Tarot dates back over 600 years, originally from Italy and thought to be used by the nobles of the time as a game. It was over 300 years later before it was used for divination purposes. The current incarnation is from the early 1900's. Through the drawings, we can derive a meaning and an answer. There are 78 cards in total: 22 Major Arcana Cards, 16 Court Cards, and 40 Minor Arcana Cards (listed at the bottom).
What do the cards mean?
Tarot cards have generally accepted meanings which are listed in the pages for the card groups, but they tend to be vague so you can use your own intuition to guide you to the meaning meant for you. There are four different suits in Tarot: Wands, Cups, Swords and Pentacles. Pentacles can also be referred to as Disks or Coins. The cards can be masculine/feminine (among the Court cards, Kings and Knights tend to denote males or masculine energy, while Queens and Pages tend to denote females or feminine energy). All of the cards relate to Zodiac signs, planets, and elements as well (see below). Every card is numbered, bringing in an element of numerology. You can use the numbers that correlate to each card to derive even more meaning from the card. In the Minor Arcana, there are 40 cards, and each are numbered 1-10 (with Aces being 1). Each number has it's own keywords that can be used, and when doing a spread, you can note how many times the same number pops up, which will make the energy of that number important for the spread: Aces: beginnings Twos: choice Threes: creativity Fours: foundation Fives: change Sixes: relating Sevens: overcoming Eights: progress Nines: awareness Tens: attainment |
What deck should I use?
There are so many decks available now that it can be daunting to find the right one for you, but the reality is that everyone will respond differently to different decks. Some people will only use one deck, while others will use multiple decks at the same time during a reading, or different decks based on the different topics the questions cover (like one for love, one for money, one for business, etc.). The most common and popular deck is the Rider-Waite deck, and is often the first deck that people use. When you're choosing a deck, let your intuition guide you to the right one for you. Just like falling in love, you'll know it's the right deck for you once you find it. Once you have a deck, you'll want to infuse it with your energy. Some people will sleep with their deck under their pillow to do so. Some will carry it with them wherever they go for a period of time. Many people don't like it when someone else uses their deck because that person's energy can get into it. Some say you can eliminate any energy from someone else by banging the deck on the edge of a table, and the energy will get banged out. That's especially helpful if you get a used deck. You can also infuse more power into your deck by leaving it out on a windowsill on the night of a full moon. Full moon nights are a time of tremendous energy. Ultimately, there are no real rules. Do what feels most natural for you. |
Astrology and Tarot
Major Arcana Cards
0 Fool - Uranus (planet) I Magician - Mercury (planet) II High Priestess - Moon (planet) III The Empress - Venus (planet) IV The Emperor - Aries (sign) V Hierophant - Taurus (sign) VI The Lovers - Gemini (sign) VII The Chariot - Cancer (sign) VIII Strength - Leo (sign) IX Hermit - Virgo (sign) X Wheel of Fortune - Jupiter (planet) XI Justice - Libra (sign) XII Hanged Man - Neptune (planet) XIII Death - Scorpio (sign) XIV Temperance - Sagittarius (sign) XV Devil - Capricorn (sign) XVI Tower - Mars (planet) XVII Star - Aquarius (sign) XVIII Moon - Pisces (sign) XIX Sun - Sun (planet) XX Judgment - Pluto (planet) XXI World - Saturn (planet) |
Court Cards & Minor Arcana Cards by Suit
Wands Element: Fire Ace: 4th Quarter Moon phase Two: 1st Decan Aries Three: 2nd Decan Aries Four: 3rd Decan Aries Five: 1st Decan Leo Six: 2nd Decan Leo Seven: 3rd Decan Leo Eight: 1st Decan Sagittarius Nine: 2nd Decan Sagittarius Ten: 3rd Decan Sagittarius Cups Element: Water Ace: 2nd Quarter Moon phase Two: 1st Decan Cancer Three: 2nd Decan Cancer Four: 3rd Decan Cancer Five: 1st Decan Scorpio Six: 2nd Decan Scorpio Seven: 3rd Decan Scorpio Eight: 1st Decan Pisces Nine: 2nd Decan Pisces Ten: 3rd Decan Pisces |
Swords Element: Air Ace: 3rd Quarter Moon phase (full moon) Two: 1st Decan Gemini Three: 2nd Decan Gemini Four: 3rd Decan Gemini Five: 1st Decan Libra Six: 2nd Decan Libra Seven: 3rd Decan Libra Eight: 1st Decan Aquarius Nine: 2nd Decan Aquarius Ten: 3rd Decan Aquarius Pentacles Element: Earth Ace: 1st Quarter Moon phase (new moon) Two: 1st Decan Taurus Three: 2nd Decan Taurus Four: 3rd Decan Taurus Five: 1st Decan Virgo Six: 2nd Decan Virgo Seven: 3rd Decan Virgo Eight: 1st Decan Capricorn Nine: 2nd Decan Capricorn Ten: 3rd Decan Capricorn |
Performing a Tarot Reading
To begin a Tarot reading, you'll want to mix your cards. Many people don't like to shuffle them like you do regular playing cards because they feel that the energy will get shuffled out, and instead will swirl them around on a table (kind of like how children do). It's entirely up to you though, and many do shuffle them like playing cards and find it makes no difference. After you mix the cards, you want to collect them into a neat pile, and then cut them. If you're doing a reading for someone else and they're with you, it's advised that you have them cut the cards. Then you're ready to deal the cards in whatever spread you want. If at any point in the process any of the cards fall out, when you're shuffling or when you're dealing the cards, you should take note of the card(s) that falls. It's believed that those cards are trying to get your attention, and pertain to the question/matter at hand. Once you've completed the reading, you gather the cards back together and wrap them up so the cards aren't kept loose. Some people like to take the cards and put them back in order and upright, and then put them away. It's entirely up to you if you want to do that.
A note about upright versus reverse Tarot cards: On the pages for the Tarot cards meanings, both upright and reverse meanings are provided. Some people don't read the cards reverse though, and only read them as upright. Again, it's entirely up to you to decide which you'd like to do, read them only as upright, or as however they fall, upright or reverse.
To begin a Tarot reading, you'll want to mix your cards. Many people don't like to shuffle them like you do regular playing cards because they feel that the energy will get shuffled out, and instead will swirl them around on a table (kind of like how children do). It's entirely up to you though, and many do shuffle them like playing cards and find it makes no difference. After you mix the cards, you want to collect them into a neat pile, and then cut them. If you're doing a reading for someone else and they're with you, it's advised that you have them cut the cards. Then you're ready to deal the cards in whatever spread you want. If at any point in the process any of the cards fall out, when you're shuffling or when you're dealing the cards, you should take note of the card(s) that falls. It's believed that those cards are trying to get your attention, and pertain to the question/matter at hand. Once you've completed the reading, you gather the cards back together and wrap them up so the cards aren't kept loose. Some people like to take the cards and put them back in order and upright, and then put them away. It's entirely up to you if you want to do that.
A note about upright versus reverse Tarot cards: On the pages for the Tarot cards meanings, both upright and reverse meanings are provided. Some people don't read the cards reverse though, and only read them as upright. Again, it's entirely up to you to decide which you'd like to do, read them only as upright, or as however they fall, upright or reverse.
Choosing a Tarot Spread
Some tarot spreads you can try are covered below. A tarot spread can be as simple as pulling one card to answer your question or address your concern. There are some known tarot spreads that are widely used for various purposes, but ultimately, you can create a spread however you want. Tarot is a practice that is largely about following your own intuition, and using the cards purely as a way to channel your natural intuitive energy. The spread that you use is entirely up to you. You can use a spread that you find in a book or online, one that's common, or make one up yourself. You'll likely want to use the basics and most common spreads first so you can get a feel for how it works, and then work on creating your own spreads. Here are some basics spreads you can try for yourself:
One Card Spread
The one card spread is as simple as it sounds - all you do is draw one card for your question or concern. A good way to practice with Tarot is to draw one card every day for that day to get a feel for how the cards work for you. You can draw one card for each week or month, or just to see what the Universe has to say to you.
Some tarot spreads you can try are covered below. A tarot spread can be as simple as pulling one card to answer your question or address your concern. There are some known tarot spreads that are widely used for various purposes, but ultimately, you can create a spread however you want. Tarot is a practice that is largely about following your own intuition, and using the cards purely as a way to channel your natural intuitive energy. The spread that you use is entirely up to you. You can use a spread that you find in a book or online, one that's common, or make one up yourself. You'll likely want to use the basics and most common spreads first so you can get a feel for how it works, and then work on creating your own spreads. Here are some basics spreads you can try for yourself:
One Card Spread
The one card spread is as simple as it sounds - all you do is draw one card for your question or concern. A good way to practice with Tarot is to draw one card every day for that day to get a feel for how the cards work for you. You can draw one card for each week or month, or just to see what the Universe has to say to you.
By White Lady of the Woods (Own work) [CC-BY-SA-3.0], via Wikimedia Commons
Three Card Spread
A three card spread is the next simplest spread to use, and it entails drawing 3 cards in a row. Most often, this is used as a past-present-future spread, with the first card representing the past, the second card representing the present, and the third card representing the future. You can expand on that and use a nine card spread instead, where you draw nine cards in a 3x3 square. The top 3 cards are the past, middle 3 cards are the present, and bottom 3 cards the future. |
Four Card Spread
There are many variations of this, so you can use what you wish. One way to use this spread is to have card 1 represent the problem, card 2 represent your internal influences, card 3 represent your external influences, and card 4 represent the outcome. |
By Michael Schöttler (http://www.tarotonline.de) [CC-BY-SA-3.0], via Wikimedia Commons
By Xdpress (Own work) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons
Celtic Cross Spread
The Celtic Cross spread is one of the most common spreads out there, and is a good staple for every Tarot practitioner. You can use this spread for a general reading or to address a question. Card 1: Influences around you Card 2: Obstacles in your way Card 3: The recent past regarding the situation Card 4: The distant past issues that need to be dealt with Card 5: What you want Card 6: The future Card 7: Your attitude toward the situation Card 8: How others see you Card 9: Your hopes and fears Card 10: Outcome |
Zodiac Tarot Spread
This spread meshes together Tarot and Astrology. You can use this spread two ways, one general and one for a question.
By Xdpress (Own work) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons
O Fool
Upright: You’re not worried about a thing. You feel at one with the moment, and you’re willing to jump into new things out of childish curiosity. You’re an adventurer. You’re not paying attention to what you should, so you can become a victim. You need to watch where you’re going. Reverse: You’re fearful of trying something new because you’ve been burned before and don’t want to be again. You can go too far and not embrace your responsibilities. You need to be wise with your choices and not behave recklessly. You can’t run from your duties anymore. It’s time to grow up. |
I The Magician
Upright: You can see what’s in front of you with your own eyes. You’re getting closer to where you want to be, and to manifesting positive changes. Do what you do best to help yourself. You can be a great salesperson, but also become too manipulative, or be the one manipulated. Reverse: You lack confidence, aren’t sure of where to go, and have trouble moving forward. It can also be the opposite, and you’re too cocky, and that’s what gets in your way. You can squander your abilities or the help around you. Be careful of deceiving yourself or others. |
II The High Priestess
Upright: You become aware of something you needed to know. It could be unexpected, or you only learn a little bit at a time. You may need to take some time and look within yourself to find the knowledge you seek. You don’t share, and are secretive about what you know. Reverse: You can over-share or try to hurt someone by exposing something they don’t want exposed. You can be too selfish and unaware of your impact on others. You can experience problems if you don’t control your hormones, and try to seduce someone to get your way. |
III The Empress
Upright: You’re trying to grow something, and need to give it time. Don’t rush or push. You can be too protective of others in your life. You’re encouraging and want to help those around you. You worry about someone or something you care about like it’s your baby. Reverse: You don’t seem to care about anyone or anything, and turn your back on the people who need you most. You lack compassion or understanding, and need to stop shoving everyone to the side. Try to care for others instead of letting them down. |
IV The Emperor
Upright: You need to look within yourself to find the answers you seek. Stay on the same path you’ve been on. You’re stable, a leader, and the one people look up to, can rely on, and show respect to. You can take control and steer smoothly and steadily. Reverse: You lack maturity and try to control other people, and this can hurt the people in your life. You want all of the control, but for the wrong reasons, and it doesn’t go well. You need to take a step back and not be so power hungry. |
V The Hierophant
Upright: You can teach people and help them through their problems. You know what the right direction is. You can inspire people, guide them, and show the way. You follow the ruler even if you shouldn’t. You’re traditional and loyal. You can join with someone else. Reverse: You hate tradition and are rebellious, especially against the norm and authority. You believe in your beliefs and no one can convince you otherwise. Watch for breathing problems and issues in your close relationships. You do your own thing whether it’s acceptable or not. |
VI The Lovers
Upright: You go with what your heart wants, trust yourself and others, and join with people. You can commit yourself to someone or something. You work together with another person. Trust in your ability to make the right decision. You have passion and love for something. Reverse: You can have issues in your relationships, unable to have the intimate connection you desire, or feeling that you’ve made a bad decision in love. You suffer consequences of bad decisions and stupidity. Someone or something you love leaves your life. |
VII The Chariot
Upright: You have success and master what you’re studying after lots of hard work and dedication. Determination, plans, and smart decisions lead to good things in your life. You’re confident, disciplined, and can get through any problem. You could travel or move, explore and be on the go. Reverse: You feel out of control and it causes you to behave erratically and with anger. Don’t let out your frustrations on people who don’t deserve it. You have difficulty making decisions, feel you’re going in the same circle, are stressed out, and can’t manage. |
VIII Strength
Upright: You’re focused on what you want, on yourself, and have determination and strength. You have total control over yourself, and can make things happen. You can have success through your determined spirit, and using your natural talents. You can be a stable force. Reverse: You feel out of control and unable to make what you want happen. Rage can be an issue. You have trouble getting through the difficulties of life, and it can lead you to have health problems, act badly, and treat people with cruelty and impatience. |
IX The Hermit
Upright: You can take a step back and look at yourself, situations, or the world without emotion. You can learn about something, study, or ponder the past and come to terms with some aspect of it. You take time to yourself so you can think and call upon your own wisdom. Reverse: You keep to yourself, not wanting to spend any time around anyone else, and feel isolated as a result. You have a hard time seeing things objectively, and are too lost in your own feelings. You could get misinformation that hampers your ability to make a good decision. |
X Wheel of Fortune
Upright: Things can go your way, and it’s out of the blue, but welcomed. You can get a windfall, promotion, raise, or some sort of good luck. The news you hear tends to be positive, and you need to prepare yourself to use the good luck that comes. Reverse: Your life is unstable, or you are. Things can happen out of the blue that you’re unhappy with or that throw everything off for you. Even if something good happens, it turns out not to be in the end. Fate just doesn’t feel like it’s on your side. |
XI Justice
Upright: You try to do the right thing, not just for you, but for everyone involved. You’re concerned with being fair and just. You need to be open and honest with those around you. A legal matter could go your way, and if you were wronged before, that can be fixed now. Reverse: You feel that you’re not treated fairly, that justice isn’t served, that you’re denied equality, or that the right thing isn’t what anyone cares about. You can look at the negatives too much. You may be dishonest and overly subjective. |
XII The Hanged Man
Upright: You take the time to look inside of yourself and figure out what you must do next. You know what you have to do. You may need to sacrifice something, and you need to accept that. Push past your own prejudices, and be open to everyone. Reverse: You don’t want to be open to other people, and are rigid in your views. You don’t listen to other people, don’t take the time to figure things out, and don’t want to give anything to anyone else. You put things off, and shun responsibility. |
XIII Death
Upright: The only constant is change, and you can count on that now. Something comes to an end, and something new begins. The end of one cycle and beginning of another. Let go of the past so you can fully embrace your future. It’s time for a transformation. Reverse: You hold on to something for too long, or you want to let go of something but it doesn’t want to leave. You keep repeating the mistakes of the past. You can be threatened by someone, feel like you’re being controlled or dominated, or refuse to move on. |
XIV Temperance
Upright: You strike a balance in your life, and feel at ease with yourself. Everything seems to be working together well. You can be flexible with changes that occur. The pieces are all working together behind the scenes and out of view. Reverse: Nothing seems to be working together well, no matter how much you try to force it. No one wants to help, or is working against you behind the scenes. You feel out of balance, and it can hurt you physically. You lack the harmony you seek. |
XV The Devil
Upright: You can go too far with your behavior, indulge in things you shouldn’t, and become obsessed with something unhealthy. You sway from one extreme to the next. You can hold yourself back from what you truly want, keeping yourself bound. Reverse: You free yourself from the chains that bind you, and realize your bad behavior isn’t helping you, and make a conscious effort to stop. You feel free for the first time in a long time, and have an understanding of what happened and what you must do next. |
XVI The Tower
Upright: You can have a problem come about unexpectedly that totally throws you off. This could be a card that’s a bad omen, but usually warning you of consequences from your bad behavior. You have to start over, but you likely fight it. Be humble. Reverse: You think you’ve figured out the way to fix everything, but it doesn’t actually fix anything. You’re buying into delusions and illusions, and need to focus on reality. There could be a calm before the storm. Ready yourself for the storm. |
XVII The Star
Upright: You have faith that things will get better if you just hold on for a little while longer. Hope is in your heart, and it’s what keeps you going through hard times. You know things will change, and it won’t be right now, but will come soon. Reverse: You don’t feel like there’s any way things could work out for you, and that all hope is lost. You lack faith in yourself or the future, and don’t see any opportunity for you to make things right. You worry about the future, and make bad decisions. |
XVIII The Moon
Upright: You’re worried about what you don’t know and that it could hurt you. You can channel your feelings creatively. Your dreams are strong as your subconscious tries to speak with you, but they may frighten you. Avoid escapism and self destruction. Reverse: You’re not seeing things as they really are. Stop buying into delusions and illusions. Your fear holds you back, and the dangers around you may be heightened by your fear. You can travel spiritually, have trouble sleeping, or engage in destructive behavior to escape reality. |
XIX The Sun
Upright: Life is good and you feel good. You’ve reached the light at the end of the tunnel and feel good things are coming. You have an optimistic outlook and can create success for yourself. A new dawn has come in your life, and you’re excited about it. Reverse: You have opportunities around you, but it isn’t easy for you to do anything with them, or it could be hard to see them. You lack focus, encounter blocks or delays, or are unsure of what you should do. You may be skeptical about everything. |
XX Judgment
Upright: Change is coming, and it’s change that you’ll make for yourself. You can accept what’s happened to you, move on with less guilt, and release the baggage you carry. You may make an important decision in your life that totally alters it. Reverse: You have trouble with making any changes or moving forward with your life. You’re stuck in the past, unable to get out of it. Other people could be helping to keep you from moving on. You can be punished for the past by not being able to move on. |
XXI The World
Upright: You see how everything comes together from beginning to end, how you’ve learned and grown from past experiences, and all of the opportunities that await you with this chapter in your life ending. You can travel, have success, and be rewarded. Reverse: The end is near, but something is in the way and preventing it from happening sooner. You can be scared of making a real attempt at finalizing everything, and everything falls through. You have what you need, but you let it sit unused. |
King of Wands
Upright: The King of Wands has enthusiasm, excitement, and charm. He’s a leader, ambitious, and not afraid to go for what he wants. He can pursue new things, but not follow through to the end. He likes to spend time with others inspiring them. Reverse: This King lacks patience and is too controlling. His anger can get the better of him, and he doesn’t want to deal with his responsibilities. He wants people to treat him well, but doesn’t care to treat people the same way. |
Queen of Wands
Upright: The Queen of Wands is a creative force, full of energy and charm. She can lead others, appreciates creativity, and can’t be controlled. She cares deeply for those close to her, is loyal to them, and is sure of herself. Reverse: This Queen goes too far and doesn’t care about how that impacts other people. Her temper can get the better of her, and she lets her rage make her do bad things to people. Conversely, she can feel the world is demanding too much of her, and retreat. |
Knight of Wands
Upright: The Knight of Wands is passionate and charming, bold in love and life. He throws himself into new things, but doesn’t finish much. He wants to travel, explore, have new experiences, and see what the world has to offer him. Reverse: This Knight is too full of himself, selfish, and doesn’t care for others. He uses people to get what he wants. He doesn’t stick around, and he doesn’t treat people with kindness. He rushes too much, and he doesn’t think of others. |
Page of Wands
Upright: The Page of Wands is enthusiastic about life, is ambitious and energetic, and dedicated to goals. Can take a creative hobby and turn it into something fruitful. Information can come that’s been anticipated for some time. Reverse: This Page doesn’t want to share, doesn’t care about other people, is a bit of a brat, doesn’t want to do anything new, is lazy and indulgent. Information that comes isn’t what you want to hear. |
King of Cups
Upright: The King of Cups cares about other people, and is in tune with his feelings. He can be creative with his emotions, or use them to reach out to others. He dedicates himself to his loved ones, perhaps too much so. Reverse: This King is easily wounded and can retreat from the world. He can be manipulative with loved ones, and use people to reach his own ends. He can run from life through indulgence and escapism. |
Queen of Cups
Upright: The Queen of Cups wants to help other people as much as she can, especially with realizing their full potential. She’s caring and nurturing, and acts like everyone’s mother. She’s creative, a romantic, and has good intuition to guide her. Reverse: This Queen attaches herself to other people and makes them do her bidding. She can control others, and when she acts like she cares, she’s really trying to get something out of you. She can be too sensitive and people take advantage of her. |
Knight of Cups
Upright: The Knight of Cups is sweet and kind to all. He cares deeply for those in his life, and is highly creative and romantic. His head can get lost in the clouds. He can travel, especially near/over water. Reverse: This Knight is too emotional, unhappy, and represses. He doesn’t want to use his creative talent for good. He demands too much of others, and then becomes angry when they don’t live up to his expectations. |
Page of Cups
Upright: The Page of Cups loves other people, which makes you prone to being taken advantage of. Sensitive, sweet, requires people around to protect and help you grow into the best person possible. News can come about a relationship. Reverse: This Page is too sensitive and clingy, and wants you to fulfill all emotional needs, but it’s impossible. Can use men to get what you wants. Retreats after being hurt. News that comes about a relationship isn’t good. |
King of Swords
Upright: The King of Swords is a smart king, thinks things through, tries to be fair, and can take control of situations. He’s moral and ethical, and he has a strong character. He strikes a balance in his life. Reverse: This King is too rigid and doesn’t care for others. He can be too hard on people who don’t do things to his liking, and can stand in his own way. He has a hard time making a decision, vacillating too much. |
Queen of Swords
Upright: The Queen of Swords is a perfectionist, and expects others to be as well. She’s been through a lot, and she teaches others what she’s learned. She’s analytical and independent, and she does things for the right reasons. Reverse: This Queen doesn’t do things for the right reasons. What she’s been through has hardened her, and she wants other people to suffer as a result. She can have trouble expressing herself properly, or expresses herself to hurt others. |
Knight of Swords
Upright: The Knight of Swords is a determined person, and will do whatever it takes to get what he wants. Nothing can stop him. He’s smart but impatient, has courage but can push people around. He’s excellent at war. He can travel by air. Reverse: This Knight wants to win, no matter what it takes, even if it means hurting other people or doing the wrong thing. He can be too cruel and take things too far on the battlefield. Travel by air isn’t recommended. |
Page of Swords
Upright: The Page of Swords has done homework, knows what needs to be done, and is ready for what comes. Can study other people and get a good read on situations. News that comes is meant to help problems and offer a solution. Reverse: This Page can spread rumors like wildfire, and get all of the facts wrong. Was held back before, and now wants revenge. News that comes doesn’t help your problems, and makes things more complicated. |
King of Pentacles
Upright: The King of Pentacles tries to be practical, especially in business, and knows what to invest in and what not to. He wants nice stuff, but won’t go overboard. He’s loyal, reliable, and calm. Reverse: This King doesn’t want to share any of what he has with others, and is a bit of a miser. He can use the people who work for him or cheat the system somehow. He treats people as things to be used and discarded. |
Queen of Pentacles
Upright: The Queen of Pentacles is a good worker, provider, and can make do with what she has. She tries to do what she can to provide everything her loved ones need. She makes her home a beautiful place to be. Reverse: This Queen doesn’t want to share, lacks confidence, and doesn’t work hard. She doesn’t care about what other people want or need, or about her space. She can have financial problems come about. |
Knight of Pentacles
Upright: The Knight of Pentacles is reliable and will be there for you no matter what. He follows things through to the end, is determined and focused, and does things for himself. Travel can be over land. Reverse: This Knight works himself too hard and only focus on success, ignoring his personal life and loved ones. He can push himself too hard professionally. His work ethic could exhaust him, and he doesn’t want to work anymore. |
Page of Pentacles
Upright: The Page of Pentacles is practical, works hard, and wants to get involved personally rather than let everyone else do the work. A self-starter and good in business. News can come about money, work, or health. Reverse: This Page is too ambitious and concerned with money and possessions, but only wants stuff and won’t spend on others. Wants a paycheck and doesn’t take pride in work. News that comes about money, work, or health is bad. |
Ace of Wands
Upright: Aces are all about new beginnings. You can start a new job, make a new friend, or come up with a new idea. Reverse: Things don’t start as quickly as you want them to. You have blocks, delays, and the people you need help from don’t. |
Two of Wands
Upright: You pick the best direction for you to go in and this helps you to have the success that you seek in life. Reverse: You don’t pick the right direction to go in, unsure of your ability to choose, and this leads to a lack of success. |
Three of Wands
Upright: You take your plan and you actually do something with it. Projects are in progress. You may need to travel. Reverse: Your plans have difficulty continuing, and you don’t get help. Success is delayed. You have to work too hard. |
Four of Wands
Upright: The work that you’ve done begins to pay off now. You’ve been working very hard, and now you can relax. Reverse: You’ve finished your work, but something doesn’t seem quite right. You may not be ready for the rewards. |
Five of Wands
Upright: You have to compete with others, but you don’t want to deal with it. Resist the urge to abandon and work with them. Reverse: You don’t want to deal with competition so you abandon it, and it leads to you missing out on an opportunity. |
Six of Wands
Upright: You’ve gone through the hard stuff already, and your rewards are coming soon. You’ve had help from others along the way. Reverse: You didn’t work well with others, and now rewards are delayed. You need to find a way to work well with other people. |
Seven of Wands
Upright: You’ve gotten what you want, and you have to continue to work hard to keep it. It won't stay in your life without some work to maintain it. Remain determined. Reverse: You can lose your standing because you don’t want to deal with others, and you become complacent. |
Eight of Wands
Upright: You fall in love with someone or something, throw yourself into something with enthusiasm, and you’re on the go. Reverse: You have problems with your loved ones, especially in romantic relationships, and have trouble starting anything new. |
Nine of Wands
Upright: You’ve gone through a lot and feel you’re almost there, but you have to wait so you can deal with the problems around you first. Reverse: You don’t feel that you can keep going, even though you know you’re close. You need help, but if you can’t get it, you have to stop. |
Ten of Wands
Upright: You’ve achieved what you set out to do, but now you find that you can’t handle it anymore. You need to hold on. Reverse: You haven’t done the work you needed to do and pay the price for it. You’re unreliable, irresponsible, and lazy. |
Ace of Cups
Upright: You can experience new beginnings in love, with your family, or begin a new relationship, romantic or personal. Reverse: You have trouble in your relationships with loved ones, and can’t start a new relationship you were hoping for. |
Two of Cups
Upright: You can have an easy time with loved ones, and treat them with respect. A commitment could come in a relationship. Reverse: You feel that your loved ones aren’t treating you properly, or you’re the one treating them improperly. |
Three of Cups
Upright: You achieve what you set out to do, and now you’re happy about it. You feel good about yourself and your life. Reverse: You’ve celebrated your success but you took it too far. You’ve been indulgent and partied too much. |
Four of Cups
Upright: You want something new in your life but you refuse to take the necessary steps to achieve your dreams. Reverse: You want something new in your life and you take the steps to achieve it. You can move on from something you weren’t happy with. |
Five of Cups
Upright: Things don’t go exactly as you planned, and while some of it seems like it won’t work out, there’s still some hope that things will be okay. Reverse: You can move forward from a difficult time, or you feel you’ve been spent and have nothing left to give. |
Six of Cups
Upright: You think about the sweet moments of the past, and reminisce about old memories which inspires your actions currently. Reverse: You want to move on from the past, and it can be difficult, but you feel that you should live in the here and now. |
Seven of Cups
Upright: You have to make a choice, and you feel tempted with which way you should go, but it might not be the right choice. Reverse: You don’t want to deal with what’s going on in your life, and don’t feel that you can get through this. Other need to help you. |
Eight of Cups
Upright: You assess if it’s worth it to stay on the path you’re on, if you should change your direction or do something uncharacteristic. Reverse: You take a chance but it doesn’t work out well. You go back to something that you waste time on. You feel stuck in an endless cycle that leads nowhere. |
Nine of Cups
Upright: A happy card, where your hopes and dreams come to fruition. What you want will come, and you should enjoy the things that are happening to you. Reverse: The reverse, so you don’t achieve what you hope to, feel things aren’t going in the right direction, and you’re not sure what to do. |
Ten of Cups
Upright: You’re close to your loved ones and feel like you’re a part of something outside of yourself. You feel good emotionally. Reverse: You feel cut off from your loved ones, that people want too much from you, and can see people leave your life. |
Ace of Swords
Upright: You focus on what you want, and can create a plan for starting something new. You may be unsure, but you can get through any obstacles right now. Reverse: You shouldn’t start anything new now because you have trouble making the plans you need beforehand. You can work too much. |
Two of Swords
Upright: You can work to get people to come to the table and meet in the middle, but you put your own feelings aside to do so and that makes it hard to make decisions. Reverse: You don’t want to meet anyone in the middle or get people to work together, and can fuel feuds more than necessary. |
Three of Swords
Upright: You get hurt by someone, and you can try to hold it inside of you but it just gets worse until it explodes out. Reverse: You still feel badly about things that happened before, and you keep yourself in a bad situation that you don’t need to be in. |
Four of Swords
Upright: You feel quiet and relaxed, and focus on your internal self. It’s a good time to meditate and spend time alone to be introspective and heal. Reverse: You’re back from trials and difficulties, and you’ve learned a lot from what you’ve gone through. You want some time off but don’t have the time. |
Five of Swords
Upright: You’re focused on succeeding at something, but at the cost of everything else in your life. Don’t become an abusive person to achieve your own goals. Reverse: Things may work out the way you wanted, but it doesn’t feel as good as you thought it would, and you have to continue to fight. |
Six of Swords
Upright: You get away from difficult times and let yourself go on a journey of some sort so you can have greater understanding and clarity. Reverse: You can’t move on from your troubles, and feel stuck in the them. You want to get away but can’t. You have trouble expressing yourself. |
Seven of Swords
Upright: You’ve done your homework and know the risks involved. You move around quietly but with purpose. Reverse: You’re unsure of yourself and this causes you to not take any chances. You can try to rectify your past mistakes or forgive someone else. |
Eight of Swords
Upright: You’re stuck where you are or in the situation you’re in, controlled by others, and need to regain your confidence so you can free yourself. Reverse: You have to work hard to get out of the chains that bind you and achieve success, and you have trouble on the way. |
Nine of Swords
Upright: You feel alone and can’t look at the positives in your life. You have insomnia or nightmares. You’re too worried so try to solve the problem. Reverse: You try to get past negative feelings, but you have difficulty doing so. You’re beginning a new journey to get past the bad. |
Ten of Swords
Upright: You fought hard but you didn’t win like you had hoped. You need to stop fighting and move on. Reverse: You have nowhere to go but up, and you can have some temporary success in your life that gives you hope. |
Ace of Pentacles
Upright: You have opportunities in front of you to begin something new, especially with your career or finances. Do something with them. Reverse: You can do new things but only for yourself, and don’t share with others like you should. You’re too greedy and lack true fortune. |
Two of Pentacles
Upright: You’re trying to maintain a balance in your life, but only for the moment. You’re waiting for things to improve, and feel you just have to bide your time. Reverse: You’re out of balance and feel that you’ve taken on too much. You can’t keep up with it all, so you fail at it all. |
Three of Pentacles
Upright: You can make great strides with a partner, and have professional success with the help of others. Reverse: You work hard but no one notices, or you don’t appreciate the work others do for you, and you don’t have the success you crave. |
Four of Pentacles
Upright: You try to build a solid foundation for future success. Take a step back and share all that you’ve attained in life. Reverse: You feel that your financial life is out of whack and you’ve made bad choices. You try to maintain the success from the past but it’s not possible. |
Five of Pentacles
Upright: You can have serious problems financially, and you need to hold on a while longer to see improvements, but they will come if you learn your lessons. Reverse: Things haven’t gone well but you feel like that’s finally starting to change and are hopeful. You can have a sudden stretch of good luck. |
Six of Pentacles
Upright: You give as much as you possibly can to others, especially financially. You may receive help from others as well. Reverse: You can’t help others as much as you may want to. You try to settle your debts unsuccessfully. When people try to help you, it’s with strings attached. |
Seven of Pentacles
Upright: You deal with your everyday chores and work, waiting for success to come, but keeping busy in the meantime, helping everything grow. Reverse: You can be too worried about the future and it makes you perform badly. You work hard with no rewards, or try to reap rewards before the time has come. |
Eight of Pentacles
Upright: You focus on learning so that you can have the knowledge you need to make the right decisions. You stick to good plans for yourself. Reverse: You’ve been working too hard and aren’t getting your due, or you’re not working hard enough because you don’t care about the work. |
Nine of Pentacles
Upright: You achieve prosperity in your life, and feel that everything is going well. You can purchase something valuable or large. Reverse: You have what you want, but you don’t feel satisfied by the material success and feel the weight of the burden of it. |
Ten of Pentacles
Upright: You’ve achieved ultimate success in your life that will last for a long time. You’re comfortable in your life, and share that with loved ones. Reverse: Your loved ones take too much from you, or you don’t have enough to spread the wealth around like you’d like to. Success is delayed or temporary. |