In astrology, we have something called aspects, and an aspect is when two planets or bodies are at certain distances from one another in the Zodiac. There are 360 degrees in the entire Zodiac, 30 degrees per sign (12 x 30 = 360), and certain distances by degree are certain aspects. Aspects are split up between major and minor, and two of the major aspects are the sextile and trine. The sextile occurs when two bodies are 60 degrees apart, so they are about two whole Zodiac signs apart. The trine occurs when two bodies are 120 degrees apart, so they are about four whole Zodiac signs apart. Both sextiles and trines are considered beneficial aspects, and sextiles require some effort while trines are effortless. Sextiles are BENEFICIAL WORK, and trine are EFFORTLESS BENEFITS. Sextiles and Trines in the Natal Chart
Sextiles and trines in the natal chart are usually given the smallest orbs of influence, and many keep the two bodies to no more than 4-6 degrees from forming an exact sextile or trine. This is because these are easy aspects, and they don't have as much strong energy as the challenging ones.
Your natal chart is a snapshot of the location in the Zodiac of the planets and other bodies at the exact moment you were born and from the location you were born at. The natal chart reflects your personality and all parts of your life. Planets or bodies that are sextile or trine in the natal chart work well together in harmony. They provide assistance to one another, and you can use them to your advantage. This requires some effort on the part of sextiles, so it's not automatica with them. It can be automatic with trines, however trines are easier to be lazy with, and you end up missing out on the positive energy, squandering it. Trines put the bodies in Zodiac signs of the same element, and they naturally jive very well because of this. If you have planets in all 3 signs of an element, this is a Grand Trine. This can be a point of natural talent and ease for you, but again, it can be easily squandered, so you have to make sure you're using it. The signs of the elements are: Fire: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius Earth: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn Air: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius Water: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces Sextiles and Trines in Transit
The transit, or moving, planets and other bodies can sextile or trine one another, and when they do, this helps them work together in a way that is available to all of us. This is beneficial for the world at large, and it can be easier for us to use their energy as a whole.
The beneficial energy between them is something we can all use, and on an individual level, it's usually something that plays out involving the areas of life ruled by the houses in your natal chart the two transit bodies are located while making the sextile or trine. Whatever those two houses rule can work well together, have a positive influence on one another, and you can see beneficial developments impacting both. Whenever the slower planets (Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, or Pluto) are sextile or trine each other, this can show good things happening in the world at large. We can work well together, and can create positive developments in situations. Transit Planets Sextile or Trine Natal Planets
The transit planets can make aspects to your natal planets and bodies, and when they are 60 degrees away, they are sextile, and when they are 120 degrees away, they are trine. This brings beneficial energy from the transit planet to whatever is ruled by the natal planet or body.
Sextiles and trines by the transit planets or bodies to our natal Sun or Moon can bring good moods and opportunity. With the Sun ruling the self, we can take the initiative and really feel at ease with the transit planet, and with the Moon ruling emotions, this can be a source of emotional stability and security. Transit planets and bodies sextile or trine natal Mercury impact our ideas, expression, and outlook; sextile or trine natal Venus, impact our relationships and connections; sextile or trine natal Mars, impact what we're taking initiative with and how; sextile or trine natal Ceres, impact our resources and support; sextile or trine natal Jupiter, impact our opportunities and experiences; sextile or trine natal Saturn, impact our goals, direction, and lessons; sextile or trine natal Uranus, impact changes we're making and our dreams; sextile or trine natal Neptune, impact our intuitive and creativity; sextile or trine natal Pluto, impact our personal power and control; and sextile or trine natal Chiron, impact our healing and wounds. Sextiles and Trines and Progressions and Returns
Your progressed chart adds one day to your date of birth for every year you've been alive to create a new chart reflective of your maturation and growth. Progressed planets and bodies move through the Zodiac, but at a very slow pace, so it can be significant when they make an exact sextile or trine to something in the progressed chart or in your natal chart.
This can trigger super beneficial energy for whatever is being sextiled or trines, and the energy of the progressed planet or body and whatever it rules can have a positive impact on the natal body. A return occurs when a transit planet or body returns to the exact position it was at when you were born, so when it conjuncts itself in your natal chart. Returns tend to be very important when they occur for whatever that planet or body rules, and we can experience events directly related to it. Sextiles or trines to the Return planet in the Return Chart can show helpful energy for whatever the planet rules for however long the chart is in play. Suggested Reading: All About Conjunctions in Astrology, All About Squares & Oppositions in Astrology, and All About Semisextiles & Quincunxes in Astrology Comments are closed.