Asteroid Juno will leave Libra on November 3rd, and moves into passionate Scorpio for an extended stay thanks to a retrograde period. What does this mean for us?
About Juno in Astrology
Juno is an asteroid in astrology, and there are tens of thousands of asteroids, and each connects to something different. Many are simply names, but some like Juno connect to specific energies.
In the case of asteroid Juno, this is the asteroid of commitment. Juno shows how we express commitment and our attitudes around it, and in transit, we can see this via the Zodiac sign Juno is touring, and the natal house it's touring in your natal chart. Impact of Asteroid Juno in Scorpio 2024 - 2025
Juno has been in Libra, the sign of commitment, so it's pretty comfortable in Libra and helps us feel more committed to commitment, more comfortable with it, and more willing to embrace it. Juno in Scorpio takes this to another level, and we're extra serious and intense when it comes to commitment, and don't take it lightly at all.
Juno in Scorpio can help us dedicate ourselves to what we've committed to, and we can demand a serious approach from everyone else as well. We may want to dig into commitments and understand them better, and we can focus on committing to mutually-beneficial projects and ventures, as well as transformations, research, and problem-solving, which are ruled by Scorpio. This can be clean during the first round of Juno in Scorpio, which lasts a little over three months. Juno will turn retrograde, or appear to move backward, when it moves into Sagittarius, and as it moves backward, it comes back to Scorpio on April 15th. Juno retrograde can bring challenges with commitment, and in Scorpio, this might mean our intensity and passion goes a little too far. We might take it too seriously, and this ends up breaking everything apart. We may become too demanding when it comes to commitment, and old issues may come out regarding blocks to commitment. With Scorpio, a transformation is likely needed, and we have to be willing to face the things we've been running from. The retrograde ends on July 10th at 16 degrees 15 minutes Scorpio. After the retrograde is over, we get almost three months with Juno moving forward in Scorpio, and we can get better control of intensity and embrace what;s changed. Juno tours Zodiac sign Scorpio for about 8 1/2 months total, from November 3rd 2024 - February 19th 2025, and then comes back April 15th - October 1st 2025. Important Juno in Scorpio Aspects:
Juno first trines, which is a beneficial aspect, Saturn in Pisces on December 13th 2024 at 13 degrees. This helps with commitment in that first round, and we can be more comfortable and realistic and practical about it. This also helps with committing to goals.
While retrograde, Juno will trine Saturn on April 28th at 27 degrees, and this can bring us back around to our responsibilities with commitments, and the work we have to do with them, but in a positive way. We may pick back up old commitments, or reaffirm existing commitments. Juno again trines Saturn in Pisces on September 24th at 28 degrees, and this helps to wrap things up, especially after dealing with the two Uranus aspects. Juno will oppose Uranus in Taurus on January 17th 2025 at 23 degrees. This brings an out of control energy to commitment, and we may experience unexpected developments with our commitments that feel out of our control. We need to be flexible and quick on our feet. While retrograde, Juno will oppose Uranus on May 4th at 26 degrees, and this can bring back around the challenges with whatever pops up the first time. This can also make us more aware of ways in which we're too unpredictable and unreliable with our commitments, and what we can improve. Some commitments may break apart with this aspect. Juno will trine Neptune in Pisces on February 8th 2025 at 28 degrees. Neptune helps bring some spiritual and karmic connections to our commitments, and we can be more understanding. Asteroid Juno in Scorpio for the Zodiac Signs:
Aries: Asteroid Juno in Scorpio can make you more passionate with your commitments and more committed to your emotional bonds. While retrograde, issues that have kept you from having healthy intimacy can come out, and working on this and transforming from it can help you become more open.
Taurus: Asteroid Juno in Scorpio might make commitment easier for you, and you can be more open to committing to the people in your life, projects, plans, and ideas. While retrograde, you may have a harder time with commitment in general, perhaps feeling it's one-sided, and need to work on the issues at the core. Gemini: Asteroid Juno in Scorpio can help you commit in small ways to those you care about, and you can be more committed to your work or health. While retrograde, you may have to tend to the little things interfering with commitments, and work on paying more attention to the commitments you make, while also working on making less demands of yourself. Cancer: Asteroid Juno in Scorpio can help you become more committed to love, your hobbies, and creative ventures. You can be serious about commitment, but also enjoy it. While retrograde, you may have to tackle blocks and issues with love that have gotten in the way. It could be good to recommit to an old love or hobby. Leo: Asteroid Juno in Scorpio can make you more committed emotionally, and you can do more to give support and encouragement to those you think of as family. While retrograde, you may need to work on issues getting in the way of emotional commitment, and get to the core. It could be a good time to recommit to your roots. Virgo: Asteroid Juno in Scorpio can make you more committed to your ideas and plans, and you can be more vocal with the commitments you make. While retrograde, you may have a hard time focusing on commitment, being a little flaky, and needing to talk things over. It could be a good time to recommit to an old idea or project. Libra: Asteroid Juno in Scorpio can help you commit to your values, your resources, and you can be more grounded with the commitments you make to others. While retrograde, you may have blocks to commitments that stall you, and you may need to work on removing the block to move forward. This can be a good time to recommit to an old resource. Scorpio: Asteroid Juno in your sign can bring lots of different commitments to your life, with new relationships and partnerships, projects and plans, ideas and more. Commitment can be a comfortable thing for you to pursue naturally. While retrograde, this can bring out issues related to commitment, and you can focus on getting to the core. It can be a good time to recommit to something. Sagittarius: Asteroid Juno in Scorpio can help you be committed, but in the background, behind the scenes, and behind closed doors. This might mean a secret relationship or alliance. While retrograde, old issues getting in the way of commitment can come out, and you have to work on letting go. Capricorn: Asteroid Juno in Scorpio can help you commit to your dreams, to your future, to your friendships, to your causes, and to the groups you belong to. While retrograde, you might experience challenges with one of them, and have to likely work on making a change. It can be a good time to reconnect with a friend or old group. Aquarius: Asteroid Juno in Scorpio can make you commit to your goals, direction, and life path. You can also take your responsibilities more seriously. While retrograde, you may feel you're blocked or have setbacks in some way, and it can feel overwhelming. Try to find some space and work on your plans. Pisces: Asteroid Juno in Scorpio can help you commit to your freedom and independence, to your beliefs, and to your expertise. You can share wisdom as well. While retrograde, you may push to get too much space, and feel like running, but that makes it worse. Try to figure out what's causing this feeling in the first place. Suggested Reading: Transit Asteroid Juno in the Houses & Aspects Comments are closed.