In astrology, there are 12 houses in a standard chart, and each house rules different parts of life and our personalities, and has its own energy. The twelfth house is the very last house, and is the house of the hidden. If we have any planets or bodies located in our natal twelfth house, that energy is consciously hidden from us, and when we have transit planets and bodies going through the twelfth house, their energy is also hidden. So when do we actually operate with our twelfth house energy? It's really 3 ways: 1: You're Operating Subconsciously and Intuitively
The twelfth house rules the subconscious mind, and it's not an area we're super consciously aware of most of the time, so we tend to tap into it when we're not consciously operating, and instead are acting on instinct and being driven by our subconscious.
This takes the conscious mind out of it, and we can tap into the subconscious and our intuitive selves. These are parts of ourselves we're often not aware of when they're taking over, and we're quick to act with them. People who have natal bodies in the twelfth house, especially the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, or Ceres, tend to have excellent instincts, and when they're just going with their gut instincts, they tend to do well. The problem is they usually don't trust themselves, and have to get out of their own heads in order to fully utilize their killer instincts. The more subconscious baggage we have, the more the twelfth house can manifest another of its rulerships: self-undoing. The twelfth house is where we sabotage ourselves and get in our own way, and this can manifest subconsciously if we're just shoving away that baggage in there and ignoring it. As we work through our subconscious baggage, this helps us manifest the twelfth house energy in a more positive, productive way, and when we act on our instincts and are driven subconsciously, this can become more beneficial for us. 2: You're With People You Know Really, Really Well
The twelfth house is the house of the hidden, so we generally don't show any of the energy there when we're in public, when we're with strangers, or in social situations. Instead, it can come out when we're not so guarded, and that usually means with those who we know super well and are really comfortable with.
This is kind of gated energy in our personalities, if you will. A select few see this side to ourselves. It can take a long time before we allow someone new to enter this house. This is partly conscious, as we're more guarded with new people, and consciously throw up blocks to protect ourselves. Once we start pulling the walls down, it's safer for the subconscious to come out, and we can become more 12th-house-ian. 3: You're Out of the Spotlight
The twelfth house doesn't want any attention. It wants to exist in the shadows, in the background, behind the scenes. So, we tend to display our twelfth house energy when we're not getting attention from others, when we're not putting ourselves out there, when we're not showcasing anything.
Instead, it comes out best when we're actually alone. Yes, being with those we're super comfortable with can also allow the twelfth house energy to come out, but we often fully don't use it until we're alone. It's just me, myself, and I, and my twelfth house! We all tend to behave a little differently when we're alone than when we're with any people, even those we know very well. Solitude and alone-time is pure twelfth house time. Suggested Reading: All About the Twelfth House in Astrology Comments are closed.