When you're getting into learning astrology, one thing that you'll stumble upon is ruling planets. There are ten planets, including the Sun and Moon and excluding the Earth, and each planet ruling a different sign. They go like this:
The Sun rules Leo The Moon rules Cancer Mercury rules Gemini and Virgo Venus rules Taurus and Libra Mars rules Aries Jupiter rules Sagittarius Saturn rules Capricorn Uranus rules Aquarius Neptune rules Pisces Pluto rules Scorpio I should note, these are the modern rulerships, which include Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto/; before they came around, Jupiter ruled Sagittarius and Pisces, Saturn ruled Capricorn and Aquarius, and Mars ruled Aries and Scorpio. These are called the traditional rulers now. Ruling Planets and the Natal Chart
Ruling planets are important in the natal chart because they connect houses to each other. Every house in your natal chart falls in a Zodiac sign (the sign the cusp of the house falls in; the cusp of a house is the very beginning of that house). The natural planetary ruler of the sign a house falls in is the ruling planet for that house.
The ruling planet for the natal house has influence over the house, so it's not just the sign the house falls in or any natal planets residing there. It's the planetary ruler too! The rulers of the houses have influence over: 1st house ruler = your personality, outlook, approach 2nd house ruler = your finances, resources, values, stability, security 3rd house ruler = learning, communication 4th house ruler = home, family, foundation 5th house ruler = creativity, hobbies, romance, love, kids 6th house ruler = work, work environment, daily life, health, pets 7th house ruler = relationships, commitment, other people 8th house ruler = transformations, depths, other people's money 9th house ruler = beliefs, higher learning, travel 10th house ruler = career, goals, life path 11th house ruler = friends, dreams, future 12th house ruler = endings, what's hidden, the past, spirituality For example, my 10th house is in Leo which is ruled by the Sun, so my Sun has an impact on my career. My Sun is in the 11th house, which rules astrology! Depending on which house system you use, you might also have a co-ruler for some of your houses. This happens when the sign the planet rules isn't on any house cusp, and is therefore intercepted (contained) in the house with the sign that comes beforehand. The signs go in order: Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces So, if you had a 10th house cusp in Scorpio and the 11th house cusp is in Capricorn, this skips over Sagittarius, and Sagittarius is intercepted in the Scorpio 10th house. This means Pluto, the ruler of Scorpio, would be the main ruler for the 10th house, and Jupiter, the ruler of Sagittarius, would be the co-ruler of the 10th house. One note: If the natural planetary ruler is in the same house that it rules in your chart, this strengthens the energy of that house and whatever it rules for you. It's a bit easier for you to use the energy. For example, if you have your 3rd house in Cancer, and your natal Moon is in the 3rd house, that makes the Cancer/Moon impact on your 3rd house extra strong. Ruling Planets and Transits
In predictive astrology, your ruling planets are also important because whenever a transit (moving) planet is making an aspect to one of your natal planets, it's also impacting the house that planet rules in your natal chart. This means that transit planets impact your houses not only by touring them, but also by aspecting their rulers.
So, when you're tracking aspects the transit planets make to your natal planets, you can consider what the planet itself rules on its own, as well as the areas of life ruled by the house the planet is the ruler of in your natal chart. For example, say your natal Mars rules your natal 7th house and is being aspected by transit Saturn. This would mean Saturn is having an impact on your energy, drive, and ability to take initiative with Mars, as well as with your relationships and dealings with others with the 7th house. Suggested Reading: Intro to Zodiac Signs, Intro to Planets in Astrology and Intro to Astrology Houses Comments are closed.