One important part of relationship astrology analysis is using synastry, where you compare the natal charts of the people in the relationship and see how they interact with one another. Synastry can show the effect each person has on the other. It can be very strong when one person's natal planet conjuncts (aligns with) the natal planet of another person. Those planets really tie the two people together in some way, and we often see strong connections between people who share Triad signs (Sun, Moon, or Rising signs). But some of these conjunctions can be quite challenging, and that usually is the case when one person's natal Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, or Chiron is conjunct the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Ceres, Ascendant, or Lunar Nodes of the other person. Keep in mind with synastry that it's what I do (my natal body) to you (your natal body). Also keep in mind that if both people have worked on their issues and lessons, these difficult manifestations may not happen. Saturn Conjunctions in Synastry
Saturn is the planet of restriction, limitation, and lessons, so when Saturn is forming the conjunction in synastry, it tends to be restrictive with whatever the body is it's conjuncting. This is deeply uncomfortable, and the person whose natal body is being conjuncted by Saturn can feel the other person limits them in some way. This kind of connection is one you'd expect to see with a controlling parent and controlling partner (Saturn) in bad instances.
With the Sun, it restricts who the person is; with the Moon, is restricts emotional expression; with Mercury, it restricts communication and understanding; with Venus, it restricts affection and love; with Mars, it restricts energy; with Ceres, it restricts support; with the Ascendant, it restricts the outward appearance; with the North Node, it restricts potential; and with the South Node, it restricts healing. Uranus Conjunctions in Synastry
Uranus is the planet of change and the unexpected, so when Uranus is forming a conjunction in synastry, it tends to create for some unpredictability that can lead to chaos with whatever body it's conjunction. One person or the other can feel that this connection is unsettling, too difficult to get a grip on, and that the other person is a hurricane in their lives.
With the Sun or Ascendant, one person may seem incredibly chaotic and unable to calm down; with the Moon, this is emotional instability; with Mercury, this is challenging communication; with Venus, this is unpredictable love and commitment; with Mars, this is impulsive and argumentative; with Ceres, this is sudden lack of support; with the North Node, this is chaos getting in the way of potential; and with the South Node, this is chaotic baggage. Neptune Conjunctions in Synastry
Neptune is the planet of illusion and delusion, is karmic in nature, and at its base, dissolves. When Neptune is forming a conjunction in synastry, it can make for difficulty seeing things as they are, delusion, or one person (usually the Neptune person) blocking the light of the other.
With the Sun or Ascendant, one person may cause the other to fade away, obscuring them from others; with the Moon, this can cause emotional delusion; with Mercury, lack of logic in the relationship and being a bit delusional; with Venus, forgiving way too many faults and not holding each other to account; with Mars, taking away drive; with Ceres, one person draining all support from the other; with the North Node, one person causing the other's potential to fade or be hidden; and with the South Node, this can be deep baggage that spans lifetimes. Pluto Conjunctions in Synastry
Pluto is the planet of transformation, and governs power and control. When Pluto is forming a conjunction in synastry, it can create power struggles and control problems with whatever is being conjuncted. There can be a bit of warfare in this connection, and it can seem like one person wants to control the other.
With the Sun or Ascendant, one person may try to exert their will on the other, forcing submission; with the Moon, this can be powerful emotional strife and struggles; with Mercury, this can be a clash of minds; with Venus, this can be passionate but one may dominate the other in the relationship, and be manipulative; with Mars, this is super passionate but it can become too heated, even violent and dangerous; with Ceres, one person may control the resources; with the North Node, one person may dominate the potential of the other; and with the South Node, this can indicate long-standing fights and difficulty letting anything go. Chiron Conjunctions in Synastry
Chiron is the wounded healer in astrology, and connects to our greatest wounds, but also our healing abilities. When Chiron is forming a conjunction in synastry, this connection can directly impact our wounds, trigger traumas, and help or hurt with healing. Good Chiron heals while bad Chiron wounds deeper.
With the Sun or Ascendant, one or both people can be wounded by this connection; with the Moon, this focuses on emotional trauma; with Mercury, on mental trauma or difficulties with expression; with Venus, on relationship trauma and baggage; with Mars, focus on difficulties with taking initiative; with Ceres, there can be lack and challenges with support; with the North Node, there can be issues with realizing potential healing; and with the South Node, old wounds and baggage get triggered in a big way. Suggested Reading: Astrology of Saturn & Your Relationships Comments are closed.