, so using this Aquarian energy (since this is an Aquarian themed year) will keep us level-headed. Medical hoaxes may also rise to the surface. Take Andrew Wakefield for example and his fabrication on the MMR vaccine. This happened when Jupiter was in Pisces. Or, people may begin to look for a change in the pharmaceutical industry. The last time Jupiter was in Pisces was in 2010. To get an understanding of how this transit will look for 2021, look at what happened in 2010. The DHHS/CDC removed HIV infection from its list of communicable diseases of public health significance. For us, this could look a lot like, “you can travel again, but only with provided documentation of the COVID-19 vaccine”. Global travel may be permitted but only permissible if you can prove that you are vaccinated. Many people have already stated they will not get this vaccine, and this is where I see rioting and outrage happening with a need for freedom. A Possible Economic Downfall
The second square off between Saturn and Uranus happens on June 14th. This is happening 4 days after the solar eclipse in Gemini, and 6 days before Jupiter goes retrograde. The Gemini solar eclipse will form a conjunction to Mercury in Gemini which increases our mental abilities. The eclipse will also make a trine to Saturn in Aquarius.
Eclipses are always associated with change and growth. This is exactly what Saturn in Aquarius is asking from us as well. This is about internal growth. Discipline in yourself, coming in touch with your emotions, and accepting your flaws. This will be the time that we all pause and think about what we can do next. Neptune goes retrograde in Pisces on June 25, 2020. This is a time of un-doing and introspecting. Neptune, the dreamy and creative planet can also make us feel deceived and confused. With a sextile to Pluto, this confusion can be brought on through our transformation process. This will present itself in the form of social change and government issues. Perhaps, we are being deceived by powerful leaders under this influence and now we are channeling the energy of Saturn-Uranus to see past the deception, fight the system, and approach human rights even more so! The month of August is another important month to note. On August 19, 2021 there may be a downfall in the economy as Uranus retrogrades through the sign of Taurus until January 2022. Finances can become unstable unless you created that investment plan I was talking about before, in the month of January. I believe we will be okay, but stock-markets may decline, there can be a struggle in the housing market, and brick and mortar workplaces may suffer as well. This can also bring unpredictable weather. The full moon lunar eclipse in Taurus on November 19th is another important date to mark on your calendar. This eclipse will form a trine to Pluto (power and destruction) and our leadership skills come into focus. We can let go of any destructive behaviors we have, ground ourselves and take control over our lives. With 2021 bringing on challenges, especially concerning finances, this is a transit that can bring light to the end of the tunnel. We begin to have a clearer understanding of our personal boundaries and values. With Jupiter back in Aquarius for a moment, any transformation that happens will benefit humanity. Conclusion
December 24th is the final square off between Saturn and Uranus. This happens right before Jupiter moves back into Pisces until May 2022. This transit is one that I do see bringing a brighter future to humanities goals. We are also having a new moon solar eclipse in Sagittarius in the month of December as well. Maybe, we will be brought out of recession in 2022, and 2021 is our steppingstone to pulling us above the water.
With Uranus forming a trine to Mercury in Taurus during the final square off, our focus is on the collective again. We are compromising and can work together to create a better future under this influence. Saturn sets these ideas in place and brings authority figures (government) into the picture as well. Perhaps, this is when we will finally be heard and can start working towards bettering our Earth and providing stability in the economy in a way that works for us all. In conclusion, 2021 will not be the best year ever. Far from it. I see a lot of economical issues surfacing and the people speaking out more about equality and human rights. It can, indeed, be a political year. Office jobs will become a thing of the past as more people work online. We’re out of the Capricorn commuting style and into the style of Aquarius that rules technology. After 2021, I really don’t see desk-jobs being a thing anymore. I truly believe that schools, universities, and workplaces will all convert to being online. The year 2021 will be a year of asserting our independence, coming together as a community, advancing towards a better financial structure, and the year for small businesses. It is the year for actual change. About the Guest Author:
Here comes the first Mercury retrograde for 2021! 2021 comes with the standard 3, and this first one occurs entirely in the sign of Aquarius. Let's cover what to expect! The Basics - What is Mercury retrograde?
A retrograde occurs when a planet appears to be moving backwards from our vantage point here on Earth. It isn't actually moving backwards, it just appears that way. Mercury turns retrograde most often, about 3-4 times per year, and lasts for several weeks. When a planet retrogrades, what that planet rules tends to be thrown off, along with what the sign it's retrograding in rules.
With Mercury retrograde, we experience a shadow and a storm. The shadow period starts when Mercury first hits the point in the Zodiac it will turn direct at, and ends when it last hits the point in the Zodiac it will turn retrograde at. Most people don't feel the effects of Mercury retrograde until it enters the storm period though. The storm period of Mercury retrograde is when Mercury is moving at its slowest, less than 40 minutes per day. Mercury is a fast-moving planet and hates it when it's moving slowly. There's usually two storm periods, one around the time Mercury turns retrograde, and one around when it turns direct. Mercury Retrograde in Aquarius 2021 Key Dates:
Mercury Retrograde Effects:
The first retrograde for 2021 comes to us in air sign Aquarius, and Aquarius is the ruler of change. We may be extra focused on changes we want to make, feeling more impatient and impulsive about it, or we may experience changes we don't want or don't feel ready for and have to resist being stubborn and adjust.
The future gets more of our attention, and we may want to rush forward toward it but have to be more cautious with our choices and actions, or we want to avoid it completely and put ourselves in a bad position. There may be a loss of hope for something for the future, and we have to make sure we're not just being pessimistic. Let yourself dream. Friends and groups are ruled by Aquarius, so we may experience problems in existing friendships or groups we belong to, or we may reconnect with an old friend or re-join an old group. This sign also governs causes, so we can walk away from a cause we don't connect with, or pick up an old cause we used to focus on. Aquarius is an independent, original sign that doesn't want to be boxed in, so if we feel like we have been boxed in, we can rebel in a big way. We may push back against social norms, and we may feel like now is the time to break all of the rules. But are we being smart about it, or just giving in to impulse? Even if we're right with what needs to be changed, we still need to be smart about it. This is the first retrograde of 2021, and all 3 occur in the air signs (Aquarius, Gemini, Libra). This last occurred in 2015. The air signs are the signs of communication, of the mind, and of connection, so we may struggle with being open, feeling heard, and listening. The Aquarius Stellium & Mercury Retrograde
While Mercury is retrograde in Aquarius, we'll experience an Aquarius stellium! Jupiter and Saturn both moved into Aquarius mid-December 2020, and the Sun, Mercury, and Venus join them. An Aquarius stellium is in effect the whole time Mercury is in Aquarius, so from January 8th to March 15th.
We had a Capricorn stellium dominate 2020, but this one is a little different since it's only for a couple of months, not the entire year. It's also in a very different sign with Aquarius, and we're hyper-focused on change, the future, independence, innovation, and originality. While Mercury is retrograde, we may need to work on old issues related to these subjects that have gotten in the way of progress. In what ways have we stopped change from happening? In what ways have we resisted the future? In what ways have we stifled independence? In what ways has innovation slowed? In what ways have we rejected originality? This is also amazing energy for a second chance with the retrograde. Give an old dream, old hope, old inventions another shot. Rediscover your true self and regain independence. We get a little help with a New Moon in Aquarius on February 11th; it's not conjunct (aligned with) Mercury retrograde but does give a little boost of energy. Mercury Retrograde in Aquarius 2021 Aspects:
During the retrograde, Mercury will make 4 major aspects. They are:
- conjunct (aligned with) the Sun on February 8th (@ 20 degrees 1 minute Aquarius; (this is the Inferior Conjunction, a positive point in the retrograde for starting something that can be a focus for the next 6-8 weeks; find where it falls in your chart, and that may be where you can start something) - conjunct Venus on February 13th (@ 14 degrees Aquarius; this is helpful for reconnecting with people from the past, restoring relationships and intimacy, and improving any relationships, but relationship issues may be more obvious and difficult to hide from) - square (hard aspect, 3 signs away) Mars on February 10th (bringing out frustrations, fights, and increasing tempers, especially when feeling boxed in and lashing out) - conjunct Jupiter on February 14th (@ 13 degrees Aquarius; biggest aspect for this retrograde, and interesting because Jupiter is expansive, and expands on the good or bad, so the good may get better and the bad may get worse) The Moons of Mercury Retrograde:
The Moon does travel both signs Mercury naturally rules and Aquarius during this retrograde. It's in Virgo (ruled by Mercury) as the retrograde begins, from January 30th (3:03AM ET/12:03AM PT) - February 1st (6:25AM ET/3:25AM PT), and is in Gemini (ruled by Mercury) as the retrograde ends, from February 19th (11:03AM ET/8:03AM PT) - 21st (10:53PM ET/7:53PM PT). So we start and end this retrograde with the Moon in a sign ruled by Mercury, and this brings extra emotional focus to the retrograde energy. We can be more aware of the changing energy, and emotionally driven to work with it, around it, or for it.
The Moon is in Aquarius February 9th (8:21PM ET/5:21PM PT) - 12th (2:24AM ET/Feb 11th @ 11:24PM PT). When the Moon is in the sign of the retrograde, it's extra focused on it, and we can feel super off, but we also have the opportunity to do something, take control of the retrograde, and make what we want happen. Final Notes:
The retrograde begins at 26 degrees Aquarius, so those of you Aquarians born February 13th - 17th may feel the start of the retrograde most. The retrograde ends at 11 degrees Aquarius, so those of you Aquarians born January 28th - February 1st may feel the end of the retrograde most.
For the rest of you, check the house(s) Mercury will be retrograding in your own natal chart, and any aspects Mercury will make during its retrograde to your natal planets, to fully understand how it will impact you personally. If you have Mercury retrograde in your natal or progressed chart, you may not feel the worst of this. Those individuals generally don't experience the difficulties of the retrograde because it feels more natural to them. Of course, chances are everyone else around them doesn't have the same aspect, so they can still experience difficulties brought on by others. If it's in your natal chart, check out this article about Mercury retrograde in the natal chart. Suggested Reading: The Mercury, Venus, & Mars Retrogrades page for interpretations |