​Astrology has something called aspects, and an aspect is when two planets or bodies are at certain distances from one another in the Zodiac. There are 360 degrees in the entire Zodiac, 30 degrees per sign (12 x 30 = 360), and certain distances by degree are certain aspects. Aspects are split up between major and minor, and two of the major aspects are the square and opposition. The square occurs when two bodies are 90 degrees apart, so they are about three whole Zodiac signs apart. The opposition occurs when two bodies are 180 degrees apart, which is about six whole Zodiac signs, and they're in the exact opposite spots. Both Squares and oppositions are considered challenging aspects, with squares being internal friction and oppositions being external friction. Squares are INTERNAL FRICTION, and oppositions are EXTERNAL FRICTION. Squares and Oppositions in the Natal Chart
Squares and oppositions in the natal chart can be given an 8-10 degrees orb of influence, so they're usually on the larger side for orbs. This is because they are challenging aspects and have a lot more energy, which makes them stronger.
Your natal chart is a snapshot of the location in the Zodiac of the planets and other bodies at the exact moment you were born and from the location you were born at. The natal chart reflects your personality and all parts of your life. Planets or bodies that are square or opposite in the natal chart can be at odds with each other. One may try to overtake the other, and don't play with each other very well. They often show areas where you have work to do on yourself, lessons to learn in life, and where you have to be smarter. The work can be internal with squares, while oppositions may feel out of your control and require more flexibility. Oppositions can ping pong between each other, so balancing their energies is often needed. Squares become internalized, and you usually have to work on issues that are more deeply embedded. Squares and Oppositions in Transit
The transit, or moving, planets and other bodies can square or oppose one another, and when they do, this means they're not working so hot together. They can be at odds with each other, and this means we all have issues that we're having to confront at once. This can indicate challenges in the world at large, and we can be more prone to conflict.
This can play out for you personally with the areas of life ruled by the houses in your natal chart the two transit bodies are located while making the square or opposition. Whatever those two houses rule can struggle with one another, and may require more effort from you. Whenever the slower planets (Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, or Pluto) are square or opposite each other, this can show difficulties in the world, and we can feel restricted, have hard lessons, see unexpected developments, feel things dissolving, or fight over power and control. Transit Planets Square or Opposite Natal Planets
The transit planets can make aspects to your natal planets and bodies, and when they are 90 degrees away, they are square, and when they are 180 degrees away, they are opposite. This brings challenging energy from the transit planet to whatever is ruled by the natal planet or body.
Squares and oppositions by the transit planets or bodies to our natal Sun or Moon can bring frustrations, emotional upset, and personal challenges. With the Sun ruling the self, we can struggle with control with the transit planet, and with the Moon ruling emotions, this can be a source of emotional insecurity Transit planets and bodies square or opposite natal Mercury impact our ideas, expression, and outlook; square or opposite natal Venus, impact our relationships and connections; square or opposite natal Mars, impact what we're taking initiative with and how; square or opposite natal Ceres, impact our resources and support; square or opposite natal Jupiter, impact our opportunities and experiences; square or opposite natal Saturn, impact our goals, direction, and lessons; square or opposite natal Uranus, impact changes we're making and our dreams; square or opposite natal Neptune, impact our intuitive and creativity; square or opposite natal Pluto, impact our personal power and control; and square or opposite natal Chiron, impact our healing and wounds. Squares and Oppositions and Progressions and Returns
all-about-conjunctions-in-astrology.htmlYour progressed chart adds one day to your date of birth for every year you've been alive to create a new chart ref;ective of your maturation and growth. Progressed planets and bodies move through the Zodiac, but at a very slow pace, so it can be significant when they make an exact square or opposition to something in the progressed chart or in your natal chart.
This can trigger a major challenge you need to work on with whatever is being squared or opposed, and the energy of the progressed planet or body and whatever it rules can have a difficult impact on the natal body. A return occurs when a transit planet or body returns to the exact position it was at when you were born, so when it conjuncts itself in your natal chart. Returns tend to be very important when they occur for whatever that planet or body rules, and we can experience events directly related to it. Squares or oppositions to the Return planet in the Return Chart can show challenging energy for whatever the planet rules for however long the chart is in play. Suggested Reading: All About Conjunctions in Astrology, All About Sextiles & Trines in Astrology, and All About Semisextiles & Quincunxes in Astrology Comments are closed.