​Astrology has something called aspects, which occur when two planets or bodies are at certain distances from one another in the Zodiac. There are 360 degrees in the entire Zodiac, 30 degrees per sign (12 x 30 = 360), and certain distances by degree are certain aspects. Aspects are split up between major and minor, and one of the major aspects is called the conjunction. The conjunction occurs when two bodies are 0 degrees apart, so they are in about the same spot in the Zodiac. Conjunctions are seen as neither good nor bad, and rather amplify the energy of the bodies involved in the conjunction. The main keywords for conjunctions are NEUTRAL and AMPLIFY. Conjunctions in the Natal Chart
Conjunctions in the natal chart have a wide orb of up to 10 degrees, so the two bodies can be as much as 10 degrees apart and considered conjunct. This is for the planets; asteroids only get about a 2 degree orb, and it can also be small for non-bodies.
Your natal chart is a snapshot of the location in the Zodiac of the planets and other bodies at the exact moment you were born and from the location you were born at. The natal chart reflects your personality and all parts of your life. Planets or bodies that are conjunct in the natal chart have direct influence on one another. With the planets, they can take on the energy of the other planet, each planet can take on traits of the sign the other planet naturally rules. This can be especially evident with your natal Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, or Mars conjunct your natal Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, or Pluto. The Sun and Moon are the luminaries, ruling your true self (Sun) and emotional self (Moon), while Mercury, Venus, and Mars are the personal planets, ruling your mind (Mercury), relationships (Venus), and how you take action (Mars). Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto dominate when conjunct your natal Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, or Mars. Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto have very strong energy, and the others don't really stand a chance against them. They can seem more like the sign ruled by Saturn (Capricorn), Uranus (Aquarius), Neptune (Pisces), or Pluto (Scorpio). And if they're already in that sign, it's extra-extra strong! You generally need to work on whatever issues are associated with that conjunction, since it tends to be indicative of some sort of early life trauma or baggage. Once you work through the issues, you can utilize the energy in a productive way. Conjunctions in Transit
The transit, or moving, planets and other bodies can conjunct one another, and when they do, this brings their energy together in a way that is available to all of us. This tends to be very strong, and we can put it to use or experience developments in the world at large.
We tend to pay close attention to conjunctions between Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto since they move slowly and don't conjunct very often. This year (2024), we had Jupiter conjunct Uranus in April with both in Taurus, and next year (2025), we'll have Saturn conjunct Neptune with both in Aries. When Jupiter conjuncts Saturn, this is called the Great Conjunction, and it occurs roughly every 20 years. This signals the start of a whole new cycle, a new generation, a new phase. They occur in the same element of signs (fire, earth, air, water) for a period of time, and when they change signs, this is called the Great Mutation. This occurs roughly every 200 years. Ww just experienced the Great Mutation in December 2020 when transit Jupiter and Saturn conjuncted in Aquarius. This set us down a whole new era (that's really getting kicked up with transit Pluto in Aquarius now too). We also tend to pay close attention to when the transit Sun and Moon conjunct. This is the New Moon, which occurs roughly every month, and can act as a trigger for new beginnings, new ventures, and new developments. Transit Planets Conjunct Natal Planets
The transit planets can make aspects to your natal planets and bodies, and when they are in the exact same spot, they are conjunct. This brings the energy of the transit planet or body to whatever is ruled by the natal planet or body.
We tend to feel transit planets or bodies conjunct our natal Sun or Moon pretty strongly. Because the Sun rules the self, any transit body conjunct it can have a strong impact on our personality, outlook, and approach to life, and what we're most focused on at the moment might be ruled by the transit body. We may seem a little more like the transit body naturally. Because the Moon rules the emotional self, any transit body conjunct it can have a strong impact on our emotions, the way we express ourselves emotionally, what we're emotionally focused on, and whatever the transit body rules can be more important for our emotional stability and security. Transit planets and bodies conjunct natal Mercury impact our ideas, expression, and outlook; conjunct natal Venus, impact our relationships and connections; conjunct natal Mars, impact what we're taking initiative with and how; conjunct natal Ceres, impact our resources and support; conjunct natal Jupiter, impact our opportunities and experiences; conjunct natal Saturn, impact our goals, direction, and lessons; conjunct natal Uranus, impact changes we're making and our dreams; conjunct natal Neptune, impact our intuitive and creativity; conjunct natal Pluto, impact our personal power and control; and conjunct natal Chiron, impact our healing and wounds. Conjunctions and Progressions and Returns
Your progressed chart adds one day to your date of birth for every year you've been alive to create a new chart reflective of your maturation and growth. Progressed planets and bodies move through the Zodiac, but at a very slow pace, so it can be significant when they make an exact conjunction to something in the progressed chart or in your natal chart.
This can trigger an important new phase in your life, new developments, and the energy of the progressed planet or body and whatever it rules can have a direct impact on the natal body. Meanwhile a return occurs when a transit planet or body returns to the exact position it was at when you were born, so when it conjuncts itself in your natal chart. Returns tend to be very important when they occur for whatever that planet or body rules, and we can experience events directly related to it. Suggested Reading: All About Sextiles & Trines in Astrology, All About Squares & Oppositions in Astrology, and All About Semisextiles & Quincunxes in Astrology Comments are closed.